How to Attract Angels and Dispel Demons . by Alice B. Clagett *

The Latin word ‘draco’ below means ‘dragon’ or ‘serpent’. In the context of this blog, I have categorized it not as ‘dragon’ but as ‘drac’, a reptilian species in popular folklore. This might also have to do with my blog category: Reptilian mind

How to Attract Angels and Dispel Demons

Image: “A Walk in the Santa Monica Mountains 2: Dark Network and Grid of Light,” symbolic image by Alice B. Clagett, 21 September 2016, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

Image: “A Walk in the Santa Monica Mountains 2: Dark Network and Grid of Light,” symbolic image by Alice B. Clagett, 21 September 2016, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

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    • Drug Use, or Selling Drugs
    • Murder, or Being Murdered, or Arranging for a Murder
    • Making a Living as a Sex Worker, Frequenting Sex Workers, or Having a Promiscuous Lifestyle with Heart Chakra Relatively Shut Down
    • Mutilation of One’s Body, or Someone Else’s Body, Including Transgender Sex Operations
    • Rectal intercourse, Amongst Both Men and Women
    • If Demons Are Sent to You by Other People
    • Getting Rid of Tenacious Demons: The Prayer of Exorcism of St. Benedict
    • Cancel Any Contracts with the Demon World, and Optimize Timelines and Dimensions
    • Making One’s Home and Person More Appealing to the Angelic Realm
    • The Christian Method of Centering Prayer
    • Pursuit of Direct Experience of God Within

Dear Ones,

I have checked into traditional Christian thought regarding demon realm buy-ins. There is a fair amount of dispute about this so I compared what I read with clair chat in recent years. The loudest clair chatter has to do with the greatest Soul wounding, so I used ‘clair loudness’ as a selector.


It appears that the following actions attract demonic (rather than angelic) entities to a person’s Soul field:

Drug Use, or Selling Drugs

This has to do with damage to the energies that connect the physical body to the astral body, and also with the astral animals that hover round drugs …

Image: The Art of Dan Scott ( ) … … Young man asleep, with head and hands on table. Hovering above his head is a dark being that looks like a giant wasp. It is sending blue-white light into the right side of the sleeping boy’s head.

Murder, or Being Murdered, or Arranging for a Murder

As God and the Universe are light and love and joy, the energy strand of killing is very nearly the opposite of our God-nature. Although I’ve seen nothing written about it, intuitively I feel that thoughts of murder, as well as the act itself, directly attract demons to one’s astral body. This is because demons feed on hatred, fear, anxiety, and other negative emotions.

Making a Living as a Sex Worker, Frequenting Sex Workers, or Having a Promiscuous Lifestyle with Heart Chakra Relatively Shut Down

This has to do with ‘samskaric flu’ … the leaping onto one’s own energy field of other people’s sexual malware (EMF tangles) to do with linking sexuality to survival needs or greed. Linking sexual expression with the heart chakra plumps up the tangled ‘lines of Light’ or axiatonal lines, and repairs the EMF.

Mutilation of One’s Body, or Someone Else’s Body, Including Transgender Sex Operations

This is because of the upset caused in the emotional body by the loss of the body cells. The emotional upset is attractive to demons.

Rectal intercourse, Amongst Both Men and Women

This is because rectal intercourse causes damage to the lower part of the central energy channel of the spine (the sushumna), making it necessary to repair the energy flow of the sushumna before raising the kundalini.

The epitome of a demonic buy-in would be, say, a transgender person on drugs who practices rectal intercourse for pay and enjoys killing as a means of expressing his or her sex drive.


Contracts with the demon realm are usually devised quite stealthily by these astral animals, so more often than not, humans are ensnared through trickery. If you see a danger of any of the above issues amongst your samskaras, it would be good, first of all, to banish demons from your immediate presence.

If Demons Are Sent to You by Other People

For demons sent by other people, use this affirmation, which works because demons do not like to be bound down to untasty, good people …

You are free! Go where you will!

Getting Rid of Tenacious Demons: The Prayer of Exorcism of St. Benedict

For the more tenacious demons, use the Prayer of Exorcism of St. Benedict, in Latin …

“Crux sacra sit mihi lux / Non draco sit mihi dux
“Vade retro satana / Numquam suade mihi vana
“Sunt mala quae libas / Ipse venena bibas”

Here is the approximate English translation …

“Let the Holy Cross be my light / Let not the dragon be my guide
Step back Satan / Never tempt me with vain things
What you offer me is evil / You drink the poison yourself.”

–from Link: “Vade Retro Satana,” in Wikipedia … …  Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareATrlike License ..

And here are two good videos in which the chant is recited. The first is a women’s version from the Instituto Hesed, and the second is for men …

Video: “Crux sacra sit mihi lux // Instituto Hesed,” by Misericordia Play, 12 September 2020 … ..

Video: “ORAÇÃO EXORCISMO DE SÃO BENTO DE NÚRSIA {contra as forças das hostes infernais} (Prayer Exorcism of San Benedict of Nursia {against the forces of the infernal hosts}),” by Marcelo Lago, 14 October 2012 … ..

Next …

Cancel Any Contracts with the Demon World, and Optimize Timelines and Dimensions

You can use this affirmation …

Spirit to Team!
Cancel all contracts!
Optimize all timelines and dimensions!
For the All, through Free Will!

Making One’s Home and Person More Appealing to the Angelic Realm

These may also be of help: Placing spiritual pictures in the home, playing spiritual music, cleansing the home by burning sage, being very clean in person and in personal environments, getting out into the sunlight or into a sunlit, shady place, wearing a a sign of your faith such as a cross or sacred medal, and finding a spiritual congregation with which to spend time.

The Christian Method of Centering Prayer

The Christian method of centering prayer, by Thomas Keating, is a very effective tool for experiencing the presence of Christ in one’s life. See … Link: “The Method of Centering Prayer,” by Thomas Keating … .. 

Pursuit of Direct Experience of God Within

After the contracts are cancelled, start with …

  • Link: “Enlightenment I: On Mastering the Subconscious and Conscious Mind,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 17 June 2016, revised … … and then move on to …
  • Link: “Enlightenment II: Raising the Kundalini to Heal the Human EMF and Alleviate Ascension Symptoms,” by Alice B. Clagett, written in April 2014; published on 15 June 2016 … ..

In love, light and joy,
Alice B. Clagett
I Am of the Stars

Written and published on 21 June 2016; revised on 10 April 2023


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

demon contracts, demon realm, enlightenment, how to know God, cleansing the home, attracting angels, exorcism, optimizing timelines, cancelling contracts, demon contracts, contracts with Satan, sex workers, promiscuity, murder, drug use, body mutilation, genital mutilation, transgender, Centering Prayer, freeing demons, St. Benedict’s Exorcism, exorcism, deals with the devil, axiatonal lines, astral body, samskaras, malware, sex worker epithet, mutilation epithet, murderer epithet, drug addict or drug dealer epithet, profligacy, heart chakra, greed, body cells, demon realm, advaita, prayer, kundalini, dracs, societal expectations,

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