Mapping the Cosmos in Our Minds . by Alice B. Clagett

Written and published on 3 January 2015; republished on 21 December 2017; revised

Dear Ones,

Suppose there were a map in our brains of Laniakea, our home supercluster of galaxies?!

Video: “Laniakea: Our home supercluster,” by nature video, 3 September 2014 … ..

For those who have not yet received the Alpha Centauri gift of Mind Power Expansion (Cosmic Mind), if you would like to, you can go here …

Link: Ascension Library … search the term: Alpha Centauri /Mind Power Expansion Judy Satori’s website has seen quite a changeup; I am not sure whether this information still might be found there, but if not, maybe you could contact her to find out if it is available.

The first gift is free, and can be played online. The two “Mastery of Mind” mp3s, which are most exceedingly excellent tools for learning, are $35 each … links are on this same page.

If you purchase one of these mp3s, be sure and follow directions …. only ONE lecture a day. And you might want to run through the series, day by day, then start over again. I found that very helpful. Deep stuff.

There are two more mp3s offered on that page, on the same topic.

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars

Image: Person sitting crosslegged, with white-blue light around them, and above them, scales of light fanning out like a great hat of light … ..


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astrogeophysics, cosmic mind, Laniakea, mind power expansion, star brothers and sisters, star map, star map in mind, mastery of mind, JScambio, Alpha Centauri,


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