Category Archives: Personal chakras

Feature Film: “Don’t Be a Dupe of the Dark! Kundalini Yoga Offers Protection from Mind Control” – Short: “Three Ravens War with Three Hawks – Standoff!” . by Alice B. Clagett

Feature Film: "Don't Be a Dupe of the Dark! Kundalini Yoga Offers Protection from Mind Control" - Short: "Three Ravens War with Three Hawks - Standoff!"

Image: “Black magician – black magicker – subtle sorcerer – thuggee – drukpa (dugpa) – red hat – mantrik – brujo,” adapted from Image by Abul Hassan from Pixabay, Pixabay Content License

Image: “Black magician – black magicker – subtle sorcerer – thuggee – drukpa (dugpa) – red hat – mantrik – brujo,” adapted from Image by Abul Hassan from Pixabay, Pixabay Content License

To turn off the background music, click once or twice on the arrow on the audio bar at the bottom of the page …


Dear Ones,

The Feature Film in this video is “Don’t Be a Dupe of the Dark! Kundalini Yoga Offers Protection from Mind Control.” The Short is “Three Ravens War with Three Hawks – Standoff!”

There is an edited Summary after the video.

I myself feel that viewing my video offers the reader more in terms of where I am coming from than does the Summary.

I feel that the way people talk … their manner of presentation … speaks to the emotions of other people in a way that the written word often is unable to do.

The things I have to say today are not available in popular books. You cannot find them on the local news. They are not on the BBC online. Consequently when you view my video or read the Summary you may have no point of reference for its message. It could be you will say: Where is she coming from? Has she made all this up? What on Earth is going on?

The odd thing is that if only one newscast were to pick this message up, or if one person were to speak dispassionately to people about this message, then there would be room in other people’s consciousness for understanding of the message.

As you my gather from the video, I am full of misgivings about offering my readers these revelations. It is an awesome and awful thing to be the first to present an idea to humankind.

I have a concern that those who view the video or read the Summary may leap to the wrong conclusions, and then speak unnecessarily rudely to me or about me.

I do not mean to assault other people, or to put them down. I want the very best for the world, and for all humankind. I hope my readers will know that this is so.



Short: “Three Ravens War with Three Hawks – Standoff!”

[Footage of raven-hawk war.] That is the second hawk. Two hawks. [Alerting raven:} Hawk hawk. Hawk hawk. The hawks strike, and the raven is heading down.

Two hawks, intent on mating, most likely. And they are giving it their all. The hawks cannot be made to flee by the ravens today, but the ravens are trying.

At least the hawks are down this way, instead of up to the south.

Right fancy aerial display.

Feature Film: “Don’t Be a Dupe of the Dark! Kundalini Yoga Offers Protection from Mind Control”

I was asked, on the psychic plane, the other day, why it is that I do not feel my heart chakra as much as I used to … why I concentrate on the kundalini energy and stabilizing my entire energy field instead of mainly feeling my heart.

It took me awhile to remember. I remember, in the old days … in the last Solar Maximum … I felt my heart energy very, very strongly. It felt wonderful. It felt great.

. . . . .

[Pans to raven-hawk sky fight.] The problem there today is that there were three large red-shouldered hawks and only three ravens. It is mostly a standoff today.

One raven went down. [Shows hawk.] That is a hawk back there. Then there were two ravens. One hawk high high up, and two hawks engaging in parrying.

I think the thing that is happening today is just to stand off, and not a rout for the ravens. That is what I think they are trying to accomplish right now. I wish them well. I hope they will do well.

. . . . .

You know, we yogis are a lot like the ravens; and the spiritual adepts who attempt to control other people [not all spiritual adepts; just the ‘power-over’ sorts] are right like the hawks. The hawks are stronger. They are fiercer. They are not as sociable.

They spend a lot of their time alone; but sometimes in order to really cream a raven clan, they get together for awhile and just decimate them. That seems to have happened with my raven clan over here, which now consists of three ravens.

Anyway, I am talking from the point of view of a yogi right now; and I am saying: Over the years … in the last twenty-four years … I have had to confront a number of spiritual adept groups.

I would like to explain first that in India there are all kinds of spiritual groups. There is a spiritual group with a guru for every possible occupation on Earth, including occupations like assassinating people … murder clans and crime clans … and everything in between that and the heart chakra sorts of groups. There are gurus for each of these.

Then I heard on the astral plane that there are, for instance, well-respected gurus in India that take unto themselves very young wives, and then murder the wives to feed their children. Yet they are gurus. Yet they are greatly respected in their communities. Their ways are so very different from our own. Their culture is completely different. It is hard to understand how very different the values are there … in those remote places of India … than they are here.

In the old times in India, there was a guru to do with assailing travelers by wells. During these people’s travels in India. the followers of the guru would assault them psychically and they would murder them …

Image: “A group of Thugs strangling a traveller on a highway in India in the early 19th century,” by anonymous Indian artist. Made for Capt. James Paton, Assistant to the British Resident at Lucknow, 1829-1840, from Wikimedia Commons … … public domain … DESCRIPTION: “A groups of Thugs strangling a traveler on a highway in India in the early 19th century. One member of the group is gripping the traveler’s feet, another his hands, while a third member is tightening the ligature around the traveler’s neck.” … COMMENTS: From my own experience with psychic assault, I surmise these thugs, led by a ‘thuggee guru’, may have been able to sneak up on their victims by inducing a ‘psychic swoon’ through the use of black magic. –Alice B. Clagett

Image: “A group of Thugs strangling a traveller on a highway in India in the early 19th century,” by anonymous Indian artist. Made for Capt. James Paton, Assistant to the British Resident at Lucknow, 1829-1840, from Wikimedia Commons … … public domain …

DESCRIPTION: “A groups of Thugs strangling a traveler on a highway in India in the early 19th century. One member of the group is gripping the traveler’s feet, another his hands, while a third member is tightening the ligature around the traveler’s neck.” …

COMMENTS: From my own experience with psychic assault, I surmise these thugs, led by a ‘thuggee guru’, may have been able to sneak up on their victims by inducing a ‘psychic swoon’ through the use of black magic. –Alice B. Clagett

. . . . .

They had a guru that went to jail! …

Image: “Guru Multhoo Byragee Jogee, a native of Ajmere aged 90, in jail (1840),” by Colesworthey Grant, 1844, image extracted from page 099 of a series of miscellaneous rough sketches of Oriental heads. [Published by Colesworthey Grant.]” … Original held and digitised by the British Library. Copied from Flickr … from Wikimedia Commons …,_Native_of_Ajmere,_aged_90.jpg … COMMENTS: From my own experience with psychic assault, I surmise these thugs, led by a ‘thuggee guru’, may have been able to sneak up on their victims by inducing a ‘psychic swoon’ through the use of black magic. –Alice B. Clagett

Image: “Guru Multhoo Byragee Jogee, a native of Ajmere aged 90, in jail (1840),” by Colesworthey Grant, 1844, image extracted from page 099 of a series of miscellaneous rough sketches of Oriental heads. [Published by Colesworthey Grant.]” … Original held and digitised by the British Library. Copied from Flickr … from Wikimedia Commons …,_Native_of_Ajmere,_aged_90.jpg

COMMENTS: From my own experience with psychic assault, I surmise these thugs, led by a ‘thuggee guru’, may have been able to sneak up on their victims by inducing a ‘psychic swoon’ through the use of black magic. –Alice B. Clagett

. . . . .

There are gurus for each form of work. You might say they are the master craftsmen of each form of work. And it makes sense. Many people on Earth choose many paths, many occupations, and many ways of relating to God. It makes sense that each of them should have a a guru … a guru in that particular occupation or path to God. You know? There are all kinds of people … and all kinds of gurus.

. . . . .

To get back to what I was facing back then, during the last Solar Maximum, I ran into some spiritual groups that specialize in murdering women for cash. They had a particular way about them. They had a way of consciously concentrating on their third-eye point.

But to do this, they severed the energy at their heart chakra through various means, of which I have spoken previously. What this did was it allowed their subconscious minds … their gut brains … and the energies of these to run rampant when they slept.

So when they slept, their sexual drive … which otherwise might not be expressed because they are celibate … reached out to their intended victims and caused psychic rape.

Image: “Astral Rape Lockdown,” adapted from Image by Ivana Tomášková from Pixabay, Pixabay Content License … COMMENTS: This is the first stage of astral rape, before Awareness reveals what is going on. Eye-opening questions: Does this woman have a relationship? Is she being mind-controlled? What is wrapped up in the sheet that binds her down? –Alice B. Clagett

Image: “Astral Rape Lockdown,” adapted from Image by Ivana Tomášková from Pixabay, Pixabay Content License … COMMENTS: This is the first stage of astral rape. Eye-opening questions: Does this woman have a relationship? Is she being mind-controlled? What is wrapped up in the sheet that binds her down? –Alice B. Clagett

. . . . .

Day and night they would do this. Sometimes they would do it on purpose. There would be people that really intended to hurt the women victims in this way. And there would be others that only did it in their sleep.

And in the meantime they would use the third-eye point for mind-controlling the women that they intended to murder. It could be a long-honored technique in Indian lore, for all I know.

This practice spread, like a samskara, to other groups too. You could call it a psychic trick. It could be greatly valued by a particular spiritual group, and then transmitted to another spiritual group.

My sense of these spiritual adepts was that they had very, very strong third-eye points, but adulterated with the dark notion that their psychic abilities would be used to mind- control and overpower other people for the sake of personal gain.

They rationalized this by saying that it was really not their own gain; it was the gain of the group, which was a worthy spiritual group.

You know, every human beings … including me … is always full of rationalizations all the time. So I do not blame them for this, any more than I blame myself. But on the other hand, it was me they had in mind. So it felt at that time, and that made a difference to me.

I do not like to name names, especially in an assassination group, because they might want to get even with me. It is myself I am thinking about here!

Image: “Assassin Cult,” adapted from Image by 1tamara2 from Pixabay, Pixabay Content License

Image: “Assassin Cult,” adapted from Image by 1tamara2 from Pixabay, Pixabay Content License

. . . . .

And there is this to consider …

It is a common thing in many, many spiritual groups around the world to do this kind of thing … to prey upon the weak members of their congregation … to prey upon, say, wealthy women or pretty women … or sometimes children … to take advantage of children.

You just never know. You cannot take for granted, simply because it is a spiritual group, that everyone there will behave in the most upright manner towards you. A spiritual group is full of people, and they are very diverse … with very diverse motives and intentions. It might be greed. It might be satisfaction of overwhelming sexual desire. It might be something incredibly holy. It depends on the group, and on the person.

. . . . .

To get back to the topic: Some of the spiritual adepts I encountered would use their third-eye points … their great mental abilities … to influence my heart to open up. On the psychic plane they would say: You will love me! You will love me! You love me very much!

For some reason I would think that meant that they loved me. But they did not, you know? They did not. They engaged in astral rape, which was interpreted by my heart as being love … when in fact what they were doing was exercising their third-eye points to mind-control me.

Now I am here to tell you this happens to some men as well … that they are used by the Dark. They are used by black magic people. They are used by mind controllers in this same manner: Their heart chakras are opened up very wide because they are mind-controlled into it.

Their sexual chakras may be very open too. So a lot of women may love them because of their sexual chakras and their open hearts …

[In other instances the sexual chakras of men and women in a spiritual group may be ‘locked down’ by the group because of the group’s notions about the impropriety of expressing oneself sexually.

In such cases the pressure of the subconscious thoughts of the group while in the dreamtime realm may make it impossible for the initiate to attain an orgasm or to climax sexually.

Thus the initiate may note a dramatic, even catastrophic, diminution of the natural expression of their sexual chakra.

This diminution cordons off the life force, cuts off the kundalini, and, I feel, can lead to disease and early death.]

… but in fact their psychic energy is diluted with Darkness because of the mind control of spiritual adepts and black magickers and sorcerers all over Earth.

They are very prevalent all over Earth. Everywhere I go, I find. I have traveled quite a few places, looking for some place where there are not any. In the most idyllic places on Earth … such as in Eureka, California … I intuited that there were three overlording that whole place. There was nothing I could do. You know?

There was a lot of trouble there, in the most idyllic of places. Yet the sea breezes blew in! The wonderful, restorative features of the water elementals came through. And the breezes brought in the elementals of the air.

It was a very healthful place, but the mind was imperiled by the presence of three very great sorcerers there … two men and one woman who were the overlords of that place (or so it seemed to me). 

That was a big disappointment to me, because I love Eureka. That is just an example. Sometimes it may seem to you that you have to move away from where you are to someplace else because it seems so good there … and in fact it is a lot worse!

So I am here to tell you … this is the thing … this is why I recommend the kundalini yoga and the mastering the mind series …

Link: “Mastering the Mind and the Human EMF: 0. Introduction and Contents,” by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 16 April 2016; revised on 12 February 2019 and on 18 June 2022 through 31 October 2022; revised on 20 August 2023 … ..

… I recommend it because my experience of the technique was that it works very quickly. I feel it may work very quickly, provided you are able to do it. [Note the caveats set forth in the “Mastering the Mind” video series.]

I find that it works very quickly in clearing the dark spells and the curses from my entire energy field. Within an hour I can do that. And if I repeat, for about a half-hour every day, I feel it will keep me clear for the rest of my life.

When I practice kundalini yoga several times a week, then I feel safe to open my heart … but only after all the dark spells and the curses clear away.

. . . . .

I hope whoever it is that may feel guilty about what I have said … wherever they may be … realizes that I am not pinpointing only them … because I have noticed it in many, many spiritual groups: Hindu, Christian, Muslim, the ruling religion of Utah, Buddhist … I do not know about other groups; but that is enough to know that it is very prevalent on Earth.

It is cross-faith. So we all have to watch out for this: For being made sacrificial victims in the name of a religion.

We have the right and the responsibility as Lightworkers to retain form in this reality. That is our job. There is nothing that we can do here unless we retain physical form.

God bless you all,
And keep you safe,
And be with you
For all your day!

In love, light and joy,
Alice B. Clagett
I Am of the Stars … and so are you.


Link: “Mastering the Mind and the Human EMF: 0. Introduction and Contents,” by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 16 April 2016; revised on 12 February 2019 and on 18 June 2022 through 31 October 2022; revised on 20 August 2023 … ..

For more on this topic, see my blog category: Black magician – black magicker – subtle sorcerer – thuggee – drukpa (dugpa) – red hat – mantrik – brujo ..

Filmed on 15 April 2024 and published on 18 April 2024


Feature Film: “Don’t Be a Dupe of the Dark! Kundalini Yoga Offers Protection from Mind Control”
Short: “Three Ravens War with Three Hawks – Standoff!”
by Alice B. Clagett

Filmed on 15 April 2024
Produced on 18 April 2024

Location: San Fernando Valley, CA
CC BY-SA 4.0 International


Music by its_tigri from Pixabay
“Sword 14” – Pixabay Content License


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0). Attribution: By Alice B. Clagett.
More license information


spiritual adepts, black magicians, sorcerers, mind control, heart, kundalini yoga, gurus, religions of the world, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, murder, hawks, ravens, psychic crime, psychic terrorists, third-eye point, sexual chakra, psychic rape, spiritual protection, nature elementals, air elementals, water elementals, Lightworkers,

Tiny Anthologies: Total Solar Eclipse: Light and Sound Sculpt the Phenomenal World 25: The Cooldown . photos by Alice B. Clagett

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To turn off the background music, click once or twice on the arrow on the audio bar at the bottom of the page …

Dear Ones,

Here are the slider and the images for the twenty-fifth and last in the photo series “Tiny Anthologies: Total Solar Eclipse: Light and Sound Sculpt the Phenomenal World.”

I call this set ‘The Cooldown’.


This slider is a preview of the images on this page, and ought not be published on its own, as the slider images lack captions.

And now, let’s go on to explore the images in this twenty-fifth page of the photo series: Tiny Anthologies:  Total Solar Eclipse: Light and Sound Sculpt the Phenomenal World …


Tiny Anthologies: Total Solar Eclipse: Light and Sound Sculpt the Phenomenal World 25: The Cooldown

Image: “Total Solar Eclipse: Light and Sound Sculpt the Phenomenal World 169,” by Alice B. Clagett, 8 April 2024, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

Image: “Total Solar Eclipse: Light and Sound Sculpt the Phenomenal World 170,” by Alice B. Clagett, 8 April 2024, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

Image: “Total Solar Eclipse: Light and Sound Sculpt the Phenomenal World 171,” by Alice B. Clagett, 8 April 2024, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

Image: “Total Solar Eclipse: Light and Sound Sculpt the Phenomenal World 172,” by Alice B. Clagett, 8 April 2024, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

Image: “Total Solar Eclipse: Light and Sound Sculpt the Phenomenal World 173,” by Alice B. Clagett, 8 April 2024, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

Image: “Total Solar Eclipse: Light and Sound Sculpt the Phenomenal World 174,” by Alice B. Clagett, 8 April 2024, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

Image: “Total Solar Eclipse: Light and Sound Sculpt the Phenomenal World 175,” by Alice B. Clagett, 8 April 2024, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

Image: “Total Solar Eclipse: Light and Sound Sculpt the Phenomenal World 176,” by Alice B. Clagett, 8 April 2024, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

. . . . .

In love, light and joy,
Alice B. Clagett
I Am of the Stars

Written and published on 16 April 2024; revised on 22 April 2024
Location: San Fernando Valley, California


Music by Shiden Beats Music from Pixabay
“Birds’ forest” – Pixabay Content License


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Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

almanac, solar eclipse, gateways, languages of Light and sound, New Creation, myths of creation, angels, devas, heart chakra,

Tiny Anthologies: Total Solar Eclipse: Light and Sound Sculpt the Phenomenal World 24 – Rays 3 . photos by Alice B. Clagett

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To turn off the background music, click once or twice on the arrow on the audio bar at the bottom of the page …

Dear Ones,

Here are the slider and the images for the twenty-fourth in the photo series “Tiny Anthologies:  Total Solar Eclipse: Light and Sound Sculpt the Phenomenal World.”

I call this set ‘Rays 3’.


This slider is a preview of the images on this page, and ought not be published on its own, as the slider images lack captions.

And now, let’s go on to explore the images in this twenty-fourth page of the photo series: Tiny Anthologies:  Total Solar Eclipse: Light and Sound Sculpt the Phenomenal World …


Tiny Anthologies: Total Solar Eclipse: Light and Sound Sculpt the Phenomenal World 24 - Rays

Image: “Total Solar Eclipse: Light and Sound Sculpt the Phenomenal World 161,” by Alice B. Clagett, 8 April 2024, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

Image: “Total Solar Eclipse: Light and Sound Sculpt the Phenomenal World 162,” by Alice B. Clagett, 8 April 2024, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

Image: “Total Solar Eclipse: Light and Sound Sculpt the Phenomenal World 163,” by Alice B. Clagett, 8 April 2024, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

Image: “Total Solar Eclipse: Light and Sound Sculpt the Phenomenal World 164,” by Alice B. Clagett, 8 April 2024, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

Image: “Total Solar Eclipse: Light and Sound Sculpt the Phenomenal World 165,” by Alice B. Clagett, 8 April 2024, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

Image: “Total Solar Eclipse: Light and Sound Sculpt the Phenomenal World 166,” by Alice B. Clagett, 8 April 2024, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

Image: “Total Solar Eclipse: Light and Sound Sculpt the Phenomenal World 167,” by Alice B. Clagett, 8 April 2024, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

Image: “Total Solar Eclipse: Light and Sound Sculpt the Phenomenal World 168,” by Alice B. Clagett, 8 April 2024, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

. . . . .

In love, light and joy,
Alice B. Clagett
I Am of the Stars

Written and published on 16 April 2024; revised on 22 April 2024
Location: San Fernando Valley, California


Music by Shiden Beats Music from Pixabay
“Birds’ forest” – Pixabay Content License


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Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

almanac, solar eclipse, gateways, languages of Light and sound, New Creation, myths of creation, angels, devas, heart chakra,

Tiny Anthologies: Total Solar Eclipse: Light and Sound Sculpt the Phenomenal World 23 . photos by Alice B. Clagett

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To turn off the background music, click once or twice on the arrow on the audio bar at the bottom of the page …

Dear Ones,

Here are the slider and the images for the twenty-third in the photo series “Tiny Anthologies:  Total Solar Eclipse: Light and Sound Sculpt the Phenomenal World.”


This slider is a preview of the images on this page, and ought not be published on its own, as the slider images lack captions.

And now, let’s go on to explore the images in this twenty-third page of the photo series: Tiny Anthologies:  Total Solar Eclipse: Light and Sound Sculpt the Phenomenal World …


Tiny Anthologies: Total Solar Eclipse: Light and Sound Sculpt the Phenomenal World 23

Image: “Total Solar Eclipse: Light and Sound Sculpt the Phenomenal World 153,” by Alice B. Clagett, 8 April 2024, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

Image: “Total Solar Eclipse: Light and Sound Sculpt the Phenomenal World 154,” by Alice B. Clagett, 8 April 2024, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

Image: “Total Solar Eclipse: Light and Sound Sculpt the Phenomenal World 155,” by Alice B. Clagett, 8 April 2024, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

Image: “Total Solar Eclipse: Light and Sound Sculpt the Phenomenal World 156,” by Alice B. Clagett, 8 April 2024, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

Image: “Total Solar Eclipse: Light and Sound Sculpt the Phenomenal World 157,” by Alice B. Clagett, 8 April 2024, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

Image: “Total Solar Eclipse: Light and Sound Sculpt the Phenomenal World 158,” by Alice B. Clagett, 8 April 2024, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

Image: “Total Solar Eclipse: Light and Sound Sculpt the Phenomenal World 159,” by Alice B. Clagett, 8 April 2024, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

Image: “Total Solar Eclipse: Light and Sound Sculpt the Phenomenal World 160,” by Alice B. Clagett, 8 April 2024, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

. . . . .

In love, light and joy,
Alice B. Clagett
I Am of the Stars

Written and published on 16 April 2024; revised on 22 April 2024
Location: San Fernando Valley, California


Music by Shiden Beats Music from Pixabay
“Birds’ forest” – Pixabay Content License


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Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

almanac, solar eclipse, gateways, languages of Light and sound, New Creation, myths of creation, angels, devas, heart chakra,

Tiny Anthologies: Total Solar Eclipse: Light and Sound Sculpt the Phenomenal World 22: Rays 2 . photos by Alice B. Clagett

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To turn off the background music, click once or twice on the arrow on the audio bar at the bottom of the page …

Dear Ones,

Here are the slider and the images for the twenty-second in the photo series “Tiny Anthologies:  Total Solar Eclipse: Light and Sound Sculpt the Phenomenal World.”

I named this set ‘Rays 2’.


This slider is a preview of the images on this page, and ought not be published on its own, as the slider images lack captions.

And now, let’s go on to explore the images in this twenty-second page of the photo series: Tiny Anthologies: Total Solar Eclipse: Light and Sound Sculpt the Phenomenal World …


Tiny Anthologies: Total Solar Eclipse: Light and Sound Sculpt the Phenomenal World 22: Dark Rays

Image: “Total Solar Eclipse: Light and Sound Sculpt the Phenomenal World 148,” by Alice B. Clagett, 8 April 2024, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

Image: “Total Solar Eclipse: Light and Sound Sculpt the Phenomenal World 149,” by Alice B. Clagett, 8 April 2024, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

Image: “Total Solar Eclipse: Light and Sound Sculpt the Phenomenal World 150,” by Alice B. Clagett, 8 April 2024, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

Image: “Total Solar Eclipse: Light and Sound Sculpt the Phenomenal World 151,” by Alice B. Clagett, 8 April 2024, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

Image: “Total Solar Eclipse: Light and Sound Sculpt the Phenomenal World 152,” by Alice B. Clagett, 8 April 2024, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

. . . . .

In love, light and joy,
Alice B. Clagett
I Am of the Stars

Written and published on 16 April 2024; revised on 22 April 2024
Location: San Fernando Valley, California


Music by Shiden Beats Music from Pixabay
“Birds’ forest” – Pixabay Content License


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Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

almanac, solar eclipse, gateways, languages of Light and sound, New Creation, myths of creation, angels, devas, heart chakra,