Effect of Electroshock Treatments on the Etheric Net and the Body of Light . by Alice B. Clagett

Written on 15 December 2019; published on 27 December 2019


Dear Ones,

Here is a video on the effect of electroshock treatments on the etheric net and the body of Light; this has to do with DNA and Soul wounding. There is an edited Summary after the video …



Hello, Dear Ones, It’s Alice. I Am of the Stars.

I had a thought just now regarding the electroshock that I had heard about on the psychic plane, treatments to do with trying to increase people’s psychic abilities. I think that they may mess up the etheric net, and cause gloms and tangles in the etheric net that then make it difficult for a person who was a subject of such an experiment to socialize and be with other people in the world in the normal way … so, etheric net gloms, that is what I think.

And what it is, is the electricity that runs through the … you know, the body of Light is just a form of electromagnetic energy, and electricity is a portion of that. So when a person receives an electroshock treatment, then that affects the etheric net, which is to do with the DNA, and the body of Light. So both can get tangled and mixed up. When that happens, what results is what we Lightworkers call Soul wounding.

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars


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etheric net, electroshock, psychic powers, EMF, body of light, electromagnetic energy, electricity, DNA, lightworkers, Soul wounding, health, Western medicine, etheric body, etheric template,


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