New Terminology: Reptoid and Dracoid Humans, Reptilian and Draconian Star Races . by Alice B. Clagett

Written and published on 5 June 2021

Dear Ones,

As of June 2021, I have sorted through the issue of people I previously termed ‘Reptilians’ or antisocial personalities.

I will be speaking, in future, of human ‘Reptoids’ and ‘Dracoids’ overlit by ‘Reptilian Star Beings’ and ‘Draconian Star Beings’. I feel that human ‘Reptoids’ and ‘Dracoids’ are third dimensional human beings termed ‘antisocial personalities’ by psychologists and psychiatrists.

The Star Beings are noncorporeal beings that are fourth dimensional or higher. There are Dark Lords … such as the Reptilian Star Races and the Draconian Star Races. These are sometimes termed in the esoteric literature ‘Brothers [and Sisters] of Darkness’.

And there are Star Beings of love, Light and joy such as the Blue Avian Star Beings of Sirius, the Arcturian healers, the Women of Lyra. These are sometimes termed in the esoteric literature ‘Brothers [and Sisters] of Light’.

I will be changing the blog categories to reflect this new understanding of human beings and their overlighting star brothers and sisters.

In love, Light, and joy,
I Am of the Stars


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Reptilian Star Beings, Blue Avian Star Beings, Arcturians, Lyrans, Siriuns, star beings, reptoids, dracoids, Draconian Star Beings, star brothers and sisters, Brothers of Darkness, Brothers of Light, psychology, psychiatry, antisocial personalities,


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