Category Archives: Child trafficking

Feature Film: “Chinese Trade Tensions: What to Look Out For” and Short: “Raven Wars with Hawk” . by Alice B. Clagett

Feature Film: "Chinese Trade Tensions: What to Look Out For" and Short: "Raven Wars with Hawk"

Image: “Self-Portrait,” by Alice B. Clagett, 12 April 2024, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

Image: “Self-Portrait,” by Alice B. Clagett, 12 April 2024, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

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Dear Ones,

Here are a feature film about trade tensions with China and a short about a raven warring with a hawk …



Hello, Dear Ones, It’s Alice.

I did some research on wi-fi cameras for surveillance outside the home … such as on a shed or at the top of the house … that can be fed into your handheld, for instance. I did that on I found out something very interesting …

Of the standalone wi-fi cameras available on [mourning dove call] Amazon, as far as I could tell, all of them have a program that shows the image of [mourning dove call] the surveillance camera online (where you look at it online) …

[Raven says: Hawk, hawk hawk, hawk, etc! I say: The ravens. Hawk continues to call in the background.]

And the program is in China … almost every single one. There was one, if I remember correctly, where the programs was in an Eastern European nation.

The trouble that I have with this is that those images of your location … maybe your address and your financial information … credit card and bank and so forth … might be available to company that is hosting the images online.

I looked up the countries that had economic sanctions by the United States to find out whether China was being sanctioned. It is not, as far as I can tell; but Russia is being sanctioned, and Russia and China are allies in the war against the Ukraine.

The United States is against the war in the Ukraine; so you see there is a tension arising there, to do with Russia and its ally China as opposed to the United States.

The United States has already expressed this tension in terms of a trade embargo against Russia and parts of the Ukraine. But it has not done that with China.

Chinese technical knowhow is deeply interwoven with the companies of the DOW based in the United States. For instance, both Microsoft and Apple have …

[Raven: Hawk hawk hawk hawk etc. Me to Raven: What’s up? ]

… Excuse me. Raven interruption! They both have … [Laughs.] Life is very unexpectable in the suburbs.

They both have strong connections with China. [Songbird: Listen to her! Listen to her!]

Also I have read that there is a fusion between the military sector and the economic sector in mainland China. What that might mean, for instance … and the thing that everyone fears … is that there might be backdoors, maybe multiple backdoors, in important electronic systems that might assist the military in of China gaining a foothold in the United States … for instance in the realm of surveillance cameras.

This might be applicable worldwide: The ability of the Chinese military to see into our backyards and at our front doors nationwide and globally might provide quite a military advantage … I am sure you can guess … to mainland China.

Then we have the issue of Eastern Europe and the cloud programs that host the images of surveillance cameras over there. The question I have about that is: Could it have to do with, say, a combination of hacking of our contact information and financial information such as credit cards … and home invasion / home robbery in select areas that are being surveilled and overseen by cameras that we ourselves have purchased from!

I know it is a scary topic, but I just thought I would mention that where the wi-fi cameras that are sold on Amazon are made is not really the important thing. They might be made in the United States. They might be made anywhere.

But it is not the cameras that are the issue. It is the software that hosts the images online … like HIK-Connect, and many others. That software feed into military intelligence in mainland China or elsewhere. The same might be true in the United States I guess; I do not know.

I do not know how the United States could get China to cooperate in that, especially if there are trade tensions and if the economic good of mainland China is perceived to lie with their people, and not with other people around the globe. I do not really know what the thinking is there.

So that is the main thing: Surveillance cameras, and how to unlink them from the cloud and get them somehow directly into our own handhelds without contact with foreign countries that might be sanctioned trade-wise.

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I have to wonder what is going to happen if there is a trade sanction against mainland China, and if all the DOW companies … and maybe all the S&P companies … are involved with China … what is going to happen with the stock markets worldwide, do you not?

I have to wonder if …. As if that were not enough bad news for one day! … I have to wonder issues like the exposure of 73 million people’s financial and contact information through the AT&T internet dark web debacle that happened a few months ago … if that kind of thing might not be planned by a foreign power inimical to the United States … China, Russia, or otherwise … whatever it is … and timed and used in conjunction with the surveillance camera issue that I just mentioned.

Operatives could be placed in the United States … en masse, say … to enter homes, rob homes, create mayhem, and at the same time all our finances might be disrupted through another great hack attack.

Of course, a lot of people say that the whole internet might go down.

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I have noticed, so far, four utility poles struck down in my specific geographic area. I have to wonder how many more there are, near here, and whether that might have to do with attempts to rob homes or businesses while the electricity is down because of the power failure … because someone has plowed into the telephone poles.

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Along the lines of ‘dark secrets’, I have another issue as well: That is that there may be operatives coming up from South America who are not the normal people who we are used to dealing with in terms of gardening and home maintenance and so forth.

I feel we ought to be very careful who it is that we hire; who we allow into our yards and into our lives. For instance, how do we pay them? Do we pay by check or by credit card? Each time we pay, we might consider which of these payment methods would be more vulnerable to forgery or cybercrime.

Amongst the good people of, say, Latin America, who are working in the United States, there may be people who are not good people, do you not know? … who are outlaws … even members of Cosa Nostra, or who knows what? … people who do not mean us well.

We should be on the alert, I feel. We should figure things out; because these times are far more tense than times have been in the decades past, as far as international relations are concerned.

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What a lot of things to think about! But there are many things to be grateful for, too. There is the Raven Tribe. There are three ravens now. A lot went missing, but two ravens stayed on. Then one more came along.

The have been doing the funniest things lately. There is a mated couple. Then there is this odd one out. And they play Hawk War Games together, as if one of them were the hawk and the other two were chasing the hawk.

When three ravens do that, they are kind of kindhearted to each other. But when two ravens and the hawk get together, the ravens go all out. I think that is because these hawks are much larger, much stronger, and much meaner than the ravens overall.

If it is one raven against two hawks, then it will be one dead raven, I feel.

If it is two ravens against one hawk, usually they can chase it away.

By doing war games with each other, the ravens toughen up their skills and their ability to stay alive in this environment … because the hawk are always after the ravens’ babies. They are always after them … much as you could say that operatives from other lands come into the United States, and they are used to sex trafficking adults and children, and they will attempt the same thing here in the United States. So there are children who may be in danger.

In the same way, when the hawks come in, and to for the raven nests, they try to eat the eggs and kill the children. It is really tense times here in the suburbs, is it not!

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Well, it is a beautiful day, even if the Sun is not shining. There is another chance of rain. It is a blessed year for California with regard to rain.

Let us not worry too much about things. Let us just be on the alert, just in case something comes up.

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Just one other thing: For those of you who come up with notions that are relevant to this conversation … and if you have some facts and figures before you … I think it is a wonderful idea to take a look at the FBI website, which has an enlarged section online for reporting all kinds of issues to do with national security and crime waves and so forth.

They have made it very easy for people to send them tips. It is really very easy: You just go online and say what you say. And they do what they do. Probably they already know everything about everything, but you know, as a concerned citizen you can possibly make a difference by sending the FBI a tip online.

Well, that is all for today.

God bless you all,
And keep you safe,
And be with you
Through all your days.

In love, light and joy
This is Alice B. Clagett.
I Am of the Stars … and so are you!

Come and visit me at my website “Awakening with Planet Earth.” There you will see much more than on youtube. You will get references to other posts. You will get graphics that you cannot see on youtube. You will hear music that you cannot hear on youtube.

It is really altogether glorious at my website “Awakening with Planet Earth.”

Enough for one day. Hope all is well. Take care!


Feature Film: “Chinese Trade Tensions: What to Look Out For”
Short: “Raven Wars with Hawk”
by Alice B. Clagett

Filmed on 12 April 2024
Produced on 13 April 2024

San Fernando Valley, CA
CC BY-SA 4.0 International

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Filmed on 12 April 2024 and published on 13 April 2024


Music by its_tigri from Pixabay
“Sword 4” – Pixabay Content License


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0). Attribution: By Alice B. Clagett.
More license information


interspecies communication, economics, child trafficking, human trafficking, economics, finance, trade, corporations, surveillance cameras, cybercrime,

Color of the Law Tan Your Hide Law! . by Alice B. Clagett

Color of the Law Tan Your Hide Law!

Image: “Mountain Skies and Wildflowers 18: Full Moon – Mother Moon – the Moon Goddess – Deva of the Moon,” by Alice B. Clagett, 26 September 2015, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

Image: “Mountain Skies and Wildflowers 18: Full Moon – Mother Moon – the Moon Goddess – Deva of the Moon,” by Alice B. Clagett, 26 September 2015, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

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To turn off the background music, click once or twice on the arrow on the audio bar at the bottom of the page …

Dear Ones,

I never heard of ‘color of law’ before.

You’re pretending that this and such law applies – say protection of the elderly or of children? – say and you have in mind kidnapping someone, or trafficking them, or murdering them and absconding with their money or their house?!

Apparently the United States Department of Justice was onto this shtick as long ago as 1948!? Go figure!

This law is intriguingly apropos of the current times! Check it out!

TITLE 18, U.S.C., SECTION 242 (Department of Justice)

  • “Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, … shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both;
  • and if bodily injury results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both;
  • and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.” —

Huzzas to those ancient legal eagles!

Alice’s Perilous Tales: God Delivers a Coup de Grâce!

I remember with a shudder the year 2018 when my gut told me that a scurvy plan such as one of those alluded to above was about to hit me dead center.

You know how it is: Sometimes the small hairs rise up on the nape of your neck, and your gut does flip flops, but you just cannot pin a thing down neat enough for LAPD?

This happened at the end of a church service in the San Fernando Valley, California. I credit the grace of God with my hair’s-breadth escape.

What better place than a church to see God deliver a coup de grâce!

In love, light and joy,
This is Alice B. Clagett
I Am of the Stars!

NOTE: ‘Under color of’ is an American idiom. It means ‘under pretext of’ or ‘under guise of’. In other words, it means ‘pretending to be this and such’ when in fact the action has to do with something else.

See also: Link: “Legal Information Institute,” Cornell Law School …,United%20States%2C%20or%20to%20different ..


Music by Alexander Nakarada from Pixabay
“Dragonquest” – Pixabay License


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

law, crime and crime prevention, human rights, child trafficking, human trafficking, murder, kidnapping, theft, fraud, Alice’s perilous tales, stories by Alice,

Treachery of the Eyes: In Execration of Child Trafficking . by Alice B. Clagett

I exult in the new law signed by Governor Newsom that puts some spine in California penalties for child trafficking.

Treachery of the Eyes: In Execration of Child Trafficking

Image: “Mountain Skies and Wildflowers 18: Full Moon – Mother Moon – the Moon Goddess – Deva of the Moon,” by Alice B. Clagett, 26 September 2015, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

Image: “Mountain Skies and Wildflowers 18: Full Moon – Mother Moon – the Moon Goddess – Deva of the Moon,” by Alice B. Clagett, 26 September 2015, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

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Dear Ones,

“Treachery of the eyes” according to the Qur’an 40:19 … occurs when, in private, a person views pornography or feels lust towards another person. These are actions of which a person might feel ashamed if someone else were to know of them.

Treachery of the eyes is quite the fashion on the internet today. Many people suffer from addiction to pornography, for instance. Some adults seduce young children. These adults may wear masks, and film these acts, and sell the film online.

When this happens to children, then every time someone watches the film in which the act was performed, the mind of the watching person sends thought forms filled with lust into the minds of these children.

The minds of these unfortunate children are filled up with the trashy thoughts of the porn viewers. As children, they may lack the skill to toss out the offending foreign thoughts and replace them with their own good thoughts. If this is the case, then the children’s minds become like a city dump, full of trash.

Children to whom this awful thing happens grow up with the challenge to clear out the trash thoughts that have been poured into their minds. They have quite a job before them … one upon which they must place an effort and exert their will to live pure, clean lives every day, until the bad karma that has come to them can be reversed.

Everyone has a chance to live a good and pure life. It is important not to despair, but to face this challenge … to face this adverse circumstance … as a child might need to face any other adversity in life.

For instance, a child might find he or she must leave earthly life at a young age. Yet the child might, through cultivating a cheerful state of mind, confront this great adversity in the best way possible, and so the child might offer a wonderful example for his or her family … an example of facing very bad circumstances with courage, and with a happy heart.

In the same way, the awful adversity of being a child victim of sex trafficking can be reversed, although not without steady effort on the part of the child.

Because I see, through clair vision, the awful impact of child porn on the mind and on the emotions of the preyed-upon child … an impact almost universally not understood in today’s society … I deeply rejoiced in reading that California Governor Newsom four days ago signed a law to make commercial sex trafficking of a child into a serious felony. 

This law goes into effect on 1 January 2024. On that day, child trafficking will become a “three strikes” offense, which can lead to longer prison terms, and even sometimes to life imprisonment when a child trafficker is caught.

My deepest, heartfelt thanks to Governor Newsom for this change in emphasis of California law. I am certain our common good has been rightly analyzed and addressed.

In love, light and joy,
Alice B. Clagett
I Am of the Stars

Written and published on 29 September 2023


Link: “Governor Newsom Signs Law Cracking Down on Sex Trafficking of Minors,” by Office of Governor Gavin Newsom, 25 September 2023 … ..

Link: “Gov. Newsom signs bill to classify child sex trafficking as a serious felony in California,” by Ashley Zavala, 25 September 2023 … ..


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

pornography, lust, peeping Tom, law, California, human rights, child trafficking, common good, samskaras, Soul clearing,

Fawn Response . by Alice B. Clagett

To turn off the background music, click once or twice on the arrow on the audio bar at the bottom of the page …

Dear Ones,

Here are three illustrations of the Fawn Response … which is where, in response to a threat, we try to make friends with someone or something that is about to kill us.

The Fawn Response is also called the Stockholm Syndrome, which was the cause of Patty Hearst’s joining up with her kidnappers in the Symbionese Liberation Army and committing crimes with them. Stockholm Syndrome factors into sex trafficking, child abuse, and relationship abuse situations.

Fawn Response

Image: “Scan of Illustration in a Collection of Fables,” by Paul Bransom, circa 1921, in Wikimedia Commons …,_An_Argosy_of_Fables.jpg … public domain

Image: “Scan of Illustration in a Collection of Fables,” by Paul Bransom, circa 1921, in Wikimedia Commons …,_An_Argosy_of_Fables.jpg … public domain

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Fawn Response

Image: “Una and the Lion,” by William Bell Scott, circa 1860, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

Image: “Una and the Lion,” by William Bell Scott, circa 1860, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

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Fawn Response

Image: “Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf in the Forest,” by Carl Larsson, 1881, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

Image: “Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf in the Forest,” by Carl Larsson, 1881, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

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In love, light and joy,
Alice B. Clagett
I Am of the Stars

Written and published on 10 June 2023


Music by TwinFish from Pixabay
“TwinFish – Meditation 4 | Heart of the Forest” – Pixabay License


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

threat energy, fawn response, human rights, child trafficking, human trafficking,

Indigenous Religions and the Use of Witchcraft to Subdue Children for Child Trafficking . referral by Alice B. Clagett

Written and published on 16 May 2022; revised on 18 April 2023

Dear Ones,

Here is a scholarly article on how some indigenous religions use witchcraft to subdue children for child trafficking …

Link: “Fearing the Dark: The Use of Witchcraft to Control Human Trafficking Victims and Sustain Vulnerability,” by Luz E. Nagle and Bolaji Owasanoye, in Southwestern Law Review, Volume 45 … .. Continue reading