Category Archives: Reptoids (see also ‘Reptilian mind’)

Alice’s Perilous Tales: Demon-Powered Levitation of a Student? . by Alice B. Clagett

Written and published on 1 July 2021; revised

Image: “On Reptilian Remains from the Trias of Elgin,” by G. Boulenger, 1904, in Wikimedia Commons … … CC0

Image: “On Reptilian Remains from the Trias of Elgin,” by G. Boulenger, 1904, in Wikimedia Commons … … CC0

Dear Ones,

‘Heart Vampire’ is said to have caused the members of his group to levitate, and also to have levitated himself. There is, I feel, good reason not to be conceited about levitating, should one be so unfortunate as to do so, as will become apparent from the story below.

There is a man I nickname Heart Vampire. This was a spiritual teacher I encountered some years ago, and found out was apparently the head of a ‘killing cult’ or ‘death cult’. I gather from a book I read, and which I intuited might have been created by his cult, that this person thinks of himself as a cannibalistic reptoid from someplace other than Earth.

I was right away reminded of an image I saw online image recently of a very gnarly-looking bipedal demon, with a snarl on its face, standing facing forward. In front of the demon was a beautiful woman, in a sort of a trance. The demon had sunk the claws of its left hand into the left shoulder of the woman, and had lifted her off the ground. Here is the image, which I feel was rendered with very convincing dramatic flair …

Link: “Kau’T,” by Vashta Narada, in Vashta Narada’s Galactic Art … ..

I have my own story to tell about the demon I saw in the image, as it seems to me this demon might be kin to one that swooped in and overlit Heart Vampire, who was the national leader of a meditation group I attended for a few years. The events I am about to describe happened in the year 2013 or so. I admit I have delayed in telling this tale, as my life in general is just not like this. I could barely believe what happened back then, and it seems to me but a dream today. Nevertheless, from time to time I remember; it could be the memory will dissipate in the telling of the events that transpired on that fateful weekend.

These events took place in a span of three days, over a weekend. I recall I went to a meditation led by that teacher on the East Coast in October 2013. Many dark and sinister psychic phenomena occurred within a few days of each other. There were omens and forebodings and very bad dreams. My psychic ears were ‘pricked up’ and I was on the lookout 24-7 for trouble on both the psychic plane and the physical plane.

I was staying at a staid motel on the East Coast, where I had stayed before. It was a colonial sort of place … genteel, laid-back, and just a little gone to seed, but well kept up for all that. There was a fringe of forest out back; a creek meandered through it. Not a lot of traffic on the country roads that intersected there; in short, it was a quiet and well-appointed retreat.

The first thing that happened was this: I saw in the hallway just beside the door to my room a young Chinese woman standing. That struck me as odd; thinking back, I could not remember one guest at that motel, in the last few years, who had been other than Caucasian. This woman seemed to me like a University student; she had that well-bred, educated look. She was in her 20s, I guessed. Somehow, through some crook of the imagination, I sensed an aura of secrecy, something like secret agent, or CIA, or special operative. This hunch was mystifying, and it set me on edge. So when I left the room for the day’s adventures, I set a doorknob alarm on the inside knob of my motel room door.

That first day I visited a member of the meditation group at a home about an hour away. She was the woman I later nicknamed “Torturess,” a member from the Wild West portion of the group who had been visiting the East Coast for a month or so …

Link: “Compendium: Catastrophic Childhood Case Study: ‘Torturess’,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 4 March 2021; revised … ..

Her husband was ‘Hunter-Snuffer’ …

Link: “Compendium: Catastrophic Childhood Case Study: ‘Hunter-Snuffer’,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 5 March 2021; revised … ..

At the time of my visit I had not an inkling of what was hidden within their subconscious minds; rather, what I felt was a vague uneasiness. Something was just not right, I felt. But what was that? What was going on?

‘Torturess’ was staying with an infant she said was her grandchild in a house on a quiet side street. The house had half a plywood sheet nailed over the entryway to the basement; she said her daughter and son-in-law were renovating that area.

The baby was asleep in a bassinet or crib in the living room. It was a chubby, pleasant-faced child; its face reminded me just a little of the Buddha, very serene. On the mantel over the fireplace across from the bassinet was a very evil looking Satan mask, maybe left over from Halloween. When I saw the mask, I felt a chill, and saw a vision of an invisible Satan’s mask drawn in ‘Dark Light’ upon the bedroom door of ‘Torturess’ at her house in the Wild West. I recalled that was a doorway I had never entered, and wondered what secrets were behind the door. And what secrets were in store for this infant that lay there so peacefully?

What with traffic and travelling a route unknown to me, whose roads were, to say the least, illogically laid out and poorly signed, I arrived late, and could visit for only an hour. We walked with the baby in a stroller a block or so, along the tree-lined, narrow street in front of the house. Then I left, hoping to get to the evening meditation on time.

The meditation that evening was being held at the house of the East Coast meditation leader, a woman I nicknamed “Three House Hostess.” I may have gotten some of the things described below mixed up with a prior meditation weekend at that house; at this distance in time it is hard to ascertain. At any rate, this is how I remember that night in October 2013 …

There were the usual East Coast meditators there, and also the woman I nicknamed ‘Alluring Calm’, who was my meditation leader from the West Coast, in addition to ‘Heart Vampire’ …

Link: “Compendium: Catastrophic Childhood Case Study: ‘Heart Vampire’,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 14 February 2021; revised… ..

… and his wife ‘inanna’ (as I nicknamed her) from the Wild West …

Link: “Compendium: Catastrophic Childhood Case Study: ‘Inanna’,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 5 March 2021; revised … ..

Another of the East Coast meditation leaders … a very pretty woman I have not nicknamed … brought with her a man about her age, whom I had not seen before. I took him to be her boyfriend.

It was not possible to determine much about the people in the meditation group, as there was a rule of silence before and after the meditations. Aside from the teacher, no one could talk during the meditations unless they raised their hand and the meditation teacher nodded his head in their direction and assented. In almost every instance, input by students was short and sweet. Interspersed with the meditation were long talks by the teacher.

And so, I never got to know any of the people in the group in the usual, chit chat and small talk way. Other than that they were meditators, I knew nothing about them. I was left to surmise and psy to ‘fill in the gaps’, except a little bit with two of his students, a couple I nicknamed ‘Torturess’ and ‘Hunter-Snuffer’; those two invited me over in a polite, social way a few times. From their small talk then I got to know them a little; though small talk, I feel, is but the polite social veneer, not the ‘real McCoy’ of true friendship. Do you not feel that to be so? It was from that small talk that I began to become aware of deep and very unsettling undercurrents in the meditation group. I recall I could not put my finger on it; I began to get a very uneasy feeling. Something just did not fit right … something did not suit. It seemed things might be, in effect, just the opposite of what they appeared to be.

To get back to the October 2013 meditation: There was a man that ‘Heart Vampire’ introduced as his son at the meditation. This man looked a little like he felt out of place, as if he were not used to meditation. Nevertheless, he sat quietly throughout.

There were also several … maybe two … strange men dressed, I think, in suits. On the mighty slim evidence of the clothes they wore and their facial expressions, I took them to be IRS agents or secret service agents. That was just how the energy struck me that weekend … the energy seemed conspiratory. What with these strange, suited men and the young Chinese woman in my motel hallway, conspiracy theory seemed to be ‘in the air’.

I recall after the meditation that evening, as everyone exited to the back yard, one of the suited men hit on the prettiest young woman who had been at the meditation. Judging from the uneventful endings of other meditations I had attended, this seemed to me to be an outstanding faux pas. Such behavior had never occurred priorly. I recall she demurred. Nevertheless I was put in mind of those Secret Agent 007 movies I had seen, and this increased the air of mystery. What was up? Had this been an attempt to pump the young woman for information?

The meditation was held in a basement room of the home of ‘Three House Hostess’. It was a smallish room, jam-packed with chairs. There was a place for the teacher to sit on one side of the room. Then there were three rows of chairs facing the teacher’s seat, and other chairs all around.

The teacher came down the stairs from the ground floor. It looked like he was somehow blinded, and feeling his way along the wall, till he got to his chair. Then he looked (although it seemed sightlessly … maybe with his astral vision) around the room. He said to one person or the other: Please move and sit over here or there. He told me to sit over toward a side wall, nearer to “Alluring Calm,” as I recall, and farther from him. That was par for the course, as I intuitively knew he did not like me; maybe that he was a little afraid of me; that he did not want me to be too close to him. He would nearly never call on me in class if I raised my hand. Nor would he approve the songs I composed, in most cases. Nor would he respond to an email, though once I got him on the phone for a moment.

That, I recall very vividly, was a time when I was about to board an airplane out of Los Angeles, heading for the Wild West, and about 20 howling demons seemed to be in hot pursuit of me. I called in the Los Angeles Airport to ask what to do about the demons. I was surprised to get him on the phone. I recall he was very relaxed about it; I forget what he replied.

I remember these pretty pesky demons followed me onto the plane. After the plane took off, there I was, trapped with them. They could get out of the plane, but seemed disinclined to do so. I had to say in my seat. I recall they diverted themselves by zooming through my torso and head. At length I devised my physical form was unharmed, and determined to ignore those antics. That proved quite the right strategy.

As I recall, that had been the only time I got that teacher on the phone. Then from what transpired in October 2013, I gathered that phone call had been misguided … the result of my misconception of who and what ‘Heart Vampire’ really was about in this world. Or so it seemed to me.

To get back to the October 2013 meditation, I am going to telescope the events that occurred during three days of meditation into one telling. As you may have guessed, this is because I am at such a distance from the event now … in July 2021 … that I cannot tell the first day’s meditation from the others. What follows, then are highlights from the meditations that took place that weekend.

You may recall there was a pretty woman who brought her boyfriend, a stranger, to the meditation. She had on, as I recall, a short skirt, and she looked quite attractive that night. ‘Heart Vampire’ bade her sit on the floor in front of him. He was sitting on a chair facing her, so it must have seemed to her, as she sat on the floor, that he was looming or towering over her. He bade her spread her legs wide, and sing a love song to him. That she did, in a beautiful voice of longing for her beloved.

To be frank, I felt this to be out of place in a meditation room. I felt it was ill-mannered, and surely a slight to her boyfriend. I felt it might have been a display of one-upmanship, perhaps born of masculine insecurity or pique on the part of the teacher, and a strident display of the mind control ability he seemed to be exerting on everyone in the room, with the exception of ‘Alluring Calm’ and me.

What made us different, I wondered? Why were we able to resist his overwhelming psychic powers? Was it faith that made us different? Was faith in God such a powerful weapon against the Dark? As time wore on, I began to feel this must be so.

During the meditation that evening an extraordinary event occurred. The long-time meditators were in a deep meditative state. As usual, I had my telepathic ‘ears’ pricked, and listening for whatever astral intel might occur. I heard ‘Heart Vampire’, on the telepathic plane, summon a swarm of demons. I heard his psychic rebuke, sharply uttered and aimed my way: For your arrogance!

Then, with a flash and a flurry, ‘Heart Vampire’ thrust no less than thirteen demons into my energy field. What a shock! Why would he do such a thing? I was no less stunned to see him waft three demons into the aura of ‘Alluring Calm’, my Los Angeles meditation teacher. Then into the energy field of a pretty blonde woman sitting just in front of him he sent the one remaining demon. There we were, we three women, beset by demons; and I by far not the least of the three accursed by the man I had thought to be our national meditation teacher. Go figure!

Worse was yet to come. With a flurry of their black wings, the thirteen bad luck demons within my energy field rose fluttered upward towards the ceiling of the room. To my great consternation, I felt my body become lighter, and begin to rise from the seat of the chair. I was beginning to levitate!

This would never do. With all the strength of my will power I said: I will go back down to Earth and stay there! This levitation thing is not for me! Slowly but surely I became heavier and heavier, till I was my usual weight. And that weight settled with accustomed firmness back onto my chair. What a relief!

For those of you upon whom may be visited this concern not to levitate, I later wrote this chant to increase the power of gravity in our energy fields. It works much better than what I originally came up with, and gives me a light and happy feeling when I chant it. The chant is: Mother Earth loves me …

Link: “Mother Earth Loves Me: A Chant to Enhance the Force of Gravity,” by Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 16 February 2019; published on 3 March 2019 … ..

After the meditation I returned to my motel room. When I got there, I noticed the doorknob alarm on my motel room door was broken, and got the feeling the room had been looked through. That set me on edge.

That night, I connected on the astral plane with a man who was a psychic working for the military, who was wearing an Army-Navy-issued headgear that piped in sounds of rape and murder at night; this induced a vision of six to eight military men in a clearing, wearing civilian clothes or maybe camouflage gear for hunting. They were sitting in a circle, taking turns torturing a young woman lying in the middle of the circle. In a further elaboration of this vision, they killed the woman. Then one of them went to a small outhouse nearby and shot her two young children huddled there.

As if that were not enough by way of nightmares, I then had another vision, of several people meeting … I could not tell who they were. These people were meeting to decide whether to assume a franchise on psilocybin, via a Mexican cartel. One man asked how risky it might be, and seemed reassured by the answer. Who were these people? Was not psilocybin a hallucinogenic drug? Could it be that I had been drugged during the day without my knowledge? Could that account for these awful nightmares?

That Saturday morning, I recall I woke up pretty rattled. I went over to the home of ‘Three House Hostess’, looking for ‘Heart Vampire’ … whom at that time I had inaccurately pegged to be a ‘good guy’. Little did I know.

‘Heart Vampire’ was not there, or was not available, but ‘Three House Hostess’ greeted me kindly. I explained I was feeling off balance. I recall she said: How can things have come to this? (or words to that effect). She gave me a picture of the Virgin Mary, and a rosary blessed by a saint, and a plastic statue of the Virgin Mary. These reassured me, and reminded me of my Christian faith, and helped me return to my normal state of mind.

Well to get on with it, the weekend meditation ended, and I made it safely out of there, and signed out of the motel, and drove back to the airport. And then on the return flight some more weird things happened … enough so to make me wonder why I even bother to travel by plane. I felt I must be getting jet lag, or altitude discombobulation … something like that. Why not take the train henceforth? I still feel this might be a nice way to travel.

I got on the plane, and was belted into my seat. As we became airborne, I began to have a conspiracy theory notion that the not-so-tall, redhaired man in the seat beside me and the taller man just across the aisle, and the perky stewardess walking down the aisle were hoping to mind control me and find out this or that. I had no idea what, as all this seemed pretty far-fetched. Well, I thought, a la Dale Carnegie …

Citation: “How to Stop Worrying and Start Living,” a book by Dale Carnegie, October 1998, Simon and Schuster.

What is the worst that can happen? Could be the stewardess’ drinking water might have a truth drug in it, but then I had brought along my own water to drink. So that was not a worry. Might be I would nap while in flight, and my brain might be picked by the redhaired man, but then, what secrets were in it, anyway, that were worth stealing? None that I could think of. Maybe the redhaired man could induce a psychic heart attack as I slept? That was a concern, but no prior such attempts undertaken on the astral plane had succeeded; likely they would not succeed that day as well. And with that, I settled in for a nap.

Why have I delayed so long in describing the events of that weekend? To be truthful, they just do not fit my world view. I guess when children are born to a Christian family, and raised up in a Christian faith, their outlook on life is basically optimistic. The emphasis of their lives is on God’s guidance of our lives, on Christ consciousness, on the loving heart of Mother Mary, and on the uplifting power of grace conveyed through the Holy Spirit, which is sometimes termed the Paraclete.

It seems to me that grief over a mother’s death can temporarily weaken our faith, leading to attempted inroads by those beings the Christian faith terms demons. When I saw the image of Kau’T (see above) yesterday, I all of a sudden realized that it represented very starkly the energy behind ‘Heart Vampire’, the man I had thought back then was a meditation teacher. I realized he must have been ‘overlit’ by a non-Christed star being, perhaps a Reptilian Star Being. Perhaps, I gleaned, ‘Heart Vampire’ was a ‘reptoid’, a reptilian-human hybrid. That might have accounted for his penchant for mind controlling his followers, for his gustatory leaning toward cannibalism, his daydreams of emasculating men, for the visions I had of demons during that time, and so on. In point of fact, I had been completely mistaken about him.

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars

See also … Link: “Hobnobbing with Demons and Devils – Oh, My!” by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 23 October 2013; revised … ..


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Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


catastrophic childhood case studies, esoteric, arcana, occult, Heart Vampire, antisocial personalities, Circle of One, Controllers, Dark Souls, Soulless men, psychic terrorists, vampires, cannibalism, catastrophic childhood experiences, psychic powers, demon realm, levitation, reptoids, hybrids, Adventures with Alice, Alice’s perilous tales, stories by Alice, travels in the United States, visions by Alice, nightmares, grief, faith, Christianity, kindness, one-upmanship, dominance, leadership, genital mutilation, cannibalism, cults that kill, crime families, psychic crime, psychic heart attack, portents, omens, stories, power over, murder, Mother Mary, Los Angeles, East Coast, United States, Wild West, conspiracy theory, star beings, far constellations, reptilian star beings, non-Christed star beings, Theology, Demonic Realm, God, transcending the Dark, black magic, obsession, possession, spells, mind control, esoteric lore, Inanna, Three House Hostess, Torturess, Hunter-Snuffer, Headstand Man, Alluring Calm, Veiled Beauty, Class Act, Arts and Crafty, Poseur Inveigler,

Star Beings – My Nomenclature . by Alice B. Clagett *

Written and published on 24 June 2021

star being - dinosaurian

Drawing: Dinosaurian Star Being,” by Alice B. Clagett, 22 June 2021, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … COMMENT: A green being similar to scientific progressions that shapeshift the form of velociraptors to upright, humanoid form. The being has large eyes whose pupils close vertically in bright sunlight like those of a lizard or a cat; these are known as ‘slit pupils’. It wears a brown, hooded cloak.

Drawing: Dinosaurian Star Being,” by Alice B. Clagett, 22 June 2021, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,”

COMMENT: A green being similar to scientific progressions that shapeshift the form of velociraptors to upright, humanoid form. The being has large eyes whose pupils close vertically in bright sunlight like those of a lizard or a cat; these are known as ‘slit pupils’. It wears a brown, hooded cloak.


Dear Ones,

As you may know, I have been researching galactic history and star beings online …

Link: “Galactic History,” referrals by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 20 June 2021 … ..


I noticed how different the labels are for star beings, and tentatively offer this nomenclature for my own work from now on …

For star races, in most cases, I am using the ending ‘-ian’. For example, amongst the beings in the planets of our Solar System, these would be: Jupiterian, Maldekian, Martian, Mercurian, Neptunian, Saturnian, Uranian, and Venusian.

For the far constellations, examples of this nomenclature might be: Alpha Centaurian, Arcturian, and Pleiadian.

Exceptions to the rule: Andromedan, Lyran, Mantid, Siriun, Zeta Reticulan.


For the non-Christed star races, for the nonce I will be using this nomenclature …

  • Draconian Star Races (including ‘dragons’ (‘demons’ and ‘devils’) which may be snake-like, winged, or wingless)
  • Insectian Star Races (including Antian, Grey Aliens, Mantid, and most likely others)
  • Reptilian Star Races (including Dinosaurian, Crocodilian, Lizardian, and most likely others)


Then there is the question of hybrid Star Beings. For these I will be using the ending ‘-oid’, which may refer to human or other hybrids (the most troublesome for the Lightworker being the issue of Earth’s clearing through non-Christed alien implants or ‘malware’ from Earth beings).

Here are a few examples of this hybrid nomenclature that you may find in my future blogs: Dracoid hybrid; Insectoid hybrid (including Antoid, Mantoid); Reptoid hybrid (including Crocodiloid, Dinosauroid, Lizardoid).

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


my favorites, lists, Lightworkers, malware, implants, star beings, far constellations, Alpha Centaurians, Andromedans, Arcturians, Draconians, Lyrans, Orion, Pleiadians, Zeta Reticulans, Siriuns, planets, Jupiterian, Maldekian, Martian, Mercurian, Neptunian, Saturnian, Uranian, Venusian, Antian, Mantid, Reptilian, Dinosaurian, Crocodilian, Dracoid, Insectoid, Antoid, Mantoid, Reptoid, Dinosauroid, Crocodiloid, demons, devils, dragons, Lizardian, Lizardoid,

Activation of Light for Reptoid Souls Lost in September 2017 Killer X-Flare . channeled by Alice B. Clagett

Written and published on 7 June 2021
This blog has been added to an earlier blog.

Activation of Light

Dear Ones,

There is a conspiracy theory that the ‘near miss’ Killer X-flare of September 2017 actually did wipe out Earth, and that a crew of Star Beings is attempting to rehabilitate our Souls so that we can continue onward with our Soul journey mentally healthy. Every once in awhile I run across this conspiracy theory as a mental filter in the mind of a person who is sending me thought forms through telepathy.

Here is my take on that mental filter: First of all, it is just that … a thought form created, in this case, by Reptilian Star Beings, that is intended to hobble and cripple the emotional bodies of human beings, so they may be enslaved.

Continue reading

Selfless Service Timeline Trap . by Alice B. Clagett


Dear Ones,

Here is a video about a Conspiracy Theory mental filter intended by a member of a Reptilian Star Being or an insectoid Star Being (Greys, Mantids, Antlike or other) to ensnare a Lightworker in a temporospatial matrix. There is a Summary after the video …



Hello, Dear Ones, It’s Alice. I Am of the Stars.

I just came across another mental filter to do with Conspiracy Theory, that I had run across in the last solar cycle … Solar Cycle 24. And I came across it again in this solar cycle, as if they repeat at a certain time. It is a really ‘scarifying’ Conspiracy Theory with a solution very similar to the last Conspiracy Theory that I talked about today.

It had to do with the mention of the words ‘White Brotherhood’. This is a topic that has come up quite a bit, recently, in my writings.

There was a being that came in, most likely not of the ‘White Brotherhood’, but rather a bedeviling being … a Reptilian Star Race Being, or perhaps Insectoid Star Races, which includes Greys, and very [which are] intelligent.

This particular being seemed pompous and officious, and also the type of know-it-all being that wants to be in charge of you and tell you what to do, and tell you why you should not do what your heart tells you to do. That kind of being. I have been suffering this type of ‘outrage’ for hours today, off and on, starting in the early morning.

My heart would say: I would really love to do this!

And then this being would come in, sounding like a very knowledgeable man. This being would come in, and he would say: No, you can’t do that. You have to do … {and then he would come up with the opposite.]

And I would say: Well, I’m going to do what my heart tells me to do, and that is that. You can go to some other place … Like that.

This kept happening today. Then I was reading something, or hearing something, [and] the words ‘White Brotherhood’ came up. And here is a being very attached to that notion of White Brotherhood. He was attempting that butting in and taking over thing again.

So I said to him: You know … ‘White Brotherhood’. That’s a Heresy, the notion that a spiritual elite can only be white men. That’s a complete Heresy.

It did not work for very long, but it held him off for a little while. Then after I did a clearing process, I took a nap. And while I was napping, this issue came up that had to do with Conspiracy Theory, the White Brotherhood, this very being that is maybe a Reptoid or Insectoid mental filter passer-on-er being … perhaps a human being on Earth, Reptoid or Insectoid hybrid, who just keeps showing up, on the mental plane, you know? … keeps showing up on the astral plane and coming up with this idea that he owns or possesses other human beings, and that Lightworkers in particular are members of the White Brotherhood.

As a woman, does that fit? No. They say from the outset that they are a brotherhood, not a sisterhood. If they said ‘White Brotherhood and Sisterhood’ it might be a possibility … except that I believe people of all races and nationalities and cultures might become members of the Lightworkers.

It is just not appropriate; it is an old-time, misqualified type of situation, I feel. I feel that very strongly … although there is much good spiritual teaching in the White Lodge and the White Brotherhood that could be modified in such a way that it would be appropriate for today, I feel.

Getting on to waking up from sleeping: I had the strangest feeling … aching and pain in my upper chest and the top of my body, and a sweeping up of energy that was cutting through an entity attachment in my abdomen at the same time … coming through as this Conspiracy Theory cleared out of my energy field.

It goes like this: I started to say: Spirit to Team, Optimize timelines and dimensions, for the All through Free Will.

And this officious entity said: No, no. You can’t do that.

I said: Why?

It said: Because your friend … and it named the name of a person, a man … is in this other timeline.

Now this is an enslavement technique to do with Service to Others. The entity might say: Your friends [or the people that you care about] are in a particular timeline, and you have to be there with them in order to save them.

Is that ever not true!

Then it says: Ok, if you are in that timeline, I am the owner of that timeline, and you belong to me … and so do they!

You know? You have no options [according to them]. There you are, stuck in the Causal Realm.

So … The first thing to understand is: When a being says that to you, they are using one timeline and the Laws of Cause and Effect to try to enslave you and bind you down to a particular timeline so that you, as a Lightworker, cannot exercise your Ascension skills, [which] are beyond Time and Space … [which] have to do with multitemporality and multidimensionality, and the ability to be Here in the Now, in the presence of Light and love and joy and peace.

So you have to say to that being: I am not in that timeline. I Am a being of love and Light and joy and peace.

That brings you into your tenth subtle body, where you can experience the Now in all its wonders; when you can know that you are pure Awareness, and that you are not a physical being stuck in the physical realm … that you are not dependent on other people; you are dependent on your Ascension team. Your Ascension team is that which can help you to help everyone else … all the other beings everywhere. They have those skills.

This other being, that calls himself superior, and says that he has the right to enslave you in a particular timeline, cannot be so. He might be a Lord of Karma. He might be one of the Insectoid Star Races who is attempting to make you his property, [along with] all those other people.

So do not fall for the Service to Others Conspiracy Theory. Do not fall for that. Do not become a slave to any superior-sounding being. That is what I have to say today. And the …. [chuckles] … He is stopping me from hearing the words of my own story … Hold on just a minute [chuckles] … What a guy! …

Ok, here is what you have to say:

Spirit to Team!
Team to Teams!
Optimize timelines and dimensions
For the All through Free Will!

What you are doing is, from the position of the tenth subtle body … the Logos … you are speaking to your Ascension team, requesting that that team speak to the Ascension team of that other person … that friend of yours … the one that this other being … this person impersonating the White Brotherhood … says you cannot save unless you are chained to Time and Space …. And your two teams are working out the appropriate Awareness timeline and dimension for your friend, through his own free will, and for the benefit of all beings everywhere.

Do you see what I mean? You have to rise to your Ascension tools, in the Ascension level of your energy field, and speak through that, and let go these beings that are attempting to control us … whoever they may be. If they want to control you, they are not part of your Ascension team, and they are not part of the Ascension teams of your friends and family.

Your Ascension team will speak to you of love and Light and joy and peace; not of enslavement; not of what you ‘must’ do; but of what your heart asks you to do; how your own heart speaks to you. And that will be your guide.

[Waves goodbye and chuckles.] Another Conspiracy Theory bites the dust … the Conspiracy Theory of Selfless Service with masters in the White Lodge or the White Brotherhood. Possibly Insectoid-inspired, I feel … the insect-like (including the Mantid Star Brothers and Sisters). Not all Star Brothers and Sisters are all that cool. We have to choose.

Choose the highest and the best … the finest and the rarest energy … the ultralight (as others say) , the ultralove, the ultrapeace, the very highest wisdom. It has to do with these.

In love, light and joy,
Alice B. Clagett
I Am of the Stars

Filmed on 7 June 2021; published on 9 June 2021; revised on 27 September 2023


This art offers visual concepts of how the mental filters of the Reptilian Star Races and the Insectoid Star Races (including the Greys and the Mantids) distort the Bodies of Light of human beings, who then seem to the intuitive to be ‘hybrid’ humans, because of the way that these ET mental filters distort their human subtle bodies. I term these hybrid humans ‘reptoids’, ‘insectoids’, ‘dracoids’, and so on.

Image: “Reptoid,” by Adam Milicevic, ~2016, at ArtStation … ..

Image: “Insectoid,” by Kyle, 23 December 2019, in Expanded Perspectives … ..

Image: “Dragon Bjorn [Dracoid],” by suburbbum, 20 March 2013, in DeviantArt … ..


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


heresy, Service to Others Conspiracy Theory, Selfless Service mental filter, Lightworkers, solar events, solar cycles, Conspiracy Theory, White Brotherhood, Reptilian Star Beings, Insectoid Star Beings, Greys, mental filters, Reptoid, Insectoid, sisterhood, White Lodge, Activations of Light, Dark Interference, mind control, enslavement, causal realm, tenth subtle body, Logos, subtle bodies, tenth subtle body, Awareness, eleventh subtle body, logos, 9th subtle body, Soul, causal body, seventh subtle body, Activations of Light, multitemporality, multidimensionality, timelines, Awareness timeline, Awareness dimension, dimensions, Draco, Far Constellations, Orion group, Reticulum, Star Brothers and Sisters, Brothers and Sisters of Darkness, Brothers and Sisters of Light, dissolving black magic, transcending the Dark, overcoming mesmerism,

New Terminology: Reptoid and Dracoid Humans, Reptilian and Draconian Star Races . by Alice B. Clagett

Written and published on 5 June 2021

Dear Ones,

As of June 2021, I have sorted through the issue of people I previously termed ‘Reptilians’ or antisocial personalities.

I will be speaking, in future, of human ‘Reptoids’ and ‘Dracoids’ overlit by ‘Reptilian Star Beings’ and ‘Draconian Star Beings’. I feel that human ‘Reptoids’ and ‘Dracoids’ are third dimensional human beings termed ‘antisocial personalities’ by psychologists and psychiatrists.

The Star Beings are noncorporeal beings that are fourth dimensional or higher. There are Dark Lords … such as the Reptilian Star Races and the Draconian Star Races. These are sometimes termed in the esoteric literature ‘Brothers [and Sisters] of Darkness’.

And there are Star Beings of love, Light and joy such as the Blue Avian Star Beings of Sirius, the Arcturian healers, the Women of Lyra. These are sometimes termed in the esoteric literature ‘Brothers [and Sisters] of Light’.

I will be changing the blog categories to reflect this new understanding of human beings and their overlighting star brothers and sisters.

In love, Light, and joy,
I Am of the Stars


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


Reptilian Star Beings, Blue Avian Star Beings, Arcturians, Lyrans, Siriuns, star beings, reptoids, dracoids, Draconian Star Beings, star brothers and sisters, Brothers of Darkness, Brothers of Light, psychology, psychiatry, antisocial personalities,