Prayers for Protection Against the Demon Realm . by Alice B. Clagett *

Prayers for Protection Against the Demon Realm

Composite Image Markup: “Watch Out for the Dark Sentinels!” adapted and compiled by Alice B. Clagett, 23 May 2021, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Center front, the author about 8 years of age, wearing a white dress, and wearing black, patent leather Mary Jane shoes; this is a First Communion photo. The girl is facing three-quarters towards the camera, and standing on green grass. There is a golden oval of energy around her; this represents the Body of Light. There is a speech bubble above her head, which says: “May my mind be free and clear of interference.” On either side of her stand giant black lappet-faced vultures, wings partly open, wearing white leggings of feather fluff, and gazing towards her. Above her head soars a turkey vulture … CREDITS: Image: Portrait of me by my late father, Hugh C. Clagett, Sr. … and … Image: “Lappet-Faced Vulture,” by Jerry Pank, in Wikimedia Commons … … CC BY-SA 2.0 Generic … Description: “This incredible bird has an average wingspan of 2.8 meters (9.2 feet).” … and … Image: “Turkey vulture (Cathartes aura) in Flight, Cuba,” by Charles J. Sharp, 18 February 2016, in English Wikipedia … … CC BY-SA 4.0 International

Composite Image Markup: “Watch Out for the Dark Sentinels!” adapted and compiled by Alice B. Clagett, 23 May 2021, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Center front, the author about 8 years of age, wearing a white dress, and wearing black, patent leather Mary Jane shoes; this is a First Communion photo. The girl is facing three-quarters towards the camera, and standing on green grass. There is a golden oval of energy around her; this represents the Body of Light. There is a speech bubble above her head, which says: “May my mind be free and clear of interference.” On either side of her stand giant black lappet-faced vultures, wings partly open, wearing white leggings of feather fluff, and gazing towards her. Above her head soars a turkey vulture … CREDITS: Image: Portrait of me by my late father, Hugh C. Clagett, Sr. … and … Image: “Lappet-Faced Vulture,” by Jerry Pank, in Wikimedia Commons … … CC BY-SA 2.0 Generic … Description: “This incredible bird has an average wingspan of 2.8 meters (9.2 feet).” … and … Image: “Turkey vulture (Cathartes aura) in Flight, Cuba,” by Charles J. Sharp, 18 February 2016, in English Wikipedia … … CC BY-SA 4.0 International

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    • Prayer for Protection Against the Demon Hordes, channeled by Alice B. Clagett
    • Prayer: When the Animals Come Around, channeled by Alice B. Clagett
    • May the Air Fall Asleep, version 1, a Chant by Alice B. Clagett, Soundtrack and Lyrics
    • May the Air Fall Asleep, version 2, a Chant by Alice B. Clagett, Soundtrack and Lyrics
    • Prayer for Protection Against Black Magicians and Against the Demon Hordes, channeled by Alice B. Clagett

Dear Ones,

Here are prayers for protection against the demon realm, and against bespellment by black magicians, along with some background information.

First, let me say that Demons are common energies here on Earth. They are here for a reason … to give us choices between right (angel help) and wrong (them). So, I am hoping you will not be too put off by the following.


There is a kind of false twin flame energy that is caused by Demon entanglement. Sometimes Demons will hop onto a man…

Image: “Christian Fights Apollyon,” artist William Strang, at the British Museum, Museum number 1943,1113.278 … ..

In fact, sometimes they will hop onto a man and a woman. Demons are not physical beings; they are just astral beings. They do this ‘hopping on’ thing so they can see the world, through the men and women, with physical eyes. If an attraction exists between a man and a woman, the Demon interference can falsely persuade them that they are twin flames, by ratcheting up the sex drive.

While the torrid romance is going on, most likely on the astral plane only, the Demons get a chance to get to know this would-be romantic duo’s pet peeves. With a little practice, they can use these to flood the romantic duo’s emotional bodies with negative emotions.

Soon thereafter, because of the Demon Interference, the astral romance is very likely to turn to mutual dislike, dismay, fear, even hatred. This is because the Demons pour into their minds negative thought forms. Yet the two may remain astrally corded for years, because of the thoughts of dislike, dismay, hatred and fear that flow between them. You no doubt get the picture! (For more on astral cords … sometimes called ‘psychic cords’, see my blog category: Astral bonds — astral cords – psychic cords – psychic bonding )

Incitation to demonic hopping on and ratcheting up of the sex drive I found out is a technique used by black magicians to bring about the downfall of people they dislike. Their hope is to make the man and woman bound down by the spell look like fools in front of friends and acquaintances. The though in the minds of the black magicians is that this will make them look powerful and admirable in the eyes of others.

To find out whether you have been bespelled, and to help figure out what to do about it, see my blog category: Donkey man – human horse – chwal


In warring against Demons, it is important to realize that another human being is not your target. The Demon is your target, in almost every instance. As mentioned above, Demons pal around with humans willy-nilly, just like that! In the flash of an eye, they hop on!

So you have to be a skilled marksman; a ‘crack shot’, a ‘sharpshooter’ … Aim your words with utmost care at the Demon and not the person onto whom they hopped.

Here are words that worked for me last night. They are pretty harsh, so take a care not to develop hardness of heart in speaking them …

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“Prayer for Protection Against the Demon Hordes”
Channeled by Alice B. Clagett
18 August 2015

Dear God, please protect me from these beings!
Judge them, and offer them consignment
to that part of this Universe suitable to them.

When you say this prayer, it may help to visualize the Demon or Demons on the person, and address your request to your Celestial Ascension Team, asking them to forward the prayer to God.

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This prayer and visualization work very well after waking up from a quartz crystal night, to clear these interfering energies from your own energy bodies …

Link: “Quartz Crystals for Protection as We Sleep,” by Alice B. Clagett, 18 August 2015 … ..

… as the Demons that might like to pal around with you (I am quite sure the feeling is not mutual!) are weakened by leaving quartz crystals on the chakras all night long, and might like to replenish their strength through your energy field.

You can also say or sing, concentrating on the air around you: May the air fall asleep! Here are several soundtracks for that (which were published in some of my prior blogs) …

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“Prayer: When the Animals Come Around”
Channeled by Alice B. Clagett
Soundtrack and Words
13 October 2015


When the animals come around, say:
“May the air fall asleep!”

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“May the Air Fall Asleep, version 1″
A Chant by Alice B. Clagett
Soundtrack and Lyrics
25 January 2016


May the air fall asleep. (x4)

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“May the Air Fall Asleep, version 2″
A Chant by Alice B.  Clagett
Soundtrack and Lyrics
28 July 2017


May the air fall asleep!   (x3, singing very quietly and slowly)

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Black magicians are bound to Demons by many contracts, as it is from the Demon World that they get their special occult abilities and knowledge.

These humans who are bound to the Demon Realm consciously use the ‘False Twin Flame’ Demon setup to increase their power in the world. In recent years, and perhaps priorly, they have been tying one of their ranks to an ascending person to impede that person’s ascent. My feeling is, if you sense black magicians around you, go ahead and give them ‘what for’, like this …

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“Prayer for Protection Against the Black Magicians and Against the Demon Hordes”
Channeled by Alice B. Clagett
18 August 2015

Dear God, please protect me from these beings!
Judge them. If possible clear them,
or else offer them consignment
to that part of this Universe suitable to them.

When you do this, first visualize black magicians in human form.
Next visualize them as astral beings, and speak these words again.
And last, visualize the Demons around them, and speak these words …

Dear God, please protect me from these beings!
Judge them, and offer them consignment
to that part of this Universe suitable to them.

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I know this sounds harsh, but here is the trouble: Black magicians are using all their occult knowledge to bind their energies so thoroughly to ascending persons that our Ascension Teams cannot disentangle the Dark energies from ours, so as to give them ‘what for’.


Essentially, black magicians are ‘hiding out’ in the energy field of ascending humans. In my case they have done this by transferring a little astral matter from three black magicians into my astral field, hoping to create an ‘anchor’ to ‘blend’ their astral matter with mine.

To further their power, they will first bind one person to themselves through the False Twin Flame ploy. Then they will bind a person of the opposite sex to themselves through a same-gender sexual act. At this point both False Twin Flamers are bound to Demons, because the black magicians are bound to Demons.

Then, so as to further his range of Demonic influence on humankind, a black magicians will rope these two demonized False Twin Flamers to each other, with one as the power-over antagonist of the other. So the Light of each unwitting inductee will continue to be dampened by the Demons, and the black magicians’ demonic reach will include both of them.

Then the black magicians will do this again, and so, double his Dark network, sending each new pair of inductees out into the world so as to increase his territory geographically. And so on. It will end up being a funnel-shaped, geographically dispersed arrangement, like this …

Prayers for Protection Against the Demon Realm

Drawing: “Chart: Dark Network Energy Flow from Satan to Black Magician to ‘False Twin Flame’ Pairs and Their Family and Friends,” by Alice B. Clagett, 15 May 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth” … DESCRIPTION: At the top of the drawing is the word ‘Satan’; beneath that a vertical bar; beneath that the words ‘Black Magician’ and beneath that a horizontal arrow with the tip to the right. To that arrow are appended four vertical bars. Beneath each of these bars are pairs of letters: ‘A/B’ beneath the first bar; ‘C/D’ beneath the second; ‘E/F’ beneath the third; and ‘G/H’ beneath the fourth; with the presumption that more pairs of letters might be added to the right of the arrow. Beneath the letter pair ‘G/H’ is another horizontal arrow with the tip to the right. To that arrow are appended three vertical bars. Beneath each of these are pairs of letters: ‘G1/H1’ beneath the first bar; ‘G2/H2’ beneath the second; and ‘G3/H3’ beneath the third; with the presumption that more pairs of letters might be added to the right of the arrow. KEY: A/B, C/D, E/F, and G/H represent False Twin Flame pairs. G1/H1, G2/H2, and G3/H3 represent how the dark network energy flows on to family and friends of the pair G/H.

Drawing: “Chart: Dark Network Energy Flow from Satan to Black Magician to ‘False Twin Flame’ Pairs and Their Family and Friends,” by Alice B. Clagett, 15 May 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth” …

DESCRIPTION: At the top of the drawing is the word ‘Satan’; beneath that a vertical bar; beneath that the words ‘Black Magician’ and beneath that a horizontal arrow with the tip to the right. To that arrow are appended four vertical bars. Beneath each of these bars are pairs of letters: ‘A/B’ beneath the first bar; ‘C/D’ beneath the second; ‘E/F’ beneath the third; and ‘G/H’ beneath the fourth; with the presumption that more pairs of letters might be added to the right of the arrow. Beneath the letter pair ‘G/H’ is another horizontal arrow with the tip to the right. To that arrow are appended three vertical bars. Beneath each of these are pairs of letters: ‘G1/H1’ beneath the first bar; ‘G2/H2’ beneath the second; and ‘G3/H3’ beneath the third; with the presumption that more pairs of letters might be added to the right of the arrow.

KEY: A/B, C/D, E/F, and G/H represent False Twin Flame pairs. G1/H1, G2/H2, and G3/H3 represent how the dark network energy flows on to family and friends of the pair G/H.

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Link: “False Ascension Matrix,” in “Ascension Glossary” … ..

This is something you might mention while your Team gives them ‘what for’!


Black magicians (as well as other possessed or obsessed people) switch roles from male to female just like that. You might think of them as neither male nor female; that is, as intersex (third-gender) individuals or hermaphrodites of a negative astral alien species, in a way.

This is not to say that those humans who are intersex individuals are bound to the Demon Realm. This is not at all the case. Rather, intersex individuals are closer to 5D … to our Star Brothers and Sisters … in gender aspect than most people in the world today. (For more on this, see the postscript below.)

Being bound to the Demon Realm requires a contract, or contracts, with Demonry. This has nothing to do with a person’s gender, whether it be male, female, or intersex. Rather, it is a question of surrendering our Free Will to the Dark in return for a favor.


While ‘gender switching’ is a dodge for the black magicians, it ought not be confused with the ‘gender softening’ characteristic of our star brethren. As we ‘beam up’ … or maybe it should be termed ‘beam out’ … dimensionally, we become aware of this mitigation of sexual dimorphism.

Link: “Hermaphrodite,” by Tom Verre … … COMMENT: This is an image of Christ (left) blended with an image of a bearded Virgin Mary (right). The feel of the artwork is gentle; the tones of the clothing are muted red and blue.

To me, the above image by Tom Verre represents the sacredness of the ‘gender softening’ experienced in the higher dimensions.


In the possessed black magicians (as well as in other people who are demonically possessed or obsessed), the Demon Realm uses the intersex mindset simply because most people on Earth overlook it. Their hope is that people attempting to exorcise them may create an escape clause in the words they speak, by ‘mind sliding’ past recognition of the non-gender status of the obsessing Demon.

In the case of a man or woman who is possessed, for example, the exorcist might mistakenly speak of the Demon as ‘he’ when in fact it functions as both ‘he’ and ‘she’, or as neither. If the exorcist misrepresents the ‘non-gender’ status of a possessing Demon, then to the Demon that is a loophole to retain tenancy in the person’s body.

Negatively aspected astral entities can hide out in various ‘genders’ or in an ‘ungendered’ shape just as they can hang out by melding with a human’s energy bodies. Imagine you are dealing with a consummately cunning lawyer with a large personal library of psychic lawbooks at their fingertips.

Thus, the exorcist must take into consideration the non-gender, or atypical gender, or what you might say, ‘motile’ gender role of the possessing or obsessing Demon. The exorcist may find better results by addressing the Demon as neither ‘he’ nor ‘she’ … instead using non-gender words such as ‘it’ or ‘this being’ or ‘them’.


As more and more people awaken to the power-over, Dark stuff that is going on, of course at first anxiety sets in. But pretty soon, everyone realizes that we have many, many tools at our disposal to fight the Dark and shine forth in the Light.

  • We have our own courage and strength in the face of adversity, our own faith, hope and charity, which have been honed by our perseverance in the long age of lesser Light that has just now ended.
  • We have our human friends who stand firmly for the Light … Who refuse to make war on their fellow humankind … Who know, hands down, where the real problem lies.
  • We have our Celestial Ascension Team: beings of Light and love, and Angels. We have God Himself.
  • And we have the Incoming Light, ever streaming down upon Earth with greater and greater beauty, as the Ascension proceeds and Christ consciousness floods into our mother Earth.

So, dear ones, take heart! Know that we are at the door of God’s kingdom. Protect your friends, love all humankind, stand for the Light! Know that all is well!

In love, light and joy,
Alice B. Clagett
I Am of the Stars

Written and published on 18 August 2015; revised on 15 December 2018 and on 15 May 2023
Previously titled: “False Twin Flames … Demon Warfare … Giving the Illuminati ‘What For'” and “False Twin Flames – Demon Warfare – Illuminati – Exorcism”


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


Christian Fights Apollyon, William Strang, interference, fear, hatred, astral cords, psychic cords, prayers, prayers by Alice, ascension, curses, demon wars. demons, transgender, gender shifting, hermaphrodite, intersex, third gender, third sex, genderless, non-gender, nongender, star brethren, star brothers and sisters, 5D, fifth dimension, fourth dimension, third dimension, drawings by Alice, deals with the devil, free will, mind slide, exorcism, courage, faith, hope, charity, Christ consciousness, my favorites, 2u3d,

2 thoughts on “Prayers for Protection Against the Demon Realm . by Alice B. Clagett *

  1. Alice B. Clagett

    Ryan, when you speak of intersex, do you mean by that a bisexual lifestyle, or that a person has reproductive organs partly male and partly female?

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