Dank . by Alice B. Clagett

Filmed on 10 September 2019; published on 15 September 2019
I suggest this blog only be viewed by children if their parents consent; my thought is a child might find the dream described in it as upsetting as I did.


Dear Ones,

Here is a video about a nightmare i had a few days ago. There is an edited Summary after the video …



Hello, Dear Ones, It’s Alice. I Am of the Stars.

I had a vision the other day, in the middle of the night … a really horrifying, nightmare vision. It was the kind of horrifying where I was actually there, it seemed like, and one of the actors in the performance … although, in fact, I was just empathically there, and the person that was really there was a young child, a girl child. It was the kind of totally realistic, empathic vision where I had both a vision of the astral plane and of the physical plane … what was going on, as if it were real.

The vision went like this: I was in a dugout, an underground home. Its proportions were about 10 feet by 10 feet … about like that. It was tall enough for a person of about 5 feet 8 inches to stand up in. Just a little bit above that was the ceiling.

On one wall … on the south-facing wall … was a painting. It was blue-green in color, and it was made by tiny fingers … by the young girl’s fingers. It had a blue-green background, and squiggly lines all over, where the fingers had made a pattern in the painting.

And then, on top of the squiggles and on top of the paint were words written in a cursive hand, probably by the man in the vision. It said: When you leave this place, put on your smiley face.

I took that to mean: When you leave this place, do not forget the way of behaving … the role model … that they taught you as a child.

Somehow that chilled me to the marrow; it made me think he was one way … and then when he was in public he was disguising that way completely. I thought it was a case of multiple personality.

So then in the next vision I had, the man was lying down, either on the ground in the dugout, or on a pallet or cloth or light fabric kind of mattress, like a one-inch mattress, on the ground. And he beckoned me … and I was the child … he beckoned me to come over. He was feeling sexual, and the sexual feeling that he had was sadistic. He had a sadistic feeling of wanting to hurt someone; viciously, deeply wanting to hurt someone.

I was suddenly seeing through the young girl’s eyes; suddenly I was lying down right next to him, and so what I could see was this erect penis coming up towards my face. I grabbed it with one hand, playfully tickling it. The man was feeling the utmost vicious feeling at the same time as I was laughing happily as if I were the child. Then the man ejaculated and the whole scene ended.

I, as the channeler, was suddenly flung out of that dugout place: and in the night sky I saw two other figures: One man that I knew to be a serial killer; and another man came in whom I knew to be a serial rapist and serial killer … apparently, like compadre Souls, or astral glommed liaisons of this man, in terms of the energy threads that they all had.

It struck to the very heart of my Soul. It struck me with cold terror.

Well, so … Here is hoping that your dreams are better than that! I hope that they are wonderful, happy dreams. Whatever this energy is that is going on, I hope it is soon gone from Earth, and completely eliminated. I wish the very best for that young child, that she should find safety; a safe place to be, far from that man in that dark, dugout, dank place.

God bless you all, and keep you safe.

[End of the video]


This man that I saw in the vision … this sadist: You will not find him anywhere on the internet. And the other man that came in: You will not find him anywhere on the internet either. And the third man that came in: You might find him everywhere on the internet; but if you try to reach him on the physical plane, you will find yourself speaking to other people who do nothing but dodge the issue and misdirect you.

So all these men are not really ‘there’, in the way that other people are. They are hidden in the crevices and cracks of this world; in the dark corners at the far end of the room from the fireplace. In the secret places they exist, where other humans cannot find them.

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars


Link: “Catastrophic Childhood Case Studies: Dank,” published on 14 August 2020 … https://wp.me/p2Rkym-jx4 ..


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nightmares, dreams, visions, visions by Alice, societal expectations, roles, social mask, multiple personality, psychiatry, psychology, sadism, pedophilia, serial killers, serial rapists, gloms, safety, catastrophic childhood case studies, law enforcement, empathy, clair senses,


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