Category Archives: Illegal paraphilias – sexual deviation – sexual abuse

Escape the Clutches of a Sadist! . by Alice B. Clagett

escape the clutches of a sadist

Image: “Portrait of Sade [cropped],” by Mary Evans, 19th century, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

Image: “Portrait of Sade [cropped],” by Mary Evans, 19th century, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

Dear Ones,

This blog describes how to safely escape from sadists on the astral plane and on the physical plane.

As a Lightworker, I have noticed strands of misqualified energy that I would label ‘sadistic’ floating round the noosphere. These may have to do with the many lizards in my yard. In fact, there is a new crop of cute little fence lizards in the front and back yard every year. Right now there is a lizard ‘baby boom’ happening in my yard.

Lizards are big on one-upmanship, ‘power over’, and bullying, and these types of misqualified energy overlap with thought forms tinged with sadistic and masochistic emotion.

There is also television and internet movie programming, which more often than not incubates one-upmanship, desire for power over, bullying, sadism, and masochism in the gut brains of viewers. I feel these misqualified energies affect children who view the programs much more deeply than they affect adult audiences.

And so, during times of heavy television and internet movie viewing in my neighborhood … for instance, from 2 pm to 4:30 pm, when latchkey children are home viewing television and the internet without parental supervision … in the evenings during prime time … and all day/all night on the weekends … there are many strands of misqualified energy carrying these emotions that waft hither and yon.

As a Lightworker, I find this more than a little offputting. I can think of nothing more the antithesis of Lightwork than one-upmanship, desire for power over, bullying, hazing, sadism, and masochism. I find these energies repulsive.

I find I have an instinct to oppose these energies mentally, and to ‘put up the dukes’ when I sense them, when the ideal thing would be to just let them slide on by … maybe out into the back yard, where the lizards will find them attractive.

The other day I thought I would do some research on sadism. I thought maybe there was something I could do about these misqualified energy threads that make me so uncomfortable. I found an interesting article on sadism. The article implies that one way to stop a sadist is to show him that you are not suffering from his actions. That is one useful takeaway.

The other thing is that this article explains there are 4 sorts of sadists. These were enumerated by a man named Theodore Million …

Link: “Can Sadistic Personality Be Cured?” by Divva Jacob, Pharm. D., and Shaziva Allarakha, MD, medically reviewed on 20 January 2021, in Medicine Net … ..

These four types of sadism are spineless sadism [this I do not get], tyrannical sadism [cruel, violent], enforcing sadism [controlling and punishing], and explosive sadism [occasional explosions].

I found this helpful in a way as well. When I hear something on the astral plane that I would classify as sadistic, I might counter telepathically with a message that this energy does not affect me at all. That, as I understand it, collapses the underpinning of the sadistic talk dynamic.

In other words, the sadist says sadistic things so as to cause pain in a telepathic victim, or a victim in his or her physical presence. If a person does not want to be the victim … if a person is not a masochist who enjoys pain … then the person can make the ‘trigger’ a dud by not reacting with a feeling of pain. The telepathic receiver can thus use the sadistic input to develop his or her own neutral mind.

I feel the four classifications of sadists to be helpful for this reason: When we are confronted with sadism, whether merely on the astral plane or in the physical world, it may help to classify what is going on using the intellect, the higher mind.

Conceptualization, I feel, helps take the edge off of gut feelings like the panic responses of fight, flight, freeze, fawn, or flop. When the rational mind enters in, we can plan our escape more effectively.

In the case of the established sadist … as seemed very strikingly to me to be the case with the man I ran into last month at church …

Link: “Caveats About Morphine Addicts,” by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 4 August 2022 … ..

… and also with a man who appeared to be a morphine addict whom I saw standing on the sidewalk next door maybe 6 months ago …

Then I feel very strongly the thing to do is to attain as much physical distance from the person as possible as soon as ever our legs can carry us away from them. This is why: For a person who practices cruelty to others so much that it occurs without thought, without consideration of the risks or calculation of the downside of the outcome, without remorse, without any understanding of the harm being inflicted on a fellow human being, that person may strike like a viper, all in an instant.

You and I, Gentle Reader, might go down to our deaths so fast, at the practiced, ruthless hands of such a man that we never even know what hit us. And so I suggest, read all about it, prepare yourself mentally, know the warning signs, and get out of danger before the snake strikes, before the shark bites, before the brown recluse leaps upon us! Better safe than sorry.

In love, light and joy,
Alice B. Clagett
I Am of the Stars

Caravaggio as Lizardoid Sadist

escape the clutches of a sadist

Image: “Boy Bitten by a Lizard,” by Caravaggio, circa 1594-1596, in English Wikipedia … … public domain … COMMENTS: As you may know from my previous analysis of the world-renowned painter Caravaggio, it seems to me that he painted himself in all the many paintings he created. If that is so, then this is an image of Caravaggio. I find this painting apt in the discussion of sadism, as I consider Caravaggio may have been a sadist whose overarching spirit or deva or spirit totem may have been Lizardian. Thus this painting might be a symbolic way of depicting the totem difference between Caravaggio and ‘normals’ … people whose spirits are guided by devas that teach and inform mammalian beings on Earth. The ‘take’ is that Caravaggio was ‘bitten by a lizard’ in his youth, and that accounted for his many misadventures. As luck would have it, Lizardoid and Insectoid hybrids are also often outstandingly gifted in the arts (such as painting, dance, voice, or musical composition) or in terms of greatly enhanced psychic powers and mind control abilities. These qualities, I feel, have to do with the accomplishments of their overlighting beings, often non-Christed star beings … their other-species devas. –Alice B. Clagett

Image: “Boy Bitten by a Lizard,” by Caravaggio, circa 1594-1596, in English Wikipedia … … public domain …

COMMENTS: As you may know from my previous analysis of the world-renowned painter Caravaggio, it seems to me that he painted himself in all the many paintings he created. If that is so, then this is an image of Caravaggio. I find this painting apt in the discussion of sadism, as I consider Caravaggio may have been a sadist whose overarching spirit or deva or spirit totem may have been Lizardian. Thus this painting might be a symbolic way of depicting the totem difference between Caravaggio and ‘normals’ … people whose spirits are guided by devas that teach and inform mammalian beings on Earth. The ‘take’ is that Caravaggio was ‘bitten by a lizard’ in his youth, and that accounted for his many misadventures.

As luck would have it, lizardoid and Insectoid hybrids are also often outstandingly gifted in the arts (such as painting, dance, voice, or musical composition) or in terms of greatly enhanced psychic powers and mind control abilities. These qualities, I feel, have to do with the accomplishments of their overlighting beings, often non-Christed star beings … their other-species devas. –Alice B. Clagett

See also … Link: “Caravaggio and Baglione Today: Is Lucifer Transforming to the Light?” by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 30 July 2018; revised … ..

Written and published on 30 August 2022
Location: Los Angeles, California


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

sadism, masochism, bullying, one-upmanship, power over, neutral mind, telepathy, astral chatter, lizards, mass media, psychiatry, psychology, fight or flight, panic, anxiety, Caravaggio,

Intersex Antisocial Personality Disorder . by Alice B. Clagett

Written and published on 23 August 2022
Location: Los Angeles, California

intersex antisocial personality disorder

Image: “Hermaphrodite [Intersex Individual],” by Michael Maschka, 2016, in Wikimedia Commons … … CC BY-SA 4.0 International

Image: “Hermaphrodite [Intersex individual],” by Michael Maschka, 2016, in Wikimedia Commons … … CC BY-SA 4.0 International

Dear Ones,

Here is more on what I have termed ‘intersex antisocial personality disorder’. This I feel may be a disorder that affects some intersex individuals (sometimes termed ‘hermaphrodites’).

I have run across a film that reminds me of a person I encountered quite some years ago, and whom I had a hunch might be an intersex person. This film (not to be confused with the films “XX/XY” and “XXXY”) points out the strong sexual aggression impulse I feel to be typical of intersex individuals …

Link: “XXY (film),” in Wikipedia … ..

Not shown is what I intuit to be strong territorial aggression impulse … the desire to acquire land and houses. Also not explained in the movie is what I intuit to be strong psychic powers that may be employed to rape women on the astral plane and to rape or castrate men on the physical plane or to acquire real estate.

There may be sex aversion therapy or cosmetic or sexual organ norming operations in the past history of the intersex person that make it impossible for that person to orgasm.

Distortion of the energy fields of intersex individuals due to genetic distortion may result in magnetic attachment (termed ‘entity attachments’ in esoteric lore) to normals; bleed-through of sexual chakra distortion in the intersex individual may adversely affect the obsessed or possessed normals.

Obsession or possession can be cast off by the normal by pursuing a lifestyle abhorrent to the intersex. For example, if the intersex person is a vegetarian, the normal might eat meat. If the intersex person is averse to sex, the normal might have sex. If the intersex person is reclusive, then the normal might socialize often, and so on.

If intersex individuals band together on the physical plane, their strong psychic powers may be overwhelming, singly or jointly, to nearby normals; so I intuit. My concern is that if and when such individuals were to be banded together it is possible there might be a strong feral pack instinct, honed by pariah feelings … feelings of the surrounding community that the intersex individuals may be somehow greatly different from other people; an uneasiness that they do not fit in; a feeling of danger in their presence.

My own psychic perception is that I have been stalked by one, then others of them, for more than two decades; and that there was a group of them that were strongly bonded on the psychic pane. For all I know, this may be utter nonsense; it is just that it has seemed so to me, over the decades since the year 2000.

Since December of 2016, when I installed surveillance cameras on my property, my sense of imminent danger suddenly went away. Nevertheless, there is still a car parking opposite my house on my street every weekend evening; law enforcement has been unable to get to the bottom of it, and I cannot say for sure what the cause of what seems to be this implacable stalking–parking is. There may be a simple, ordinary explanation that will come to light soon; that would be a great relief to me, and for my neighbors. I await the day!

I realize with quite some amount of trepidation that these hunches of mine run counter to popular sentiment. I speak of this for the protection of normals and not with intention to injure intersex individuals. I hope that all who might be involved will understand my predicament: I do not want to be hurt by what I perceive may be their overwhelming psychic powers, and on the other hand, I do not want them to injure me or the members of my community. I feel it important to warn others; I hope this will be understood in a true way and not with an injurious bias.

I hasten to add that the above hunches have to do with my own experience on the astral plane, and that I cannot pin them down to a particular person, or even verify whether that person is intersex. Should such a person prove to be intersex, I still would not know how much affected might be the greater group of about 136,000,000 intersex individuals on Earth, who comprise 1.7 percent of the world population. I note that about 40 million of the individuals in this category have clinically identifiable reproductive or sexual variations. I might be encountering a small subset of possibly intersex individuals, or an exceptional antisocial subcategory in a well-adjusted group of people globally, for all I know.

These are just theories I have that might explain a number of adverse psychic phenomena that I have observed to occur in the last two decades. It is entirely possible that my fellow psychics may find another explanation fills the bill better than my own, as my own experience of what seems to me, from my research on intersex films and literature, to be the intersex phenomenon on the psychic plane, is not substantiated by my having disrobed anyone I thought might be an intersex person.

To be frank, whether these people were intersex or just very dangerous antisocial personalities, the notion of disrobing them in the interests of psychic scientific research seems entirely foolhardy to me. I doubt I would have survived to tell this tale, Dear Ones, though my survival instinct is unerringly strong.

There is much more to what I term ‘intersex antisocial disorder’ that I intuit may occur. You can read more about it in my blog category: Intersex Antisocial Personality Disorder

In love, light and joy,
Alice B. Clagett
I Am of the Stars


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

intersex antisocial personality, intersex, hermaphrodism, psychic powers, territorial aggression, sexual aggression, castration, pack instincts, stalking, pariah, law enforcement,

One Way to Deal with Imposter Spirits . by Alice B. Clagett

One Way to Deal with Imposter Spirits

Image: “Imposter Spirits: Fox – Mask,” symbolic image by Alice B. Clagett, 1 August 2021, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … CREDITS: Mask is from kissmego on Etsy.

Image: “Imposter Spirits: Fox – Mask,” symbolic image by Alice B. Clagett, 1 August 2021, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … CREDITS: Mask is from kissmego on Etsy.

Dear Ones,

For several weeks now I have been detecting, on the astral plane (through telepathy) what Lightworkers term ‘Imposter Spirits’ from about 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm Los Angeles time. In this instance it seems to be a script or screenplay timed by adults to coincide with schoolchildren getting out of school, so as to lure the children to have sexual encounters with adults, or maybe to be photographed as teen or child porn with adults.

It seems that suggestive ads are being put on personal venues, such as maybe Craigslist, or another venue like that, in which adults are posing as children, and trying to lure children to talk with them, and then as soon as a child is ‘snagged’, the ad is removed from the venue.

Of course, this may not be happening at all. It may just be that adults are dreaming about meeting schoolchildren after school gets off. It might be just a long run of ‘astral spoofs’ … maybe not even by human beings, but by ‘astral rascals’ that hover round human minds and cause mischief on the astral plane.

The thing that bothers me about these ‘screenplays’ is that it seems my spiritual name ‘Dharm Darshan Kaur’ is being used to lure the children in, during phone calls to them. Of course, it makes sense that child molesters would want to target and make fun of people such as I who are opposed to child abuse. And also, a person who is a child molester might feel negative about spirituality and spiritual names, and that might account for what seems to be the intention to injure my reputation on the astral plane.

There must be halls of mirrors and trickery associated with adult attempts to ‘snag’ and molest children, so it makes sense that molesters might use fake names online, or even try to drag down the reputation of people such as I who are against this practice.

I guess it is up to parents to catch onto the wiles of those who are after their children, and to take nothing for granted regarding the names and ages of people who advertise in the free personals just after children get off school. I understand this may be hard for parents to figure out, as many parents are working and away from home for the few hours between the time that their children get off school and the time that the parents get off work. This makes for a difficult situation for parents  who hope to keep their children safe.

Most likely the children in my neighborhood of the San Fernando Valley, California, have already warned their children to be careful about this; I am confident of that.

For those of the Lightworkers who are targeted in some way by the Dark … as I feel may have happened with regard to misuse of my spiritual name in the last few weeks … I have this to offer …

I decided that the time when the ‘bad news’ hits the noosphere, might be a very good time for me to stop whatever it is that I am doing, and begin a spiritual practice such as yoga and meditation, or else a spiritual practice such as saying prayers or singing hymns. In other words, I can concentrate on something uplifting. That may help not only me but also the noosphere itself. It is an everyday practice, but it seems to me to be well worth it. I have found it to protect my energy field quite well from ‘bad news’ vibes. I recommend it for Lightworkers who encounter similar energies at some particular time of day.

If you feel you are being slandered or defamed by others, and if you encounter negativity from others who have been misled about your good character, I suggest simply explaining that they have been misled, and letting them know what your values … your idea of the right way to live your life … really are.

While I have not encountered misinformed opinions about me from my friends or acquaintances, I feel I am prepared to correct their misimpressions in a calm and rational way, should anything like that ever come up. The reason I am prepared is this odd, repeating astral story that I have been hearing for a few weeks. Of course, like as not astral stories never show up at all on the physical plane, and likely that will be so in this instance too … especially if I keep up with my spiritual practice. That is how I feel about astral stories in general.

I found some down-to-earth hints on how to deal with slander here. I like this article very much because it written from a Christian perspective, and I am a Christian …

Link: “3 Ways to Respond When Slandered,” by Gavin Ortlund, 21 October 2016 … ..

For those who wish to know more about ‘imposter spirits’, here is a link to one of my blogs on the topic …

Link: “Imposter Spirits,” by Alice B. Clagett, filmed and published on 1 August 2021 … ..

In love, light and joy,
Alice B. Clagett,
I Am of the Stars

Written and published on 4 October 2021; revised on 1 January 2024
Location: San Fernando Valley, Los Angeles, California


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

imposter spirits, astral rascals, law enforcement, child molestation, Christianity, religions of the world,

Lightworkers: On Avoiding Danger While Attending Church During the Ascension of Earth . by Alice B. Clagett *


Image: “Madonna in the Church,” by Jan van Eyck, ca. 1440, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

Image: “Madonna in the Church,” by Jan van Eyck, ca. 1440, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

. . . . .


Dear Ones,

Here are caveats for Lightworkers so they may stay safe and avoid pitfalls while attending Christian services during a Solar Maximum such are we are experiencing in 2022 and the next few years here on Earth.

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Lightworkers: Avoid Dense Energies . by Alice B. Clagett

Written and published on 3 August 2021

Image: “Paolo e Francesca: The Kiss,” by Amos Cassioli, 1870, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

Image: “Paolo e Francesca: The Kiss,” by Amos Cassioli, 1870, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

Dear Ones,

In one sense, this video might be construed as depicting a man’s desire to force a woman to be an object to him. She must augment her breasts and lips, for instance. She must be just the right weight, and must dress just so. She must not speak. She must precisely obey him. She is like his musical instrument, that he may play, and then he may destroy her life force … turn it to dust …

Video: “Hauser – Wicked Game,” by Hauser, 1 July 2021 …

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