Earth Mother – Chaos – ‘Breaking the Back of Winter’ . by Jean Auel . referral by Alice B. Clagett

Written on 20 March 2014; revised and republished on 3 February 2018

Hello, Dear Ones,

I found a great myth about how the Earth Mother, long ago, wrested a life force from Chaos, From this she created warmth and life. But then in Winter, she fights to keep her children alive. And then, at the first sign of Spring, they say that she has ‘broken the back’ of Winter.

Here is a link to the text of the myth, which is stated very eloquently in only about one page of text …

Citation: “The Mammoth Hunters: Earth’s Children, Book 3” by Jean M. Auel, chapter 22, page 383, the passage on the myth of the Earth Mother, Chaos, and Winter, The text of this Myth of Creation begins “I was wondering …,” and continues on to the first incomplete paragraph ending “… in the air.” To search for it online, search the term: break the back of winter

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars

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myths, myths of creation, winter, chaos, Jean Auel, The Earth’s Children Series, The Mammoth Hunters,


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