Mired in Quicksand . by Alice B. Clagett

Written and published on 4 July 2013; revised

Dear Ones,

For the last two days I’ve felt a log jam of emotional thoughts building and building to a cacophonous, impossibly angstifying crescendo. By last night the whole thing seemed completely hopelessly mired. Something like sinking into quicksand, to the point where it was just below my upraised nares.

Image: Girl-In-Quicksand by Stonelad … https://orig00.deviantart.net/6f6a/f/2012/153/6/d/girl_in_quicksand_1_by_stonelad-d51yu8l.png ..

Then last night, when I meditated, this log jam, which had seemed so solid, began to slowly sift out of me It seemed, last night, as if all the layers of my physical existence … that is to say, physical body, etheric body, emotional body, mental body, and causal body, were shifting about, reforming, reorganizing, into a more unified whole. Accompanied by a massive upwelling of panic from my body cells, to which my mental body attached story after incredible story. Altogether an amazing experience.

I thought you might like to know about this, in case you’re going through something similar right now. It helps to know there is a light at the end of that tunnel. I feel God is All. God is everywhere. To which I might add: What may seem like the greatest peril we’ve ever faced may in fact be something quite different … just an upwelling of fear, so that we can cast the searchlight of awareness upon it, and release it.

So be aware of your bodily sensations. Try to feel what’s happening in your body just before the mental story starts to gain momentum. I say this because it feels to me like my recent myriad mental stories may, in fact, just be an attempt of my mind to explain the interesting physical sensations I’ve been having lately.

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars


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meditations, Soul wounding, clearing, karmic clearing,


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