Escape the Clutches of a Sadist! . by Alice B. Clagett

escape the clutches of a sadist

Image: “Portrait of Sade [cropped],” by Mary Evans, 19th century, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

Image: “Portrait of Sade [cropped],” by Mary Evans, 19th century, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

Dear Ones,

This blog describes how to safely escape from sadists on the astral plane and on the physical plane.

As a Lightworker, I have noticed strands of misqualified energy that I would label ‘sadistic’ floating round the noosphere. These may have to do with the many lizards in my yard. In fact, there is a new crop of cute little fence lizards in the front and back yard every year. Right now there is a lizard ‘baby boom’ happening in my yard.

Lizards are big on one-upmanship, ‘power over’, and bullying, and these types of misqualified energy overlap with thought forms tinged with sadistic and masochistic emotion.

There is also television and internet movie programming, which more often than not incubates one-upmanship, desire for power over, bullying, sadism, and masochism in the gut brains of viewers. I feel these misqualified energies affect children who view the programs much more deeply than they affect adult audiences.

And so, during times of heavy television and internet movie viewing in my neighborhood … for instance, from 2 pm to 4:30 pm, when latchkey children are home viewing television and the internet without parental supervision … in the evenings during prime time … and all day/all night on the weekends … there are many strands of misqualified energy carrying these emotions that waft hither and yon.

As a Lightworker, I find this more than a little offputting. I can think of nothing more the antithesis of Lightwork than one-upmanship, desire for power over, bullying, hazing, sadism, and masochism. I find these energies repulsive.

I find I have an instinct to oppose these energies mentally, and to ‘put up the dukes’ when I sense them, when the ideal thing would be to just let them slide on by … maybe out into the back yard, where the lizards will find them attractive.

The other day I thought I would do some research on sadism. I thought maybe there was something I could do about these misqualified energy threads that make me so uncomfortable. I found an interesting article on sadism. The article implies that one way to stop a sadist is to show him that you are not suffering from his actions. That is one useful takeaway.

The other thing is that this article explains there are 4 sorts of sadists. These were enumerated by a man named Theodore Million …

Link: “Can Sadistic Personality Be Cured?” by Divva Jacob, Pharm. D., and Shaziva Allarakha, MD, medically reviewed on 20 January 2021, in Medicine Net … ..

These four types of sadism are spineless sadism [this I do not get], tyrannical sadism [cruel, violent], enforcing sadism [controlling and punishing], and explosive sadism [occasional explosions].

I found this helpful in a way as well. When I hear something on the astral plane that I would classify as sadistic, I might counter telepathically with a message that this energy does not affect me at all. That, as I understand it, collapses the underpinning of the sadistic talk dynamic.

In other words, the sadist says sadistic things so as to cause pain in a telepathic victim, or a victim in his or her physical presence. If a person does not want to be the victim … if a person is not a masochist who enjoys pain … then the person can make the ‘trigger’ a dud by not reacting with a feeling of pain. The telepathic receiver can thus use the sadistic input to develop his or her own neutral mind.

I feel the four classifications of sadists to be helpful for this reason: When we are confronted with sadism, whether merely on the astral plane or in the physical world, it may help to classify what is going on using the intellect, the higher mind.

Conceptualization, I feel, helps take the edge off of gut feelings like the panic responses of fight, flight, freeze, fawn, or flop. When the rational mind enters in, we can plan our escape more effectively.

In the case of the established sadist … as seemed very strikingly to me to be the case with the man I ran into last month at church …

Link: “Caveats About Morphine Addicts,” by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 4 August 2022 … ..

… and also with a man who appeared to be a morphine addict whom I saw standing on the sidewalk next door maybe 6 months ago …

Then I feel very strongly the thing to do is to attain as much physical distance from the person as possible as soon as ever our legs can carry us away from them. This is why: For a person who practices cruelty to others so much that it occurs without thought, without consideration of the risks or calculation of the downside of the outcome, without remorse, without any understanding of the harm being inflicted on a fellow human being, that person may strike like a viper, all in an instant.

You and I, Gentle Reader, might go down to our deaths so fast, at the practiced, ruthless hands of such a man that we never even know what hit us. And so I suggest, read all about it, prepare yourself mentally, know the warning signs, and get out of danger before the snake strikes, before the shark bites, before the brown recluse leaps upon us! Better safe than sorry.

In love, light and joy,
Alice B. Clagett
I Am of the Stars

Caravaggio as Lizardoid Sadist

escape the clutches of a sadist

Image: “Boy Bitten by a Lizard,” by Caravaggio, circa 1594-1596, in English Wikipedia … … public domain … COMMENTS: As you may know from my previous analysis of the world-renowned painter Caravaggio, it seems to me that he painted himself in all the many paintings he created. If that is so, then this is an image of Caravaggio. I find this painting apt in the discussion of sadism, as I consider Caravaggio may have been a sadist whose overarching spirit or deva or spirit totem may have been Lizardian. Thus this painting might be a symbolic way of depicting the totem difference between Caravaggio and ‘normals’ … people whose spirits are guided by devas that teach and inform mammalian beings on Earth. The ‘take’ is that Caravaggio was ‘bitten by a lizard’ in his youth, and that accounted for his many misadventures. As luck would have it, Lizardoid and Insectoid hybrids are also often outstandingly gifted in the arts (such as painting, dance, voice, or musical composition) or in terms of greatly enhanced psychic powers and mind control abilities. These qualities, I feel, have to do with the accomplishments of their overlighting beings, often non-Christed star beings … their other-species devas. –Alice B. Clagett

Image: “Boy Bitten by a Lizard,” by Caravaggio, circa 1594-1596, in English Wikipedia … … public domain …

COMMENTS: As you may know from my previous analysis of the world-renowned painter Caravaggio, it seems to me that he painted himself in all the many paintings he created. If that is so, then this is an image of Caravaggio. I find this painting apt in the discussion of sadism, as I consider Caravaggio may have been a sadist whose overarching spirit or deva or spirit totem may have been Lizardian. Thus this painting might be a symbolic way of depicting the totem difference between Caravaggio and ‘normals’ … people whose spirits are guided by devas that teach and inform mammalian beings on Earth. The ‘take’ is that Caravaggio was ‘bitten by a lizard’ in his youth, and that accounted for his many misadventures.

As luck would have it, lizardoid and Insectoid hybrids are also often outstandingly gifted in the arts (such as painting, dance, voice, or musical composition) or in terms of greatly enhanced psychic powers and mind control abilities. These qualities, I feel, have to do with the accomplishments of their overlighting beings, often non-Christed star beings … their other-species devas. –Alice B. Clagett

See also … Link: “Caravaggio and Baglione Today: Is Lucifer Transforming to the Light?” by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 30 July 2018; revised … ..

Written and published on 30 August 2022
Location: Los Angeles, California


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Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

sadism, masochism, bullying, one-upmanship, power over, neutral mind, telepathy, astral chatter, lizards, mass media, psychiatry, psychology, fight or flight, panic, anxiety, Caravaggio,


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