Compendium: Catastrophic Childhood Case Study: ‘Femme Fatale – Dominatrix’ . by Alice B. Clagett *

Compendium: Catastrophic Childhood Case Study: 'Femme Fatale - Dominatrix'

Image: “Jealous Circe (Circe Invidiosa),” by John William Waterhouse, 1892, in Wikimedia Commons … s:// … public domain … DESCRIPTION: “Image of Circe, a figure from Greek mythology, who appears in Homer’s Odyssey. This painting shows a scene not from the Odyssey, but from Ovid’s Metamorphoses. A jealous Circe throws a magic potion into the well, where her rival in love Scylla is going to bathe.”

Image: “Jealous Circe (Circe Invidiosa),” by John William Waterhouse, 1892, in Wikimedia Commons … s:// … public domain …

DESCRIPTION: “Image of Circe, a figure from Greek mythology, who appears in Homer’s Odyssey. This painting shows a scene not from the Odyssey, but from Ovid’s Metamorphoses. A jealous Circe throws a magic potion into the well, where her rival in love Scylla is going to bathe.”

Click once or twice on the arrow on the audio bar at the bottom of the page to turn off the music …


Dear Ones,

This is one of quite a few blogs comprising a collection of astral stories I encountered that involved a catastrophic childhood case study … in this case, that of ‘Femme Fatale – Dominatrix’, a woman who when young turned against her mother and slept with her father, arranged for her mother to have to flee from her childhood home, and then arranged for her father to be murdered by a boyfriend when in her teens, and more about her adult life. In psychological terms, they would say that the young woman had an Oedipus complex.

My feeling is I am following her story on the astral plane because she is ‘acting out’ her early childhood experiences with me, an older woman, whom she takes, in her subconscious mind, to be her mother, and with an older man, whom she takes, in her subconscious mind, to be her father. Thus I have been involved, for about 20 years, in imbroglios to do with her repetition of her childhood experience.

Most recently I felt she was visualizing moving to my neighborhood and marrying an older man (a father figure) who is a neighbor, after plying him with her multitudinous charms. That would mean his wife (a mother figure) must leave him. Then, she thought, he must have slept with me (another mother figure), and so her marriage to this older man must hurt two ‘mothers’ at once. The first thing that happens, in the dream now unfolding, is that she boots the man’s children by his ex-wife out of her home, so that she and her child can be alone with him. Then she intends, so the astral story goes, to turn the older man to the notion of booting me out of my home (as her mom was booted out of her childhood home). Whether the visualization of this scenario takes place is a matter for the future.

Sidebar: What Became of My Grandmother’s Engagement Ring?         top

There is an astral side story about an engagement ring my father’s father gave to my maternal grandmother when he proposed to her, and which she gave to me on my 16th birthday, years after her husband had passed on. That has to do with another woman with an Oedipus complex who had come by that ring, to do with a robbery of my home some years ago. This other woman, as the astral story goes, wooed the Femme Fatale – Dominatrix’s boyfriend or husband ‘Dank’ and gave him the ring my grandmother had given me. In the astral story, he gave the ring to his young daughter to wear.

Her mom had cast the daughter out at the age of 6 (for beginning to repeat the mother’s catastrophic childhood scenario), and the daughter was being raised by ‘Castratrux – Basal Vampire’ who had also experienced catastrophic childhood wounding.

‘Castratrux – Basal Vampire’ then began wearing my grandmother’s engagement ring, given him by the young daughter, who viewed him as a seducible substitute father because of the Oedipus complex she had learned from her mother.

This side story is too much for me to figure out, symbolically, right now. Maybe later it will become more clear.


Because I have been ‘spotted’ and ‘pigeonholed’ 20 years ago, in a manner of speaking, for my own sake I give her a wide berth and keep a sharp lookout for my own safety and welfare with regard to any men she might convince to do my harm, so as to remain in her considerable favors.

I feel it is often the way with ‘acting out’ of catastrophic childhood experiences, that the people the person with Soul wounding encounters in the course of life become the mother, the father, the first lover, the sister or brother, the childhood boyfriend or girlfriend, in the eyes of the Soul wounded person. In that way, throughout the person’s life, either the ‘acting out’ of the troubled childhood vignette takes place time and again, or else the Soul wounded person arrives at a new understanding of the catastrophic childhood experience, is able to transcend it, and ceases to act it out.


Below are all the blogs in the series “Catastrophic Childhood Case Study: ‘Femme Fatale – Dominatrix’.” The blogs are in chronological order; the most recent blog is at the bottom of the list.

For the reader who is looking through all the catastrophic childhood case studies, nickname by nickname, In the tables of contents I have bolded blog titles that seem more unique to the nickname in question. If you see no blog titles bolded, then I consider none of the blogs to be relatively unique.


Link: “Dark Love Triangle 1,” by Alice B. Clagett, written on 20 November 2017, 27 December 2017, and 3 February 2018 … ..


Link: “Astral Story: Childbirth Scam,” by Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 27 January 2018; published on 9 March 2018 … ..

Link: “Donkey Song,” a Story and Songs by Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 6 February 2018; published on 7 February 2018 … ..

Link: “The Take-Down,” by Alice B. Clagett, written on 24 February 2018; published on 28 February 2018 … ..

Link: “Female Antisocial: Femme Fatale – Dominatrix,” by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 16 March 2018; revised on 16 April 2020 … ..

Link: “Black Magic Covens: Hidden and Overt,” by Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 18 June 2018; revised on 23 June 2018; revised on 30 April 2020 … ..


Link: “Premonition of Danger,” by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 17 October 2019 ..

. . . . .

In love, light and joy,
Alice B. Clagett
I Am of the Stars

Compiled and published on 14 August 2020; revised on 24 June 2023
Previously titled: “Overview: Catastrophic Childhood Case Study: ‘Femme Fatale – Dominatrix'”


Link: “Compendium: Catastrophic Childhood Case Studies: ‘Dank’,” published on 14 August 2020 … link has all the blogs about ‘Dank’ who was once the ‘femme fatale – dominatrix’s’ boyfriend or husband. Complementarily to the ‘femme fatale – dominatrix’s’ Oedipus complex, Dank had what is termed in psychology an ‘Electra complex’. The child in the ‘Dank’ stories is their daughter; from her mother she learned and acted out the Oedipus complex behavior.


Music by SoulProdMusic from Pixabay
“Bewitched” – Pixabay License


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Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


catastrophic childhood case studies, psychiatry, psychology, esoteric, arcana, occult, acting out, Oedipus complex, Electra complex, Femme Fatale – Dominatrix,  law enforcement,


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