Dissolving Curses . by Alice B. Clagett

Filmed on 8 August 2015; published on 11 August 2015; revised on 5 July 2018 and 7 December 2018

    • Meditation to Prevent Psychic Heart Attack, by Alice B. Clagett
    • Activation of Light for Perfect Health, by the Hathors, through Alice B. Clagett
    • Judy Satori’s Activation of Light for Disordered Cells
    • On the Ancillary Nature and Tax Deduction Status of Alternative Healing Techniques

Dear Ones,

This video is about dissolving curses. In this case, heart attack curses and cancer curses. The techniques are pretty easy to do. There is a Summary after the video …



Hello, Dear Ones, It’s Alice. I Am of the Stars.

I was just going over, in my mind, an emergency exit routine when people have the subconscious desire to stop your heart and give you a heart attack … and actually ‘lay you low’, as they say.

This comes up more frequently than you would think, that people have these cursing wishes … without knowing that they are doing it at all; especially when they are angry. It happens amongst family, and it happens amongst friends, and acquaintances in the workplace; and not just with total strangers at the supermarket.

In fact, it is more likely to happen with people that we know.

There are a couple of different types of curses.

  • One is: May you get cancer … And they may get specific about the type of cancer.
  • And the other one is: I will give you a heart attack. Or: May you have a heart attack.

So those are two curses regarding physical function. For the first one I was mentioning … about heart attack … I will tell you, what I have been doing lately. I have had a number of successful techniques. And this one that I have been doing lately is very easy …

You just sit down, in meditative pose, and you concentrate on the muscles in the center of your chest … on relaxing them …

. . . . .

Meditation to Prevent Psychic Heart Attack
by Alice B. Clagett, 8 August 2015

Sit down, in meditative pose, or lie down on your back.
Relax the muscles in the center of your chest.
Make your breathing long, slow and deep.

. . . . .

And then, for the problem of cancer curses, you can use this activation of Light …

. . . . .

Activation of Light for Perfect Health
by the Hathors, through Alice B. Clagett, 8 December 2018

Spirit to Team!
Optimize physical health!
Heal body cells and DNA!
Purify my subtle bodies!
Cleanse my Soul of all past injury!
For the All, through Free Will!

. . . . .

I think that it is a good idea for everyone to try that activation of Light out, because, regardless of whether we are concerned with curses or not, there are still bound to be some disordered cells in the body, because the Ascension is upsetting our cells a little bit.

All right. Go with God. Be at peace. Talk to you another time.

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars

Image: “Indian Paintbrush,” by Alice B. Clagett, 8 August 2015, CC BY-SA 4.0

Image: “Indian Paintbrush,” by Alice B. Clagett, 8 August 2015, CC BY-SA 4.0


Judy Satori’s Activation of Light for Disordered Cells

In past, I have found Judy Satori’s https://www.ascensionlibrary.org/activation of Light for disordered cells to be very helpful. However, her website was revised recently, and I cannot find that activation at present. Maybe it will be available in future.

On the Ancillary Nature and Tax Deduction Status of Alternative Healing Techniques

Note that alternative healing techniques such as yoga, aromatherapy, healing herbs, and the languages of light and sound are considered to be ancilliary or else palliative health modalities. That is to say, they are not a replacement for traditional Western medical care. The thought is that they may help the patient, but that a patient should, first and foremost, seek traditional Western medical advice.

I myself have more of a Christian Science point of view. I feel that a person knows, in their very heart, what will help them heal and what will not. That they have at hand, through God’s grace, all that they need to be in perfect health.

Along these lines, last week I noticed with pleasant surprise that the IRS allows writeoffs for the expense of Christian Science practitioners, on Schedule A of Form 1040 (the annual income tax form).

LInk: “Can You Deduct Alternative Medicines on Your Taxes?” by Susannah Snider, 4 April 2017, in “U.S. News,” https://money.usnews.com/money/personal-finance/taxes/articles/2017-04-04/can-you-deduct-alternative-medicines-on-your-taxes ..


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


ascension, black magic, healing, ascension, cancer, curses, disordered cells, healing, health, heart attack, psychic heart attack, cancer curse, languages of light and sound, alternative healing, meditations, activations of light, alternative medicine,


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