Image Words: Stalking in the Physical Realm Caused by ‘Following’ Online . by Alice B. Clagett

Written and published on 28 December 2020

Dear Ones,

You may recall the term ‘image words’ which I have described before as the language of the subconscious mind …

Link: “‘Image Words’: The Vocabulary of the Subconscious Mind,” by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 25 May 2019 … ..

I have come across a potentially physically dangerous image word that contributes to the recent phenomenon I term ‘virtual reality psychosis’. That is the words ‘follow’ and follower’ that are used for subscriptions to websites. (WordPress and Youtube are two of many such sites.)

Apparently these terms are creating in the subconscious minds of the followers and of the people being followed the image of one person pursuing or stalking another person.

That people are carrying around handhelds with them makes the notion of ‘following’ seem physical as well: One person posts a blog or comment, and then notice of this action appears on the follower’s handheld. It may seem as if the follower is being ‘followed’ in the physical realm by the blogger because he or she is needing to read messages on the handheld. In other words, he or she is being ‘followed about’ by messages from the blogger.

Over the years, I have run across several instances of people who are very ‘plugged in’ ‘following’ me in the physical realm. To me it seemed like physical ‘stalking’, as if their subconscious mind was reading my subconscious mind and queuing in on where I was headed, then passing by me in that location, without the conscious mind logging onto the physical encounter.

There were a series of odd occasions on which it seemed to me that various people might have been stalking me; yet though danger was sensed, nothing bad ever happened …

Link: “Alice’s Perilous Tales: Fatal Dungeons and Dragons Game?” by Alice B. Clagett, partially excerpted on 23 April 2020 from blogs filmed on 15 March 2018 and on 20 November 2016; revised on 11 June 2020 … ..

It was almost as if these people’s subconscious minds were tangled up and glommed together in an imagined game of ‘Fatal Dungeons and Dragons’ … which my subconscious mind logged onto. I would see the cars of the people, or the people themselves, in incongruous, widely dispersed settings. Intuitively, I would sense the need for caution. Yet nothing came of these events; like wisps of smoke, the encounters would take place on the physical plane; and then within an hour the cars and the people would disperse. It was just exceedingly odd … unfathomable, really.

There have been more and more such odd encounters in the last two years. It is as if the ‘stalkers’ or ‘followers’ do not consciously recognize me, although I may know them. It is almost as if they were subconsciously ‘acting out’ in a fugue state. For instance, this man that I knew from prior acquaintance passed me twice in as many days, in locations far apart, yet he did not recognize me …

Link: “The Stalker: Encounter with a Multiple Personality?” by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 9 July 2019 … ..

In one such instance, with a different person, I walked up to them. They did not recognize me at all, although I had been their acquaintance for a long time. There was no one else around. It was as if they were staring into space before them. I was there, right in front of them, but they did not see me. Yet when I got to about 3 feet in front of them, and accosted them, they ‘snapped out of it’.

In another instance I recall I was in a remote area of the Arizona Desert … somewhat lost, but not very much so. By luck, at an intersection I found a service station with wi-fi. Just as I got there my cell phone rang. The person calling was someone I knew, but not someone who had ever called me before or since. Intuition told me the person had fallen into a ‘stalking’ mode, and was attempting to triangulate my position for GPS geolocation. I could tell from the tone of voice … which I characterize as ‘cat about to eat the canary’ … that if I kept talking my geolocation might be determined, and this might not result in anything good for me. So I said goodbye quickly.

Along the same lines, I remember walks in the Santa Monica Mountains in 2017 and 2018, where I was carrying my cell phone. Why I should do so is a good question, as cell phone reception is almost always compromised in remote locations in the mountains, and that would be where I would be most in need of cell phone transmission, for lack of people passing by, in case of a fall.

At any rate, during those years I carried my cell phone on mountain walks. Almost every time I went for a walk I would hear a ‘pingback’. I surmised these pingbacks had to do with geolocation, and intuition told me someone was hoping to involve me in an imaginary stalking scenario. Why would that be? It seems to me the internet ‘following’ is causing this imaginary stalking game to occur.

I recall in 2019 I decided the psychic chase was by far not my cup of tea, and I stopped carrying my cell phone on mountain walks. Then one of my acquaintances casually asked if I were still using my cell phone, and by that I got my ‘make’ for the psychic stalking game I had been encountering.

Here is another instance: For years now, my home phone rings daily with one of three sales messages. I have tried by every available means to make the messages stop; unsuccessfully so, until I tried using a whistle. Here is the question: What would be in it for the salesman, to be constantly harassing people about home improvements and ways to abate utility costs, after the people say they are not interested? It seems to me this could be another form of ‘stalking’ created by the ‘follow’ image word.

Then there is the ‘actor impersonator’ phenomenon that I have encountered on 5 occasions since 2015. In the first four instances, I feel it could have been just a case of mistaking the identities of strangers as being people I know. But in the most recent instance, which occurred only a month or so ago, it was clearly an ‘actor impersonator’ phenomenon …

I was in the parking lot of my church about mid-day. I was going to sit under the tent where church services are held; I noticed a man sitting in about the middle of the tent. I went up to greet him, and noticed he was made up to look like a man I knew: Almost identical body type, same height, same age, but with an odd, blonde wig on, with hair that curled up from his shoulders. His voice was quite different from that of my acquaintance, and his tone, unlike that of my acquaintance, was somewhat derogatory or ‘blaming’. In addition, he had strikingly odd ‘painted on,’ dark brown eyebrows that looked like this (or the reverse of this) …


Drawing: “Actor Impersonator with Blonde Wig and Striking, Stippled Black Eyebrows,” by Alice B. Clagett, 28 December 2020, CC BY-SA 4.0

Drawing: “Actor Impersonator with Blonde Wig and Striking, Stippled Black Eyebrows,” by Alice B. Clagett, 28 December 2020, CC BY-SA 4.0

Drawing: “Actor Impersonator with Blonde Wig and Striking, Stippled Black Eyebrows,” drawn and colorized by Alice B. Clagett, 28 December 2020, CC BY-SA 4.0 … COMMENT: This drawing reminds me of the Pleiadian Raiders.

Drawing: “Actor Impersonator with Blonde Wig and Striking, Stippled Black Eyebrows,” drawn and colorized by Alice B. Clagett, 28 December 2020, CC BY-SA 4.0 … COMMENT: This drawing reminds me of the Pleiadian Raiders.

. . . . .

What could possibly be more odd that that, I ask! When I walked up to him, he said his name was ‘Tim’ and that he had been going to the Sunday services at the church for about two years. While he talked, he was looking at the handheld in his lap, as if he were reading a movie script. I had a feeling there was likely a person named Tim who had been attending Sunday services, but that maybe this unusual person might not be that same Tim. If that were so, then what might explain his odd appearance there? Could the ‘actor impersonator’ phenomenon perhaps be a takeoff on the game of stalking or following, I wonder?

Here are variations on the theme: I recall an instance in 2011, or thereabouts, when an acquaintance decided I was a drug dealer out to get him; and in about the year 2018, another case where a group of acquaintances decided I was a CIA agent out to get them. Why would these hard-to-shake instances of paranoia be occurring in people I had known to be completely sane in years past? I gather it might be another manifestation of a sense of helpless panic caused by the ‘follow’ image word.

Thus I gather that the image word ‘follow’ must be part of the current virtual reality psychosis that many appear to be experiencing. And a very important part, as it may result in stalkings and murders on the physical plane. For instance, there is a chance that a habit of viewing movies to do with stalking might ratchet up to stalking human beings because of the extra ‘umph’ added by the ‘follow’ phenomenon. As well, during hunting season there is a chance that stalking deer might ratchet up to stalking human beings because of the ‘follow’ phenomenon, I feel.

I am guessing we do not need to be nearly so ‘hooked up’ or ‘plugged in’ as modern culture surmises. It could be, for instance, that the astral stories that have been so prevalent in my mini-noosphere … and those of others with whom I have spoken … and the ‘glom effect’ that can cause violent astral scenes, may be partly caused by our being too ‘plugged in’, by ‘following’ and being ‘followed’ by too many other people.

To be on the safe side, for the time being, I have eliminated ‘following’ as an option for my website. The minute I did so, the astral stories and psychic hullabaloo I experienced over the four-day Christmas holiday abated. Time will tell whether this welcome change will be long-lasting.

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars

The two drawings above have been added here … Link: “Tiny Anthologies: Diverse Drawings 9,” by Alice B. Clagett, compiled and published on 8 March 2022 and following … .. 


See the blog category: Subconscious and unconscious symbolismVirtual reality psychosis – handheld psychosis – cell phone psychosisActing out – ahimsa – nonviolence … Fugue state – dissociative fugue … Glom effect … Astral stories


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image words, mind, subconscious mind, subconscious symbolism, unconscious symbolism, virtual reality psychosis, fugue state, drawings by Alice, Alice’s perilous tales, Adventures with Alice,


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