Dark Energies Transforming in the Diamond Light . by Alice B. Clagett

Filmed on 19 September 2015; published on 22 September 2015; transcribed on 15 January 2019
Location: Weminuche Wilderness, USFS Rd 602 east of Vallecito Lake, Colorado

    • Sidebar: The Hunter-Stalker on the Mountainside
    • The Voice of Reason and the Voice of the Dark [Hunter-Snuffer]
    • Psychology: Multiple Personality Disorder[Hunter-Snuffer]
    • A Digression on Dark Attacks, Solar Events, Electronic and Electrical Devices, and Psychokinetic (Telekinetic) Phenomena Manifested in Cases of of Persons with Memories of Catastrophic Childhood Events[Hunter-Snuffer]
    • Obsession by the Ghostly Fractal of a Parent [Hunter-Snuffer]
    • Ascensioneers: Keeping the Heart Open
    • A Clairly Heard Instance of Obsession During Marital Intercourse [Hunter-Snuffer, Torturess, Heart Vampire]
    • More Thoughts: Confusion Caused by the Glom Effect (Merging of Father Figures) [Hunter-Snuffer, Heart Vampire]
    • Projected Body Elementals? [Hunter-Snuffer, Heart Vampire]
    • Learning to Distinguish Energy Signatures
    • Daydreams of Sexual Aggression as Expressions of Repressed Feral Drives [Hunter-Snuffer]
    • Patanjali’s Advice: Replacing Negative Thoughts with Positive Thoughts
    • Partial Summary
      • Personal Digression
    • Personal Anecdotes about Cherubim, Seraphim, Christ … and Fallen Angels [Castratrux – Basal Vampire]
    • Alice’s Perilous Tales: A Dark Attack in a Church Parking Lot [Castratrux – Basal Vampire]
    • Alice’s Perilous Tales: A Dark Attack on a Mountain Trail
    • Alice’s Mahabharata Vision
    • On Samskaras

Dear Ones,

Sidebar: The Hunter-Stalker on the Mountainside

At the time when this was written I was hiking along a flat trail with a steep, wooded wild mountainside to the left. As I recall, the trail was Pine River Trail #523, Weminuche Wilderness, only a mile or so from the Campground loop, which at that time had no campers set up. That was at USFS Rd 602 east of Vallecito Lake, Colorado.

From the empty horse trailer in the parking lot at the loop, I gathered a horse train had gone out that morning before me; but there was no sign of them when I set out.

I recall I had a hunch I was being tracked by a tall, spare man with a rifle. Intuition told me he was walking along a game trail parallel to my hiking path, but halfway up the mountain, which from the map I gather was Middle Mountain. I tried real hard to spot him, but could not.


This is an exploration of the possible causes of some dark threads of energy I have been clair hearing off and on. There is a heavily edited Summary below the video. See also, new intel on samskaras, below.



Hello, Dear Ones, It’s Alice. I Am of the Stars.

I am here with a question and a request for prayers for someone. There is just a question in my mind about this. There may be some of you that know about this topic; I am pretty ignorant about it. I am asking about this topic, and I am also asking for prayers for this person.

The Voice of Reason and the Voice of the Dark

On the psychic plane I have been hearing a man who seems to be two people at once. This person has a very mild-mannered personality … And then, he seems to have a very Dark and evil voice that comes in and advises him to do acts of violence. I do not know what to make of it.

Psychology: Multiple Personality Disorder

I know, in psychology, there is this notion that sometimes people have multiple personalities. But to me, it seems equally plausible … because this Soul has spoken, in the past, about a terrible childhood in which his father had been accused by his community of killing a lot of people … well, less than 10, but that is still quite a few, it being probably a small community …

And so the story … probably a symbolic story … on the deep subconscious plane, for this man, is that his father was physically crucified by his community for crimes like those killings, and that the father asked the son to make a fast end of him and kill him. And so the son did that. And so that is the symbolic story that is going on in this person’s head, with regard to his father.

And there is yet another story that he somehow ‘slit his mother’s throat’ when he left home. I tend to think this is also symbolic, meaning that he asked her not to tell anybody about him. It has that violent feel to it, you know? … that subconscious, violent feel.

A Digression on Dark Attacks, Solar Events, Electronic and Electrical Devices, and Psychokinetic (Telekinetic) Phenomena Manifested in Cases of of Persons with Memories of Catastrophic Childhood Events [Hunter-Snuffer]

[In the course of transcribing this part of the video, at about 2:15 pm on Sunday, 13 January 2019, there was strong objection on the psychic plane to its being transcribed. Then the video started shuddering … halting and starting … as it played. Then, as I transcribed, the keyboard keys of the computer twice stuck and ran on as if the strike of one key kept continuing over and over again. (This issue, which I occasionally encounter, is fixed by striking any other key on the computer keyboard, and then erasing the stutter.) This I interpret as a minor Dark Attack, or psychic attack, by the person being described in the transcription.

It might also have to do with high protonfall today … solar wind speed 318.6km/sec  X   solar wind density 28.7 protons/cm to the third = 9,144 protonfall … due to minor geomagnetic unrest due to Earth’s encounter with several minor solar wind streams. 

Solar storms cause what SpaceWeatherNews … https://spaceweathernews.com/space-weather-health-alert-information/ … terms ‘cognitive diminution’ and what Tom Kenyon … www.tomkenyon.com … terms ‘cognitive dissonance’. Others call it mental turmoil. 

Fight or flight response may kick in, especially when emotions heat up, and this can contribute to personal electromagnetic field disturbances that, in turn, disturb the artificial electromagnetic fields of electronic and electrical devices.

Other unusual phenomena I associate with Dark Attacks during solar events are raps and taps and other noises, such as footsteps, for which there are no known physical reason; and fleeting sensations of physical pain in my own body.

I have always associated these to rage felt by the person who has had a catastrophic childhood experience such as that which I describe in this blog, and the casting forth of the enraged feeling towards me, because I have put down on paper the chronicle of their early Soul wounding. 

For more on this, see my blog categories …

  • Catastrophic childhood experiences
  • Astral case studies
  • Soul wounding   … and …
  • Inner child

Several decades ago, when I began to notice such events, I felt afraid of them. As time went on, I began to note their evanescent nature, and so began to have a more ‘pococurante’ (‘caring little’) or ‘hakuna matata’ (‘no trouble’) attitude towards these sorts of phenomena.

Looking at the literature on the topic, I see that some feel such phenomena to be caused by Dark thoughts of living people … that they are manifestations of clair abilities such as psychokinesis or telekinesis while a person is in a negative emotional state …

Link: “Psychokinesis,” in Wikipedia … https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychokinesis ..

I note that others consider such phenomena to be ‘poltergeist’ (‘noisy ghost’) events. If, in this instance, the father’s ghost is still wrapped around the son, then there may be a poltergeist effect as well …

Link: “Poltergeist,” in Wikipedia … https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poltergeist ..

More on this poltergeist-ghost theory below …

Obsession by the Ghostly Fractal of a Parent [Hunter-Snuffer]

I am guessing that his parenting was not the usual sort of parenting. So what seems to be happening is that, when the urge comes to him, to do something violent … and then this other voice steps in, and advises him on how to safely accomplish some act of murder, or something like that.

it seems to me to be an act, on the astral plane, of parental (maybe fatherly) obsession, I think they call it … or that the father’s fractal or ghost or spirit is still wrapped around that young man, maybe because of the manner of death. And so, since the father had this unresolved Soul trauma regarding violence, I think he may be advising the son to do the same thing.

And so that is my alternate theory to the notion of alternate personalities in this instance … because, as it turns out, the relatively young person, when he accomplishes these acts of violence (theoretically, it seems to me, on the psychic plane … which is always rather loosely constructed, as far as reality is concerned) …

But when, in his mind, he accomplishes these acts, he does not actually remember. It is as if this other personality, or this ghost of his father, or the astral form of some other human person that is alive in the world, has stepped into his form and done that thing … and he himself has been someplace else.

And then suddenly he finds himself back in his body, with unexplained signs that something has happened … such as blood on his shirt, or something like that … something that he cannot understand … some mental feeling of excitement or arousal … or some other thing that just does not make sense to him.

Any thoughts you all have on this, would be very welcome.

I have only one other lead: I think prayers are a good idea, for people who are in this extreme predicament right now … because the light is so, so bright; it has to be difficult for them.

Ascensioneers: Keeping the Heart Open

Very great Soul anguish and Darkness tend to gravitate to people whose hearts are very open …

Link: “Ma’at, the Principle of Balance, re Dark Attacks, Angelic Protection, and the Incoming Light,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 25 July 2014 … https://wp.me/p2Rkym-1Tn ..

So for the guides and the Ascensioneers and people like us, the thing to do, when the Dark attention is upon us, is to just clear our minds, and open our hearts, and know that all is well. It is well … It is just that it is clearing.

So those are those two, separate situations, of the Dark, and the Light that is targeted by the Dark, during times of great influx of the Incoming Light.

A Clairly Heard Instance of Obsession During Marital Intercourse [Hunter-Snuffer, Torturess, Heart Vampire]

I was going to tell you the other thing about this person … this is the way the astral story goes …  astral plane stories, you know! [laughs, and waves a hand in dismissal] … he is apparently a married person. I may have mentioned, in another video, that within the last few weeks, or the last month, he was thinking of having sexual relations with his wife.

And then apparently he just fainted and, in his Awareness, he disappeared from wherever he was with her. She was yelling: What’s going on? What’s going on? … And his spirit was circling around my head … [shows, with hand, a circling motion around top of her head] … as if he had just disappeared from that body.

And yet, into that body … that body that is his physical body … swooped this very Dark presence … and raped the wife. And she knew it was not him. She kept saying: Stop! Stop! Stop!

Wow! What weird things are going on in the world today! I mean: What is that?! What is going on?

Then, after that act was accomplished, that presence that had been around my head, swooped back into its own body, and the other what-ever-it-was swooped back out of his body again.

And the wife was saying: Why did you do that? Why did you do that?

And the spirit was doing this ‘Nyar-har-har’ Vincent Price thing. It said: Because I could!

You know? And I was saying: Oh! Oh my gosh!  [laughs]

So those are my thoughts. Those are my questions. My thought is, very good thoughts and prayers for these sorts of situations, my fellow Ascensioneers. Anything else you can think of, please let me know.

More Thoughts: Confusion Caused by the Glom Effect (Merging of Father Figures) [Hunter-Snuffer, Heart Vampire]

There are just a couple of complications with regard to this scenario, to do with the glom effect that I have discussed in other blogs. You could look that up under categories, if you want: Glom effect

One issue is that, in the group that this person identifies with, there is another person … another man … that gets tagged by the same energy, whatever it is … Right now, I am going with the theory of the ghost father (the ‘poltergeist’ ancestor or deceased family member) … which seems to be more prevalent in the world than we know.

It is very often the case that, if parents die with Soul wounding, that some portion of their consciousness will wrap itself around one, or various, of their children at various times … because it is afraid, and it is traumatized, and it is confused, and all that. I think that is very common.

But in this one scenario, that I think is the father’s ghost encouraging the son in a tendency towards violence … there is another person in the group that the son identifies with, who also gets tagged by whatever this influence is … this deep, dark influence … to try to be convinced to do something violent. So I can hear both male voices, at the same time, flowing into the same trend of thought and feeling; and so, it can be hard for the clairaudient observer to figure out what is what.

Projected Body Elementals? [Hunter-Snuffer, Heart Vampire]

And in addition, there is a glom going on between this ghostly father figure that keeps coming in … or else a body elemental of very strong proportions that was projected at the son before the father’s death … it could be that.

But anyway, this voice comes in. It seems to be very varied, which is why I tend towards the ghostly theory.

Another complication is that the young person, the son, is confusing that voice with the voice of his own spiritual counselor, who is also a father figure for him. So he thinks that the voice he hears is his spiritual counselor telling him to do these things, when, in fact, it needs to be sorted out and segregated from the energy of the spiritual counselor. You know what i mean?

Learning to Distinguish Energy Signatures

There is a lesson in this for all of us. And that has to do with people’s energy signatures. We all need to be able to learn how to identify, instantly, on the astral plane, the energy signatures of the people that we looked up to … and distinguish these from the energy signatures that are Dark or that are leading us out of the Light and into Darkness.

Everybody has their own Soul signature or energy signature. It is just a question of time, and of increasing Awareness, with the Incoming Light, before we all finally figure all this out, are able to steer clear of the often subconscious, or deeply unconscious, influences toward Darkness … and steer ourselves, navigate ourselves, upward toward the Light.

Daydreams of Sexual Aggression as Expressions of Repressed Feral Drives [Hunter-Snuffer]

There is another theory that someone else mentioned to me just now, on the psychic plane, with regard to this business of imagining an act of violence that is (I forgot to mention) sexually arousing for the man involved. And that theory … which seems also possible to me … is that the man is having a daydream … a subconscious or unconscious daydream … of violent sex.

It may be very repressed, because it is very socially unacceptable.

It could be that this kind of violent sexual fantasy is shared, or glommed onto, by other men.

Could it be that daydreams express emotions that are banned in a societal context, yet ever present as feral drives?

Might we now be coming into Awareness of daydreams, as the Incoming Light elevates our consciousness, and reveals what was previously deeply unconscious?

Could this person’s daydreams be about socially unacceptable anger? … Or maybe, anger which, if expressed, might have undesirable personal consequences? … For example, anger towards a spouse?

Could seeing violence in the actions of parents as a young child, cause a person to sink into daydreams of violence, perhaps as a way to bring to conscious attention the need to resolve early childhood wounding?

It could be one of the Dark threads, or Dark undercurrents, of the noosphere right now, that is clearing. And this, to me, is a very happy possible solution to this story … this mystery; because, if it is merely a daydream, it is not something that is being acted out.

On the other hand, I would guess … at least from Hindu theory about samskaras, that if the subconscious mind is popping up with these kinds of stories, over and over again, on a deep, unconscious current of energy, then that increases the likelihood of these events being acted out in real life. So that is something else to consider.

Patanjali’s Advice: Replacing Negative Thoughts with Positive Thoughts

I believe, in “How to Know God: The Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali” …

Citation: “How to Know God: The Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali,” translated with a commentary by Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood, copyright 1953, 1981 by The Vedanta Society of Southern California

… one of the first things in that book has to do with changing these kinds of samskaras … these Dark samskaras … first by repeating something positive … like the name of God, for instance … over and over again … so that it falls into the subconscious mind and becomes part of it, and elevates the energies there.

So that is something worth considering, I think: A mantra, or a repeating prayer, or a chant, or an affirmation.

But the trick is to know that we are falling into these kinds of daydreams … if, in fact, they are daydreams. And one way to know that would be if we have ever remembered, much to our chagrin … or perhaps even habitually … falling into some kind of violent sexual action … then we will know if we have that undercurrent.

And if we wish to, we can use these positive thoughts to elevate our subconscious and transform it. So there is another thought about it.

Partial Summary [Hunter-Snuffer]

I know I have come up with a number of different theories about what could be going on with regard to these repeating dreams of sexual violence.

  • I think the first one was multiple personality disorder; that is in the field of psychology.
  • And then there is the theory of ghostly ancestral fractals … of fathers, especially … who, if they were violently inclined, might be influencing their children, their sons, towards violence.
  • And then there was the idea that maybe, if a father had a tendency to violence, or had dreams of violence, then he might have projected energy, in the form of a body elemental, onto the son. And that that body elemental might be activating, from time to time, because of some unknown trigger.

 Personal Digression. In the instance of the person that tracks me sometimes, one of the triggers is when I go off in a wilderness and start walking on a trail. And they get a kind of a ‘hunter’ fury about them. And they start off with some astral story with regard to hunting me, and like that.

The way that I deal with that is: I just look around me, and I see how beautiful the day is, and I see how quiet the trail is, and hear the birds singing, and the wind soughing in the trees, And I relate to that. I do not relate to what might be hidden in the Soul wounding of the men of Earth right now.

So those are three theories … plus a personal digression …

  • And the fourth was the idea that men are glomming and daydreaming socially unacceptable notions of violent sexuality.

And there is one fifth thing that I could come up with, in regard to this. I know you will probably say this is not possible. But I will relate first my experience, which some years ago I might or might not have mentioned to you … I think it was prior to my days of recording things on camcorder …

Personal Anecdotes about Cherubim, Seraphim, Christ … and Fallen Angels [Castratrux – Basal Vampire]

It was a long time ago. I had gone down to an Episcopalian Church in North Hollywood, in the Los Angeles area, because I had felt called to go down there. It was around the time of the Shift … around 2011 or 2012 … so, not that long ago.

And I had felt called to go down there. There was a strong calling, at that time, to go to various churches, and to bring angelic presences to the churches, and to call in the presence of Christ as well. I do not know why that was. But when my Soul calls me to do things, I try my best to accomplish them. And at that time, the callings were coming very fast to me: To do this, or to do that.

So there is the setting. Maybe a few times, I had been there … a couple of times. It was far from where I lived. It was a beautiful Anglican church. And it appealed to me because sometimes they spoke the service in Latin, I think. And they had this incredible organ … giant-sized … and this wonderful organ player, who did an amazing job.

And so, there were many reasons to be there. And in addition, those features of that church seemed to be very, very good for the Angelic presences that wanted to come in.

So here is what I did: I went down, and I sat in the back. It was a night service; and it was not the first time that I had done that. I sat in the back, left side of the church.

The church was full of people. And I asked that the Cherubim and the Seraphim come in, and be there to bless not just that church and all the congregation, but also, everyone in the Los Angeles area.

And the response from the Angelic Realm was absolutely overwhelming. It was as if I were ‘walking on air’ after the service ended … because I could still hear the Angels singing, as it were. You know? It was as if that church had Angels everywhere … it was thick with the presence of Angels. It was a wonderful experience; and I was so glad that I went there!

So I started back to my car, which was parked in a parking lot the next block from the church. It was not the world’s best  area; it was not the world’s worst area; and so, I did not know what to expect. I was on my guard, having had prior … many years ago … martial arts training, and training in keeping myself out of trouble. That kind of training.

I am sorry about this diamond Light right above my third-eye point; it does not seem to want to go away …

Image: “Incoming Light: Diamond Light 1,” by Alice B. Clagett, 22 September 2015, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” https://awakeningwithplanetearth.com … COMMENT: I conceive of this diamond-shaped rainbow image as a faerie’s portrait of itself. 

Image: “Incoming Light: Diamond Light 1,” by Alice B. Clagett, 22 September 2015, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” https://awakeningwithplanetearth.com … COMMENT: I conceive of this diamond-shaped rainbow image as a faerie’s portrait of itself.

Alice’s Perilous Tales: A Dark Attack in a Church Parking Lot[Castratrux – Basal Vampire]

And so, I was walking, very alertly, back to the car. And there was someone in front of me: It was a man with kind of fluffy, white hair. Not an Afro, but just very thick, fluffy, white hair.

He was in front of me. It seemed like he stiffened up, as I was walking behind him … as if he did not want me to be there, or as if he were angry, you know? His shoulders stiffened.

And so I was even more on guard. It was dark; it was at night. I heard someone walking up behind me, with a steady, slow step, from the church, to the parking lot. And it felt to me as if that person were a protective presence.

The other person … the person that was in front of me … got close to his car, his vehicle. And then something happened to him. A presence … an energy … descended on him. It was three or four feet wide, and circular, around him; and about nine feet tall. And that presence changed him in such a way that, it seemed to me, he became violent; he had a violent intention suddenly … a feeling of rage and violence.

He turned slowly around, with a fluid, liquid motion, to face me. This energy that had come down upon him was still upon him. So I stood very still, and very centered and connected to the ground, as I had learned in the martial arts.

And since I felt the presence of another being … a malevolent being … had descended on this person in front of me, I summoned the energy of Archangel Michael to me. And I felt the descent of just as strong an energy for the good, all around me and above me.

So what had happened there, at that moment, was a detente … a ‘squaring off’ … of perhaps what you would say was a Fallen Angel … and the holy presence of Archangel Michael.

Why should that Fallen Angel have visited that one person? I think it was simply the thought that person had of annoyance or anger, or like that, in that highly charged situation, having just exited the church, with all the Angels there, and like that … Just some very slight turning to the negative, in such a situation, can summon an energy that we really do not want, into our lives.

We may have a thought of turning, and of greeting, in a flirtatious way; and it can be changed, just like that! … to a thought of sexual violence.

The angry person sensed the other person walking up behind me … He was about 15 feet behind me. And when he sensed that, that attention … the hold … that this other energy had on him was broken. And he turned around and got into his own car. Then I was safe to get into my own car.

Here is a subsequent telling of the same story in greater detail …

Link: “Alice’s Perilous Tales: ‘Chameleon’: The Man with the Trembling Pinkie,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 23 May 2019 … https://wp.me/p2Rkym-cRe ..

. . . . .

Alice’s Perilous Tales: A Dark Attack on a Mountain Trail

Now I would not mention this, except that it happened to me twice. It happened to me another time, in that time frame … very close to the time of the parking lot story.

I was walking in the mountains near my home, at Sage Ranch. I was walking at the time when school children got off school … It was a little after 3 o’clock in the afternoon. In summertime, in the daytime, at Sage Ranch, it can get extremely hot. So I would wait until about 3 o’clock in the afternoon. And then the children would be off school.

This was some years ago. It was not a good experience, but an interesting experience that I still remember vividly. I was in telepathic communication with the same person who had been at the church … or so it seemed … who was not usually a malevolent person; more neutral than that; not malevolent, typically … or somebody else that said they were that person … or some other person … Who knows, on the astral plane?

And so I started to walk along the mountain trail. And I noticed three young men … teenagers … one heavy built, muscular; and the other two, slender, probably younger. They were standing on a rock immediately to the right of, and abutting, the path I was walking on. 

As I drew near them, there was a telepathic message that sternly said: I see the situation, and I will leave you now! … An energy of telepathic communication, like a telepathic channel of energy, or perhaps an axiatonal line connection between me and that other telepathic person, zinged back to that person, and that channel closed.

And at the same time, that same kind of presence that I had seen before, descending on the white-haired, angry man in the parking lot, descended on the heavy-set young man in that group. And so I immediately turned, and retraced my steps.

I am telling you this because I think there are other energies that are possibilities, with regard to sexual violence. And it seemed to me, at that moment, that there was the potential for sexual violence in that trio of young people, because of the energy that descended on them.

I have always translated that kind of energy as what you might call demonic energy, or astral plane negative … those kinds of entities … influencing a person somehow. So there is that also … that other possibility.

I gave you the whole story so that you would know what happened to me; and so that you would not immediately say I told it for nothing, you know? … so that, I hoped, you would not immediately dismiss this notion.

Alice’s Mahabharata Vision

In those days, those things were happening. There were tremendous fire fights on Earth, between the Fallen Angels and the Angelic Realm … or what you might call the Demon Realm and the Angelic Realm. It was breath-taking. It was incredible.

It is not like that now. It is more like this beautiful diamond Light is here. This beautiful diamond Light is here for all humankind. And so! [smiles]

Love you all lots! Have fun with the Light.

Talk to you all later. Take care. God bless you.

Image: “Incoming Light: Diamond Light 2,” by Alice B. Clagett, 22 September 2015, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” https://awakeningwithplanetearth.com ..

Image: “Incoming Light: Diamond Light 2,” by Alice B. Clagett, 22 September 2015, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” https://awakeningwithplanetearth.com .. 

On Samskaras

This morning I have a further thought on repetitive glomming to Dark thoughts: Perhaps these are the samskaras of which Eastern religions speak. Perhaps these are the ‘dark tendencies’ that we bright Souls are here to overcome.

Here is Swami Jnaneshvara Bharati on samskaras (very deep; goes right to the core of the issue) …

Link: “Yoga Sutras 4.9-4.12: Subconscious Impressions,” by Swami Jnaneshvara Bharati … https://swamij.com/yoga-sutras-40912.htm ..

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars

Image: “Incoming Light: Diamond Light 3,” by Alice B. Clagett, 22 September 2015, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” https://awakeningwithplanetearth.com ..

Image: “Incoming Light: Diamond Light 3,” by Alice B. Clagett, 22 September 2015, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” https://awakeningwithplanetearth.com .. 


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Patanjali, Swami Jnaneshvara Bharati, Swamij, samskaras, Cherubim, daydreams, diamond light, energy signatures, enlightenment, Fallen Angels, father figure, multiple personalities, obsession, open heart, primal drives, body elementals, Seraphim, psychology, psychiatry, astral case studies, catastrophic childhood experiences, law enforcement, Dark Attacks, solar storms, protonfall, cognitive dissonance, artificial EMF fields, electronic devices, electrical devices, Soul signature, societal expectations, Soul wounding, sexual aggression, feral drives, Hinduism, samskaras, acting out, prayers, chants, affirmations, Episcopalian Church, North Hollywood, stories, stories by Alice, Los Angeles, Alice’s perilous tales, Archangel Michael, Demonic Realm, Angelic Realm, descent of the dark, descent of light, fight or flight, Hunter-Snuffer, Castratrux – Basal Vampire, incoming light, faerie portrait,


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