‘Control’: A Synchronous Event? . by Alice B. Clagett

Written and published on 5 November 2013; revised

Dear Ones,

What if an experience of ‘control’ were really a synchronous event… a seeking of complimentary energy strands to touch… a desire of two holograms to kiss and notice that they are one big bubble? In short, a gift of love from the One? …

Not like this! Image: Cat leaning into fish bowl, sipping water and kissing a goldfish … http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/01/03/article-1343535-0CA0C5EC000005DC-709_968x591.jpg ..

More like this: Image: Two fish in separate bowls, looking at each other through the fish bowl glass …  https://usercontent1.hubstatic.com/6710536_f520.jpg ..

That would be quite a feat of the Divine, would it not? To pretend to be quite the opposite of what it is, just because it loves us enough to offer us this utterly untrue experience of control!

… or like this! Image: Three soap bubbles stuck together, each reflecting the scene around it … https://i.pinimg.com/originals/9a/20/e5/9a20e5764cc640851e7b25506d104af0.png ..

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars


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causality, synchronicity, control, unconditional love,


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