Category Archives: Sexual aggression

On Averting Violence During the Coronavirus Crisis . by Alice B. Clagett

    • Inadvertent Stimulation of the Fight or Flight Response
    • The Mistake of Cursing of the Pituitary Gland as the ‘Evil Eye’
    • Moving Awareness to the Neocortex to Correct Third-Eye Point ‘Wander’
    • Waves of Fear Sweeping Round the Planet Because of the Coronavirus Pandemic
    • Acting Out of Limbic System Resonance Responses by Our Family and Neighbors During This Time of Stress
    • Unavailability of LAPD Response to Domestic Violence, Most Likely Due to Health Crisis

Dear Ones,

This post is on averting violence during the coronavirus crisis.


The third-eye point, the sixth chakra, is where many meditators place their Awareness during  meditation. Placing Awareness on the third-eye point can create waves of peace, love, and joy that emanate through our person, and send rays of healing Light out into our community. But what is the most effective way to do a third-eye point meditation?


Some mistakenly feel that the third-eye point is on the forehead. This is a mistake that may have been occasioned by misinterpretations of illustrations of the location of the chakras in years past.

The true location of the third-eye point, and the place where Awareness had best be placed during a third-eye point meditation, is on the pituitary gland in the center of the brain.


Here is the difficulty: The pituitary is a small part of the limbic system …

On Averting Violence During the Coronavirus Crisis

Image: “File” 1611 The Limbic Lobe.jpg,” Illustration from Anatomy & Physiology, Connexions Web site., Jun 19, 2013, by OpenStax College, 23 May 2013, in Wikimedia Commons … … This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license. Adapted by Alice B. Clagett … COMMENT: In the image, the colored portions of the brain represent the limbic lobe. The asterisk indicates the pituitary gland, where awareness is placed during a third-eye point meditation.

Image: “File” 1611 The Limbic Lobe.jpg,” Illustration from Anatomy & Physiology, Connexions Web site., Jun 19, 2013, by OpenStax College, 23 May 2013, in Wikimedia Commons … … This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license. Adapted by Alice B. Clagett …

COMMENT: In the image, the colored portions of the brain represent the limbic lobe. The asterisk indicates the pituitary gland, where awareness is placed during a third-eye point meditation.

The limbic system is involved in what, in the triune brain theory, is termed the reptilian brain. That would be the primitive part of the brain responsible for fight or flight during survival, territorial aggression, and sexual aggression in the animal realm …

Link: “Limbic System,” in Wikipedia … ..

Inadvertent Stimulation of the Fight or Flight Response

Thus if we concentrate our Awareness on the wrong portion of the central brain while meditating, we will experience thoughts of violence and fear, rather than peace, joy, and love. We will experience Darkness rather than Light.

The Mistake of Cursing of the Pituitary Gland as the ‘Evil Eye’

Similarly, if the third-eye of a meditator is cursed as being the ‘evil eye’ by a group of spiritual adepts, or assailed through black magic by a Satan cult, the result may be a dislocation of the Awareness of the meditator from the pituitary gland to the limbic system, with consequent emotions of fear or rage.


To mitigate undesirable outcomes during a third-eye point meditation I suggest the following: When we begin a third-eye point meditation, let us invoke God’s blessing.

One of my favorite invocations is that which I learned through Healthy, Happy, Holy Organization (3H0) … Link: “Healthy, Happy, Holy Organization (3HO)” … ..

That is the Adi Mantra, which I repeat three times. The words are: Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo …

Link: “Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo,” by Sikh Dharma, 25 November 2016 … ..


In recent days, especially in the afternoons and evenings,  I have experienced movement of my Awareness from the pituitary gland to the limbic system.

Moving Awareness to the Neocortex to Correct Third-Eye Point ‘Wander’

Last night, to mitigate this, I tried changing my Awareness from a point at the center of my brain to the Neocortex, which is located at the top and top sides of the brain and extends into the brain about two inches deep …

Image: Neocortex … ..

That worked for me, as a technique to eliminate attraction of reptilian thought forms from others apparently caused by placing my Awareness, in error, on my own limbic system by mistake, thus unintentionally creating a resonance between the emotions of my limbic system and those of emanating from the limbic systems of nearby people.


Waves of Fear Sweeping Round the Planet Because of the Coronavirus Pandemic

During these months of the COVID-19 pandemic, many are viewing news reports that damage the emotions that emanate from their limbic systems. For instance, many feel fearful. Consequently, waves of fear are sweeping round the planet right now; these are especially felt by empaths, intuitives, and long-time meditators. We must overcome these thoughts of fear, so that we will not attract the fearful thought forms of others.

Acting Out of Limbic System Resonance Responses by Our Family and Neighbors During This Time of Stress

It is not just violent thought forms that are attracted to us by inadvertently placing our Awareness on the limbic system. If we, as meditators, continue to fall into fear, then we run the risk of attracting violent ‘acting out’ by others, through resonance of our limbic system thought forms with their own.

Right now Angelenos must, because of the Los Angeles mayor’s order to stay at home during the COVID-19 pandemic, remain in their own homes. Therefore the greatest risk of acting out by others right now has to do with family, whose presence we cannot escape in our own homes, and nearby neighbors.

For instance, if we experience emotions of fear and also of sexual arousal, we may find a person living nearby and following us around physically with thoughts of sexual or territorial aggression, which is to say, thoughts of rape, home invasion, or murder.

If we go to a grocery store during the pandemic, we may find staid-seeming people unexpectedly yelling at us in the supermarket line; the topic may be whether we ought wear a face mask, for instance.

We may find that law enforcement stationed at the supermarket doors prevents our entry into the market, while letting someone we, as empaths, know to be infected with the virus enter the store.

In the same way, at an office supply store, we may find the clerk fearful of ourselves, though we be healthy and wearing a face mask, and then standing too close to another customer not wearing a face mask but silently ill (as the empath may discern to be the case based on the other person’s dimmed bodily vigor).

We may find that in posting pandemic advisories for our neighbors on NextDoor … … we are attacked, or our posts banned from the site, though our facts be valid.

In other words, in this time of great stress for many, we are very likely to encounter unforeseeable acts of violence, whether through verbal assault or physical assault.

Unavailability of LAPD Response to Domestic Violence, Most Likely Due to Health Crisis

Because of the ‘Safer at Home’ mayoral order in Los Angeles, assault by a person in or near our home cannot be ruled out. Yet my local branch of the Los Angeles Police Department, most likely understaffed because of illness right now, has announced it will not be responding to calls regarding domestic violence right now.

Those of us Angelenos for whom that is true are left to fend for ourselves in regard to assault by family and neighbors; and the possibility of assault is high right now because of the stress everyone is feeling. We must, in all urgency, formulate a means of dealing with this likely danger.


After hours of urgent pondering, occasioned by incidents such as those described above, what I came to is this: It is very important to pray and to meditate right now, and I emphasize, to do first the one and then the other. The prayers we utter before meditation direct the Awareness to the pituitary rather than to the limbic system. It is prayer that keeps us safe through these troubled times.

I would like to close with an endorsement of this point of view by the Queen of England herself, who stated in the below video the importance of prayer and meditation during the COVID-19 crisis. It is clear to me from her manner and her words how well balanced her own attitude is towards the trouble we face in this time of crisis …

Video: “‘We Will Meet Again’ – The Queen’s Coronavirus broadcast | BBC,” by BBC … ..

In love, light and joy,
Alice B. Clagett
I Am of the Stars

Written and published on 7 April 2020; revised on 27 September 2023


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

chakras, yoga, sixth chakra, third-eye point, Yogi Bhajan, acting out, fear, rage, limbic system, triune brain, reptilian brain, primitive brain, pituitary gland, COVID-19, Los Angeles, evil eye, Satanism, black magic, curses, stress, prayer, neocortex, fight or flight, transcending the dark, territorial aggression, sexual aggression, rape, violence, murder, home invasion, crime, law enforcement, Lightworkers, empaths, clair senses, telepathy, human telepathy, verbal aggression, verbal abuse, verbal assault, physical assault, meditation, thought forms,

United States Mafia Organizational Chart, Standard Operating Procedures, and Pathological Sexual Patterns . by Alice B. Clagett *

Written and published on 22 March 2020; revised and republished on 29 March 2020; revised again on 15 June 2020
Previously titled: United States Crime Family Structure  … and …  United States Mafia Organizational Chart and Operating Procedures

Image: “Satan in Council,” by Gustave Dore, 1868, in Wikiart … … public domain

Image: “Satan in Council,” by Gustave Dore, 1868, in Wikiart … … public domain

Dear Ones,

Here is quite a bit of intel on the United States Mafia, garnered from my reading or else through intuition. Please take it with a grain of salt, and see how it sits with what you, my reader, feel to be true.


United States Mafia Organizational Chart

Here is an updated version of Wikipedia’s “Mafia Crime Family Structure Tree,” which is to say, a crime family organizational chart. The chart adaptations I have made have to do with my clair senses, especially clairaudience, and not with experiences I have had on the physical plane …

Image: “Crime Family Structure,” adapted by Alice B. Clagett, 22 March 2020, CC BY-SA 4.0 … DESCRIPTION: Starting at the top tier of the structure tree: Center of tier: Boss (Central United States). To the right of that: Consigliere (Central United States) Lawyer – Money Launderer. Tier 2: Center of the Tier: Underboss (Central United States). Tier 3, from left: East Coast Caporegime; Central United States Caporegime; West Coast Caporegime. Tier 4, from left (beneath each Caporegime): Soldiers – Confidence Men and Women; Murderers (Hatchet Men and Women); Mercenaries – Soldiers of Fortune. Tier 5: Associates – Drawn in through trickery, blackmail, or bribery … CREDITS: Adapted from “Mafia Crime Family Structure Tree,” by MaEr, vector by El torero, 3 November 2008, in Wikipedia … … public domain

Image: “Crime Family Structure,” adapted by Alice B. Clagett, 22 March 2020, CC BY-SA 4.0 …

DESCRIPTION: Starting at the top tier of the structure tree: Center of tier: Boss (Central United States). To the right of that: Consigliere (Central United States) Lawyer – Money Launderer. Tier 2: Center of the Tier: Underboss (Central United States). Tier 3, from left: East Coast Caporegime; Central United States Caporegime; West Coast Caporegime. Tier 4, from left (beneath each Caporegime): Soldiers – Confidence Men and Women; Murderers (Hatchet Men and Women); Mercenaries – Soldiers of Fortune. Tier 5: Associates – Drawn in through trickery, blackmail, or bribery …

CREDITS: Adapted from “Mafia Crime Family Structure Tree,” by MaEr, vector by El torero, 3 November 2008, in Wikipedia … … public domain

Lowest Rung of the Mafia Organizational Chart: The Lambs

Beneath the Associates on the above organizational chart, and too numerous to mention, are the ‘Lambs’ … the men and women who unwittingly walk into the den of the Wolf Boss of the Mafia, which generally operates on the ‘outer circle’ level as something innocuous … maybe as a non-profit organization or charity intent on helping out humankind, for instance.

Thus well-meaning Lambs walk in, year after year. These Lambs are the lowest rung of the Mafia organizational chart. The coffers of the Mafia are enriched through their fleecing and their slaughter.


Source of the Information in This Section

The information in this section is drawn mainly from intuition, especially through the psychic abilities of clairaudience and clairvoyance. I also drew on research I did while co-authoring this book (using the pen name ‘Cricket Clagett’) quite some years ago …

Citation: “1001 Ways to Avoid Getting Mugged, Murdered, Robbed, Raped, or Ripped Off,” by Vivo Bennett and Cricket Clagett, 1 January 1977 (out of print). 

Note that there are similarities between the United States Mafia, killing cults, outlaw gangs, and street gangs. Of course, there are also differences, and these would be an interesting course of study.

The Boss

The Boss of the United States Mafia will be a man who is supremely adept at mind control and emotional manipulation.

The Boss’s cavalier attitude toward the value of life of the weak, whether very young or very old, is part and parcel of his attitude toward the sanctity of life in general.

The Mafia Boss is a ‘Circle of One’ person, and antisocial personality. In Occult lore he would be tagged a Dark Soul, a psychic Vampire, or a Reptilian. I think of him as a Cannibal; a person who lives off the flesh and blood of all the other people he encounters.

For more on this, see my blog categories: Circle of One  …  Antisocial personalities  …  Dark Souls – Soulless men  …  Vampires  … Reptilians  …  Cannibals … and …  Mind Control

The Caporegimes (‘Capos’)

The Caporegimes preferably will be female. They are the leaders of Soldier crews subordinate to the crew of the Boss. Their crews will be in geographic areas different from that of the Boss.

Killing and Non-Killing Members of the Mafia

Likely the Boss will avoid personally killing anyone. However, being psychically gifted, through remote viewing he will take vicarious satisfaction in slayings by his Soldiers.

Mafia members are partitioned, in the Boss’s mind, into ‘killing members‘ (that is, ‘Soldiers’) and ‘non-killing members’ (‘Associates’ and ‘Lambs’).

Levels of Complicity of Mafia Members

Killing Members (‘Soldiers’) both male and female, are clearly complicit with the Mafia.

Non-killing members include ‘Lambs’ and ‘Associates’. Lambs are law-abiding people who are targeted for rapine and mayhem by the Mafia. Associates are former Lambs who have been made complicit through minor criminal acts.

Induction into the Mafia

The Boss will attempt to addict non-killing members to drugs through violent attack, and then have sex with them. His wife may be present during this ritual, which is an attempt to induct the non-killing member into ‘killing member’ status, sometimes successful and sometimes not.

By weakening the mind of the non-killing member through drug use, and weakening their moral sense through tying their sex drive to his own, the Boss will have better success in asking them to kill for him. This ‘order to kill’ may take a form other than the drive-by-killing induction typical of street gangs here in Los Angeles.

For instance, the Boss may ask his non-killing members to sacrificed their family members, friends, and acquaintances  ‘for the good of the group’. This act of sacrifice makes the Lambs complicit with the Mafia.

In this regard, I make note of a time-honored confidence game gambit called ‘the Cull‘; this consists of relentless attempts, by hook or by crook, to dissolve the bonds of affection between the Lamb and his or her family and friends, so that the Mafia will then supersede them in the eyes of the Lamb.

The Mafia and the Act of Murder

Killing must occur to sate the compelling need-to-kill of the Boss, and to consolidate his power.

Lambs who cannot be compromised are killed; this is explained to the group as being ‘for the good of the group’. Thus all remaining group members, whether Soldiers or Associates, are complicit.

Rule of Non-Fraternization with Lambs and Associates Boosts the Morale of Soldiers Against the Inevitable Act of Murder

To prevent murder of Lambs and Associates from affecting the morale of his Soldiers (both male and female), the Boss will set a rule of non-fraternization with non-killing members. Soldiers will not be allowed to talk with non-killing members.

To the Lamb the organization is shrouded in secrecy. It appears to be a secret cult, which one, through being judged worthy by the Boss, at some point might reveal its secrets. The organization will not be known to the Lamb to be a crime family; rather, the Lamb will see it through an artificial lens or looking glass devised by the Boss. To the Lamb, the organization may pose, for example, as a humanitarian group or a non-profit organization working for the good of the the people of the world. As well, the Boss, who will be proficient in mind control, may display ‘wow you’ psychic abilities that woo the neophyte to join up.

How Lambs and Associates Look to Soldiers

From the vantage point of the Soldiers, Lambs walk in to the slaughter. If they make it to the grade of Associates, then they will at some point be targeted by a group action of the Soldiers, at the request of the Boss, as scapegoats to be reported to law enforcement as having committed murders or other crimes in actuality committed by the Mafia.

Sacrificial Victims: Order of Sacrifice

Lambs are sacrificed before Associates. Lambs are sacrificed routinely, year after year.

Soldiers who have killed too often, and who draw attention to themselves, are killed. This is a relatively rare event, as all Soldiers know what awaits them if their obedience is less than complete.

Rules of Killing

If there is a female Caporegime who is on the outs with the Boss, she will be sacrificed by the Boss and his wife on home turf. The Boss and some of his Soldiers will be present.

If a female Soldier is on the outs with the Boss’s wife, she will be sacrificed by the Boss’s wife on home turf.

If a female Lamb who is ‘on the outs’ leaves the Mafia’s home turf, the Boss will send male Soldiers, in ones or twos, to kill her. The Boss will say to himself, subconsciously: She knows too much. She knows who and what I am.

If there is a male Soldier who is on the outs with the Boss, he will be genitally mutilated by the Boss and another of his Soldiers.

Inner Circle Techniques: Black Magic, Blood Sacrifice, Torture

Black magic, and periodic, ritual blood sacrifice, especially of infants, prepubescent boys, and voluptuous women, are features of the Mafia.

Torture of group members is a feature of the Mafia; this occurs when murder victims are unavailable. The Boss will advise Soldiers and Associates who are tortured that this is ‘for their own good’.

Earmarks of Mafia Membership: Extreme Fear . Unwavering Loyalty

Extreme fear … terror of being caught out or of being killed … is the hallmark of membership in the Mafia. To my mind, it is the cause of the unquestioning loyalty of Soldiers, Consigliere and Caporegimes to their Boss.


In this section are pathological sexual patterns of the United States Mafia, intuitively perceived and not from ‘hands on’ experience …

Consolidation of Troops: The Mafia Harem

The Boss will, ideally to his way of thinking, have sex with all Mafia members, male and female, and he may prevent them from having sex with each other. This is a bonding ritual of members with the Boss, to do with feral pack instincts.

Those who have sex most often with the Boss are his most significant Soldiers, both male and female; they may undergo genital mutilation or tattooing as a mark of membership in the Mafia.

Soldiers: Psychic Rape Gangs

Soldiers are organized into psychic rape gangs. These rape gang members may consist of male or female Soldiers. Victims may be Associates or Lambs; if Lambs, they may be inducted, or they may be killed. This is seen as a sign of the Boss’s omnipotence, and an opportunity for killing members to act out their feral drives or pack instincts of sexual aggression.

Psychic rape may be organized by the leader as a 24/7 event, with members participating in shifts; the victim will be a female Lamb. This the Boss sees as a group consolidation effort, along the same lines as the thought that a war might be instigated by the leader of a government to quell domestic unrest.

Killing of the Unborn, and of Children

The Boss attempts to deter pregnancies in the Mafia, as natal family bonding is seen as a threat to his dominance over the group. Pregnancy prevention may take the form of advice to Soldiers who are husbands regarding birth control, or demands by the Boss that the husbands have sex with him rather than with their wives.

This deterrence of pregnancy may be symbolically expressed on the psychic plane as ‘reaming out’ of the reproductive organs of the Soldiers’ wives or of female Lambs ‘for their own good’. Sometimes the astral story involves casting of devils or demons into the womb of Soldiers’ wives, which seems to the mind-controlled Soldier to require him to kill his wife ‘for her own good’. It may also manifest as psychic rape of Lambs or Associates, both male and female, which involves them in fantasized acts of sex that get in the way of going out and seeking to have sex on the physical plane.

When babies are conceived in the Mafia, the leader will attempt to kill them, through mind control of the Soldier husband; this may result in abortion induced on either the physical or the astral plane. (Astral abortion occurs when the husband’s thought forms cause contraction of his pregnant wife’s uterine muscles.)

This killing of unborn (or possibly newborn) babies may have to do with the feral nature of the Mafia organization; male lions, for instance, will kill the cubs of female lions in their pride if they are not the biological fathers.

Killing of Soldiers’ Parents and of the Elderly

Euthanasia of the elderly is the Boss’s cup of tea.

The Boss may routinely advise his Soldiers to murder their aging parents, so that the property of parents can be added to his coffers.

To those of his Soldiers who are in occupations allied with health care, he may issue an order that they euthanize the elderly in a health care facility in exchange for payments by cash-strapped children of the elderly.

Boss’s ‘First Wife’ Mind Controlled to Have Sex with Single Women in the Group

The Boss, whose favored form of sexual expression may be M2M, may mind control his legal wife (his ‘first wife’) into having physical sex with single women in the group, This is a bonding ritual in which the wife acts as an alter ego for her husband, so as to consolidate his power over the group.

‘Second Wives’: Caporegimes and Others

The leader will have ‘second wives’, sometimes at a physical distance from the first wife, and sometimes nearby. The most important of his ‘second wives’ will be his female Caporegimes. Female Caporegimes are subordinated to the Mafia Boss through the act of sex, and the psychically induced thought of having sex (aka ‘psychic rape’).

When a female Caporegime is in the physical presence of the Boss, Mafia operating procedures require her to have sex with him, or of offering obeisance to him through fellatio (oral sex).

When Caporegimes are at a distance, they experience 24/7 astral rape through mind control by one or two of the Boss’s soldiers (who pass for the Boss, in the eyes of the Caporegime).

Female Caporegimes who are at a physical distance from the Boss are perceived by him as leading additional ‘feral packs’ subordinate to the Boss’s main feral pack. This is the Boss’s effort to curb the female Caporegimes’ competitive drive, and channel it into consolidation of the subordinate packs with his main pack through the act of sex. Thus, to the Boss, these sexual operating procedures ‘consolidate the troops’.

To the female Caporegime, these sexual operating procedures mean that she has finally ‘made the grade’ … She is finally one with the inner circle; she will privileged to participate in this act, whether physically or astrally. To a confidante, she may refer to it obliquely, and with a sense of awe, as ‘that thing that we do’.


This section is intuitively perceived and has to do with the impact of the Mafia’s thought forms on the noosphere of Earth …

To the psychically aware, the stance of the Mafia … its bearing in the psychic realm … has to do with its operating procedures. Thus we hear, on the psychic plane, constant allusions to murder, theft, rape, all kinds of law-breaking, narcissism, antisocial humor, and the like. These are earmarks (and to the psychic, quite an astral earful!) of the thought processes of the Mafia.

I feel it must be that the thoughts of Mafia members are full of feral emotions, and that it is the weight of these emotions which makes their thoughts so loud, on the psychic plane.

Thus I advise the members of small towns in the United States: If, as you become more sensitive during the process of Ascension, you begin to feel that you are hemmed in, astrally, by such thoughts and emotions, then know that the Mafia is operating in your town.

You and your town council must take the necessary steps to ban these people and their operations from your town, so that they may not injure your family and friends.

CONCLUSION        top

Well, Dear Ones, enough of all that! Take care, through these times of trouble.
May each of you be in the best of health, and the happiest of spirits.
May you be untroubled.
May you be free to experience joy in the moment, in every moment, now and forever!

In love, light and joy,
Alice B. Clagett
I Am of the Stars

See also …

Link: Organizational Chart of the ‘Heart Vampire’ Crime Family and Key to Nicknames,” by Alice B. Clagett, drawn and published on 10 February 2021; revised … ..

Notes: The final two sections above are adapted from Link: “Community Health: Cults that Kill and Outlaw Gangs,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 7 December 2015; revised …

These two blogs were excerpted from this blog and set forth as separate blogs so that they might not be overlooked …

Link: “Pathological Sexual Patterns in the United States Mafia,” by Alice B. Clagett, excerpted on 30 August 2020 from a blog written and published on 22 March 2020 … .

Link: “How Can Americans Subdue the Strident Bark of the Mafia on the Psychic Plane?” by Alice B. Clagett, excerpted on 30 August 2020 from a blog written and published on 22 March 2020 … .


For the ‘new look’ of the American mafia today see … Link: “Con Operations with a Facelift,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 22 October 2017 … ..

Link: “American Mafia,” in Wikipedia … ..

See also my blog category: Crime families – cults that kill – outlaw gangs – street gangs

Link: “Catastrophic Childhood Case Study: Heart Vampire 2,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 13 December 2020; revised … ..

Link: “Catastrophic Childhood Experiences: Wifer-Hacker,” by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 23 April 2017 … ..


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

law enforcement, crime families, United States, crime, confidence games, murder, patsy, fall guy, crime prevention, Wild West, Los Angeles, East Coast, disclosure, sexuality, Mafia operating procedures, Mafia organizational structure, United States Mafia operating procedures, United States Mafia organizational structure, terror of death, fear of death, mind control, emotional manipulation, United States Mafia, American Crime Families, rapine, mayhem, patsies, lambs, Boss, consigliere, Underboss, money laundry, law, Soldiers, confidence men, confidence women, hatchet men, hatchet women, mercenaries, soldiers of fortune, blackmail, bribery, subornation, East Coast Caporegime, Central Caporegime, West Coast Caporegime, drug use, genital mutilation, black magic, blood sacrifice, child killing, Caporegime, feral drives, pack instincts, omnipotence, psychic rape, abortion, harem, sexual aggression, torture, psychic spying, remote viewing, art appreciation, culture, my favorites, miscellanea, psychiatry, psychology, Second Up, Lioness, Hunter-Snuffer, Torturess, Wifer-Hacker, Ice Man, Ice Princess, Heart Vampire, Inanna, The Doc, Headstand Man, Alluring, The Riflewoman, Gone Straight, Three House Hostess, Alluring Calm,

Light, Microorganisms, Commensalism, and Origins of Life on Earth . by Alice B. Clagett *

Written and published on 25 August 2018; revised on 6 May 2020
Previously titled: Light, Micro-Organisms, Commensalism, and Origins of Life on Earth

    • How the Martian Bacteria See Themselves
    • Bioluminescent Bacteria
    • Light and Love Form Creation
    • Archaea and Humans: Friend or Foe?
    • The Martian Bacterial Colonists of Earth
      • Scientific Intel on Martian Space Travel to Earth via Meteorites
      • Channeled Intel on the Martian Bacterial Colonists of Earth
    • The Venutians (the Hathors)
    • The Influence of the Song of the Leonids and the Elohim or Logoi

Dear Ones,

I read a little about bioluminescence in bacteria today, pursuant to my earlier channeling on the Martian bacterial colonists of Earth …


“How the Martian Bacteria See Themselves. According to my clair intel, the Martians are disdainful of our depictions of them. Their own vision of their species is of the great, sentient Light with which they light up our Earth.”

The article from which this quotation is taken …

Link: “About Martian Bacteria: Psychic Intel versus Science,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 30 November 2016; revised on 11 February 2020 … ..

… is a very good place to start reading about these beings, who are also termed the ‘Elder Race’ of Earth.


I was wondering, today, how human science holds this view of the Elder Race regarding themselves, and I came upon this quotation …

Bioluminescent Bacteria

“Bioluminescent bacteria are light-producing bacteria that are predominantly present in sea water, marine sediments, the surface of decomposing fish and in the gut of marine animals. While not as common, bacterial bioluminescence is also found in terrestrial and freshwater bacteria…. These bacteria may be free living (such as Vibrio harveyi) or in symbiosis with animals such as the Hawaiian Bobtail squid (Aliivibrio fischeri) or terrestrial nematodes (Photorhabdus luminescens).

“The host organisms provide these bacteria a safe home and sufficient nutrition. In exchange, the hosts use the light produced by the bacteria for camouflage, prey and/or mate attraction. Bioluminescent bacteria have evolved symbiotic relationships with other organisms in which both participants benefit close to equally …

“Another possible reason bacteria use luminescence reaction is for quorum sensing, an ability to regulate gene expression in response to bacterial cell density ….” –from Link: “Bioluminescent Bacteria,” in Wikipedia … ... [paragraphing mine –AC]

Light and Love Form Creation

It looks to me as if the scientific community is beginning to become cognizant of the role Light plays in communication on Earth. Of course, Light and love are what form that which we term ‘Creation’. They create ‘Creation’. Through the languages of Light we Lightworkers can help heal and uplift Creation. Then too, as the scientific community states, Light is a form of communication amongst the creatures in this Creation.


Sometimes scientific research results in unintentional reversal of cause and effect, and sometimes it results in failure to grasp the ‘Big Picture’ through insufficient input of fine details or through too great attention upon them. Thus, in the early stages of a scientific investigation, a theory will be put forth, which may be refuted by other research, or fine-tuned through ongoing research. In this way, by hook or by crook … not willy nilly, but through painstaking effort … the Big Picture is finally arrived at.

The above article speaks of the role of Light in communication amongst bacteria. Scientists do have a different take on things from that of channelers, and that is fine. It is up to them to observe the operation of Creation, and from that, induce the laws through which Creation manifests.

As a channeler, though, I feel that Light emission and Light detection are features of commensal bacteria as well, and, in fact, of all cells, and of all life on Earth, and that we humans are beginning to communicate in that way as well, due to the Ascension process. For more on this line of thought, see …

Link: “Biophotonics, EMF Hypersensitivity, and DNA Change,” by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 31 August 2017; revised on 14 March 2020 … ..


Also of interest in the above-cited Wikipedia article is this quotation on Quorum Sensing …

“Bioluminescence in bacteria can be regulated through a phenomenon known as autoinduction or quorum sensing…. Quorom sensing is a form of cell-to-cell communication that alters gene expression in response to cell density.

“Autoinducer is a diffusible pheromone produced constitutively by bioluminescent bacteria and serves as an extracellular signalling molecule…. When the concentration of autoinducer secreted by bioluminescent cells in the environment reaches a threshold (above 10 to the seventh cells per mL), it induces the expression of luciferase and other enzymes involved in bioluminescence ….

“Bacteria are able to estimate their density by sensing the level of autoinducer in the environment and regulate their bioluminescence such that it is expressed only when there is a sufficiently high cell population. A sufficiently high cell population ensures that the bioluminescence produced by the cells will be visible in the environment.” –from Link: “Bioluminescent Bacteria,” in Wikipedia … … [paragraphing mine –AC]


In further research on the topic of ‘quorum sensing’ among bacteria, I took a look at this scientific abstract this morning …

Link: “QUORUM SENSING: Cell-to-Cell Communication in Bacteria,” by Christopher M. Waters and Bonnie L. Bassler, Department of Molecular Biology, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey … in “Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology,” Vol. 21:319-346 (Volume publication date 10 November 2005) . First published online as a Review in Advance on 28 June 2005 … ..

In looking at the abstract cited above, I am getting that the scientific notion of quorum sensing has to do with communication amongst cells … in this case free-moving, single cell organisms such as bacteria.

The abstract mentions how bacteria communicate through release of chemicals. Sensors allow them to detect chemicals from other bacteria, and determine how many bacteria are in their general area, and to alter their behavior (possibly reproductive behavior, for instance?) accordingly. Detection of the numbers of bacteria in the environment is termed ‘quorum sensing’.

The authors of the abstract suggest that bacteria act like multicellular organisms because of quorum sensing. They also suggest the blurring of the line between prokaryotic and eukaryotic single-celled organisms because these groups may cross-communicate.

This got me interested in the differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms, and how the latter may be commensal groups of organism, similar to the commensal bacteria inside the human GI tract …


Prokaryotes are single-celled organisms that have no cell nucleus or organelles such as mitochondria; there are two domains, Archaea and Bacteria. With regard to Archaea, on the basis of a smattering of reading today …

Link: “Archaea,” in Wikipedia … ..

Link: “Colonization and Succession within the Human Gut Microbiome by Archaea, Bacteria, and Microeukaryotes during the First Year of Life,” by Linda Wampach, Anna Heintz-Buschart, Angela Hogan et al, in “Frontiers in Microbiology,” 2017; 8: 738. Published online 2017 May 2. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2017.00738 … PMCID: PMC5411419 … PMID: 28512451 … ..

Link: “Archaeal Symbionts and Parasites,” by Christine Moissl-Eichinger and Harald Huber, Institute for Microbiology and Archaeal Center, University of Regensburg, Germany, in Curr Opin Microbiol. 2011 Jun;14(3):364-70. doi: 10.1016/j.mib.2011.04.016. Epub 2011 May 14 … ..

Link: “The domain Archaea in human mucosal surfaces,” by F. Matarazzo, A.C. Ribeiro, M. Faveri, C. Taddei, M.B. Martinez, and M.P.A. Mayer, all in Brazil, in “Clinical Microbiology and Infection,” Vol 18, Issue 9, September 2012, pp 834-840, … ..

… it seems to me, intuitively, that the Archaea may have been the primitive, early ancestors of the Martian bacterial colonists of mammals on Earth; morphed through contact with cosmic dust (search my blog for: Martian Leonid ) during space travel on Martian meteorites that hit Earth.

Back on Mars, and also in some ecological niches on Earth, these may be extremophiles such as the Martian bacterial population into which earlier Martian life evolved after the evaporation of most of the atmosphere of Mars …

Archaea and Humans: Friend or Foe?

Here on Earth, the Archaea sometimes exist within other life forms, either commensally or parasitically, just as the bacteria inside human beings may be either commensal or parasitic.

Speaking from an intuitive perspective, I feel that the Archaea in humans may be enemies of our commensal bacteria, and by extension, our enemies as well.


The other branch or domain of Prokaryotes is the Bacteria. These are omnipresent on Earth, some free living and some living within other organisms …

Link: “Bacteria,” in Wikipedia … ..

There is more on the origin on planet Mars, and on alternatives with regard to their  interactions with humankind below …


It appears that bacteria have the ability to re-engineer host life forms to become commensally dependent on them, For instance, this article speaks to the ability of the Elder Race to re-design life forms so as to make them dependent on their Martian inhabitants … a very noteworthy skill, and important to the survival of these genetic architects of life on Earth …

Link: “It Takes Teamwork: How Endosymbiosis Changed Life on Earth,” by the Understanding Evolution Team … ..

… which speaks to the commensalist xenophobia expressed through such movies as “Annihilation.” In that movie, for instance, a man commits seppuku (harakiri) in preference to living with the symbiont bacteria in his gastrointestinal (GI) tract …

Link: “Annihilation (2018),” Director Alex Garland, in IMDb … ..


If this is true, from a Lightworker perspective, and also with regard to Ascensioneers who have mastered the space-time continuum, and with regard to healers who use Light and Sound as their healing modality, I have the following suggestion …

If it should prove … as you may know those of Alpha Centauri suggest … that the current state of evolution of the many branches of the Martian culture are not suitable to life on Ascended Earth … because of, say, warlike tendencies, or territorial or sexual expansionist tendencies that they cannot yet subdue, and which cause them to be perceived as a threat to those species that have mastered these primal drives … Were such to be the case, then the languages of Light and Sound might be employed to re-engineer the human gut in such a way that it will become independent of the need for Martian digestive assistance.

In this way, the Martian bacterial colonists of Earth might segue onto the many timelines in which humans who have not yet mastered the drives toward territorial and sexual aggression may continue to express their free will choices. In these timelines, the Martian bacterial colonists of the human GI tract might persevere in symbiontic alliance with those humans so choosing.

In the more rapidly ascending timelines, humans who have mastered the drives toward territorial and sexual aggression might co-exist with commensal Martian bacterial colonists who have done the same.

Then there might be timelines in which humans who have mastered the drives toward territorial and sexual aggression might engineer out Martian commensals, and exist without their assistance.


To get back to the discussion of the difference between the single-celled organisms known as prokaryotes (discussed above) and eukaryotes (discussed below) …

Eukaryotes are single-celled organisms which evolved about 2 billion years ago. They have nuclei enclosed in membranes. Bacteria are not eukaryotes, but I feel that eukaryotes arose from bacterial stock here on Earth, and in many cases, help shelter and propagate the Elder Race, which lives and flourishes commensally in their GI tract, performing needed digestive services in exchange for shelter by eukaryotic multi-cellular organisms.

What happened about 2 billion years ago, that caused the eukaryotes to appear? There is a theory that this was an early example of endosymbiosis; of two life forms living together commensally, as is the case with our GI tract bacteria and with us humans. In the case of eukaryotes, there may be several life forms living commensally as well … the original prokaryote, and an ingested prokaryote that evolved into the ‘organelles’ now termed the ‘mitochondrion’ and the ‘chloroplast’. For more on this, see …

Link: “From Prokaryotes to Eucharyotes,” in “Understanding Evolution” … … and

Link: “The Evolution of the Cell,” in Learn.Genetics: Genetic Science Learning Center …  ..

I have channeled theories, as well, to the effect that the DNA chromosomes are individuals in their own right, but I have no detailed information on this.


Along those lines, various theories have been put forth regarding the origin of life on Earth. I like this quote from Wikipedia …

“There are three main versions of the “seeded from elsewhere” hypothesis: from elsewhere in our Solar System via fragments knocked into space by a large meteor impact, in which case the most credible sources are Mars … and Venus; … by alien visitors, possibly as a result of accidental contamination by microorganisms that they brought with them; … and from outside the Solar System but by natural means …” –from Link: “Evolutionary History of Life,” in Wikipedia … See the subheading “Life ‘seeded’ from Elsewhere”

I like this quotation because it mentions Mars and Venus as credible sources of the origin of life on Earth. My understanding, as a channel, is that life on Earth …

  • originated primarily from both planets …
    • Mars (Martian Bacterial Colonists of Earth) and
    • Venus (the Hathors of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes)
  • and also was influenced by life from other planets in our Solar System,
  • by the planetary and solar beings themselves,
  • and by the Elohim or Logoi, and
  • the Song of the Leonids, among other influences

The Martian Bacterial Colonists of Earth

Scientific Intel on Martian Space Travel to Earth via Meteorites. As you may recall, the earliest meteorite so far found on Earth, with signs of life in it, is about 4 billion years old (but of course, this is only a ballpark).

This date was a little after the time, about 4.2 billion years ago, when the planet Mars lost its atmosphere, making it unsuitable for other than extremophile life forms …

Link: “How Mars lost its atmosphere and became a cold, dry world: A NASA spacecraft orbiting Mars spies solar storms blowing Martian atmosphere away,” by Eric Berger, 5 November 2015 … ..

Link: “Lost in Space: How Mars’ Atmosphere Evaporated Away,” by Charles Q. Choi, 30

This startling early report on a Martian meteorite with evidence of early life on Mars ballparks the date of the rock as 3.6 billion years ago …

Link: “Meteorite Yields Evidence of Early Life on Mars,” by Donald L. Savage, James Hartsfield, and David Salisbury, 7 August 1996, of NASA …

Later reports revised the figure to 4.0 billion years ago …

Link: “Mars Life? 20 Years Later, Debate Over Meteorite Continues,” by Charles Q. Choi, 10 August 2016, in … ..

Channeled Intel on the Martian Bacterial Colonists of Earth. For channeled information on the Martian Bacterial Colonists of Earth, see …

Link: “Compendium of the Martian Archives: Bacterial Colonists of Earth,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 9 July 2017; last updated on 25 August 2018 … ..

Link: “Did Martian Bacteria Bioengineer All Life on Earth (Including Us)?” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 3 December 2016; revised on 9 July 2017 … ..

Link: “First Contact with the Elder Race: Martian Bacterial Colonists of Earth,” channeled by Alice B. Clagett, compiled on 1-3 December 2016; revised on 12 June 2018 and on 28 April 2020 … This compilation includes five blogs.

Link: “On Martian Bacteria: Good Martians and Bad Martians,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 21 November 2016; revised on 9 July 2017 … ..

The Venutians (the Hathors)

My clair understanding is that the Venutians (the Hathors of Earth’s Solar Planes) are an ascended race that helps guide the beings of Earth in their Ascension process. For more on this see …

Link: “The Hathors of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes,” by Wes Annac, referral by Alice B. Clagett, published on 1 July 2016 … ..

Link: “Hathors Archive,” by Tom Kenyon … ..

See also my blog categories: Hathors  … and …  All – Law of One – Ra

The Influence of the Song of the Leonids and the Elohim or Logoi

The influence of the Song of the Leonids and the Elohim on the Martians is discussed here …

Link:  “More on Our Martian Bacterial Colonists,” by Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 12 August 2017 … … See the section: How the Guardians Altered Martian Genes to Make Them Suitable for Life on Earth


About 541 million years ago, a 20-million-year-long event termed the Cambrian explosion occurred, and this resulted in the appearance of most of the animal phyla now on Earth. Possible causes are discussed here …

Link: “Cambrian Explosion,” in English Wikipedia …

It could be a definitive answer to this question already exists on Earth, but is not generally known. Time will tell.

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars

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Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Martians, bioluminescence, bacteria, Martian bacterial colonists, Light, creation, quorum sensing, microbiology, microbial light perception, prokaryotes, eukaryotes, commensalism, Archaea, commensalism, bioengineered commensalism, seeded from elsewhere, evolution of life on Earth, evolution, Martian space travel, Venutians, Venus, Hathors, Song of the Leonids, Elohim, Logoi, Cambrian Explosion, Lightworkers, Ascensioneers, Healing, Movie reviews, Annihilation movie, languages of Light and Sound, timelines, interspecies communication, timeline optimization, Alpha Centaurians, territorial aggression, sexual aggression, territorial expansion, war, timeline speed, feral drives, primitive instincts, power over, movie reviews by Alice, Council of Nine, planets, Sun, Earth, Mars, Venus, Star brothers and sisters, unusual beings on Earth, rambles in the brambles,  JScambio, Alpha Centauri, history, bioengineering, genetic experiments, origins of life on earth,

How to Clear the Big Bads from the Transpersonal Chakras . channeled by Alice B. Clagett *

Written and published on 27 July 2018; revised on 5 May 2020

    • Those Who May Benefit from Last Night’s Star Gift
    • The Malware of the Criminally Insane
    • The Dark Network
    • The Big Bads
    • The Light Network on Earth
    • The MO (Modus Operandi) of the Big Bads: Astral Nightmares for Humankind
    • Insane Asylums Have No Astral Walls
    • Today’s Prophecy: An Immediate Cease Fire and Detente, Lasting Till the Next Gateway, Which Will Provide Greater Clearing
    • For Lightworkers: Act Now, for the Beings of Earth, and for the All
    • ‘Keys’ to Barricade Off the Astrally Traveling Criminally Insane and the Big Bads That Control Them
    • Let Not Empathy Give the Enemy a Foothold
    • On Communication with Non-Human Races That Lack the Value We Term ‘Compassion’
    • The Martial Arts Side-Step Technique: Matching the Alien Energy, and Using It to the Advantage of Humankind
    • Devourer of Heart’s Love
    • Devourer of Central Vertical Power Current Energy
    • Antisocial Personality Subsets: Nomadic, Malevolent, Covetous, Risk-Taking, Reputation-defending (Narcissist)
    • Daydreaming by Antisocials

Image: “Narcissus,” by Caravaggio, between 1594 and 1596, from Wikipedia … … public domain mark 1.0, The official position taken by the Wikimedia Foundation is that “faithful reproductions of two-dimensional public domain works of art are public domain”. This photographic reproduction is therefore also considered to be in the public domain in the United States.

Image: “Narcissus,” by Caravaggio, between 1594 and 1596, from Wikipedia … … public domain mark 1.0, The official position taken by the Wikimedia Foundation is that “faithful reproductions of two-dimensional public domain works of art are public domain”. This photographic reproduction is therefore also considered to be in the public domain in the United States.

Dear Ones,


The eclipse window is closing today and tomorrow, and there is a full moon today as well. Important information for clearing the Big Bads from the transpersonal chakras came in last night. I hasten to impart to you what came through. This gift has application in various realms of human endeavor.

Those Who May Benefit from Last Night’s Star Gift

This will be useful to Lightworkers, wayshowers, and gatekeepers, and also to ministers and spiritual teachers of all faiths, to psychologists and psychiatrists, especially in institutions for the criminally insane. Also for those who care for the criminally insane, and for those who house them. Also for law enforcement, who apprehend them; and for correctional officers and their grounds crew, who detain and provide for them. For the military people of all the nations of Earth, who protect their homelands and loved ones from the machinations of the Dark. And for the victims or patsies of the criminally insane, whether actual or intended. All these people will benefit.

The Malware of the Criminally Insane

The malware of the criminally insane spreads out in ‘circles of knowing’, which are a little like Facebook friend circles. The malware of the criminally insane first infects those who associate with them. Then it spreads, in ever greater circles, to the friends and family of those who associate with them … for example, the spouse and children of a prison warden, or of a law enforcement officer, or of an intended victim or patsy, and so on.

The Dark Network

This is the method of infection of humankind with malware by the Dark. The manner of spreading is termed the Dark Network. The purpose of the Dark Network is to feed the Big Bads, which are multifarious and greatly varied in form and function.

The Big Bads

The Big Bads are so termed because their feeding depends on the Soul devolution of humankind … on turning their Souls to hatred, and envy, and jealousy, and anger, and fear, and despising, and loathing of other human beings … on convincing their minds to conceive that other human beings are their enemies.

Thus the work of the Big Bads on Earth, insofar as it can be effected, leads humankind to war of brother against brother, to anarchy and want, to poverty and starvation, to ignorance and disease.

The work of the Big Bads is the bane of human life on Earth, and their clearing is the problem and the life endeavor of those whose Soul purpose is to defend and uplift humankind, including Lightworkers, pathfinders, and wayshowers, and their transpersonal, personal, and subpersonal Ascension teams. as well as those in the helping professions on Earth, including the healing professions, those who enforce justice, and those who protect the vulnerable families, elders, women, and children of Earth from the ravages of war and from rampant disregard of our legal codes.

The Light Network on Earth

Just as there is a Dark Network, there is a Light Network, that disseminates Lightware in ever spreading ‘circles of knowing’. Thus the work that Lightworkers, pathfinders, and wayshowers do replicates the fractal disseminative noospheric techniques of the Big Bads, but with opposite, beneficial effect for humankind. Those in Earth’s traditional helping professions: healing, counseling, apprehension, detention, justice, rehabilitation, and military protection, also effect this work.

The MO (Modus Operandi) of the Big Bads: Astral Nightmares for Humankind

The worst of the malware disseminated by the Big Bads through the Dark Network causes criminally insane behavior in humankind. It is to this behavior that those in the helping professions look, but to some extent, inaccurately so. The Big Bads’ MO (modus operandi) is to latch onto a usable personality trait in a person, to gash and magnify that trait until the voice of the Soul wounding therein … the associated audiovisual chip … is ‘revved up’ to a higher pitch of anguish on the astral plane, then to find reciprocal personality trait wounds in other humans, astrally, and to feed on the interaction of the criminally insane with their intended victims.

The ‘feeding’ of the criminally insane on their victims is their ‘reward’ for this attacking energy that they exhibit … the aggressor-victim threat energy that has characterized our subconscious noospheric interactions for about five years now, during the ongoing Ascension clearing. The feeding of the Big Bads, as the astral attacks take place, is their greater reward for implantation of malware that they habitually undertake, in those humans who play the role of attackers or attacked, on the noospheric plane.

Insane Asylums Have No Astral Walls

There are no walls to keep criminally insane people out of the astral world. Though they may be housed in what was once termed an ‘insane asylum’ … secluded far from the public eye … yet, on the astral plane, they can roam free and inflict Soul wounding on whomsoever they will. They can enter the homes of your sleeping family, and terrorize your spouse and children, your frail grandmother or newborn child. They can enter your schools and rampage through the playground or the restrooms. They can enter our police stations and our barracks, and, through malware implantation, turn these personnel against their mandates to protect humankind and preserve our human dignity, our lives, and our Soul values.

Riding their invading astral forms are the terrifying astral forms of the Big Bads that spur them on. Were the Big Bads not riding the criminally insane, these unfortunates could heal and return to lives of usefulness in the human community. Thus our target, in clearing Earth, is truly not the criminally insane; it is the Big Bads that ride their astral backs and flock around them, like large black birds or bats, waiting with rapacious, glowering eyes to feast upon the violence they provoke amongst their human prey.

Today’s Prophecy: An Immediate Cease Fire and Detente, Lasting Till the Next Gateway, Which Will Provide Greater Clearing

Until today, they could do as they would. But this day, at the cusp of a great Eclipse Window, on the threshold of a Full Moon, is the day that they have met their match. The ‘keys’ in today’s channeling will assist those in the helping professions to end this war of the Big Bads against humankind. Shall it be implemented today and tomorrow, during the Eclipse Window, then we can hope for an immediate ceasefire, and a detente for the span of time till the next Eclipse Window, which will be the gateway to greater clearing of the Earth’s noosphere.

For Lightworkers: Act Now, for the Beings of Earth, and for the All

Thus I ask each of you who support and promote the welfare of humankind, to use these keys today, so as to rid Earth of this pestilence. Time is of the essence. Now is the hour. Let us strike, and strike resoundingly, so as to secure victory for this World.

For those of you who are Lightworkers, wayshowers, and pathfinders, and who tread the paths among the stars of friendly galaxies, near and far, know that this World’s victory will resound throughout creation, from this outlier solar system, through our home galaxy, through the sparkling diamond shape of the near cluster of stars, and onward through all that is.

‘Keys’ to Barricade Off the Astrally Traveling Criminally Insane and the Big Bads That Control Them

The keys presented through my transpersonal Ascension team last night will allow each of us to barricade off the criminally insane; the Controllers; the Hybrids; the Illuminati; the energy vampires; the Dark Souls; the antisocial personalities; the Mind Controllers; the omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent, Disincarnate Gods; the gods of Death; and the rare but until-today influential Soulless human beings, from our own energy fields. This will prevent their spread to the energy fields of our friends and family. The effect, I find, is thorough and immediate; a cause of great rejoicing in my personal sphere, and, perhaps, in your own as well.

Though there are no walls, in the astral plane, to keep the astral forms of the criminally insane from invasion of our sleeping forms, or of our distracted, workaday bodies, or of our television-viewing after-hours minds, yet we now have the means to set up impregnable barricades, and the keys to forever lock the door behind which evil lurks. (1)

Let Not Empathy Give the Enemy a Foothold

Once the barricade is in place, I caution you, do not help those beings out. Do not explain why they are locked out. Do not give them terms for letting down the barricade. Understand that they have no empathy. Do not confuse your hopes with their intentions; you are not talking to your son or brother. You are conversing with the astral wildlife. As in the wilds of Africa, the utmost caution is advisable.

If they change, then they can get through that door. The work of their change is their own, and that of their race.

On Communication with Non-Human Races That Lack the Value We Term ‘Compassion’

There are many sentient beings who have no heart energy at all, no sense of love, or of its value. Their values are only those of aggression, of war, of threat and counterthreat, of overcoming and devouring all in their path. We humankind are in their path.

Thus we set up barricades; we do not maunder on about amity or Christian charity, about doing good for them, about our mutual regard. We know the score; we defend our turf and our families; and we step into their world view and communicate with these sentient species on their terms, not our own.

The Martial Arts Side-Step Technique: Matching the Alien Energy, and Using It to the Advantage of Humankind

How are these barricades discovered? We must put ourselves in their shoes. We must pretend we are they. What are they saying to us, on the astral plane? What is our reaction to them?

What is their overriding subconscious message? Then, on the psychic plane, let us say to them what they are saying to us. This is the same sidestep’ technique used in aikido and karate to align our energy with that of the attacker, and use his own forward motion to cause a tumble or stumble. At the same time, we are out of the way, because we sidestepped. The attacker’s forward thrusting threat energy becomes his own undoing.


The below ‘keys’ incapacitate the main malware of the astrally attacking criminally insane human being. The criminally insane are unaware of this malware; we are working with their subconscious minds to effect a ceasefire. If you use a key, through telepathy or verbally, and then get the subconscious message, “God, oh no!” over and over again, then you know you have hit the mark. You have canceled out their malware; pursuant to which, the Big Bads perched on or hovering around them will be unable to course through their energy field, or into you and your family, friends, and work associates.

Do not overuse this technique; once or twice, whether telepathically or verbally, will do. This is because you will have hit your target dead center; you have ‘hit them where they live’. Overuse will send them into catalepsy or fugue state, which will only be useful for the very worst, the handful of Soulless men and women now roaming Earth (their numbers being about 200,000 worldwide, by my estimate).

This is the outcome we intend today: Incapacitation of the malware of the astrally travelling criminally insane … of the Controllers, the Black Magickers, the Sorcerers, and antisocial personalities, the Voodoo witches, the warlocks, the leaders of the Satan cults, the serial killers, the child torturers, the black widows and black widowers, the cannibals and offerers of human sacrifice; those who mutilate genitals and stalk the unwary in their humdrum daily life, those who make the headlines for the evil that they do, who then get caught and whom we seemingly secure away from our homes and loved ones … but who ne’ertheless, till now, rampaged through the dreams of humankind. The outcome we intend, through this incapacitation, us the elimination of the Big Bads from the Earth planes.

Here, then are the keys …


Soulless men are, without exception, energy vampires, because there is an injury to their heart chakra or a severing of their central vertical power current that prevents them from accessing the Light and love of God that would otherwise maintain their physical form. It is this same energetic injury that makes their human form unsuitable as an abode of the Soul they once knew.

To stay alive on Earth, Soulless men must steal the energy of love …. or else of life force (prana) … from other human beings. On the astral plane, they hunt down human beings with high Light quotients, or high love quotients, intending to suck the love or life force from them. The eventual outcome … the one they anticipate and rejoice in, as a Black Sacrament … is the death of their energetic victim.

What is worse, Soulless people carry the energy of far more malicious beings, beings not human in aspect; beings far more voracious than we. Those beings add their blood lust to the attack the Soulless ones perpetrate most frequently on Lightworkers, pathfinders, wayshowers, and saints of all the great religions of Earth.

As far as may be ascertained to date, the Soulless energy vampire is one of two sorts: Either a devourer of heart’s love, or a devourer of central vertical power current energy. The subconscious symbolism is of hatred returned for devoted love, or else of hate-filled rectal intercourse. The primary determinant is inversion of love and Light to hatred and Dark: The victim’s life force is converted to death force for the victim, so that the energy vampire and his accompanying Big Bads can feed upon it.

Devourer of Heart’s Love. Since this kind of Soulless man will depend, for sustenance, on mesmerizing those he intends to murder so that they will love him, you may say to him, either astrally or in person: Everybody is laughing at you. Nobody loves you.

Devourer of Central Vertical Power Current Energy. To the Sorcerer or Black Magician who is a Central Vertical Power Current Vampire (a Sodomy Vampire), say: Everybody is laughing at you. We know where you live.

Or say: We know where you live. We have the key to your back door … In this case, the ‘back door’ is the bottom funnel of his central vertical power current, the basal chakra.


A Sorcerer or Black Magician  incessantly tries to ransack the energy field of the victim he has targeted. You may read, in a newspaper account, for instance, intimation of how a neo-Hindu cult of the last century targeted wealthy heiresses, drove them insane though mind control, then caused their deaths and stole their money …

Link: “The Hindu Psychic Crime Scandal of 1911,” by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 2 July 2018 … … and …

Link: “The Heathen Invasion: American Women Losing Fortunes and Reason Seeking the Eternal Youth Promised by the Swarthy Priests of the Far East,” by Mabel Potter Daggett, in ‘Hampton Columbian Magazine,” Donald Wayne Castellano-Hoyt, Editor, Vol. XXVII, No. 4, October 1911, pp 399-411 …  ..

This same MO (modus operandi) is in use today, all over the world, amongst Sorcerers, Black Magickers, Voodoo Men, and Satan Cult followers. These people are a particular menace to Western women, and to Western men of a scientific bent, because we do not believe they exist, and because we mistake their ‘Seeming Light’ … the Light they steal from their followers …

Link: “Cloak of Seeming Light,” animated gif by Alice B. Clagett, imaged and published on 15 March 2020 … ..

… for the real McCoy. As they specialize in Mind Control, which means they bend every effort, every thought, to invasion of your energy field with their own thought forms, their intention being brainwashing, destruction of ego and self-esteem, and implantation of their own agenda, you must counter-attack with a notion of invading them.

To the Sorcerer or Black Magician say: I know where you live. I can get in any time.

Or: I have the key to your back door … Or:  I have the key to your front door … Or: I have your car key. I can get into your trunk.

Or you can say about him to someone else, astrally: He has a history of insanity.  Or: The courts have committed him to a mental institution. The subpoena is in the mail. 


To those who obsess or attempt to possess human beings in the dreamtime realm, through ‘skinny dipping’ or dipping into or passing through your energy field or EMF torus, say: You’re not entering me. You are entering the raccoon in the backyard.  Or: You’re getting into the rat in the alley. Or the like.


Antisocial personalities have unique perspective regarding life on Earth. They believe in the Circle of One … ‘One’ being themselves. For them, circles of family, work, community, religion, and nation do not exist. They are the only one that matters, and they are in it for themselves.

They believe that every other human being, had he or she the right perspective, would know this to be true; that all the claptrap of the humanitarians and do-gooders and folks espousing social justice has to do with flawed perception; and that they can take advantage of these flaws in other people, to their own advantage.

The motives of the antisocial personality are entirely self-serving. They may have …

  • grandiose ideation … that they are prophet, or an emperor, or a king, or an incarnation of Attila the Hun or Adolph Hitler or Genghis Khan
  • greed for the possessions of others (which, they feel, are rightfully their own),
  • intention to obtain on-the-spot sexual gratification (regardless of the other person’s stated inclination … which, if nix, they may feel is clearly just an indication of  their victim’s faulty perception of their own sexual inclination)
  • delight in the taking of a life (which looks ‘pretty’ to them, or offers other sense gratification, or may be viewed as a rightful Sacrament of their killing cult)
  • elevation of cannibalism to the level of a Black Communion sacrament for their killing cult … because, they might feel, why should not other people’s bodies, like their goods, be subsumed, at whim?
  • and delight in such risk-taking behaviors as drifter, sex worker, reckless driver, serial killer or mass murderer.

Antisocial Personality Subsets. There are various types of antisocial personalities, each with its own subset of personality traits. I like Theodore Millon’s suggestion of these subsets: Nomadic, Malevolent, Covetous, Risk-taking (Histrionic) and Reputation-defending (Narcissistic). –from Link: “Antisocial Personality Disorder,” in Wikipedia … … Search the term: Theodore Millon

Theoretically, we would have different astral responses to ward off the predominant astral malware of each subset.

The Nomadic subset constitutes drifters and vagrants and the like. My own experience of these is that they do not fit in, in a social context, but that they lack attack energy. Instead, they have a hiding, concealing energy that, to my knowledge, generally does not need an astral repartee. They may want to sneak into your house, when you are out. For that, say: Go ahead and try. I have a Death Ray in my house.

The Malevolent subset includes serial killers and mass murderers. For that, say: Is this the police? I’d like to report a crime.

For the Covetous subset, see the subheading  “The Thief” in this blog for a possible repartee.

The category Risk-taking I find interesting and less well known. I see it is also termed “Histrionic Personality Disorder,” characterized by “egocentrism, self-indulgence, continuous longing for appreciation, and persistent manipulative behavior to achieve their own needs.” —from Link: “Histrionic Personality Disorder,” in Wikipedia … … CC BY-SA 3.0 Unported 

It seems to me that the personality trait termed ‘manipulative behavior’, might be a concern for this subset, on the astral as well as the physical plane. See the subheading “Soulless Men, Energy Vampires’ in this blog for possible repartees.

For a possible repartee to antisocials falling in the category Reputation-defending (Narcissist), see the subheading “The Narcissist, the Dorian Gray Personality, the Lionizer” in this blog.

Daydreaming by Antisocials. Another astral trouble with antisocial personalities, is that they dream together, and create antisocial astral soap opera stories on the astral plane. Normal people fear these stories, and the fear that they feel when the antisocials imagine the stories gratifies the antisocials and causes them to continue this behavior.

Humanitarians and do-gooders chime in, with desired positive outcomes, and the antisocials counter with greater malevolence and psychic terrorism. The thing to do, with regard to these antisocial astral stories, is to opt out; to stand on neutral ground with a peaceful heart.

One of the things that drags us into the fray, in this regard, is the antisocial tendency to earmark, harass and destroy hapless victims, such as little children. For normal socialized people, it is our rearing in a family setting, along with our siblings and playmates, that causes the normal human to exhibit the desire to protect the helpless and unfortunate in our communities … to lift them up and help them get a new start; to educate the young, to house the homeless, to cherish the elderly for their wisdom, in their old age.

Antisocial personalities often lack this training in socialization altogether. They may be feral children, who killed their parents or siblings in early childhood or in early adolescence. They may have no sense whatsoever of empathy.

They most likely know that your desire to protect their dreamed-of victims has to do with your early rearing, and your sense that the helpless people in the world are like the brothers and sisters you grew up with, and the parents and parental figures from whom you learned social norms. The antisocial personality considers this learning to be false learning. To him, it is your Achilles heel; a laughable weakness through which he can devise your demise.

To the antisocial personality who seems to be targeting with you with a malicious daydream about people you know being caught, injured, and murdered, that sort of daydream is normal fare; it is the dream that sustains them. To you, it is torture; to him it is delight.

To the antisocial dreaming this dream, say: I am an only child. This dream is nonsense.


There are some few people on Earth who, because of proclivity or past lifetime activity, never cease to speak messages of sadism, sexual torture, rape, and snuff sex on the astral plane. In this lifetime, they may be sadomasochistic sex workers or porn dealers or snuff actors or actresses.

They have very vocal malware in their second chakra, and they also feel that this is normal, that there is nothing wrong with them; that they are overwhelmingly sexually alluring, and that other people would recognize this, and respond accordingly, were their heads on right.

Aside from the astral nuisance factor, of being around a walking porn billboard when one might wish to deal with everyday problems or, in the case of people who are devout, to speak God’s name or to sing His praises night and day, there is the further difficulty that the Big Bads known as Incubi and succubi flock around these Sadists, in hopes of getting in on the action. Their hope is to turn your good sexual vibes to fear and loathing of the act of sex, because of the hurtful intentions of the Sadist.

To the Sadist say, on the astral plane: I find you very attractive. Let’s have sex my way. …

In the first sentence, you align with the sadist’s intention to be alluring; and in the second sentence, you run counter to their intention to dominate the sex act. Thus you ‘ball up’ their malware; in confusion, they turn away from you, to seek other victims on the astral plane.


The antisocial personality frequently includes, in his or her constellation of behaviors, nymphomaniacal or satyric sexual behaviors, which is to say, desire for sexual expression greatly in excess of the norm. There are also people who exhibit nymphomaniacal or satyric sexual behaviors and who are not, in other ways of expressing themselves in the world, antisocial.

On the astral plane, the Nympho or Satyr presents like the Sadist, but without the resident evil vibe. In other words, the thought forms they put out are of having sex, but not of causing pain to their sexual partners.

They will most likely be concealing their propensity in daily life, so astral ‘disclosure’ may help you to word them off. In other words, try social opprobrium: On the astral plane, to the Nympho or Satyr, say: Everybody’s laughing at you!  You’re a Nympho! … Or: Everybody’s laughing at you! You’re a Satyr! …


The trouble with vicious, cruel people, is that they are conveyors of harpies … astral beings that are ever so much more vicious and cruel than they, and which cluster round them, in flying hordes, or one by one, take up tenancy in the Soul field of a vicious person. This is especially off-putting when the co-tenant, the astral bugaboo, of a very beautiful but vicious, woman … a femme fatale, for instance … is one of the Big Bads known as harpies …

Image: “A flock of harpies descending on their prey,” from Warhammer Wiki: Fandom Powered by Wikia … ..

Link: “The Harpy and the Pretty Woman,” drawings by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 9 November 2019, revised … ..

If, on the astral plane, a person expresses derision, or tries to make you feel unwanted, then say in an even, matter-of-fact tone: Nobody loves you. Everybody laughs at you.

If they say: You are one big ego … then mirror them verbally, but matter-of-factly (not with negative emphasis): You are one big ego.  There is a chance that this mirroring technique will bring their subconscious agenda to their conscious Awareness. When they become aware of it, they can overcome the astral habit of putting other people down.

If they have a guilty secret, and are angry that you know it, then state it flatly and straight out, on the astral plane when they approach you. Here are two examples, mentioned elsewhere in this blog: I know you don’t like women … and I know your are a nympho [or a satyr].


Men with a habit of viewing pornography, or who are too introverted to go out and find a sexual partner, or who have moral scruples against the sexual urge and thus jam their sexual feelings down into repressive astral ‘time-capsules’ can, through lack of a physical partnered means of expressing their sex drive, clutter up the noosphere with a habit of salacious thought forms or mental images.

When these conscious or subconscious thoughts are directed at a particular person, who does not welcome them, that person experiences the thought stream as psychic rape. The not wanting of the intended recipient may spur the astral rapist on to greater visualization efforts. Thus, objecting to the sending of these thoughts forms can have the opposite of the desired effect.

If the daydreaming astral rapist says, tongue in cheek: I love you very much. I want to spend my life with you … then say: Tell it to the door knob … They will figure it out. (My thanks to the person on the astral plane who suggested this repartee last night.)

Note that images of physical objects are helpful in devising a repartee. That is because you are working with the attacker’s subconscious mind, and the subconscious mind cannot fathom abstract concepts; instead, it works with the physical world, with physical objects, and with metaphors involving physical actions or images, which it links to a particular emotion.


The bully plays a game of domination and submission, of bullying so as to provoke kowtowing, which rewards the bully with ego-aggrandizement and a feeling of high self-esteem. The kowtowing removes his sense of personal insecurity, at the expense of the person bullied.

When a person has an predominantly bullying game plan, also known as an alpha male personality trait … if that is how he presents himself to the world, then what are our options as regards interacting with him? We can kowtow to him, or evade him, or attack him in hopes of reaching a detente, or behave sexually towards him so as to replace his instinct to territorial aggression with his instinct to sexual aggression. Or if he behaves with sexual aggression, we can offer him a bribe, whether money or goods, so as to turn his instinct to sexual aggression to the instinct to territorial aggression.

Or we can observe his game with a neutral heart. On the basis of my own experience with neutral observation, I advise this technique. It is the basis of the following ‘key’ …

IF the bully says: God damn you for not going along with my program!  … then say: To tell you the truth, I don’t love anyone at all. My heart is open, but I don’t fasten on. 

Or say: Just because my heart is open, doesn’t mean you can rough me up.


These sorts of personality feel they are feeding on other people’s adulation of their good looks, or of their fan clubs’ swooning admiration. They may stand in the middle of a room full of people, with a feeling that they are soaking up their energy. Or they may sit in the front of a room, soaking up the energy of the admiring crowd.

They may feel they would age very quickly, were it not for other people’s energy they are soaking up. In this they are similar to the energy vampires discussed under the subheading “Soulless Men, Energy Vampires” in this blog. However, whereas for the Soulless man energy vampirism is a fact, for the narcissist, the Dorian Gray personality, or the Lionizer it may be more fiction than fact.

They may, for instance, feel that, should they cease to steal youthfulness from their admirers, then they may suddenly and catastrophically become quite old, as suggested by this painting …

Image: Profile of a handsome young man, with the face of a wizened old man behind him” …×460.jpg ..

That the subconscious mind of the narcissist, the Dorian Gray personality, or the Lionizer believes this fiction, accounts for the effectiveness of the repartee suggested next. To this sort of person, say: I am stealing youth from you. 


A thief is but a thief, whether on the physical plane or on the astral plane. His desire for what is yours can make life miserable, can make you feel insecure, and can cost quite a lot in terms of home security systems. His threats can make you fearful, and your fear can result in mischief of like kind on the physical plane, whether by his hand, or by the hand of another.

To the thief, say, on the astral plane: I have the key to your safe deposit box.

IF they say: God, I want your money … then use the same retort: I have the key to your safe deposit box.

To the embezzler’s ‘snatch it’ thoughts, you can try: I’ll take my credit card out on that.  … Do not specify what.


Homosexual men and misogynists know that the main current of society, the social norm, sets forth that men like women, that women expect men to like them, simply for their being women, and that swimming cross-current causes ripples that may endanger their person and their property. Thus they lie, so as to appear to fit in, and women fall for the lies, because they feel that is how life on Earth is: Men like women.

Falling for ‘seeming sexual attraction’, for hatred or loathing or belittlement disguised as romantic love, inevitably leads to betrayal and Soul trauma. Thus, to the man who pretends to like you as a woman, say: There is no need to pretend you love me. I don’t care, one way or the other. In this way you may be able to calm their subconscious fear, and avoid falling for the untruth.

If the homosexual man or misogynist threatens your mate or boyfriend with castration or AIDS infection, or with battery, say, on the astral plane: I will cut your pigtail off. Or: ____ [name of your mate or boyfriend] will cut your pigtail off.  Be sure and use these words, as they have a strong impact on the subconscious mind of this kind of ‘psychic terrorist’.

On the physical plane, I suggest respecting people’s lifestyles, whether alternate or mainstream, provided they are law abiding. Thus my suggestion is: Unfailing courtesy in social interactions with the members of our community, whether local or worldwide.


Addicts turn their destructive instincts against themselves, by ingesting substances harmful to their physical form. The malware is that they are doing something good for themselves, by doing something bad to themselves.

Addicts may be family or friends or those we look up to, and it is understandable that we might want to prevent them from self-destructive behavior. However, if we try to prevent their addiction … to ‘dry them up’ or clear their bodies out, they will turn their rage, their instinct of destruction against us, and attempt to kill us on the astral or physical plane.

Thus, in a way, the addict, whether friend or foe, can, all in a moment, turn about from hapless victim of a habit he is having trouble overcoming, to our implacable enemy. Instead of turning his destructive instinct from himself to you, side with him on the astral plane. Walk his walk, and talk his talk. To the addict, say: God knows you have a great time with your life! … If you say that, he may go away, on the astral plane.

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars

See also … Link: “Compendium: Ensoulment, Soullessness, and Soul Evolution,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 28 August 2018; revised on 4 October 2018 … ..

See also … Link: “Catastrophic Childhood Case Studies: Heart Vampire 2,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 13 December 2020; revised … ..


(1) Here I have channeled “The Great Invocation” by Djwhal Khul. This prayer refers to the door behind which evil lurks …

Video: “The Great Invocation” . by Djwhal Khul . Channeled by Alice B. Clagett, filmed on n 19 November 2014; published on 3 July 2019 … ..

Here are the words to the prayer … Link: “The Great Invocation,” by Djwhal Khul, through Alice Bailey, in Theosophy Wiki … ..


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Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

negative astral beings, astral planes, interspecies communication, unusual beings on Earth, Team Dark, Big Bads, Dark Network, Light Network, lightworkers, law enforcement, health, correctional system, felon rehabilitation, antisocial personalities, psychology, psychiatry, military, insane asylums, homosexuality, misogyny, societal expectations, mind control, brainwashing, ego, self-esteem, Dark Attack, criminally insane, keys, obsession, possession, Soulless men, hybrids, illuminati, omnipresent persons, gods of Death, vampires, correctional system, felon rehabilitation, mind control, black magician, sorcerer, controllers, voodoo, demon wars, Ascension team, transpersonal ascension team, disincarnate gods, thought forms, skinny dip, pass through, fear, anger, rage, violence, hatred, peaceful feeling, threat energy, addiction, vagrancy, killing cults, sex workers, Western medicine, incarnations, ego, neutral mind, subconscious mind, noosphere, solar events, gateways, eclipse window, transformation, protection, prophecy, disclosure, societal expectations, star brothers and sisters, djwhal khul, incubi, succubi, Satan, Lucifer, viciousness, greed, narcissism, Dorian Gray, Lionizing, vampire, Soul devolution, malware, almanac, July  2018 Eclipse Window, transpersonal chakras, astral thuggees, circle of one, sadomasochism, self-esteem, sexual repression, alpha male, cannibalism, murder, subconscious symbolism, catastrophic childhood experiences, feral children, killing cults, mass murderers, serial killers, dominance-submission, genital mutilation, sexual aggression, territorial aggression, addiction, theft, harpies, vicious, cruel, daydreamer, astral porn, psychic rape, astral rape, porn viewing, bully, nympho, nymphomaniac, nymphomania, satyr, satyriasis, sadist, dominatrix, dominator, sadomasochism, snuff sex, Hinduism, Neo-Vedanta, Vallalar, Sri Aurobindo,  omnipresence, omniscience, omnipotence,  divine light, Neo-Hinduism, galaxy, 22-galaxy diamond, fugue state, clair senses, empathy, crime, crime prevention, AV chip, audiovisual chip, predator-prey, aggressor-victim, central vertical power current, heart chakra, murder, prana, saint, rectal intercourse, basal chakra, chakras, second chakra, Black Magicker, Heart Vampire,

Human Habitation of Mars: Effect on the Ascension Process . by Alice B. Clagett

Written and published on 22 May 2018


Dear Ones,


I recently got a subscription to “National Geographic” (1) that also gives me online articles. Luckily so. Today’s email had a link to this article …

Link: “Year of the Bird: These Are the Dinosaurs That Didn’t Die,” by Victoria Jaggard, photographs by Robert Clark, National Geographic …${CONTACTS_LIST.RIID_?c}%3C/#itlscript%3E&cmpid=org=ngp::mc=crm-email::src=ngp::cmp=editorial::add=wildscience_20180521::urid=%3C#itlscript%3E${CONTACTS_LIST.RIID_?c}%3C/#itlscript%3E ..

Also linked to in the email was this National Geographic article …

Link: “Meet the Crew Preparing for Human Life on Mars,” by Nadia Drake, photographs by Cassandra Kios, published 4 May 2018, National Geographic …${CONTACTS_LIST.RIID_?c}%3C/#itlscript%3E&cmpid=org=ngp::mc=crm-email::src=ngp::cmp=editorial::add=wildscience_20180521::urid=%3C#itlscript%3E${CONTACTS_LIST.RIID_?c}%3C/#itlscript%3E ..

The juxtaposition could not have been more apt, although most likely subconscious.

As you may know (search my blog categories:  Mars – Martians  … and …  Bacteria ) life on Earth originated on Mars. About 4 billion years ago, meteorites from Mars brought early, intelligent, bacterial life to Earth. Over the aeons, this intelligent life has morphed to a more gentle, less warlike life form, here on Earth. The superb genetic engineering abilities of this, the Elder Race, have resulted in the many larger life forms now on Earth, many of which act as protective biohabitats or Earth colonies for intelligent Martian bacterial life forms housed in their guts.

Those bacteria still on Mars, existing as they do as solo survivors in extreme planetary conditions, are still of the more primitive, warlike mentality.

As you may know from your reading of my earlier work, there are 10 times more bacterial life forms than human cellular life forms in the human colon. Thus when humans voyage to Mars, they will bring with them the gentler variety of Earthly bacteria.

I am clear that the bacteria of Earth want to re-establish contact with the bacteria of their home world. But what will that re-establishment of contact mean, both on Earth and on Mars? Are the bacteria of Earth aware of how different they now are from the bacteria of Mars, their home world? Or will this be a hard and bitter lesson won?

If human life is established on Mars, then there will be interbreeding of Earth bacteria with the more warlike Martian ancestral bacteria. Thus, those human space colonists that return to Earth will bring back more warlike bacteria.

As discussed in a prior blog, these bacteria’s mind fields and emotions cause repercussions in the unconscious thought cloud of the world by adding emphasis to human autonomic nervous system thought forms … the sort of thoughts associated with the reptilian brain … to do with survival, war, fear of death, grounding, territorial aggression, sexual aggression, the instinct to have sex, creativity, the will to do things in the world, world domination, and so on. They do this by adding a sort of drumbeat backdrop … an added emotional drive … to the subconscious thoughts expressed through our lower 3 chakras, which are located in the general area of the colon. This is sometimes referred to as the gut brain.

Intuitively I feel that the result here on Earth will be more energy threads of warlike tendencies, and also of territorial and sexual aggression, as expressed through our social interactions here on Earth.

On Mars, the opposite will take place amongst the ancient bacterial peoples there: They will become less warlike, less territorially and sexually aggressive.

This translates into a better time on Mars, and a more difficult time on Earth, as the unfoldment of the Ascension process continues. In more fearful timelines, it will result in Apocalyptic scenarios both on Mars and on Earth.

Among those whose hearts and minds are set upon the feelings of faith, hope, and charity towards other beings, the timelines will result in an improvement or upliftment of the energies of the Solar System as a whole, as the martial astral airs of Mars begin to clear.

We who feel faith and hope and charity, in alignment with the Heart and Mind and Will of God, can help merge the Apocalyptic timelines with the timelines of New Life on New Earth.

As our Solar System is uplifted, so will its butterfly effect be felt throughout this Universe.

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars

More on these two “National Geographic” articles in the next blog, which has to do with meteorites as transport for genetic material in intelligent strains of Martian bacteria, from Mars to Earth … Link: “DNA Upgrade for Earth 66 Million Years Ago: Chicxulub Asteroid … Cosmic Ray Consuming Bacteria,” by Alice B. Clagett, ..

See also … Link: “Compendium of the Martian Archives: Bacterial Colonists of Earth,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 9 July 2017; last updated on 25 August 2018 … ..


“I Am of the Stars” blog categories: Mars – Martians  … and … Bacteria

Link: “Butterfly Effect,” in Wikipedia … ..


(1) Link: “National Geographic” … ..


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

National Geographic, meteorites, Mars, Martians, bacteria, interspecies communication, space travel, Mars colonization, gut brain, unconscious thought cloud of the world, New Earth, colon, thought forms, genetic engineering, evolution, evolution of the species, biology, genetics, autonomic nervous system, survival,  war, fear of death, grounding, territorial aggression, sexual aggression, war, peace, New Creation, reptilian brain, subconscious, Solar System, Universe, butterfly effect, faith, hope, charity, timeline merges, Apocalypse, End Times, space travel, space exploration, grounding, territorial aggression, sexual aggression, survival, war, fear of death, sexuality, will power, Earth, life on Earth, origins of life on Earth,