Leaders, Followers, Letting Go of Those We Love, and Expanding into the Light . referral by Alice B. Clagett

Written and published on 30 August 2013; revised

Dear Ones,

Here is a great video by Bill Ballard about the difference between being a wayshower and a guru. It also explains about filtering-through into our consciousness of fears and other ‘speckles’ from others whose light quotient differs from ours, and the need to let go of our connections with them …

Video: “8-29-13 Bill Ballard ~ Sensing a Calming in the Energies ~ Moving into Wholeness of Self” …  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgkyQ83sLJU ..

I would like to add that this letting go is of immense benefit both to us, and to those we let go of. Letting go is a prerequisite of the ascension process. Not to worry about it, or try to force it, though — it will all happen naturally. Hakuna Matata!

Video: Hakuna Matata (English Version) … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6vLAa-kylM ..

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars

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grouping, letting go, hakuna matata, letting go, Hakuna Matata, Bill Ballard, wayshowers, gurus, samskaras, fears, joy, worry, Bill Ballard,


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