Four Thoughts . by Alice B. Clagett

    1. The Dark Network versus Earth’s Grid of Light
    2. Cause and Effect versus the Now
    3. The Nature of Our Human ‘Earth Chakras’
    4. What is That Light We Enter After We Pass On?

Dear Ones,

In the video are four thoughts for you. There is an edited Summary after the video …



Hello, Dear Ones, It’s Alice.

1. The Dark Network versus Earth’s Grid of Light

Here is a thought: When my attention falls on something I would term a ‘dark’ thought or emotion, a ‘dark’ energy, what some people call the Dark Network for the third dimension and fourth dimension of Planet Earth. It looks like this …

Image: “Dark Network,” symbolic image by Alice B. Clagett, 18 November 2014, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

Image: “Dark Network,” symbolic image by Alice B. Clagett, 18 November 2014, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” .. 

. . . . .

 (Well, ok, it is really a photo of a reflection in a window at sunset.)

Since 3D and 4D include both Dark and Light, we can choose which we prefer …

  • Will we dwell on something that is Dark, and try to figure that out with our logical minds?
  • Or will we visualize the beauty and magnificence of New Earth, which is all bright and incredible?

Image: Earth’s Grid of Light …*ilheblmRG2-dT8lkFvDV6w.png ..

In dark moments, it works for me to visualize that beautiful Grid of Light, and imagine that I am standing or sitting … Look at this; this is a natural stone bench. Watch …

Image: “Natural stone bench at a Park in the Santa Monica Mountains, California,” by Alice B. Clagett, 18 November 2014, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..  

Image: “Natural stone bench at a Park in the Santa Monica Mountains, California,” by Alice B. Clagett, 18 November 2014, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..  

. . . . .

And so, we can visualize ourselves firmly planted and anchored on Earth. And with our heads attached to the Incoming Light … a beautiful pranic column of Light … and our hearts fiery with the energy of New Earth … on fire with Love, the perfect deluge of love.

2. Cause and Effect versus the Now

Here is another thought: Why should I dwell on cause and effect, with its inevitable consequence of ‘a little bit better’ or ‘a little bit worse’ … a comparison of the past to the present; the present to the future?

When I can, instead, dwell on this moment Now. And imagine, in my heart, that this is a perfect moment, no matter how I approach this moment with my feeling body and my emotional body, I can still imagine that this feeling, and this emotion, and this experience … this visual experience that I am having right now … are the perfect one for me right now.

There is something to be said for the Now; it allows the moment to be perfect, instead of comparatively perfect, compared to a timeline.

3. The Nature of Our Human ‘Earth Chakras’

  1. Here is another thought. I was talking about the Lower Quadrant … that is really starting around the bottom of the rib cage, and proceeding down to the lowest part of the trunk of the body, and includes chakras 1 through 3 in the old chakric system:

Image Markup: “Chakras 1-7, Showing Earth Chakras of the Lower Quadrant of the Human Body of Light,” by Alice B. Clagett, 18 November 2014, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: A person is seated cross-legged, hands on knees. There are variously colored symbols representing the 7 chakras along the spine, as follows: At the base of the spine: 7. The Base/Root Chakra (red symbol); and above that: 6. The Sacral Chakra (orange symbol); 5. The Solar Plexus Chakra (yellow symbol); 4. The Heart Chakra (green symbol); 3. The Throat Chakra (turquoise symbol); 2. The Third Eye (violet symbol); 1. The Crown Chakra (magenta symbol). The labels for chakras 5 through 7 are bracketed together; to the bracket is attached this label: ‘Earth Chakras’ of the Lower Quadrant of the ‘Body of Light’, approximately equivalent to the ‘Lower Triangle’ of yoga, the ‘Gut Brain’ of popular idiom, and the ‘Lower Mental Body’ of Theosophy … CREDITS: Image: “This picture depicts the seven major Chakras with descriptions,” by Xxglennxx, 25 February 2010, from Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

Image Markup: “Chakras 1-7, Showing Earth Chakras of the Lower Quadrant of the Human Body of Light,” by Alice B. Clagett, 18 November 2014, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,”

DESCRIPTION: A person is seated cross-legged, hands on knees. There are variously colored symbols representing the 7 chakras along the spine, as follows: At the base of the spine: 7. The Base/Root Chakra (red symbol); and above that: 6. The Sacral Chakra (orange symbol); 5. The Solar Plexus Chakra (yellow symbol); 4. The Heart Chakra (green symbol); 3. The Throat Chakra (turquoise symbol); 2. The Third Eye (violet symbol); 1. The Crown Chakra (magenta symbol). The labels for chakras 5 through 7 are bracketed together; to the bracket is attached this label: ‘Earth Chakras’ of the Lower Quadrant of the ‘Body of Light’, approximately equivalent to the ‘Lower Triangle’ of yoga, the ‘Gut Brain’ of popular idiom, and the ‘Lower Mental Body’ of Theosophy …

CREDITS: Image: “This picture depicts the seven major Chakras with descriptions,” by Xxglennxx, 25 February 2010, from Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

. . . . .

… and I was complaining, in a way, about how they pick up and transmit the unconscious thought cloud of the world, and it kind of ‘sticks’ to places in the lower quadrant of the Light Body.

Image Markup: “Quadrants of the Body of Light,” self-portrait by Alice B. Clagett, 23 December 2017, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: The above image portrays a standing woman, facing forward and surrounded by a yellow oval. The oval is labeled: Body of Light. It is divided into four quadrants labeled Upper Quadrant, Right Quadrant, Left Quadrant, and Lower Quadrant. The Upper Quadrant of the Body of Light begins just below the neck, and includes the 5th or throat chakra and higher, to a foot or two above the head. The Lower Quadrant begins at the bottom of the rib cage, and includes the 3rd chakra or navel point, and lower, down to a foot or two below the feet. The Right Quadrant is in the area of the high and low heart chakra and the right side of the body, from the perspective of the person in the image (not from the perspective of the observer). The Left Quadrant is in the area of the high and low heart chakra and the left side of the body, from the perspective of the person in the image (not from the perspective of the observer). The transpersonal chakras have come ‘on board’ since 2012 as the Incoming Light transforms and enlarges our Bodies of Light. The 10th chakra is said to be located 2 1/2 to 3 feet above the head.

Image Markup: “Quadrants of the Body of Light,” self-portrait by Alice B. Clagett, 23 December 2017, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,”

DESCRIPTION: The above image portrays a standing woman, facing forward and surrounded by a yellow oval. The oval is labeled: Body of Light. It is divided into four quadrants labeled Upper Quadrant, Right Quadrant, Left Quadrant, and Lower Quadrant.

The Upper Quadrant of the Body of Light begins just below the neck, and includes the 5th or throat chakra and higher, to a foot or two above the head.

The Lower Quadrant begins at the bottom of the rib cage, and includes the 3rd chakra or navel point, and lower, down to a foot or two below the feet.

The Right Quadrant is in the area of the high and low heart chakra and the right side of the body, from the perspective of the person in the image (not from the perspective of the observer).

The Left Quadrant is in the area of the high and low heart chakra and the left side of the body, from the perspective of the person in the image (not from the perspective of the observer).

The transpersonal chakras have come ‘on board’ since 2012 as the Incoming Light transforms and enlarges our Bodies of Light. The 10th chakra is said to be located 2 1/2 to 3 feet above the head.

. . . . .

And so, every morning, when I get up, I notice all of the thoughts that have come ‘clouding’ through, and galumphing through my Lower Quadrant at night. And I have to consciously allow the restless momentum of those thoughts to find peace and quiet.

And every day, in the early morning, it is a new task, just as I wake up, to let those thoughts dissipate, and turn to quiet.

That is the nature of those chakras, chakras 5-7 … They have that energy of Earth in them … that mixture of dense energies coming up from the Earth. There is really no reason to complain about that, because that is the way those chakras are.

I got to thinking: Well, I expect those chakras to have the same sort of energy as the other chakras. But they are not like that. They are the chakras that ground us and anchor us to Earth. And they need to contain denser energy, less conscious energy. So, that was kind of a wonderful boost to my acceptance of things just as they are.

4. What Is That Light We Enter After We Pass On?

This is the last comment. It occurred to me, one day, that the Light that people see, after they pass on … the Light that they go towards, or they are drawn towards … might actually be the Light of their own Souls. Just a thought ..

You all, take care.

In love, light and joy,
Alice B. Clagett
I Am of the Stars

Filmed and published on 18 November 2014; revised on 27 March 2023
Previously entitled: Dark Network vs Earth’s Grid of Light and More


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


cause and effect, dark network, Earth energy, grid of light,  Earth chakras, first chakra, chakras, the Now, timelines, pranic column meditation, black magic, Gaia, meditations, yoga, afterlife, the Now, pranic column, second chakra, soul, third chakra, unconscious thought cloud of the world, noosphere, meditations, lower mental body, lower quadrant, gut brain, lower triangle, Drawings by Alice, Grid of Light, Meditations and visualizations by Alice, death,


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