Category Archives: Serial killers

Compendium: Catastrophic Childhood Case Study: ‘Alluring Calm’ . by Alice B. Clagett *

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Compendium: Catastrophic Childhood Case Study: 'Alluring Calm'

Image: “Oedipus and the Sphinx,” by Gustave Moreau, 1864, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

Image: “Oedipus and the Sphinx,” by Gustave Moreau, 1864, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain


Dear Ones,

Below are links to one series in a number of astral stories I encountered that involved the catastrophic childhood case studies … in this case, that of ‘Alluring Calm’, an intelligent, alluring mind controller and confidence woman with supervisory skills and well-developed mind control ability.

‘Alluring Calm’ lived by her wits, and, I have a hunch, might have had no compunctions about using mind control and false authority to sucker women who had recently lost a loved one into parting with their cash.

She was the West Coast head of a meditation group in West Los Angeles with roots in both Hindu black arts and a dark perversion of the teachings of the sacred Jewish Kabbalah. During the time I became aware of this ‘cult that kills’ the predominant MO (modus operandi) … as the astral airs would have it … apparently was to ‘down’ one or two of these women annually with a trumped up psychological label, arrange for institutionalization and at that moment abscond with the woman’s cash; then hire a ‘hit woman’ from the central headquarters of the group to pose as an ancillary health care worker who would visit the institutionalized ‘mark’ and murder her with an undetectable drug injection.

According to the astral airs, the ‘hit women’ were ‘Lioness’ (who lived in the Central United States) and ‘Torturess’ (who in the year 2016 relocated from the Central United States to Los Angeles). These two women I encountered in a Central United States meditation group led by ‘Heart Vampire’, the head of a mafia crime family classified under my blog categories: Crime families – the mob – Mafia  … and …  Cults that kill – mind control cults 

According to the astral airs, Alluring Calm was the West Coast wife of the man I nicknamed ‘Heart Vampire’. On the East Coast, two other of his wives was ‘Three House Hostess’ and ‘Flower of God’. Then in the Central United States, where ‘Heart Vampire’ was located, he had his wife ‘Inanna’ living with him.

I pieced together, from the psychic plane, that the extra wives might have deeded their real estate in trust to ‘Heart Vampire’. (I inferred that after doing a search of Intelius online to see if their property was held by a trust.)

There are other reasons for establishing a trust than those espoused in mainline estate planning. In this case, there might be an unusual twist, I felt. It might mean that, if the several wives of ‘Heart Vampire’ were to meet an untimely end … either at his hands or at the hands of others … then their real estate might flow effortlessly into his hands for use (for example) by another of his ‘soldiers’. That might take place even without disclosure of their demise.

In a more natural sense, ‘Alluring Calm’ was also married to ‘Headstand Man’, with whom she lived. As she apparently lived from the MO (modus operandi) described above, and he apparently lived on credit card theft, each might have anticipated trouble with the law from time to time. Thus they might … according to the astral airs … have moved ownership of their home from the one to the other of them to prevent legal fines that might require selling their home.

When I meditated with ‘Alluring Calm’s’ women’s meditation group long years ago, ‘Headstand Man’ would do yoga in the room above the meditation room. According to the astral airs, he was standing on his head just above us.

The women in the meditation all felt unquestioning loyalty to the cult leader, ‘Heart Vampire’ … or so it seemed to me. His hold on them was, I feel, both financial and psychical. It seemed to me ‘Heart Vampire’ also had a hold on ‘Alluring Calm’s’ husband, and that, when the meditations began, the disturbing spirit of ‘Heart Vampire’ would descend through the rectum of her husband ‘Headstand Man’, ending up with the spirit’s head in his ‘gut brain’ and the spirit’s ‘gut brain’ in her husband’s upside-down brain. In that way, I gathered from the astral airs, this leader’s awful presence would descend into the room where the women were meditating. Here is the image I drew of this event, which happened over and over again …

Animated Gif: “Uber Mind Control,” by Alice B. Clagett, 24 August 2019, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Eight women are sitting in a circle on chairs in the lower room of a two-story house. The top middle woman is larger, and she is sitting in a larger chair. In a second-story room above the seated women is a man, standing on his head and looking downward. The gif has five frames. Frame 1: A mean-looking blob-like being with a twisty tail is floating into the top room from top left; the being is a pale blood color, like blood mixed with water. Frame 2: The being’s tail has gotten longer; it is curled like a corkscrew or a drill and the end of the tail is pointed. The being is hovering in the air looking at the upside-down man’s feet. Frame 3: The being looks mean. Its corkscrew tail is pointing between the feet of the upside-down man. Frame 4: The mean being’s tail drills down between the inverted man’s legs and into his rectum. Its color has changed from faded blood-color to bright red. Frame 5: The bright-red being has increased in size till it is encompasses the inverted man and all the women seated in a circle on the floor below. Its tail has reduced in size to a sharp nub, which penetrates the ground beneath the house.

Animated Gif: “Uber Mind Control,” by Alice B. Clagett, 24 August 2019, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,”

DESCRIPTION: Eight women are sitting in a circle on chairs in the lower room of a two-story house. The top middle woman is larger, and she is sitting in a larger chair. In a second-story room above the seated women is a man, standing on his head and looking downward. The gif has five frames. Frame 1: A mean-looking blob-like being with a twisty tail is floating into the top room from top left; the being is a pale blood color, like blood mixed with water. Frame 2: The being’s tail has gotten longer; it is curled like a corkscrew or a drill and the end of the tail is pointed. The being is hovering in the air looking at the upside-down man’s feet. Frame 3: The being looks mean. Its corkscrew tail is pointing between the feet of the upside-down man. Frame 4: The mean being’s tail drills down between the inverted man’s legs and into his rectum. Its color has changed from faded blood-color to bright red. Frame 5: The bright-red being has increased in size till it is encompasses the inverted man and all the women seated in a circle on the floor below. Its tail has reduced in size to a sharp nub, which penetrates the ground beneath the house.

Being, as I was, a novice at the psychic arts, I could not, at the time, figure out what was going on. Presentiment told me this must be something ghastly, but the singularly adept mind control abilities of ‘Heart Vampire’s’ killing cult whispered in my ear that the culprits could not be who, in fact they were. The culprits were just in front of me; yet through my inexperience, I had not the eyes to see them.

All these people were very respectable looking to me, and seemed like all the other good folks I knew. It is hard to make sense of how the astral airs diverged so greatly from what I saw of them with my physical eyes.

On the other hand, sometimes people are what they call ‘two-faced’. They may appear to be one way, and really be quite different. If that was the case with ‘Alluring Calm’, then that might account for the awful psychic commotion and dreamtime clamor that happened for me when I was attending meditations led by her.

For instance, at every one of the meditations I attended with her group, I experienced what seemed to me to be an attempt at trance induction, maybe with intent to murder me should they have succeeded in rendering me senseless. I experienced the same partial ‘psychic swoon’ when I attended meditations led by her boss ‘Heart Vampire’ in the central region of the United States. These states were completely new to me … I never experienced them before or since. From that I infer … whether rightly or wrongly … that ‘Alluring Calm’ and ‘Heart Vampire’ might have been the agents of these untoward setbacks to my psyche. For more on that, search ‘swoon’ below.

In addition, at the time I was meditating with her group in West Los Angeles I was on more than two occasions tracked to the place where the meditation was being held by ‘Castratrux – Basal Vampire’, a pistol-toting owner of a Mustang, which he drove in a manner so reckless that the squeal of the tires and the roar of the motor always announced his presence nearby. ‘Castratrux – Basal Vampire’ would lurk in his car, his body slumped and senseless, his astral body travelling into the meditation room and raising quite a bit of cane there; at least, so it seemed to me.

I say this as one evening, sensing his menacing presence nearby, I walked out of ‘Alluring Calm’s’ meditation and saw him parked across the street, on the corner, in this very slumped and senseless way. Suddenly starting into consciousness of his physical body, he started his car and gunned off past me, in the same zero to 60-miles-an-hour way he had done after I discovered him stalking me half a block from my home in the San Fernando Valley.

As ‘Castratrux -Basal Vampire’ was a member of ‘Black Magicker’s’ West Los Angeles ‘cult that kills’, and ‘Alluring Calm’ was a member of ‘Heart Vampire’s’ national ‘cult that kills’, I later put together there might have been a temporary alliance between these two cults. Unfortunately for me, it is possible their mutual aim might have been to bag me using their combined black magic skills for what I term ‘psychic terrorism’ blitzkrieg … and then split up the ‘booty’. That was quite some years ago; I guess I will never know for sure what was up back then.

I gathered from the astral airs that ‘Alluring Calm’ and several of the women in her group excelled in the art of seducing men, with an end to personal gain. After I left the group I heard an astral story that I found especially painful … that either ‘Alluring Calm’ or her cohort whom I nicknamed ‘Veiled Beauty’ (posing as her), had a sexual encounter with a male friend of mine under the pretext they might teach him something that would help him grow closer romantically to me.

If that were so, it would have been an interesting story in the bag of tricks of wily women, as sexual encounters create ‘psychic bonds’ between those involved; they do not strengthen ‘psychic bonds’ with people not involved in the sexual encounter; or so I feel. In other words, on the pretext of doing good, the woman apparently was exercising a ‘divide and conquer’ or ‘isolate and overcome’ strategy known amongst the confidence gamesters as ‘the cull’. I was ‘the cull’ to be winnowed from friends and family through the practice of allurement and ‘double-faced’ techniques … looking good, but with intent to do bad. Or so it seemed to me, in retrospect.

I notice from the below blogs that there is quite a lot of overlap with the blogs in other catastrophic childhood case studies. For easy reading, I have included all the ‘Alluring Calm’-related blogs here. Please excuse the repetition; I hope, though redundant, it will prove useful for the reader who wants to delve into the one nickname alone, and not the others.

There is a much fuller set of pertinent blogs nicknamed ‘Heart Vampire’, as that person, according to the astral airs, was the leader of the group. For the relationship of ‘Heart Vampire’ to the members of the group, see this blog, which is also included in the catastrophic childhood case studies of his followers … Link: “Organizational Chart of the ‘Heart Vampire’ Crime Family and Key to Nicknames,” by Alice B. Clagett, drawn and published on 10 February 2021; revised … ..

Also see … Link: “Compendium: All Catastrophic Childhood and Astral Case Studies,” by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 14 August 2020 … ..

For the ‘Alluring Calm’ series of blogs, see below …


Below are all the blogs in the series “Catastrophic Childhood Case Study: ‘Alluring Calm’.” The blogs are in chronological order; the most recent blog is at the bottom of the list.

For the reader who is looking through all the catastrophic childhood case studies, nickname by nickname, In the tables of contents I have bolded blog titles that seem more unique to the nickname in question. If you see no blog titles bolded, then I consider none of the blogs to be relatively unique.


Link: “Antisocial Personality: The Victory Dance,” by Alice B. Clagett, excerpted on 14 April 2020 from a blog published on 15 March 2018; revised on 15 April 2020 … ..

Link: “Telltale Signs of the ASP Sense of Humor,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 15 March 2018; revised on 15 April 2020, 23 April 2020, and 11 June 2020 … ..


Link: “Alice’s Perilous Tales: Uber Mind Control,” drawings by Alice B. Clagett, drawn and published on 24 August 2019 ..

Link: “Alice’s Perilous Tales: Escape from a Mind Control Cult,” by Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 12 December 2019; published on 6 January 2020; revised on 9 June 2020 … ..


Link: “Confidence Games: The ‘Deep Freeze’ and the ‘Slam Down’,” by Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 28 January 2020; published on 4 August 2020 … ..

Link: “Alice’s Perilous Tales: Bow Down to Me! Kerfluffle,” by Alice B. Clagett, drawn and published on 1 February 2020 ..

Link: “Implantation of False Childhood Memories Through Hypnosis,” by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 19 April 2020 ..

Link: “Compendium: Psychic Murder – Bow Down to Me! Psychic Swoon,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 17 July 2020; updated … ..

Link: “Black Magic: Psychic Swooning as a Prelude to Murder?” by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 15 December 2020 ..


Link: “Alice’s Perilous Tales: Demon-Powered Levitation of a Student?” by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 1 July 2021, revised ..

Link: “Psychic Swoon as Practiced by Neo-Hindu Cults That Kill,” animated gif by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 23 August 2021 ..

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In love, light and joy,
Alice B. Clagett
I Am of the Stars

Compiled and published on 6 October 2021; revised on 2 May 2023 and on 7 May 2023

Image: “Witches Flight,” by Francisco de Goya, 1797, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

Image: “Witches Flight,” by Francisco de Goya, 1797, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

. . . . .


Music by LiteSaturation from Pixabay
“LiteSaturation” – Pixabay License


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


catastrophic childhood case studies, psychiatry, psychology, esoteric, arcana, occult, acting out, antisocial personalities, psychic terrorists, Alluring Calm, murder, murder for hire, mafia, cults that kill, serial killers, false authority, my favorites, compendiums, law enforcement, psychic crime, crime and crime prevention, amateur sleuth,

Death Cults in India . channeled by Alice B. Clagett

These are my harrowing deductions regarding what may be a United States Neo-Hindu Death Cult, scion of many such cults in the Indian subcontinent.

Death Cults in India

Image: “Skull Icon,” by kalebp, 21st century, in English Wikipedia … … public domain

Image: “Skull Icon,” by kalebp, 21st century, in English Wikipedia … … public domain

To turn off the background music, click once or twice on the arrow on the audio bar at the bottom of the page ..

  • Introduction
  • A Black Magic Trick: Causing the Victim to Swoon, Then Falling upon and Murdering Her?
  • Murder of the Female Head of a United States Neo-Hindu Cult, and Takeover of Her Followers?
  • Kali-Style Murder of Female Victims by Extracting Their Hearts and Drinking the Blood?
  • Why the Death Cult Leader Liked to Kill: He Saw Astral Fireworks as His Victims Died?
  • Tale of a Child-Bride Cannibal Who Is Revered as a Saint in India – Was This the Guru of the Death Cult Leader’s Wife?
  • Neo-Hindu Philosophical Faux Pas: Neutral Mind Touted as an Excuse for a Life of Crime?
  • Another Member of the Death Cult Who I Deduce Might Have been Taught by an Indian Guru Who Was a Killer in Sheep’s Clothing

Dear Ones,


As fate would have it, I stumbled upon the Los Angeles branch of what I eventually deduced to be a Neo-Hindu Death Cult in West Los Angeles in the years after my mother’s death, and meditated with them and the national head of the group and his wife, who were situated in the Four Corners area, for awhile. At first, they seemed like a normal meditation group. Then I got a hint they might be a Death Cult, and fled for my very life, back to my home in Los Angeles.

Here is what I have for you today …

A Black Magic Trick: Causing the Victim to Swoon, Then Falling upon and Murdering Her?

According to the astral airs, Heart Vampire learned the black magic art of making a guest in his house ‘swoon’ …

Link: “Compendium: Psychic Murder – Bow Down to Me! Psychic Swoon,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 17 July 2020; updated … ..

… from a Hindu ‘saint’ in India. It is my hunch that, were a guest to be completely susceptible to this form of mesmerism or hypnotism, she would fall down in a dead faint on the meditation room floor, and Heart Vampire’s students would then murder her. This form of murder he termed ‘to murder softly’, according to the astral airs.

Murder of the Female Head of a United States Neo-Hindu Cult, and Takeover of Her Followers?

Through telepathy I heard the rumor that he had ‘softly’ murdered the female leader of his United States neo-Hindu cult, an older woman; in my astral vision I saw an image of him placing a pillow over her face and holding it down with both arms as he leaned the weight of his body onto the act of murder.

Kali-Style Murder of Female Victims by Extracting Their Hearts and Drinking the Blood?

The other form of murder for Heart Vampire was to murder violently, by cutting a hole in a woman’s chest, wrenching the heart out, holding it up, and drinking the blood dripping from it, while the heart was still beating. This form of murder he reserved for students who disobeyed him, such as the woman ‘Sacrificial Vic’, who will be featured in her own compendium one day soon.

Why the Death Cult Leader Liked to Kill: He Saw Astral Fireworks as His Victims Died?

Heart Vampire told me once, on the physical plane … whispered in my ear as I walked in a meditation garden … that he loved to see people die. He said he loved to see the Light of life leaving the physical body. From that I got he imagined murder to be a way of setting off a fireworks display of sorts, without needing to hunt down a fireworks selling stall beforehand. As well, I thought that, for that spiritually dirty act, he was looking to fabricate, in his mind and that of his followers, a spiritually ‘clean’ interpretation a spiritually ‘clean’ interpretation or ‘spin’ for the act of murder.

Heart Vampire was quite the spinmeister, I feel. On the psychic plane, I heard his wife Inanna say she married him for this quality: because he told her he loved to see people die. I gather that, in this manner, he gathered to himself followers who wanted to be absolved of guilt for murders they had committed.

That confession by him would have the opposite effect on people who had not murdered, and who felt murder to be wrong, I feel. That is what happened in my case; I was repulsed by his confession, and realized he was not at all like me in his beliefs about right and wrong.

Tale of a Child-Bride Cannibal Who Is Revered as a Saint in India – Was This the Guru of the Death Cult Leader’s Wife?

Life is cheap in India, and death always knocks at the ‘door’ of the homeless fakir or saint, as it knocks at the ‘door’ of all Indian street people. Without the gift of black magic, I imagine a wandering sadhu might starve. I expect it may be so well known in India that fakirs and sadhus are practiced in black magic that no one ever mentions it. That may be why no one in the United States seems to be aware of this danger to those of us who have the welfare of the world in mind, and enough money to avoid the spectre of starvation.

Be that as it may, on the physical plane, while meditating with the Heart Vampire’s group, as mentioned above, I found that his wife Inanna had been to India and studied with the Hindu saint ‘Ahimsa Master’,

I later heard, through the ‘astral airs’ … those tempestuous, unreliable energy threads in the noosphere … that Inanna had witnessed serial killing by the Hindu saint; thus it might be said she had sought to advance herself spiritually in a Hindu ‘Death Cult’ or ‘cult that kills’ in India.

According to the astral airs, her ‘saint’ condoned murder of 5 pilgrims to his home and of his child brides (6 to 9 of them) to feed his son, and in the case of his young brides, to lay hands on their doweries. While his son got the meat of his brides’ bodies, Ahimsa Master’s female followers got the soup in which this human meat had been boiled. The leavings … bones and offal … were made into a ‘gruel’ that was poured on the soil by the trees on his property so as to fortify them. I expect, this ritual was a way to dispose of the evidence.

It was Inanna’s job … according to the astral airs … to water the trees on ‘Ahimsa Master’s’ grounds with this human ‘gruel’. Intuition has it that she let her spiritual teacher know she found this work ‘uncomfortable’. His spiritual advice to her … according to the astral airs … was to continue to do the work until she no longer found it ‘uncomfortable’.

Neo-Hindu Philosophical Faux Pas: Neutral Mind Touted as an Excuse for a Life of Crime?

In that way, I gather, he may have espoused she might attain ‘neutral mind’, a quality that is greatly prized in India. This latter I did not hear on the physical plane or the psychic plane; I just gathered it might have been so from comments I heard on the physical plane while attending Heart Vampire’s meditations.

But if it were true that neutral mind may be attained even though one is a serial killer and one’s young son is a cannibal … if the justification for the cannibal act is that his son must have food to live … then why is it, when I saw a photo of his son, the animal nature of the son’s spirit was so clearly evident? Would not the father wish that his son might, through education and upbringing, become a man of refined spiritual nature?

Another Member of the Death Cult Who I Deduce Might Have been Taught by an Indian Guru Who Was a Killer in Sheep’s Clothing

To get back to Heart Vampire’s followers, on the physical plane, I heard that the female follower whom I nickname ‘Lioness’ also had studied with a saint in India for a few years, but I cannot remember who that was, and I have not heard, on the psychic plane, whether he was a black magic practitioner or whether he condoned murder.

In love, light and joy,
Alice B. Clagett,
I Am of the Stars

This information has been added, in part or in whole, to these blogs (and will possibly be featured in a Compendium on the nickname ‘Ahimsa Master’ that has not yet been published) …

Link: “Compendium: Catastrophic Childhood Case Study: ‘Heart Vampire’,” by Alice B. Clagett, compiled and published on 14 February 2021; updated … ..

Written and published on 10 September 2021; revised on 19 October 2023; and added (in part or in whole) to several other blogs.


Music by 23117649 from Pixabay
The Sorrow II – Dark Theme 03 – Pixabay License


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

cults that kill, neo-Hinduism, murder, serial killing, law enforcement, psychology, psychiatry, black magic, mesmerism, hypnotism, neutral mind, Lioness, Heart Vampire, Ahimsa Master, Inanna, Second Up, Ice Man, Ice Princess, Hunter-Snuffer, Torturess, Wifer-Hacker, The Doc, Shiva, Adventures with Alice, Alice’s perilous tales,

Compendium: Catastrophic Childhood Case Study: ‘Black Widower – Psychophant’ . by Alice B. Clagett *

Catastrophic Childhood Case Study: 'Black Widower - Psychophant'

Image: “Bluebeard,” Illustration in ‘The Fairy Tales of Charles Perrault’, by Charles Perrault, 1628-1703; Harry Clarke, 1889-1931, illustrator. London: Harrap, 1922, in Wikimedia Commons …,_1922).png … public domain

Image: “Bluebeard,” Illustration in ‘The Fairy Tales of Charles Perrault’, by Charles Perrault, 1628-1703; Harry Clarke, 1889-1931, illustrator. London: Harrap, 1922, in Wikimedia Commons …,_1922).png … public domain

Click once or twice on the arrow on the audio bar at the bottom of the page to turn off the music …


Dear Ones,

This is a collection of astral stories I encountered that involved the catastrophic childhood case study of ‘Black Widower – Psychophant’, a mind controller and spiritual adept who apparently cozened a rich widow through his good looks, although he had no financial prospects.

He lived as a roommate with her after signing an agreement that he was not entitled to her money, then murdered her and her lawyer who kept the widow’s Will. Then ‘Black Widower – Psychophant’  presented a forged will in which he offered himself as heir to the widow’s fortune.

As the astral story goes, he changed the image on her facebook page to that of his pretty young secretary, and told others he had put the murdered widow in a long-term psychiatric care institute.

He put his ‘blood money’ into a ‘cult that kills’, a ‘death cult’ posing as a non-profit institution under the aegis of the late ‘Black Magicker’, who is mentioned here …

Link: “Compendium: Catastrophic Childhood Case Study: ‘Black Magicker’,” by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 8 April 2021; revised … ..

While Black Magicker has passed on, his occult, hidden life and teachings live on in ‘Black Widower – Psychophant,’ and in his colleagues.

On the face of it, the money grabbed up by ‘Black Widower – Psychophant’ was a donation to the non-profit institution of the late ‘Black Magicker’ He then lived there on the grounds of the non-profit, under a vow of poverty, while playing out a carefully laid plan to minimize the tax consequences of his booty.

That is quite a story, but who is to know the truth of it? Perhaps it was just a daydream circulating round the noosphere. In that case, we Ascending humans might take the story as a ‘heads up’ to avoid finding ourselves in such a situation, whether as victim or as a ‘Bluebeard’ of sorts.


Below are all the blogs in the series “Catastrophic Childhood Case Study: ‘Black Widower – Psychophant’.” The blogs are in chronological order; the most recent blog is at the bottom of the list.

For the reader who is looking through all the catastrophic childhood case studies, nickname by nickname, In the tables of contents I have bolded blog titles that seem more unique to the nickname in question. If you see no blog titles bolded, then I consider none of the blogs to be relatively unique.


Link: “Dealing with Spiritual Adept Shenanigans,” by Alice B. Clagett, filmed 29 June 2015; published on 3 July 2015; revised … ..

Link: “What to Do About Walk-In Attempts,” by Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 28 June 2015; published on 29 June 2015; revised on 12 June 2016, 23 June 2018, and 13 November 2018 … ..


Link: “Update on the Astral Los Angeles City Dome, March 2016,” by Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 22 March 2016; published on 23 March 2016 … ..

Link: “Black Magic Tricks and How to Counter Them,” by Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 4 April 2016; published on 13 April 2017; revised 14 April 2017, revised … ..

Link: “City Dome of Los Angeles, Mid-June 2016,” by Alice B. Clagett, written on 14 June 2016; published on 23 June 2016 … ..

Link: “Amazing Astral Stories: The Darkest Hours . The Last Demon in LA,” by Alice B. Clagett, happened on 1 July 2016; narrated and filmed on 20 July 2016; published on 22 July 2016; revised … ..

Link: “Update on the City Dome of Los Angeles, 31 July 2016,” by Alice B. Clagett, written on 31 July 2016; published on 1 August 2016 … ..

Link: “Compendium: Los Angeles Astral City Dome,” by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 1 August 2016; revised … ..

Link: “Samskara: Black Widower Propensity,” by Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 27 August 2016; published on 23 October 2016 … ..

Link: “Black Magic and the V— D— Actuator,” by Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 26 November 2016; published on 25 June 2017 … ..


Link: “City Domes and the Clearing of Gaia,” by Alice B. Clagett, filmed and published on 9 February 2017 ..

Link: “Triple Vortical ‘Vampire Effect’ – a Temporary Ascension Symptom,” by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 5 May 2017; revised on 22 February 2018, 22 April 2018, and 23 February 2019 … ..

Link: “Sacrifice of the Innocents Malware,” by Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 21 August 2017; published on 14 September 2017 … ..


Link: “Telltale Signs of the ASP Sense of Humor,” by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 15 March 2018; revised on 15 April 2020, 23 April 2020, and 11 June 2020 … ..

Link: “Ascension Caveats for Very Diverse Groups: Yogis, Mystics, Lightworkers, Spiritual Adepts, Black Magicians, and Others,” by Alice B. Clagett, written on 24 March 2018; published on 8 April 2018; 24revised on 18 April 2020 … ..

Link: “The Daemon Lover . an Ancient Myth,” by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 1 May 2018; revised … ..

Link: “Black Magic and Psychic Crime: A Call to Action,” by Alice B. Clagett, written on 12 May 2018; published on 18 May 2018 … ..


Link: “Collapse of the City Dome of Los Angeles and Dissolution of Curses to Do with a Child’s Corpse,” by Alice B. Clagett, written on 24 May 2019; published on 7 July 2019 … ..

Link: “Can the Power of Satan Be Utilized to Drive Out Devils?,” by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 10 July 2018; revised on 2 May 2020 … ..


Link: “Ascension Caveats for Very Diverse Groups: Yogis, Mystics, Lightworkers, Spiritual Adepts, Black Magicians, and Others,” by Alice B. Clagett, written on 24 March 2018; published on 8 April 2018; 24revised on 18 April 2020; revised on 26 March 2023 … ..


Link: “Organizational Chart of the ‘Black Magicker’ Neo-Hindu Cult That Kills and Key to Nicknames,” by Alice B. Clagett, imaged and published on 19 October 2021; revised on 7 May 2023 … ..

. . . . .

In love, light and joy,
Alice B. Clagett
I Am of the Stars

Written and published on 9 September 2021; updated on 7 May 2023 and on 24 June 2023


Music by DSTechnician from Pixabay
“Deceptive” – Pixabay License


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


catastrophic childhood case studies, psychiatry, psychology, esoteric, arcana, occult, acting out, antisocial personalities, psychic terrorists, Black Widower – Psychophant, murder, serial killing, mafia, cults that kill, black widower, crime and crime prevention, law enforcement, my favorites, compendium, psychic crime, amateur sleuth,

Catastrophic Childhood Case Studies, Law Enforcement, and the Mirage of Mind Control to Create a New World Order . by Alice B. Clagett *

Catastrophic Childhood Case Studies, Law Enforcement, and the Mirage of Mind Control to Create a New World Order

Image: “Orphans,” by Thomas Benjamin Kennington, 1885, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

Image: “Orphans,” by Thomas Benjamin Kennington, 1885, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain


Dear Ones,

Here is a video on my blog category ‘Catastrophic Childhood Case Studies’. There is a Summary after the video, and there are soundtracks at the beginning of each section. I used medium blue font for the storyline. 

We Lightworkers do have some of what used to be termed ‘psychic’ abilities amongst our Ascension gifts and Ascension skills …

As the Ascension process only just began to occur in December 2012, it is difficult to compare Lightworker abilities with the abilities of those who came before us without using the older terms ‘psychics’ and ‘psychic abilities’.

In the blog you are reading right now, there are references to my ‘psychic predecessors’. The blog has to do with recognition of dark energy strands in the noosphere, and the writings of psychics Alice Ann Bailey, Geoffrey Hodson, Annie Besant, and Sri Aurobindo. In my other blogs I use the new terms Ascension skills and Ascension gifts to describe the psychic experiences of Lightworkers.

Helicopter Circled My House as I Recorded This Talk: Was It a Dark Attack or Neighborhood Patrol?

At 10 am today, 19 May 2021, when I was recording the section “The Mirage of Mind Control as a Tool to Create a New World Order,” which begins “Unlike certain of my predecessor psychics …” a helicopter unaccountably began circling round my house. Was it a Dark Attack, or were the police just doing their job protecting my neighborhood? How we interpret the realm of Duality depends, I feel, on our frame of mind. The footage is here … Link: “Helicopter Circling My House: Was It a Dark Attack or Neighborhood Patrol?” by Alice B. Clagett … ..

Image: “LAPD Helicopter N661PD Buzzing My House!” by Alice B. Clagett, 10 am on 19 May 2021, CC BY-SA 4.0

Image: “LAPD Helicopter N661PD Buzzing My House!” by Alice B. Clagett, 10 am on 19 May 2021, CC BY-SA 4.0

Oh, my gosh, on closer look it was LAPD helicopter N661PD buzzing my house. What on Earth could that be about, I wonder? Maybe they got a false tip from a disgruntled reader! On the other hand, maybe they were doing their usual great job protecting our community!



Catastrophic Childhood Case Studies       top


The ‘Catastrophic Childhood Case Studies’ category page is up and running now …

You can find it on my Table of Contents page … … or on the categories menu on my blog pages … or by clicking on this link …

I have assembled close to 20 compendiums so far. Each of the compendiums describes a certain type of Soul wounding … a certain strand of misqualified energy circulating in Earth’s noosphere. This misqualified energy is coming to the attention of Lightworkers right now because it is clearing from the noosphere as ‘Round 3’ … Solar Cycle 25 … of the Ascension process here on Earth.

The Introductions on the compendium blogs are ‘red hot’ news flashes. Beneath the introductions are related blog pages, for those who have the time and inclination for in-depth analysis. I feel these case studies will be of interest to theologians, psychiatrists, and psychologists.

Considerations for Lightworkers and Psychics: Law Enforcement Issues      top



Image: “Justice and Divine Vengeance Pursuing Crime,” by Pierre-Paul Prud’hon, c. 1805-1808, in English Wikipedia … … public domain

Image: “Justice and Divine Vengeance Pursuing Crime,” by Pierre-Paul Prud’hon, c. 1805-1808, in English Wikipedia … … public domain

There are issues to do with law enforcement in these case studies and their linked-to pages, but the criminal issues are addressed from a general standpoint, not a specific standpoint.

Image: “Nemesis,” by Alfred Rethel, 1837, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

Image: “Nemesis,” by Alfred Rethel, 1837, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

In the event specifics are known about criminal issues, I feel, the right approach is through our local law enforcement agencies, and very surely not via online media. That is my take on the issue of criminal energy threads in the noosphere.

Image: “Justice,” by Pierre Subleyras, 18th Century, in Wikimedia Common … … public domain

Image: “Justice,” by Pierre Subleyras, 18th Century, in Wikimedia Common … … public domain

It is clear that law enforcement can do only so much by way of crime prevention and apprehension of criminals. That is because the deepest depravity, which gives rise to the crime families, the mind-control cults, the ‘cults that kill’, the mafias that inflict such damage on human society, is overlit by Demon Overlords … the ‘Big Bads’ and Fallen Angels …

Image: “Hell,” by Hans Memling, ca. 1485, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain … COMMENT: I feel this image of Satan, with a man’s face with fangs on his belly means that a person whose higher mind (his brain) is ruled by his gut brain behaves in a way that might be termed Satanic or demonic. Thus this image offers a glimpse of a man who has not, like Archangel Michael of the storied realm, slain his dragon. The man in this image is not a noble, princelike person able to fly on the wings of God. Rather, this man is bound down to the Hellworlds, where his vision is cast down to the suffering and Soul wounding aspect of the human condition. The man who controls his reptilian or bestial impulses through faith in God, on the other hand, sees and responds to the eternal Soul in the eyes of every person he meets; this latter man exists in the Heavenworlds, though his human feel still tread on Earth.

Image: “Hell,” by Hans Memling, ca. 1485, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain …

COMMENT: I feel this image of Satan, with a man’s face with fangs on his belly means that a person whose higher mind (his brain) is ruled by his gut brain behaves in a way that might be termed Satanic or demonic. Thus this image offers a glimpse of a man who has not, like Archangel Michael of the storied realm, slain his dragon. The man in this image is not a noble, princelike person able to fly on the wings of God. Rather, this man is bound down to the Hellworlds, where his vision is cast down to the suffering and Soul wounding aspect of the human condition. The man who controls his reptilian or bestial impulses through faith in God, on the other hand, sees and responds to the eternal Soul in the eyes of every person he meets; this latter man exists in the Heavenworlds, though his human feel still tread on Earth.

maybe even Satan himself.

Image: “Fallen Angel,” by Alexandre Cabanel, 1847, in Spanish Wikipedia … … public domain … COMMENT: Cropped

Image: “Fallen Angel,” by Alexandre Cabanel, 1847, in Spanish Wikipedia … … public domain … COMMENT: Cropped

It is only the conquest of these Demon Overlords that will result in the idyllic society.

Image: “Saint Michael,” by Luca Giordano, ca. 1663, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

Image: “Saint Michael,” by Luca Giordano, ca. 1663, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

We must treat our law enforcement officers, I feel, with the utmost compassion.

Image: “The Old Bailey, Known Also as the Central Criminal Court,” by Thomas Rowlandson and Augustus Pugin, 1808, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

Image: “The Old Bailey, Known Also as the Central Criminal Court,” by Thomas Rowlandson and Augustus Pugin, 1808, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

They themselves cannot overcome the Demon Realm. On 3D and 4D Earth, only the Angelic Realm is equipped for that kind of Spirit Warfare.

Image: “The Archangel Michael Overthrowing Lucifer,” by Francesco Maffei (1605-1660), in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

Image: “The Archangel Michael Overthrowing Lucifer,” by Francesco Maffei (1605-1660), in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

Surely we can ask our law enforcement officers for help, should a crime be committed. That is their job in our communities, and they do it very well indeed. But the true antidote to the ills of the world, I feel, lies in our prayerful invocation of the help that may be ours through the members of the Angelic Realm, and through earnest supplication before the Throne of God Himself …

Image: “The Prayer of Saint Bonaventura About the Selection of the New Pope,” by Francisco de Zurbaran, between 1628 and 1629, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

Image: “The Prayer of Saint Bonaventura About the Selection of the New Pope,” by Francisco de Zurbaran, between 1628 and 1629, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

Surely we cannot lay that burden at the threshold of our local law enforcement precincts.

Image: “The Guardian Angel,” by anonymous Russian painter, mid 19th Century, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Old_Believers_icon_(19th_c,_priv.coll).jpg … public domain

Image: “The Guardian Angel,” by anonymous Russian painter, mid 19th Century, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Old_Believers_icon_(19th_c,_priv.coll).jpg … public domain

Why Do Dense, Dark Noospheric Strands Come to the Attention of Lightworkers and Psychics?      top



Image: “Tiger and Snake,” by Eugene Delacroix, 1862, photo by Daderot, 15 June 2012, in Wikimedia Commons …,_1862_-_Corcoran_Gallery_of_Art_-_DSC01325.JPG … public domain

Image: “Tiger and Snake,” by Eugene Delacroix, 1862, photo by Daderot, 15 June 2012, in Wikimedia Commons …,_1862_-_Corcoran_Gallery_of_Art_-_DSC01325.JPG … public domain

The criminal issues I discuss in these case studies are among the darkest and most dense of noospheric threads on Earth … to do with such topics as …

  • ‘Angel of Death’ surgical experiments akin to those of Josef Mengele;
  • child trafficking and child sexual abuse;
  • sadomasochism, torture and lust murder justified by whatever poor example of ratiocination, and other criminal paraphilic behaviors;
  • perversion of faith in God through the practice of Satanism and through worship of the ‘black sacraments’;
  • serial killing of women to fatten the purse of an institution deemed to be sacred,
  • or their enslavement through mind control in service to misogynist ‘spiritual adepts’;
  • group black tantra by men of various religions;
  • enslavement of the ego of spiritual, celibate or homosexual men to the black magic machinations of the Demon Realm, and their consequent demonic possession;
  • and the demonic enchainment of employees and followers of possessed spiritual, celibate or homosexual men, which results in their ‘acting out’ the crimes doted on by the demon owners of those possessed …

Image: “Dog Fighting a Heron,” by Abraham Hondius, 1667, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

Image: “Dog Fighting a Heron,” by Abraham Hondius, 1667, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

In the early 2000s, I wondered why these issues should so frequently be brought before me on the psychic plane …

Image: “Hyena in the Fight with Two Dogs,” by Jean-Baptiste Oudry, 1739, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

Image: “Hyena in the Fight with Two Dogs,” by Jean-Baptiste Oudry, 1739, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

Through subsequent research on the topic, I discovered that the identical dense, dark energy threads have come up, time and again, in the writings of other psychics and spiritual people.

Image: “Wolves Attack,” by Jozef Chelmonski, 1883, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

Image: “Wolves Attack,” by Jozef Chelmonski, 1883, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

They, like I, have endured the stages of being appalled at these energies; at wanting to do something for the world to rectify these profound injuries to our Souls and to the fabric of our societies; of being willing to take on the Controllers, the Illuminati, and the Demonic Lien-holders of the great cities of Earth; of giving these trysts their all, their everything.

Image: “Fight with Polar Bears,” by Francois-Auguste Biard, 1839, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

Image: “Fight with Polar Bears,” by Francois-Auguste Biard, 1839, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

The Mirage of Mind Control as a Tool to Create a New World Order      top



Image: “Miriam,” by Anselm Feuerbach, 1862, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

Image: “Miriam,” by Anselm Feuerbach, 1862, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

Unlike certain of my predecessor psychics, I am resolved never to fall to psychic self-aggrandizement through plaguing world leaders with mind control attempts under the notion that I … this small egoic personality … may have the solutions to the woes of the world; that I may have the perfect key to invention of the idyllic society; and that I might make the perfect dictator for this new utopia.

Image: “The Blind Beggar,” by Josephus Laurentius Dyckmans, 1852, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

Image: “The Blind Beggar,” by Josephus Laurentius Dyckmans, 1852, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

To fall for this notion would, I strongly aver, be to place our bodies and our Souls prostrate before the hooves of the Demon World and to beg of them: Tread upon me, you invisible mobsters! Pulverize my heart! Darken my Soul! Shred my body! Hijack this precious human lifetime, obscuring what is good and pure and true!

It is to say: Give me but a dram … a tuppence of one-uppance … in return.

The Advantage of Aligning with God’s Will, His Heart, and His Mind      top



Why is it that the desire of a psychic to help build utopia here on Earth might meet with such disaster in a personal, spiritual sense … the turning from the Light to the Dark of a theologian such as Charles Leadbeater or Benjamin Purnell, or of those present-day spiritual adepts of whom I speak in the Catastrophic Childhood Case Studies?

The assumption of power in the world, even for the sake of its betterment, I feel, makes a man attractive to the Demon Realm; very much so. There is nothing demons love more than power over human beings, and no way they can accomplish this more effectively than by subverting a man who decides to seek it out. When a good spiritual man falls to the allure of worldly power, and aligns with that … be it for the best of reasons … he will find himself ceaselessly assailed by the Dark. How easy it is to slip and fall, as in a dream, to these insidious beings! Having so fallen, how may one escape them?

Image: “A Stained Glass Window, Depicting the Eye of Providence,” photo by Billertl, own work, 7 July 2012, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

Image: “A Stained Glass Window, Depicting the Eye of Providence,” photo by Billertl, own work, 7 July 2012, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

After decades of struggle, I … like others of my predecessors … have come to the conclusion that this little ‘I’ … my personality, my small self … am of no avail in the struggle against evil on Earth. To my mind, and perhaps to that of those who came before me on this path, the only way forward as a Lightworker is to align my will, my heart, and my mind with the Great Will, the Great Heart, and the Great Mind of God. If fight there be, then that fight must be on His mighty shoulders, and not on mine.

In love, Light, and joy,
Alice B. Clagett

I Am of the Stars

Written and published on 19 May 2021; revised on 24 June 2023

See also: The writings of psychics Alice Ann Bailey, Geoffrey Hodson, Annie Besant, and Sri Aurobindo. (These are just those with whom I am passingly familiar; I expect there may be many more.)


(1) Link: “Sexual Abuse Scandal in the Society of Jesus,” in English Wikipedia … ..


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


notices, catastrophic childhood case studies, catastrophic childhood experiences, circle of one, psychology, psychiatry, acting out, antisocial personality, Soul wounding, Ascension, Lightworkers, Solar events, theology, religions of the world, noosphere, education, child-rearing, law enforcement, amateur sleuth, psychic abilities, paraphilias, lust murder, esoteric lore, occult, arcana, misogyny, homosexuality, sexuality, sadomasochism, celibacy, sexual repression, child sexual abuse, pedophilia, child molestation, murder,  psychic crime, serial killing, antisocial personality, Alice Ann Bailey, Geoffrey Hodson, Annie Besant, and Sri Aurobindo, School of Theosophy, Neo-Hinduism, psychic terrorists, controllers, illuminati, aligning with God, dharma, karma, spirit warfare, Demon Realm, obsession, possession, entity attachment, donkey man, human horse, chwal, zombies, voodoo, mind control, black tantra, group black tantra, reverse kundalini, black magic, crime and crime prevention, mob, mafia, mind control cults, crime families, Angelic Realm, prayer, my favorites, miscellanea, third dimension, fourth dimension, protection, upliftment, social issues, cities of Earth, lienholders, human rights, sedition, infractions against international law, government, dictatorship, power over,  astral rascals, negative astral beings, fallen angels, Satanism, black sacraments, self, personality, temptation, dark interference, Dark Attacks, Ascension gifts, Ascension skills, Black Magicker, Castratrux – Basal Vampire, Witchy Woman Hater, Heart Vampire, See No Evil, Twin North, Darkling Gosling, Lazarus,

Compendium: Catastrophic Childhood Case Study: ‘Bespeller – Voodoo Man’ . by Alice B. Clagett *

Compendium: Catastrophic Childhood Case Study: 'Bespeller - Voodoo Man'

Image: “Sorcerer Putting a Crowd of People to Sleep,” adapted and compiled by Alice B. Clagett, 6 May 2021, CC BY-SA 4.0 … CREDITS: Large Image: “Picture from the 1884 “The Sorcerer” Program,” 1994, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain … Sorcerer’s Face: Image: “Portrait of Gustave Doré, by Carolus-Duran, 1877, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Portrait_de_Gustave_Doré,_StrasbourgMAMCS_(2).JPG … public domain

Image: “Sorcerer Putting a Crowd of People to Sleep,” adapted and compiled by Alice B. Clagett, 6 May 2021, CC BY-SA 4.0 …

CREDITS: Large Image: “Picture from the 1884 “The Sorcerer” Program,” 1994, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain … Sorcerer’s Face: Image: “Portrait of Gustave Doré, by Carolus-Duran, 1877, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Portrait_de_Gustave_Doré,_StrasbourgMAMCS_(2).JPG … public domain

Click once or twice on the arrow on the audio bar at the bottom of the page to turn off the music …


Dear Ones,

Below are links to one series in a number of astral stories I encountered that involved the catastrophic childhood case studies … in this case, that of ‘Bespeller – Voodoo Man’, the man who acts as head sorcerer for the Black Magicker’s killing cult here in Los Angeles.

While Black Magicker has passed on, his occult, hidden life and teachings live on in ‘Bespeller – Voodoo Man,’ and in his colleagues. It was this man who replaced ‘Castratrux – Basal Vampire’ in the year 2005, when demonic obsession became too much of an issue for the latter to carry on his work of sorcery at the Los Angeles headquarters of Black Magicker.

In the 16 years since then, ‘Bespeller – Voodoo Man’ has added to his repertoire of magical tricks. He became adept at black magic spells, mind control, demonic obsession of other people, and Haitian Voodoo, and in others of the black arts. Ancillary to his efforts are those of a Satan cult initiated by ‘Castratrux – Basal Vampire’, and since led by others of the Black Magicker’s inner circle.

By now ‘Bespeller – Voodoo Man’ is held in high esteem for the magical devices he has wrought in promotion of Black Magicker’s killing cult. He is a worthy adjunct of their Financial Department, as he is able, through the psychic airs, to induce followers of the group to contribute time and money to the organization ongoing, through mesmeric promotion of ever greater loyalty to the teachings of Black Magicker.

. . . . .

Bespeller – Voodoo Man’ is adept at the art of Voodoo, through which a man is culled from the company of his woman. Through their physical separation,  the energy fields of a couple are weakened, and they become more susceptible to mind control.

In such a weakened state, both may be mind controlled through the Jackass Love Curse that attaches them, in their imaginations, to inappropriate romantic partners. These partners are two sorcerers or black magicians feigning sexual attraction to the separated couple, and pretending to have physical looks very unlike their true appearance.

Catastrophic childhood case study - Bespeller - Voodoo Man

Image: “Vodou paraphernalia on sale, Marché de Fer (Iron Market), Port-au-Prince, Haiti,” by Doron, December 2002, English Wikipedia … … CC BY-SA 3.0 Unported

Image: “Vodou paraphernalia on sale, Marché de Fer (Iron Market), Port-au-Prince, Haiti,” by Doron, December 2002, English Wikipedia … … CC BY-SA 3.0 Unported

Thus, in that mesmeric trance of imagined relationship on the astral plane, the couple may be bound down to a life of loneliness … ripe ‘pickings’ for those invisible mobsters of the Demon Realm who prey upon desolate humans.

Stripped of their happiness and their youth, the enthralled victims of the Jackass Love Curse languish, in the hands of ‘Bespeller – Voodoo Man’ and his black magic colleagues, in a living limbo whose anguished state this writer cannot find words to describe. In foreign climes it is called the state of ‘donkey man’ or ‘chwal’. This hellworld of the ‘human horse’ bound down unto death is aptly evoked by this image …

Catastrophic childhood case study - Bespeller - Voodoo Man

Image: “Voodoo Fetishes: Berlin,” by quinet, 11 August 2010, in Wikimedia Commons … … CC BY-SA 2.0 Generic

. . . . .

Through his spells and incantations, ‘Bespeller – Voodoo Man’ deflects the psychic barbs of enemies of his cult. At night, while the world slumbers, his psychic summons waft out across the landscape of the dreamtime world, waging war against competing Neo-Hindu groups, as well as against churches of other faiths that are felt to be a hindrance to his own.

As well, ‘patsies’ (‘pigeons’ or ‘fall guys’) ‘ripe for the plucking’ are hand picked by the Development Department of the Black Magicker’s group. These are sent invitations to spend the night in guest accommodations on the group’s grounds. ‘Bespeller – Voodoo Man’, situating himself nightly at the facility where the guests are lodged, remotely induces a trance state with an end to obtaining a big donation to the group or a bequest.

Catastrophic childhood case study - Bespeller - Voodoo Man

Image: “The Enchanted Garden of Messer Ansaldo,” by Marie Spartali Stillman, 1889, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

Image: “The Enchanted Garden of Messer Ansaldo,” by Marie Spartali Stillman, 1889, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

Through mesmerism or trance induced by him as they sleep on the group’s grounds, he may convince them that poverty is holiness, and that they may become saints or enlightened sages if they give all they have, and all they may earn, to the group, and if they work for the group as volunteers without pay. He may entrain them to a ‘vow of poverty’ in which they stay on the group’s enchanting grounds and hand over their earnings as donations to the group.

For guests who are men of power and influence in the world of business and politics, he may, through mesmerism or trance induced nightly, and with the help of a hallucinogenic drug in the guest’s water and a pajama-clad child from amongst the group’s laity, create a socially embarrassing scene at the stroke of midnight; the intent being to increase the coffers of the group through blackmail or duress. Such amazing rumors waft through ‘astral airs’.

. . . . .

Who might so much as surmise that such a haven of witchcraft and deceit, such a hotbed of black magic intrigue, such a heart wrenching snare for the innocent, might even be situated here in Los Angeles? I pray all are able flee the peril of the enchanted garden in which these awful spells are cast!

Catastrophic childhood case study - Bespeller - Voodoo Man

Image: “Great Demon Nuckelavee Chases a Hapless Man,” by James Torrance (1859-1916), in “Scottish Fairy and Folk Tales,” 1901 … from Wikimedia Commons … … public domain … CAPTION: “Tammie felt the wind of nuckelavee’s clutches.”

Image: “Great Demon Nuckelavee Chases a Hapless Man,” by James Torrance (1859-1916), in “Scottish Fairy and Folk Tales,” 1901 … from Wikimedia Commons … … public domain … CAPTION: “Tammie felt the wind of nuckelavee’s clutches.”


Below are all the blogs in the series “Catastrophic Childhood Case Study: ‘Bespeller – Voodoo Man’.” The blogs are in chronological order; the most recent blog is at the bottom of the list.

For the reader who is looking through all the catastrophic childhood case studies, nickname by nickname, In the tables of contents I have bolded blog titles that seem more unique to the nickname in question. If you see no blog titles bolded, then I consider none of the blogs to be relatively unique.


Link: “Dealing with Spiritual Adept Shenanigans,” by Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 29 June 2015; published on 3 July 2015; revised … ..

Link: “A Short-Sighted Demon Elimination Technique,” by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 31 October 2015; republished on 20 March 2018; revised on 29 July 2018 … ..


Link: “Elementaries, Thuggees, Loss of the Soul, and the Vitalized Shell,” by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 16 January 2016; revised on 17 March 2019 … ..

Link: “Update on the Astral Los Angeles City Dome, March 2016,” by Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 22 March 2016; published on 23 March 2016 … ..

Link: “Black Magic Tricks and How to Counter Them,” by Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 4 April 2016; published on 13 April 2017; revised 14 April 2017, revised … ..

Link: “City Dome of Los Angeles, Mid-June 2016,” by Alice B. Clagett, written on 14 June 2016; published on 23 June 2016 … ..

Link: “Amazing Astral Stories: The Darkest Hours . The Last Demon in LA,” by Alice B. Clagett, happened on 1 July 2016; narrated and filmed on 20 July 2016; published on 22 July 2016; revised … ..

Link: “Update on the City Dome of Los Angeles, 31 July 2016,” by Alice B. Clagett, written on 31 July 2016; published on 1 August 2016 … ..

Link: “Compendium: Los Angeles Astral City Dome,” by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 1 August 2016, revised … ..

Link: “Black Magic and the V— D— Actuator,” by Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 26 November 2016; published on 25 June 2017 … ..


Link: “City Domes and the Clearing of Gaia,” by Alice B. Clagett, filmed and published on 9 February 2017 ..

Link: “Triple Vortical ‘Vampire Effect’ – a Temporary Ascension Symptom,” by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 5 May 2017; revised on 22 February 2018, 22 April 2018, and 23 February 2019 … ..

Link: “The Iwo Jima Event: Standing Up, with Courage, to ‘Psychic Attack’,” by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 16 August 2017 ..


Link: “Telltale Signs of the ASP Sense of Humor,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 15 March 2018; revised on 15 April 2020, 23 April 2020, and 11 June 2020 … ..

Link: “Ascension Caveats for Very Diverse Groups: Yogis, Mystics, Lightworkers, Spiritual Adepts, Black Magicians, and Others,” by Alice B. Clagett, written on 24 March 2018; revised on 18 April 2020 … ..

Link: “Voodoo Curses and Their Ghastly Consequence,” by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 30 April 2018 ..

Link: “How Do Predators Hypnotize Their Prey?” by Alice B. Clagett, begun on 31 May 2018; published on 26 June 2018 … ..

Link: “How to Lift the Dire Karma of the Jackass Love Curse,” by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 15 June 2018 ..

Link: “Black Magic ‘Lock Down’,” by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 22 June 2018; revised on 13 November 2018 … ..

Link: “Spiritual Adept Shortcuts Series,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 23 June 2018; revised on 30 April 2020 … ..

Link: “Can the Power of Satan Be Utilized to Drive Out Devils?” by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 10 July 2018; revised on 2 May 2020 … ..

Link: “Marriage Bed Curse,” by Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 12 July 2018; published on 16 July 2018 … ..


Link: “Collapse of the City Dome of Los Angeles and Dissolution of Curses to Do with a Child’s Corpse,” by Alice B. Clagett, written on 24 May 2019; published on 7 July 2019 … ..


Link: “Black Tantra Warnings: Will You Choose Apocalypse or New Life on New Earth?” by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 15 July 2020 ..

Link: “Kundalini Risen to Protect Against the Predations of Black Magicians,” by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 25 July 2020 ..

Link: “Indigenous Creeds, Shamanism and the Experience of Reverse Kundalini,” by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 30 July 2020. Edited and added to a longer blog as well … ..

Link: “Reverse Kundalini Syndrome,” a new psychological term by Alice B. Clagett, excerpted on 25 August 2020 from a blog written and published on 25 July 2020 … ..


Link: “Image Words: ‘I Will Pray Upon You’,” by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 28 May 2021 ..

Link: “Organizational Chart of the ‘Black Magicker’ Neo-Hindu Cult That Kills and Key to Nicknames,” by Alice B. Clagett, imaged and published on 19 October 2021; revised on 7 May 2023 … ..

. . . . .

In love, light and joy,
Alice B. Clagett
I Am of the Stars

Compiled and published on 6 May 2021; revised on 7 May 2023 and on 24 June 2023
Previously titled: Overview: Catastrophic Childhood Case Study: ‘Bespeller – Voodoo Man’


The face added in as that of the sorcerer in the first image above is a little hard to see. Here is a larger image. As can be seen, it is from a portrait of the well known painter of the Bible mysteries, Gustave Doré.

That is not by any means to imply that ‘Bespeller – Voodoo Man’ was once Gustave Doré. Rather, I remark on the amazing synchronicities of Soul signatures here on Earth. It might be one man spent his life depicting this realm of Duality. Yet another of similar Soul signature might cast his lot with the Demon Realm. Who is to say how it will be, once our Souls set down in human form?

Catastrophic childhood case study - Bespeller - Voodoo Man

Image: “Portrait of Gustave Doré, by Carolus-Duran, 1877, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Portrait_de_Gustave_Doré,_StrasbourgMAMCS_(2).JPG … public domain

Image: “Portrait of Gustave Doré, by Carolus-Duran, 1877, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Portrait_de_Gustave_Doré,_StrasbourgMAMCS_(2).JPG … public domain


Music by OB-LIX from Pixabay
“The Spell – Dark Magic Background Music – OB-Lix” – Pixabay License


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Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


catastrophic childhood case studies, psychiatry, psychology, esoteric, arcana, occult, acting out, mind control, psychic powers, psychic terrorists, mind control cults, cults that kill, black magician, confidence games, cybercrime, psychic crime, pedophilia, snuff, murder, serial killers, black tantra, reverse kundalini, sadomasochism, bondage and discipline, law enforcement, Bespeller – Voodoo Man, psychic murder, obsession, possession, multiple personality, sexual repression, human rights, child trafficking, paraphilia, patsy, fall guy, mark, pigeons, blackmail, spells, voodoo, donkey man, zombies, antisocial personalities, circle of one, Neo-Hinduism, Hinduism, spiritual adepts, evil eye, casting thought forms, cull, entrainment, lock down, pass-through, redirect, take-down, mesmerism, mind wipe, skinny dipping, jackass love curse,