Category Archives: Levitation

Gravitational Sinkholes and Upliftments to Do with Experiencing the Astral Realms While in Form . by Alice B. Clagett *

Gravitational Sinkholes and Upliftments

Image: “Gravitational Well,” by Systemizer, 20 March 2010, in Wikimedia Commons … … CC BY-SA 3.0 Unported … DESCRIPTION: “An illustration of the cosmological redshift. To an observer positioned at the centre of a gravitational well, the periphery of the well appears to be increasingly redshifted.”

Image: “Gravitational Well,” by Systemizer, 20 March 2010, in Wikimedia Commons … … CC BY-SA 3.0 Unported … DESCRIPTION: “An illustration of the cosmological redshift. To an observer positioned at the centre of a gravitational well, the periphery of the well appears to be increasingly redshifted.”

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    • The Difficulty in Describing Clair Perceptions
    • Astral Plane Hellworlds, Purgatory Worlds, and Heaven Worlds as Perceived in the Afterlife
    • The Experience of the Astral Plane Negative and Positive While in Body
    • Gravity Wells (Gravitational Sinkholes) as I Experience Them
      • Sidebar: Hallmarks of the Hellworlds
      • Sidebar: Hallmarks of the Heavenworlds
    • Why We Are Experiencing Gravitational Anomalies During the Ascension Process
    • How a Few Beings May, Because of Their Soul Choices, Be Relocated to Other Star Systems, and So Forth
    • More on Gravitational Sinkholes
    • Gravitational Upliftments at Places Where Great Devotion to God Is Being Expressed
    • Gravitational Upliftments at Higher Altitudes
    • On Strengthening the Forces of the Plane of Forces in Our Physical Forms for Optimum Health
      • Sidebar: Will Power and Fohat

Dear Ones,

This is about gravitational sinkholes (aka gravity wells) and gravitational upliftments to do with the astral worlds negative and positive, as we are now experiencing them multidimensionally while still in physical form. A Summary follows the video.



The Difficulty in Describing Clair Perceptions

I thought I would talk for a minute about gravity wells on the surface of Earth, as I perceive them with my clair senses. It goes without saying that other people with clair senses will, no doubt, perceive gravity wells differently from me, because it is very difficult to describe clair-sensed experiences by means of the physical senses … the clair senses are so much more refined. So there are really no words, amongst the physical senses, to describe them. Although we try; we try with images and sacred sounds, with stories, and myths. We try all kinds of ways to convey what we sense with the clair senses.

Astral Plane Hellworlds, Purgatory Worlds, and Heaven Worlds as Perceived in the Afterlife

Gravitational Sinkholes and Uplliftments

Image Markup: “Heaven, Purgatory, and Hell,” by Alice B. Clagett, collated and published on 24 April 2017, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,”  … DESCRIPTION: Aerial photo of a city. On the left is a green freeway sign, as if suspended from an airplane. On the sign, an arrow pointing up is next to the word ‘Heaven’; and arrow pointing towards the city is next to the word ‘Purgatory’; and an arrow pointing down is next to the word ‘Hell’ … CREDITS: Includes a portion of an aerial photo of Eltham Victoria Australia, by Graeme Bartlett – own work, CC BY-SA 3.0

Image Markup: “Heaven, Purgatory, and Hell,” by Alice B. Clagett, collated and published on 24 April 2017, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” 

DESCRIPTION: Aerial photo of a city. On the left is a green freeway sign, as if suspended from an airplane. On the sign, an arrow pointing up is next to the word ‘Heaven’; and arrow pointing towards the city is next to the word ‘Purgatory’; and an arrow pointing down is next to the word ‘Hell’ …

CREDITS: Includes a portion of an aerial photo of Eltham Victoria Australia, by Graeme Bartlett – own work, CC BY-SA 3.0

. . . . .

To get back to gravitational wells: As you may know, on the astral plane, the core of the Earth houses the hellworlds. At about the level of the surface of the Earth are the purgatory worlds. And higher up, on into the stratosphere, are the heaven worlds.

In these astral worlds, in the afterlife, people experience different densities, depending on what emotion they are feeling. Negative emotions … emotions like fear and anger … are very dense; they create a heaviness that causes Souls’ astral bodies to sink down towards the core of the Earth.

The Experience of the Astral Plane Negative and Positive While in Body

So, there is a gravitational effect involved in the experience of the hellworlds, purgatory worlds, and heaven worlds after passing on. But when we experience these worlds while we are in body, it is not that we are sinking down into the core of Earth or beneath the surface of Earth, or high up into the air. Rather, on the surface of the Earth, where our body is located, provided that the astral form is still around the body and not astral travelling, we experience all of these states through gravitational wells and gravitational upliftments.

Gravity Wells (Gravitational Sinkholes) as I Experience Them

When I am driving a car towards a gravity well, say on a level stretch of road, it feels like I am going downhill, and descending into the Earth, even though the road is level. That is how it feels to me with my clair senses. And that is how I know I am approaching a gravitational sinkhole, a place where people are experiencing the hellworlds here on Earth, while retaining human form.

Sidebar: Hallmarks of the Hellworlds

What precisely is the hellworld experience, you may ask. Some hallmarks are black magic, blood sacrifice of innocents, worship of Satan, murder, mutilation of people, and in general cruelty to other people. Also in hellworlds are people who wish to experience being victims at the mercy of cruel people, people with severe addictions, people who experience unmitigable pain (such as the famed burning sensation), or who seem to be experiencing death over and over again. So the densest hellworlds have to do with experiences of cruelty, rage, fear, or despair; also the sort of lust that cannot be reigned in, greed to the point where other people cannot feel that their goods are safe, and like that. Frequently these are just dream scenarios on the astral plane, and not being acted out in the real world; dreams that are being dreamed in gravitational sinkholes. Also, communication with demons, devils, mischievous imps, and the like.

Sidebar: Hallmarks of the Heaven Worlds

Gravitational upliftments are characterized by just the opposite type of astral imaginings and physical actions; for instance, feelings of appreciation, gratitude, joy, unconditional love, peacefulness, and harmony with all beings everywhere. Feelings of faith, hope and charity. Feelings of grace inpouring, devotion to God or to higher ideals. Feelings of health, physical vitality, emotional well-being. Communication with angels, beings of Light, and God.


Why We Are Experiencing Gravitational Anomalies During the Ascension Process

The reason for these gravitational anomalies is very practical: As the Earth is in the process of ascension right now, and the beings on Earth are in the process of reaching the caliber and level of delightful song at which Earth resonates right now, some beings are less ready than other beings to experience those higher vibrations, and they tend to aggregate together in clumps, especially of humankind, and various astral beings that are of the denser frequencies. They aggregate together on the surface of the Earth, and reinforce each other in terms of denseness of resonance. And these aggregations are what I experience as gravitational sinkholes.

How a Few Beings May, Because of Their Soul Choices, Be Relocated to Other Star Systems, and So Forth

Now, all is well, because, in almost all instances, these beings are just choosing a longer timeline and taking longer to ascend than other beings. There may be a few … 10 or less … instances on all of Earth … and you know, Earth’s population is 7.4 billion people right now, so 10 people are a miniscule amount of people that will need to be relocated to other star systems, and so forth, because of their Soul choices at this time.

More on Gravitational Sinkholes

So most everybody, I feel, either through choosing shorter or longer timelines, are on the ascension path, and undergoing the ascension process. Some are in gravitational holes or wells right now. I know of three such that were in the Los Angeles area a year or two ago; I do not know if they are still there, and I have not explored all of Los Angeles.

Gravitational Upliftments at Places Where Great Devotion to God Is Being Expressed

So I would say, all over Earth right now, there may be these gravitational sinkholes. Then, at about sea level or thereabouts, where large groups of people are expressing great devotion to God through song, I sometimes experience gravitational upliftment, which is the opposite of gravitational sinkholes. To me, it feels like my body is weightless, floating at ground level; as if I might at any moment experience levitation.

Gravitational Upliftments at Higher Altitudes

Also I suspect that at higher altitudes … this is an experience I have had recently … at altitudes above where cities are located right now, there are gravitational upliftments where the higher astral beings can exist harmoniously with human beings, in a much higher state of consciousness right now. So, if you will, you might wish to journey to the mountaintops from time to time, to reinforce the DNA changes that are taking place inside your body, and the codes that are changing, and the general health that is beginning to manifest in all human beings here on Earth.

On Strengthening the Forces of the Plane of Forces in Our Physical Forms for Optimum Health

This is what I have right now about gravity and the plane of forces which separates the physical world from the astral world. It is what little I know right now about that.

As to the other forces in the plane of forces, I have been working with a yoga set called the “Basic Spinal Energy Series” …

Link: “Kundalini Yoga Basic Spinal Energy Series” by M.S.S. Gurucharan Singh Khalsa… … CREDIT: From the book “Kundalini Yoga / Sadhana Guidelines: Exercise & Meditation Manual,” by M.S.S. Gurucharan Singh Khalsa, December 1976, published by Kundalini Research Institute, copyright 1974-1978, pp. 45-46 … also available here …

Link: “Basic Spinal Energy Series,” by 3HO Organization … … Search for the term: Basic Spinal Energy Series … Also on video …

Video: “Basic Spinal Energy Series,” by Catherine Scherwenka, 1 January 2017 … ..

I find the set strengthens all the forces in the plane of forces except, maybe, gravity. It strengthens prana in the human body, the kundalini energy, the will power, and both electric and magnetic energy (which I typically term by the one phrase ‘electromagnetism’.

That is a very handy yoga set, and particularly so since almost everybody can accomplish it in about a half an hour a day, and it can be done sitting in a chair if a person cannot do it in the way prescribed in the set. It is suitable for nearly everybody, to help them attain greater health, and greater presence of the plane of forces within their physical form.

Sidebar: Will Power and Fohat

As nearly as I can conceive it, human will power is one manifest of the plane of forces energy termed fohat. For more on fohat, see …

Link: “Fohat: The Great Transformer,” reprinted from the Theosophical Movement, March 1964 … ..

It it possible that Fohat is a gift from the Andromeda galaxy? See …

Link: “Alice’s Perilous Tales: Energy Walls That Protect Us Against Astral Foes,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 24 July 2018; revised on 9 March 2019 … ..


In love, light and joy,
Alice B. Clagett
I Am of the Stars

See also … Link: “Amazing Astral Stories: The Darkest Hours . The Last Demon in LA,” by Alice B. Clagett, Happened on 1 July 2016; narrated and filmed on 20 July 2016; published on 22 July 2016; revised … ..

Written and published on 18 March 2017; updated on 26 October 2022


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


clair senses, astral plane, afterlife, hellworlds, purgatory, heavenworlds, astral negative, astral positive, gravitational anomalies, gravity wells, gravitational sinkholes, gravitational upliftments, devotion to God, plane of forces, kundalini, prana, gravity, fohat, will power, electric force, magnetism, electromagnetism, emotions, fear, anger, cruelty, my favorites,

On Blocking a Painful Body Sensation or Thought . by Alice B. Clagett *

Written and published on 2 February 2017; revised on 26 July 2019

      • Lower Mental Body (Subconscious Mind)
        • Etheric Body (Etheric Double or Etheric Net)
        • Emotional Body
        • Vital Body (Pranic Body)
        • ASTRAL BRIDGE (Astral Body)
      • Higher Mental Body (Intellect)
        • Etheric Template
        • Celestial Body (Cosmic mind)
        • Causal Body (Ketheric Template, Buddhic or Christ Consciousness)
        • ASTRAL BRIDGE (Astral Body)
      • Superconscious Mind
        • SOUL BRIDGE (Causal Template) — Body of Light
        • Soul (Atma)
        • Monad (Awareness, Eternal Now)
        • Logos – Solar body (Light – love – joy)
      • Electric Energy
      • Magnetic Energy
      • Kundalini Energy
      • Pranic Energy
      • Gravitational Energy
      • Fohat or Will Power
      • Light
      • Heat
      • To Block the Left Brain
      • To Master the Mind

Dear Ones,

This is about blocking a painful body sensation or thought. One useful technique is that of substitution. Here are examples …

Continue reading

The Serial Killer: Fact and Phantasmagoria . by Alice B. Clagett *

The Serial Killer: Fact and Phantasmagoria

Drawing: “Cannibal Man,” color drawing by Alice B. Clagett, 25 January 2020, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

Click once or twice on the arrow on the audio bar at the bottom of the page to turn off the music …

This is my telepathic understanding of what seemed to me to be a cannibalistic killing cult from which I fled to save my life. This happened many years ago.

    • Mind Control [Heart Vampire and his killing cult]
    • Cannibalism: Making Another Person a ‘Part’ of Oneself [Heart Vampire and his killing cult]
      • Does a Cannibal Lack Personality
      • A Cannibal’s ‘Bad Part’ Mind Slide
    • Paraphilia
    • Urolagnia, a Form of Paraphilia [Heart Vampire]
    • Coprophilia and Coprophagia [Heart Vampire]
    • Astral Story About Dylan Redwine, a Durango Child Who Was Killed
      • Footnote on Relationship of Vallecito Lake to Middle Mountain
    • How a Person May Drop His Mask When He Touches Another Person
  • IDEATION OF WOMEN AS SEXUAL ORGANS [Heart Vampire and one of his students (not the author of this blog)]
  • LILITH: THE DEMON WOMAN WHO WILL NOT BE SUBSERVIENT [The author, according to the point of view of Heart Vampire, but not according to her own understanding]
    • Innate Ability to Hypnotize or ‘Mesmerize’
    • Astral ‘Skinny Dipping’
    • Code of Silence for Followers
  • RAGE ACTUATOR FOR THE SERIAL KILLER: INABILITY TO CONTROL A WOMAN [Heart Vampire and his killing cult. ‘Lilith’ represents the cult’s notion of a woman who walks away from the cult]
    • Actions of Followers Toward a ‘Lilith’ Who Cannot Be Mind-Controlled
    • Sexual Rage in a Serial Killer When a ‘Lilith’ Is Perceived to Be Nearby
    • A Vivid Vision: Genital Mutilation of Men When the Lilith Is Perceived to Be Nearby

Dear Ones,


This blog is the result of my effort to understand the Weltanschauung of a person I heard about on the astral plane, who purportedly had the catastrophic childhood experience described in the two links below…

Link: “Thoughts on What Causes Antisocial ‘Personality’,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 11 May 2016 … … See the subheading: Catastrophic Childhood Experiences … A Clair Case Study: The Young Boy Who Became a Cannibal

Link: “Ego 1: Circle of One . I Am the Only Ego in the World,” by Alice B. Clagett, published 15 August 2016; revised 7 July 2018 … ..

To begin: It is my feeling that serial killing and mass murder are ‘acting out’ by the antisocial personality; thus I am looking into these in addition to my studies on the antisocial personality.

I was looking over the Wikipedia information on serial killers, and came across this, as one of the possible motives of serial killers. This is the ‘mission-oriented’ motive …


“Mission-oriented killers typically justify their acts as ‘ridding the world’ of a certain type of person perceived as undesirable, such as homosexuals, prostitutes, or people of different ethnicity or religion; however, they are generally not psychotic … For example, the Zebra killers in the San Francisco Bay Area specifically targeted Caucasians … Some see themselves as attempting to change society, often to cure a societal ill …” –from Link: “Serial Killer,” in Wikipedia … …Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply.

[Other popular categories in the realm of astral stories are the homeless person, the short person, or the disempowered person (e.g., a woman or child) … these possibly because they are easier to overpower). I have also clair heard of a personal preference by a black widower serial killer for voluptuous, licentious women. –Alice]


I find this of interest because it is a form of Consequentialist philosophy that I have heard about on the astral plane recently, possibly to do with vigilante justice. From this passage, it would appear that vigilante killings aimed at a certain segment of society are one mode of expression of serial killing.

Here is Wikipedia’s definition of this philosophy …

Consequentialism is the class of normative ethical theories holding that the consequences of one’s conduct are the ultimate basis for any judgment about the rightness or wrongness of that conduct. Thus, from a consequentialist standpoint, a morally right act (or omission from acting) is one that will produce a good outcome, or consequence. In an extreme form, the idea of consequentialism is commonly encapsulated in the English saying, “the end justifies the means” … meaning that if a goal is morally important enough, any method of achieving it is acceptable …” –from Link: “Consequentialism,” in Wikipedia … … Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply.

For more on this, see my blog category:  Consequentialism


Here is another interesting passage, a statement by serial killer Jeffrey Dahlmer …

“‘The killing was just a means to an end. That was the least satisfactory part. I didn’t enjoy doing that. That’s why I tried to create living zombies with … acid and the drill.’ He further elaborated on this, also saying, ‘I wanted to see if it was possible to make—again, it sounds really gross—uh, zombies, people that would not have a will of their own, but would follow my instructions without resistance. So after that, I started using the drilling technique.’ … He experimented with cannibalism to ‘ensure his victims would always be a part of him’.” –from Link: “Serial Killer,” in Wikipedia … …Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply.

Mind Control [Heart Vampire and his killing cult]

Note the intention to mind-control people through physical acts of torture, to make them ‘zombies’ .. so that they “‘would not have a will of their own.'”

Cannibalism: Making Another Person a ‘Part’ of Oneself [Heart Vampire and his killing cult]

Note also the acts of cannibalism, performed so as to make the victims part of himself. Regarding the word ‘part’, see also my blog on paranoid-schizoid personality due to early childhood loss …

Link: “Primitive Experiences of Loss, Working with the Paranoid-Schizoid Patient . by Robert Waska, Ph.D..” referral by Alice B. Clagett, published on 30 June 2017 … ..

Does a Cannibal Lack Personality? Both these features express, through ‘acting out’, a lack of personal boundaries, a lack of egoic solidity, which you may find expresses itself as ‘lack of personality’, or else as slipping from one personality to another, as first one, and then another person is being mind-controlled.

Here is another passage that supports ‘parts’ thinking by serial killers …

“Serial killers may be more likely to engage in fetishism, partialism or necrophilia, which are paraphilias that involve a strong tendency to experience the object of erotic interest almost as if it were a physical representation of the symbolized body. Individuals engage in paraphilias which are organized along a continuum; participating in varying levels of fantasy perhaps by focusing on body parts (partialism), symbolic objects which serve as physical extensions of the body (fetishism), or the anatomical physicality of the human body; specifically regarding its inner parts and sexual organs (one example being necrophilia) …” –from Link: “Serial Killer,” in Wikipedia … … Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply.

A Cannibal’s ‘Bad Part’ Mind Slide. Note here the attention on body parts, which reminds me of the paranoid-schizoid notion that other people are parts of the antisocial personality. The ‘mind slide’ would go like this: My victim is a ‘bad part’ of me. I will kill her and have sex with her (i.e., necrophilia), and make her a part of me.

A similar ‘cannibal mind slide’ would be: I’ll cut out her heart, and eat it, and make her a part of me.


Paraphilia (also known as sexual perversion and sexual deviation) is the experience of intense sexual arousal to atypical objects, fetishes, situations, fantasies, behaviors, or individuals …” –from Link: “Paraphilia,” in Wikipedia … …Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply.

Urolagnia, a Form of Paraphilia [Heart Vampire]

Urolagnia, a Form of Paraphilia noted in the above passage, might be expressed thus …

The first time I killed a man, he urinated, and I got an erection. The smell of urine reminds me of that first time. I’ll never flush my toilet, and the smell of urine will fill my house, and I’ll always remember that [exquisitely delightful] first time …

This snippet of conversation gleaned from the astral plane offers a theoretical explanation for urolagnia, popularly termed ‘golden shower’.

Coprophilia and Coprophagia [Heart Vampire]

Here is another astral story …

The first time I had sex, a man practiced anal sex upon me. It felt like my bowel was full of feces, and I got an erection. I love feces. Eating them [or keeping them around the house] gives me a thrill.

This theoretical explanation for coprophilia and coprophagia is based on the astral plane story of urolagnia, set forth above. Love of feces is another form of paraphilia.


“Unlike people with major mental disorders such as schizophrenia, psychopaths can seem normal and often quite charming, a state of adaptation that psychiatrist Hervey Cleckley called the ‘mask of sanity’ …” –from Link: “Serial Killer,” in Wikipedia … … Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply.

Further, serial killers “are involved in sadistic activity; especially in children who have not reached sexual maturity, this activity may take the form of torturing animals …” –from Link: “Serial Killer,” in Wikipedia … … Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply.

Astral Story About Dylan Redwine, a Durango Child Who Was Killed

Such may have been the case with Dylan Redwine, a child who went missing in Durango, Colorado, in November 2012. Around that time, on the astral plane, to my very great dismay, I heard the cries of a captive young boy for a long time, maybe a month or so. On considering this astral story, I later thought it might be about Dylan Redwine, or possibly the 19-year-old Native American boy who went missing, as I recall, from the Ignacio, Colorado, area just after that.

At any rate, here is the [clearly unprovable] astral story… I will use DR (Dylan Redwine) as the name, although the true identity of the child in the astral story is up in the air.  DR was at a bus stop in west Vallecito Lake [see footnote at the end of this section], on the east side of the street. A car stopped by with a beautiful woman in it; her clothing partly revealed her breasts. She asked him if he needed a lift. He agreed. She offered him a drug. He accepted. She offered to take him to her house, where they would have sex. He agreed.

At the house, her spouse immobilized DR with a cut to the lower spinal cord, and placed him on her bed, in a darkened bedroom. There he was kept drugged and disoriented; he didn’t know where he was.

From time to time, disguised in a costume (which would be the obverse of the ‘mask of sanity’), the woman would feed him, or give him water, or express motherly concern for him. She would also torture him.

This went on for a long time. I kept hearing this child’s cries of pain and abandonment on the astral plane. Over and over again, he cried out for his father. Hearing all this astrally, I did my best to pray for him and reassure him through clair talk.

Once the couple took the child to the house of another couple whom they admired; this second couple was, according to the astral story, also into child torture. There the wife of the second man, both most likely being under the influence of drugs, cut off the child’s eyelids with her manicure scissors. She told the others there that she did so, so that the child’s eyes would look more like hers. This pleased her husband. After a long while the first man had pity on the child and ended his life; whether this happened that night or another time, I do not know.

I noticed from a news article that ‘items of interest’ regarding DR were found on Middle Mountain [see footnote at the end of this section] in the summer of 2013. I do not know what these items were; however, on the clair plane I heard some remains were left in Vallecito Lake; I heard variously, that they might have been sunk and weighed down in the waters off Middle Mountain Campground, or in deep waters off the lower western side of Vallecito Lake.

I heard, again variously, that these remains were placed in a lead-lined box constructed at home by the first man, or else shrink-wrapped, and that he had disposed of the remains at night by riding a considerable distance on a bicycle. Thus, he must have been in good physical condition. Also, that he fell off the bicycle on the way back, and hurt himself, and started to cry like a little child, as he had disposed of the remains at the instruction of the second man, and not because he himself wished to do so.

On a tangent, I later heard that the first man later used the same [presumably 4-foot-long] lead-lined box to ship the decapitated body of the wife of the second couple to her deceased parents’ home to be buried in the right side of the front yard, and that the body was discovered as ‘Jane Doe’ by the Los Angeles Police Department, which could not identify it for lack of the head. Also that the wife had been slain by her husband so that he might obtain her parents’ home for himself.

Nothing is for sure on the astral plane. The entire astral story might be no more than the expression of concern of lots of folks who hoped for a solution to the mystery of the disappearance of the child in this well-publicized missing-child case.

Keeping this in mind, I have just a few other thoughts on the case of DR …

  • Law enforcement has named the child’s father as a person of interest in the case. This is the opposite of the astral story, where the child was disoriented, did not know where he was, or who his captors were, and kept crying out for his father to come and save him.
  • Along these lines, there was a further astral story to the effect that the first man (above) called law enforcement with an anonymous tip that the killer was the father. Were this to be true, one might gather the sangfroid and risk threshold of the tipster. On the other hand, this man purportedly poses sometimes as a man and sometimes as a woman; thus, the call might have appeared to be from a person of either gender. This gender shifting may be perceived as a form of risk mitigation.

By way of aside, the following year, I clairly heard that an additional attempts at capturing two children in the Bayfield, Colorado, area were made or planned on a Halloween evening, with intent for the two couples to torture and murder the children. However, I have confidence that most parents, these days, are aware of the dangers of their children riding in strangers’ cars, and that these sorts of plans will be foiled, even in areas of the country where people tend to trust their neighbors more than in urban areas.

Footnote on Relationship of Vallecito Lake to Middle Mountain. Here is a map showing the relationship of Vallecito Lake and Middle Mountain …,+San+Juan+National+Forest,+Forest+Road+603,+Bayfield,+CO+81122/@37.554316,-107.8162884,10z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m13!4m12!1m5!1m1!1s0x873eecf978a6e11b:0xa831f9c4eb879629!2m2!1d-107.5353526!2d37.6979164!1m5!1m1!1s0x873e9c7bcb616af3:0x3cd7764a14a450f7!2m2!1d-107.5368319!2d37.4102889 ..

Vallecito Lake is an interesting area, being at once a remote area and a tourist attraction. I note the presence of the restaurant The Rusty Shovel (previously called the Hideaway) at the northwestern corner of the lake, and Elk Point Lodge just south of Middle Mountain Campground, which is at about the middle of the eastern shore of the lake. Just south of Elk Point Lodge are Croll Cabins, which appeared to be in good repair, but only open May through September.

In terms of remoteness, these areas near Vallecito Lake look too deserted for a hiker to walk alone in, and possibly subject to sniper attack by a serial killer, or that sort of person …

  • The area of Route 603 on the eastern shore between Croll Cabins and Pine Point Campground to the south of the cabins. There is a gate to the north of Croll Cabins, which when closed would make this stretch of road seldom traveled.
  • Also, the 852 spur that begins at the North Canyon Campground on the eastern shore.
  • Going past Elk Point Lodge on Route 501, then left on a 501 spur road, one arrives at the Pine River Campground roundabout. The foot and horse trail that goes from there north, into the Weminuche Wilderness along the northern side of Pine River, I also take to be too dangerous for lone hiking, not so much because of the wildlife, as because of a possible shooting incident, possibly not by accident.
  • Here is a map of Vallecito Lake showing some of these places … ..

How a Person May Drop His Mask When He Touches Another Person 

Speaking now from a 3D perspective, from the realm of physical reality: The insanity behind the mask is sometimes momentarily lifted when a person touches another person. Here is an example: If a man were to lightly place his arm across the shoulder of another man; if at the same time the first man’s features and body muscles were relaxed, then one might gather that he was at ease in the presence of men.

Here is another 3D example, from the realm of physical reality: Imagine that a man is sitting on a chair, and a beautiful young woman (not his wife) is sitting near him, on the floor, in a gathering of people. Suppose he were to grasp this beautiful woman’s hair and pull her head towards his sexual organs … Suppose this gesture were to be enacted on various occasions before a group of people? (In other words, suppose it were habitual.) If at that moment of grasping her hair and pulling her head toward him, his facial expression were to change from the ‘mask of sanity’ to the brute instinct of feral aggression, the ‘ape and tiger’ of which Alfred, Lord Tennyson, wrote, then we might gather that his sex drive would find expression in fellatio, and also perhaps in sadomasochism towards women. And that, in his writings … should he write … he would express being ill at ease toward women, the underlying notion perhaps being that they meant to control him.

IDEATION OF WOMEN AS SEXUAL ORGANS [Heart Vampire and one of his students (not the author of this blog)]

Here is another 3D example, from the realm of physical reality: If a man were to sit in a chair before a gathering of people, and have a beautiful young woman (not his wife) sit on the floor in front of him, her head at the level of his genitals, her legs spread wide … if she were to sing him a song of romantic love before the gathering … then we might gather that he thought women were beneath him (‘lower’ than him), and that he ideated them as their sexual organs rather than the complete person; further, that he had no notion of the debasement proposed by this scenario. Nor would she, should she perform this skit of her own will.

Let us take a look at this relief of Lilith, which reminds me of a different woman, the wife of the second couple described in the astral story above. Coincidentally, it also appeared along with the earliest promotional material for this book …

Citation: “Mission to Earth A Lightworkers Guide to Self Mastery,” by Anna Merkaba [no publication year listed] …

… which I discuss in another blog …

Link: “Philosophical Question 3: Does Attaining Neutral Mind Absolve Immoral Acts?” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 23 April 2017 … ..


Image: “Burney Relief, Babylon (1800–1750 BCE). Some scholars (e.g. Emil Kraeling) identified the figure in the relief with Lilith, based on a misreading of an outdated translation of the Epic of Gilgamesh.[20] Modern research has identified the figure as one of the main goddesses of the Mesopotamian pantheons, most probably Ishtar or Ereshkigal.[21]” –from Wikimedia … .. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported, 2.5 Generic, 2.0 Generic and 1.0 Generic license.

Image: “Burney Relief, Babylon (1800–1750 BCE). Some scholars (e.g. Emil Kraeling) identified the figure in the relief with Lilith, based on a misreading of an outdated translation of the Epic of Gilgamesh.[20] Modern research has identified the figure as one of the main goddesses of the Mesopotamian pantheons, most probably Ishtar or Ereshkigal.[21]” –from Wikimedia … .. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported, 2.5 Generic, 2.0 Generic and 1.0 Generic license.

Note that the sexual organs are nearly in the center of the relief; the eye is drawn to them, just as it would be drawn to the sexual organs of a woman seated on the floor, legs spread wide, in front of a man seated on a chair (a tableau I once observed).

LILITH: THE DEMON WOMAN WHO WILL NOT BE SUBSERVIENT [The author, according to the point of view of Heart Vampire, but not according to her own understanding]

Here is more on Lilith: “The character is generally thought to derive in part from a historically far earlier class of female demons (lilītu) in Mesopotamian religion, found in cuneiform texts of Sumer, Akkad, Assyria, and Babylonia … In Hebrew-language texts, the term lilith or lilit (translated as’night creatures’, ‘night monster’, ‘night hag’, or ‘screech owl’) first occurs in a list of animals in Isaiah 34:14 … in the 13th-century writings of Rabbi Isaac ben Jacob ha-Cohen, Lilith left Adam after she refused to become subservient to him and then would not return to the Garden of Eden after she had coupled with the archangel Samael. The resulting Lilith legend continues to serve as source material in modern Western culture, literature, occultism, fantasy, and horror.” –from Link: “Lilith” in Wikipedia … … This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported, 2.5 Generic, 2.0 Generic and 1.0 Generic license.

So this is a sculpture of a she-demon, who cannot be controlled by a man. It may also be interpreted as the demon of desire, the blame for which a man may project on a woman. From which I gather that the subconscious symbol ‘Lilith’ conveys that …

  • The sexual woman may be a subconscious symbol of evil;
  • That she is difficult to control, and deserves to be punished; and
  • That sadomasochism towards women may be a feature of this man’s sex life.

From this, one might extrapolate as follows: The serial killer might resonate to the notion of the subconscious symbol ‘Lilith’. Thus, if he were queried about his life story, he might respond with stories such as this …

  • He had an important mission to accomplish, to save Earth, but a woman told him he was unprepared for this mission. (that is, he feels low self-esteem because of women’s opinions of him)
  • His mother felt he was not a human being; when he looked at her, she was afraid of him (that is, he was able to control her)
  • His female teacher attempted to ‘heal’ him, but he could tell she had, in reality, drained him of vital essence. (that is, she could not be trusted to ‘mother’ him … her love was like poison)
  • His wife or followers must go nowhere without him. She or they must speak only when spoken to. She or they must agree with all he says. I saw a documentary video on Charles Manson recently, which indicated he had this point of view toward his followers … Video: “Charles Manson – Dianne Sawyer Documentary,” by Jack London, 24 February 2013 … starting at 16.40 (that is, he must have complete control of his wife or followers). I recommend viewing the video, from which I learned quite a lot.

For more on the Lilith legend, see Link: “The Lilith Mental Filter,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 30 May 2016, revised … ..


“Many [serial killers] are fascinated with fire setting …” –from Link: “Serial Killer,” in Wikipedia … … Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply.

  • Would such a person set fire to the family home at an early age? [For more on an astral story about this see my blog category: catastrophic childhood experiences ]
  • Would he exhibit pyrokinesis, among other psychic abilities associated with repressed rage?


It is possible that the parents of serial killers are unable to form an attachment with them, and so they are unable to attach to the natal family. For instance, Charles Manson’s father left his mother before he was born. Charles was unable to form an attachment with his mother, because his mother was not willing. It is also possible that serial killers are unable to form attachments from birth, due to some genetic quality. Or both may be the case: There may be a genetic predisposing factor, and also a family behavioral disorder.

Here are the relevant Wikipedia passages …

“Family, or lack thereof, is the most prominent part of a child’s development because it is what the child can identify with on a regular basis … ‘The serial killer is no different from any other individual who is instigated to seek approval from parents, sexual partners, or others.’ … This need for approval is what influences children to attempt to develop social relationships with their family and peers, but if they are rejected or neglected, they are unable to do so. This results in the lowering of their self-esteem and helps develop their fantasy world, in which they are in control According to the Hickey’s Trauma Control Model the development of a serial killer is based on an early trauma followed by facilitators (e.g., alcohol, drugs, pornography, or other factors that constitute a facilitator, depending on individual circumstances) and disposition (an inability to attach being one common factor) …

“Family interaction also plays an important role in a child’s growth and development. ‘The quality of their attachments to parents and other members of the family is critical to how these children relate to and value other members of society.’ … Wilson and Seaman (1990) conducted a study on incarcerated serial killers, and what they felt was the most influential factor that contributed to their homicidal activity … Almost all of the serial killers in the study had experienced some sort of environmental problems during their childhood, such as a broken home caused by divorce, or a lack of discipline in the home. It was common for the serial killers to come from a family that had experienced divorce, separation, or the lack of a parent. Furthermore, nearly half of the serial killers had experienced some type of physical or sexual abuse, and even more had experienced emotional neglect …” –from Link: “Serial Killer,” in Wikipedia … … Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply.

Innate Ability to Hypnotize

Suppose a person were to be born with the feeling that he was different from everyone else. Suppose he were born with the innate power of mind control, or hypnosis, and was, at birth, successful in mind controlling his mother. Might she not consider him an alien entity, or demonically possessed? Might she then draw back from him, and refuse to form an attachment with him? This would be another way of looking at the statement that serial killers “… were often abused—emotionally, physically and/or sexually—by a family member …” –from Link: “Serial Killer,” in Wikipedia … … Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply.

It could be, then, not the mothers’ fault that such a child would be held ‘at arm’s length’.

As time went on, might the serial killer’s peers in school also be put off by his innate powers of hypnosis? Might they feel that he was demonically possessed, and refuse to associate with him? This would throw a different light on the statement that serial killers “… were frequently bullied or socially isolated as children or adolescents … For example, Henry Lee Lucas was ridiculed as a child and later cited the mass rejection by his peers as a cause for his hatred of everyone.” –from Link: “Serial Killer,” in Wikipedia … … Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply.

From this new perspective, there might be reason for his schoolmates to treat this child differently.

Would this innate hypnotic ability, then, lead the serial killer to a great hunger, or thirst, for approval by other people? Because of their condemnation of him, might it not lead him, through a sense of self-preservation, to downgrade their status from person to object? To feel that he must continue to mind-control them, because they were untrustworthy, and capable of turning on him at whim?


Image: Mug shot of serial killer, cannibal, and necrophile Ottis Toole … … I note in particular the lack of wrinkles in the forehead, as if no thought were taking place in the frontal lobe (which is critical to solving problems, planning actions, and to organizing thoughts). 

“Studies have suggested that serial killers generally have an average or low-average IQ, although they are often described, and perceived, as possessing IQs in the above-average range … A sample of 202 IQs of serial killers had a median IQ of 89 …” –from Link: “Serial Killer,” in Wikipedia … … Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply.

Why would this be? Might it be that the serial killer is ‘dipping into’ the minds of other people, and using their intelligence to bolster his own subaverage IQ?

Astral ‘Skinny Dipping’

In occult terms, this ‘dipping into’ is sometimes termed ‘skinny dipping’ … dipping into a person’s aura so as to speak with their voice on the astral plane. This would be a natural for a person who assumes that his ego has no boundaries … that he will mind-control everyone in the world, as he may have done with his natal family, and everyone he has known since birth.

He might ‘skinny dip,’ assume the voice of another person, and speak to others of his mind-controlled coterie with the authority of the skinny dipped person, for instance. In this way, by serially skinny dipping, he might maneuver all the players in his clair world into position, each against the others, each ‘for’ him.

Code of Silence for Followers

We might also anticipate, in the real world, that he might enjoin his followers never to speak unless he asks them to speak, and to say only what he desires them to say. It might follow that he would enjoin his followers not to speak at all on the psychic plane. This would leave the psychic field clear for him to enact the parts of all his followers as regarded clair hearing or clair visioning.

Further, by preventing personal relationships from taking place on the physical plane, it might make it easier for him to sacrifice any member of his group, at his convenience, without upsetting his other followers as much as might have been the case had they become friends with each other.


Suppose such a person, born with the ability to hypnotize, perhaps (from a metaphysical stance) possessed by a demon, and harboring repressed rage because of social shunning and lack of success in the realm of romance, should, at puberty, or soon thereafter … say,  at the age of 14 or 15 … be introduced to the world of metaphysics, and specifically, texts on development of psychic powers, and then to develop an impressive number of psychic abilities, including pyrokinesis, psychokinesis, telekinesis, and levitation (which, according to occult theory, is accomplished with the help of demon allies), in addition to the innate ability to mind control.

What then? If he were to develop a following, what would happen? They would be mind controlled, would they not? And due to the repressed rage of the serial killer, they would be subject to terrifying acts of pyrokinesis, psychokinesis, and telekinesis when his conscious mind relaxed, as for instance …

  • when he used drugs or
  • when he was drowsy or asleep.

RAGE ACTUATOR FOR THE SERIAL KILLER: INABILITY TO CONTROL A WOMAN [Heart Vampire and his killing cult. ‘Lilith’ represents the cult’s notion of a woman who walks away from the cult]

What else might set free a deep reservoir of repressed rage? One such actuator might be inability to control a woman, provided his subconscious mind set forth such a woman as the Lilith subconscious symbol.

Actions of Followers Toward a ‘Lilith’ Who Cannot Be Mind-Controlled

The mind-controlled followers of the serial killer would express this rage …

  • perhaps through acting out in the real world, or
  • perhaps through vivid daydreams, astral stories, or night dreams.

They might attempt …

  • to isolate the woman who symbolized Lilith from other people so that she might be more easily mind-controlled by the serial killer;
  • to imprison or control her; or
  • to kill her.

Sexual Rage in a Serial Killer When a ‘Lilith’ Is Perceived to Be Nearby

The serial killer’s rage might be increased by his inability to perform the sex act so long as this uncontrollable woman (elsewhere termed his ‘bad part’) encroaches on his territory, whether this be conceived as geographical territory, or simply within the realm of his mind-control authority.

In other words, in his mind, he is made impotent by the Lilith’s lack of subservience to him. How can he express himself sexually, through sadomasochism, if she is not behaving masochistically?

This theory is easily proven or disproven, by asking the question: When the Lilith is perceived to be at a distance, does he then solicit sex? And: Is this sexual solicitation made of a woman?

Probably not, as the noncompliance of the Lilith, over time, might create an overwhelming feeling of impotence in the presence of women….

Would it not be, then, that the serial killer might seek sexual relief, as soon as the Lilith is at a distance, from a man, with whom he might feel more at ease to express himself in this vulnerable way?

A Vivid Vision: Genital Mutilation of Men When the Lilith Is Perceived to Be Nearby

Here is another question: In an interval when the Lilith is perceived to be near, and threatening, and the serial killer is experiencing psychological and physical impotence, might he be impelled to mind control two other men in this shocking scenario that I viewed on the astral plane …

Both are invited to a sexual rendezvous. One is mind controlled into restraining the other, by holding his arms behind his back. The serial killer whips out a knife, sharpened, in avid anticipation the evening before, severs the head of the second man’s penis, and swallows it. In shock, the mutilated man faints. The serial killer tells the restraining man, through mind control: Prop him up against the wall.

My thoughts on this scenario …

  • In the deep subconscious mind, the serial killer might feel that eating another man’s penis would return him, the serial killer, to a state of sexual potency. Such might happen were the serial killer to be experiencing male menopause, for instance.
  • His life-long ability to mind-control, together with the notion that everyone must be controlled, that no one can be depended on (since he has never been able to attach to anyone), makes the above scenario … as unusual as it is from the perspective of normal behavior) … an expectable outcome, a given, for the serial killer.
  • Positioning of the mutilated, fainted man in an upright position against a wall would result in greater blood flow out of him, what is called, in the slaughter of hogs, ‘bleeding them out’. From this might be gathered, that the mutilated man is perceived as an animal, not a person, even though he might be a follower of the serial killer.


These, then, are my new thoughts on the old topic of the serial killer, based on information Wikipedia has compiled on the topic, which I have attempted to compare to the astral stories on the topic.

In love, light and joy,
Alice B. Clagett
I Am of the Stars

See also … Link: “Catastrophic Childhood Case Study: Heart Vampire 1,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 13 December 2020; revised … ..

Written and published on 17 November 2016; revised on 5 July 2023
Previously titled: Serial Killers: Wikipedia vs Astral Stories

For more on the nicknames bracketed above, search my blog for:  Compendium Heart VampireCompendium InannaCompendium TorturessCompendium Hunter-Snuffer


Music by daub_audio from Pixabay
“The Yosemite Horror” – Pixabay License


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antisocial personality, serial killer, Charles Manson, Henry Lee Lucas, Jeffrey Dahlmer, consequentialism, personal boundaries, parts identification, mind control, cannibalism, urolagnia, paraphilia, coprophilia, coprophagia, mask of sanity, sadomasochism, need to control, Dylan Redwine, Lilith, demon woman, pyrokinesis, repressed rage, psychic powers, rage actuators, genital mutilation, pyrokinesis, psychokinesis, telekinesis, impotence, Ottis Toole, crime, Durango, wild west, my favorites, law enforcement, psychology, psychiatry, acting out, catastrophic childhood experiences, mass murderers, fetishism, partialism, necrophilia, paraphilias, mind slide, Colorado, Bayfield, possession, entity attachment, Heart Vampire, Inanna,

A Short-Sighted Demon Elimination Technique . by Alice B. Clagett *

Written and published on 31 October 2015; republished on 20 March 2018; revised on 29 July 2018

    •  “An Angel and a Devil Fighting for the Soul of a Child,” a painting by Giacinto Gimignani,
    • “Imaginary portrait of the Marquis de Sade Surrounded by Devils,” an engraving by H. Biberstein
    • Mind Control Techniques Used to Demonize a ‘Host’ or ‘Donkey’ or ‘Victim’
      • “Sacred and Profane Love,” a painting by Giovanni Baglione
    • Introduction of Anger or Rage into the ‘Host’ Person
    • The Transgender Ex-Felon Astral Story
    • Prohibition of Spiritual Practices through Mind Control or Hypnosis
    • Hooking the ‘Host’ Person on Drugs and Infecting Them with HIV
      • “Psychosis,” a painting by Amber Christian Osterhout 
    • Getting the ‘Host’ Person to ‘Act Out’ the ‘Unpardonable Act’
    • The Intention of the Black Magic Practitioner towards the ‘Host’ Person
    • “The Temptation of Christ,” a painting by Ary Scheffer
    • “An Angel Frees the Souls of Purgatory,” a painting by Annibale Carracci
    • “Light Painting / Cloud Trails,” a photo by Brian Tomlinson
    • “Rock on Beach,” a photo by Mahbubur Rahman
    • “The Day of Judgment,” 1805, one of William Blake’s watercolour
      illustrations for Robert Blair’s poem “The Grave,”
    • Levitation May Indicate Demonic Obsession in Some Instances

“And be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” –Romans 12:2 (KJV, public domain)

Dear Ones,

One of our common failures, as human beings, after we descend through the Veil of Forgetfulness and into an incarnation, is shortness of vision. We see things, we think about solutions, without taking into consideration the Big Picture. Which is certainly understandable, considering the nature of the Veil of Forgetfulness.

Here is one example: Let’s say, we are a gifted Spiritual Adept, and we need to make a living. We are casting about for the possibilities. There are lots of folks with money and fame in the world today, who are not living the most perfectly spiritual lifestyles. Which makes sense, since their motive in this lifetime is pursuit of money and fame….

So what happens when we turn away from our Soul Mission, maybe do not even give our Soul a second thought, much less a daily listen? When we turn away from our hearts, to (as Christ used to say) ‘the things of the world’?


I have spoken in past about the way this Duality Play was set up…. The Elohim needed to give our courageously volunteering Souls theretofore unheard-of choices between the Light and the Dark, their intention being to advance our Soul Evolution quickly, through the school of hard knocks. So how were they to provide these choices?

They settled on a higher dimensional Duality Play between races of nonhuman beings that were very dark by nature, and other races of nonhuman beings that were very light by nature. Human beings, in their astral or emotional body aspects, were to be capable of receiving instruction from whichever races of beings they chose to listen to, moment to moment.

And so, Earth was designed as a Free Will Planet, a school for humankind, and the teachers were quite different in aspect, but all were teachers…. Team Light, for instance, includes the Devic Realm, the devas, nature spirits and elementals. It also includes the Angels and Archangels, beings of pure light who are always at the ready to uplift Earth and humankind. To advance Soul Evolution through these teachers, one need only align heart, mind and will with them. In that way the Soul will be refined … through right alignment, right thinking, and right action.


Image: “An Angel and a Devil Fighting for the Soul of a Child,” a painting by Giacinto Gimignani, first half of 17th century, from Wikimedia Commons … public domain

Image: “An Angel and a Devil Fighting for the Soul of a Child,” a painting by Giacinto Gimignani, first half of 17th century, from Wikimedia Commons, public domain

Team Dark, on the other hand, includes rather prominently the Demon Hordes. Big bother. Those humans who chose to listen to these Lords of Karma learn their Soul Lessons by means of the Law of Karma.


Let me offer a scenario: A human decides to live a life of sadistic hedonism. He will rape, maim, torture and kill as many human beings as possible… This is quite a bold choice in the Duality Play. His intention is to align as completely as possible with the astral Demon Hordes while in human form.

As such a person begins to experience Ascension and becomes aware of the astral plane, he will quite naturally begin to notice the Demon Hordes hovering around him. What is he to do?


Image: “Imaginary portrait of the Marquis de Sade Surrounded by Devils,” an engraving by H. Biberstein, French School, (18th century) / Private Collection / The Bridgeman Art Library, 1912, from Wikimedia Commons … public domain (PD-scan)

Image: “Imaginary portrait of the Marquis de Sade Surrounded by Devils,” an engraving by H. Biberstein, French School, (18th century) / Private Collection / The Bridgeman Art Library, 1912, from Wikimedia Commons, public domain (PD-scan)

Enter the aforementioned Spiritual Adept. This savvy person, for instance, might have run an ad in the proper places: “Demon Elimination … $2000.” Quite naturally, the gentleman of fame and fortune, who is plagued by the constant vision of demons, might bite.

And it works! The demons are gone for awhile … But in a month or so they come back. And this equates to a monthly Demon Elimination fee; very good news for the Spiritual Adept.


Segue to the Psychic Plane, aka the Astral Plane, the Land of Dreams. What has the Spiritual Adept actually done on the Psychic Plane to achieve the Demon Elimination process? The technique is to ‘go astral’ (into astral form), and use a black magic formula to remove the demons from the Client and attach them to someone else.

Mind Control Techniques Used to Demonize a ‘Host’ or ‘Donkey’ or ‘Victim’. Attempts will be made to weaken a potential ‘host’ or ‘donkey’ or ‘victim’ through the black magic techniques of mind control, psychic rape, implantation of false memories of incest or slaying of one’s mother in childhood, and either astral or physical acts of rectal intercourse (which tend to weaken the astral energy flow through the spine). For more on this, see …

Link: “Subconscious Symbolism: Four Metaphors,” by Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 1 March 2016; published on 5 April 2016; transcribed on 13 September 2019 … ..

Image: “Sacred and Profane Love,” by Giovanni Baglione, 1602, Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Antica … … in Wikimedia Commons … public domain … COMMENT: This painting is suggestive of pederasty, or sexual desire by a man for a boy.

Introduction of anger or rage into the ‘host’ person is always helpful. One way of doing this is psychic surgery between the second and third chakras, which renders a person impotent and introduces fear of death. Genital mutilation on the physical plane is a similar technique.

The Transgender Ex-Felon Astral Story. There is a more complex astral story about hiring men who are ex-felons (for which the employer get an IRS tax credit). These ex-felons, it seems from the astral stories, are likely to have been sodomized and to have contracted HIV in prison; these experiences and their health condition have weakened their energy fields.

The story goes that they are tied down to the demon realm thusly: They are drugged, and subjected to transgender surgery, including removal of their genitals. So then the result is a person who has been transformed, against his will, to an attractive person of the opposite gender, and who has no way to ejaculate. His sexual urges, thus pent up inside him, turn into a fury of sexual rage, and seek release through serial killing in a sexual context.

As this story goes, these men are turned by the black magician toward sodomy, drug use, drug trafficking, and sex work. As the ‘hosts’ lack genitalia, the sex work will be rectal intercourse (which weakens their kundalini, the main energy channel of the spine) or else oral intercourse. It is likely to involve sadomasochism, including ‘cowboy sex’ (sex at gunpoint, undertaken by the client for increased excitement), dominance-submission, bondage, and so forth.

This sex work, which will gratify the client but not the sex worker, increases the worker’s sexual urge and sexual rage. To express this rage, he (now physically expressed as she) may kidnap children and torture them to death; or, working at night, he may jump and kill men or women. On the astral plane, cases of cannibalism have also been noted. This is quite an astral story, combining as it does, all the traditional ‘buy-ins’ to the demon realm.

Prohibition of Spiritual Practices through Mind Control or Hypnosis. Prohibition of the repetition of God’s name, as well as prohibition of feeling or following one’s heart, and of entry into churches, of the wearing of spiritual symbols, of the keeping of spiritual pictures and books in the home, are also encouraged through fear-based mind control, psychic humiliation and ‘crowd control’ techniques based on putative societal expectations.

Hooking the ‘Host’ Person on Drugs and Infecting Them with HIV. One theme is to get the ‘host’ hooked on drugs. Yet another theme is induction of HIV either astrally or physically, so as to permanently compromise their understanding of the physical body as the temple of God’s grace and love, the Divine gift to humankind. See …

Image: “Psychosis,” a painting by Amber Christian Osterhout … ..

Getting the ‘Host’ Person to ‘Act Out’ the ‘Unpardonable Act’. Also of interest: inducing the ‘host’ to ‘act out’ the ‘unpardonable act’ … this is some act of violence that makes them unacceptable in the eyes of the world. This is typically accomplished (according to the astral visions I have had) by introduction of a drug into their physical system, and then obsessing them, and forcing them to an act of violence such as rape or murder. If they cannot be induced to such an ‘initiatory’ act, then that is tough going for the black magic practitioner.

And this is why I often admonish: Don’t Act Out! It is very important for each of us humans to pursue the course of right action, dharmic action, in the world. Much can be made of our slipups in this regard, and that most clearly not to our advantage….

The intention of the black magic practitioner towards the ‘host’ person, is to degrade the quality of the astral matter so as to make it an acceptable vicinity to the Demon Hordes (which cannot stand the bright light of Ascension). One visualization that the Spiritual Adept would have is of dragging the ‘host’ down to Hell, with demons all around them feeding on the radiance of their Soul.


The Temptation of Christ Ary Scheffer, 1854

Image: “The Temptation of Christ,” a painting by Ary Scheffer, 1854, from Wikimedia Commons, public domain

Image: “The Temptation of Christ,” a painting by Ary Scheffer, 1854, from Wikimedia Commons,  public domain

When a ‘host’ does not know what is going on, this sort of situation might appear hopeless. Especially if they do not know a thing about the Demon Hordes, have no conception of black magic, and just want to spend their time on Earth having faith in God, being kind to everyone, and doing good works, for instance. Such a ‘host’ might feel ‘dragged down into the depths,’ but just not know the why and wherefore.

If the spiritual person persists in living clean, loving God and doing good works, then despite this dire scenario, his astral matter will become refined again, and so the Demons brought and attached to him by the Spiritual Adept will, in a matter of weeks or months, fly off … gravitate back to human beings whose astral matter is coarsened by their life decisions.

This process can be shortened, by the ‘host’ in the know, by simply saying out loud: “You are free! Go where you want!” [See Link: “Free the Demons!” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 6 April 2015; revised on 17 May 2020 … …]

This command apparently works because demons prefer to be free. They want to go where they want to go. They do not want to be bound down by human beings. No more so than nature spirits … but that is another story.


What can the demon-elimination Client expect as the years go by? From my study of Theosophy I can posit: First, as his acts of sadistic hedonism (or the like) continue, he can expect further coarsening of his astral matter. The coarseness of his astral matter, when he dies, will determine the level of the hellworld to which he sinks on the astral plane. The coarser his astral matter, the more unpleasant will be the hellworld experience.


Image: “An Angel Frees the Souls of Purgatory,” a painting by Annibale Carracci , from Wikimedia Commons, public domain

Image: “An Angel Frees the Souls of Purgatory,” a painting by Annibale Carracci , from Wikimedia Commons, public domain

Keep in mind that the demon world proudly proclaims its ability to teach humankind and to further Soul Evolution. This is the logic behind their nom de plume ‘Lords of Karma’. In their parlance, the hellworlds are a learning experience ‘for your own good’… which might explain why I had such an aversion to that phrase in my childhood … or maybe not….

And so, according to the Theosophical Society school of thought … which I find compelling … Clients can anticipate with a degree of certainty, the educational aspects of the fires of hell. Followed by a long period of Soul Schooling on the astral plane. And then, reincarnation, during which the samskaras of past lifetimes would once more come into play.

Here is more on the contrarian point of view …

Link: “Can the Power of Satan Be Utilized to Drive Out Devils?” by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 10 July 2018; revised on 2 May 2020 … ..


Now I know that, in past, Spiritual Adepts sometimes offer the Client the option of ‘body snatching’ by astral displacement as death occurs (or shortly thereafter). The appeal here is the notion of putting off the day of judgment, and the likely possibility of an unappealing visit to the hellworlds.

This body snatching offer requires that the Spiritual Adept cultivate another person …  a ‘host’ body … for later use by the Client. For those not in the know, this entails the Spiritual Adept driving out the ‘host’s’ astral body so that the Client’s astral body can enter the ‘host’ body.

Such hosts might be kept physically near by the Spiritual Adept, in a state of being drugged, mind controlled, and most likely sexually abused. But in an otherwise buff physical state. Ready and at hand, as it were, to be ‘stepped into’ by the Client at the moment of death.

There are astral stories floating round regarding the Souls of ‘hosts’ fleeing in dismay their astrally degraded human form.  Of the ability of Spiritual Adepts to capture and enslave Souls that flee the body in this manner, and enhance their own power thusly.

I know of no foundation in astral fact for these stories. My feeling is, such a Soul, in such an instance, would quickly flee from the physical vicinity of its still-living body, dip for a while into the hellworlds as it re-experienced the agony of the just-past lifetime, then settle into the purgatory planes while its astral matter returned to the level it held before the obsessive incidents began. At least, that is my view of the outcome, should such an event occur….

It seems more likely to me that the Soul of a frequently obsessed person would hover protectively near the body. The trouble being that repeated acts of obsession by the Spiritual Adept, perpetrated on the near-at-hand ‘hosts’ … and resulting in ‘virtual’ acts of violence by the ‘host’ body … would offer great satisfaction to the obsessing Spiritual Adept … and so might, in time, become more and more frequent.

This would put the ‘host’ body in danger from law enforcement authorities, who could hardly be expected to understand the true nature of the trouble. In point of fact, the Souls of persons so obsessed are so saddened by the acts of violence unwillingly committed by their bodies, that one cannot but feel the utmost compassion for them.

So now, back to the physical: The psychological aspect of the obsessed body would present as psychosis, foul speech, repetitive dark nonsense phrases or rhymes, demonic possession, and complete divorce from reality, with the ‘flying in’ of violent psychic presences and the acting out of repeated senseless acts of violence by the ‘host’.

There would, in this extreme instance, be no ‘thinking mind’ within the human form. The eyes would be vacant… The movements of the body would be directed by unseen forces beyond and around the physical body (sometimes accompanied by sporadic fluttering of a body part, such as a finger twitch … which are occasionally concomitant with, but not singly indicative of obsession).

In such a case, the obsessing Spiritual Adept, or his group, might decide to end the life of the ‘host’ and ‘start fresh’, as it were, possibly with the body of a good looking but spiritually low or depraved homeless man, a runaway child, or another person with marginal societal rights and options.


Image: “Light Painting / Cloud Trails,” by Brian Tomlinson … … COMMENT: This is an image of a skateboard ramp with graffiti on it, and a vibrantly electric sky.

There are astral stories floating about, to the effect that ‘host’ cultivation techniques and permanent astral displacement have been successfully utilized in times of yore, at least for a while, and perhaps in some cases with permanent Soul substitution (or ‘walk-in’). I can’t attest to the veracity of this; for me, it is only the gossip that I hear on the Psychic Plane.

Image: “Rock on Beach,” Mahbubur Rahman … … COMMENTS: This is a photograph of a sandy beach with a smooth surf and a big rock at surf line in the distance. The sky looks like clouds are streaming toward the rock. Here is more art by Mahbubur Rahman … .. 

I do know this, though: Since the 2012 Shift, such things are no longer possible. Not on this Planet. And that is because the lowest grades of the astral matter of all Earth have been refined by the Incoming Light to such an extent that our human astral forms can no longer be sufficiently degraded for this kind of astral displacement to take place. And for the same reason, the experience of sadistic hedonism is becoming less and less enjoyable to those of such inclination….

The very likely experiential possibilities for the Gnarly after death, in the current scenario of Ascended Earth, are placement in the hellworlds of another planetary environment where the extremes of duality can be experienced, or absorption by Source. These and any other available choices will be offered at the moment of death, or soon thereafter… Keeping in mind that the Duality Play has been constructed for our own Soul learning, and in no way as a ‘crime and punishment’ scenario.


Spiritual Adepts, and groups of Spiritual Adepts, that, for the sake of cash flow for their organizations, delay the Soul learning of the Big Players in the area of human darkness, and in so doing facilitate continued acts of violence by the Big Players, and who further attempt to degrade the human experience of ‘hosts’ to a state of enslavement to the demon world, can expect their own astral matter to become more and more coarse during their lifetime. To the point where they and their groups are plagued with demon visitors, and their lives begin to reflect that which they attempt to induce in their unwilling ‘hosts’.

Their prospects after death are like those of their Clients. However, there is the added danger that, since during this lifetime they have participated in Thuggee practices, their astral forms are set to deteriorate to the Elementary state on death. (See the blog categories: Elementaries – astral shells … and … Black magician – subtle sorcerer – thuggee – drukpa (dugpa) – red hat – mantrik


Image: “The Day of Judgment,” 1805, one of William Blake’s watercolour illustrations for Robert Blair’s poem “The Grave,” from Wikimedia Commons, public domain

Image: “The Day of Judgment,” 1805, one of William Blake’s watercolour
illustrations for Robert Blair’s poem “The Grave,” from Wikimedia Commons, public domain


I found this subject matter too dark for my liking. I hope this discussion suffices, so that it will not be necessary to take up the topic at length in future.

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars


Link: “Watch Out for The Four-Fold Curse,” by Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 25 January 2018; published on 30 January 2018 … ..

Link: “Bidding Our Demons Goodbye Video Series,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 8 April 2015; revised … ..

Link: “Activation of Light to Evacuate Demons,” by the Hathors through Alice B. Clagett,” published on 28 March 2015 … ..

Link: “Activation of Light for Bothersome Demons,” by the Hathors through Alice B. Clagett, published on 15 March 2015; revised … ..

Link: “Demonic Possession,” by Red Spirit Energy Healing … ..

Levitation May Indicate Demonic Obsession in Some Instances

Here is something interesting: A 1598 woodcarving purported to be of a witch trial. Looks like a priest might be presenting the ‘suspect’ with the eucharist? The suspect is levitating and maybe saying ‘demonic’ things? Or maybe they clair saw a demon escaping from his mouth?

What interested me was the levitation … because levitation is sometimes, quite contrarily, considered to be a sign of sainthood. Which, do you think, is true? Or could both possibly be true?


Image: “Woodcut-1598-witch-trial” from Wikimedia Commons, public domain

Image: “Woodcut-1598-witch-trial” from Wikimedia Commons, public domain 


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ascension, demonry, black magic, spiritual adepts, demons, levitation, possession, obsession, mind control, psychic surgery, genital mutilation, rage, fear, drug addict epithet, epithets, murderer epithet, psychic rape, hedonism, Christianity, saints, levitation, psychic powers, pederasty, eucharist, Angelic Realm, societal expectations, bondage and discipline, Black Magicker, Tinkerbell, Castratrux – Basal Vampire, Bespeller – Voodoo Man, Lazarus, Witchy Woman Hater, Bespeller – Voodoo Man,