Category Archives: Urban legends

Monsanto Nightmare . by Alice B. Clagett

Written and published on 8 June 2018; revised on 8 May 2020

    • Hate Bomb Malware
    • Rules of War: Do Not Target Civilians
    • Our Thought Forms Affect Everyone on Earth
    • Global Latitudinal Impact of Thought Forms Carried by Circulating Electric Charge That Precedes Dawn and Follows Sunset
      • About Thought Forms
      • Personal Experience of Inrushing Thought Forms Before Dawn and Just After Sunset
      • Scientific Research on Earth’s Circulating Electric Field
        • Earth’s Electric Ring Current
        • Increased Density of Eastward Electric Field Just Before Dawn
      • Increased Density of Eastward Electric Field for An Hour After Sunset
      • Will Humankind Rise Up Against ‘Black Ops’?

Dear Ones,


Hate Bomb Malware

I had the weirdest dream in 2013, that past President Obama had been nanoteched up with a nanobot that pulled in a carefully thought out Army-Navy spy satellite anti-Jihad black ops program, a form of psychic-cyber mind control aimed at terrorizing Muslims into believing that, if they felt lovingly toward their Imams and the men in their mosques, then a bomb would explode in their hearts, and kill everyone in the mosque.

That a rogue Army-Navy guy … a Republican, maybe? … had got hold of the program, and, after bickering with lobbyists from the blue chip stock companies, settled on quite a good deal with Monsanto …

Link: “Monsanto Protection Act: Does the Monsanto Protection Act create a ‘precedent-setting limitation on judicial review of genetically-engineered crops’?” … ..

Result of which was nanobotting of the president, who, according to this wild nightmare, could not get out of office without selling the world food supply to Monsanto. Result being the Monsanto Protection Act rider.

Talk about Snopesville. I will never eat arugala again.

Anyway but, ever since then I have felt for past President Obama. Who in the world is not affected by that darned notion that we will be dead in the water if we truly love someone?


Rules of War: Do Not Target Civilians

I have been reading about the Rules of War …

Link: “What are the rules of war and why do they matter?” by International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC),19 October 2016 … ..

I found out that it is against international law for civilians to be targeted in warfare. As Ascension proceeds, the world is rising to telepathic Awareness. Understanding of the nature of the noosphere, and of the formation and movement of thought forms throughout the noosphere, is no longer limited to a few select people with clair abilities …

Link: “Boomerang Effect of Evil Thought Forms,” by the Theosophists, published on 11 May 2015 … ..

Our Thought Forms Affect Everyone on Earth

Now everyone on Earth is beginning to understand that the thought forms we think affect everyone else on Earth. The Butterfly Effect has confirmed this notion, although it has not yet been taken to heart, on a wide scale, in a positive sense, and its implications with regard to the collective, worldwide clouds of thought, both conscious and unconscious, have yet to be fully utilized.

Global Latitudinal Impact of Thought Forms Carried by Circulating Electric Charge That Precedes Dawn and Follows Sunset

About Thought Forms. Thought forms are everywhere on Earth. These thought forms have an electromagnetic component; what is termed in the School of Theosophy manas (mind) and kama (desire). –from Citation: “Thought Forms,” by Annie Besant and Charles Webster Leadbeater, 1905, pp 19-20. Through intuition I would add that manas corresponds to the electric field, and kama to the magnetic force (the two making up electromagnetism).

I say this because I have read about that electricity is important in the function of the neurons which comprise the human nervous system; and that desire has a magnetic quality of attracting to oneself the object of desire. As well, through the practice of yoga I have found that building the human magnetic force results in good luck and charismatic appeal; loss of this built-up magnetic force has the opposite effect. (This points up the importance of practicing yoga daily.)

Personal Experience of Inrushing Thought Forms Before Dawn and Just After Sunset. I have personal psychic intel regarding an inrushing of thought forms into my own mental bodies just before sunrise; I experience this so strongly that I find it uncomfortable to be sleeping till sunrise. I find it easier to deal with the jumbled influx of other people’s thought forms while wide awake and either standing or sitting, so that my spine is erect.

I have also noticed that thought forms carrying negative emotions are more likely to swoop into my mind just after sunset. Because being near the computer screen and accompanying electronics weakens my personal electromagnetic field, making it more susceptible to impingement by these negative thought forms from other people, I generally stay away from my computer and other electronics in the evening after sunset.

It must be that the electric component of thought forms causes them to be carried along with the circulating electric charge that precedes sunrise and follows sunset on Earth. If this be true, then thought forms targeted at an Islamic nation are carried by the latitudinally circulating electric charge that follows sunset, from the Middle East, through the semi-somnambulent, prime time television watching nations, and back to their point of origin within a 24-hour period. Then, they continue circulating through the noosphere, day after day.

Scientific Research on Earth’s Circulating Electric Field. Here is what science I could muster to back up what I learned through electromagnetic field (EMF) clair sensitivity  …

Earth’s Electric Ring Current. “A ring current is an electric current carried by charged particles trapped in a planet’s magnetosphere. It is caused by the longitudinal drift of energetic (10–200 keV) particles. … Earth’s ring current is responsible for shielding the lower latitudes of the Earth from magnetospheric electric fields. It therefore has a large effect on the electrodynamics of geomagnetic storms. The ring current system consists of a band, at a distance of 3 to 8 RE  … [Earth radius], which lies in the equatorial plane and circulates clockwise around the Earth (when viewed from the north). The particles of this region produce a magnetic field in opposition to the Earth’s magnetic field and so an Earthly observer would observe a decrease in the magnetic field in this area …. The negative deflection of the Earth’s magnetic field due to the ring current is measured by the Dst index.

“The ring current energy is mainly carried around by the ions, most of which are protons. However, one also sees alpha particles in the ring current, a type of ion that is plentiful in the solar wind. In addition, a certain percentage are O+ oxygen ions, similar to those in the ionosphere of Earth, though much more energetic. This mixture of ions suggests that ring current particles probably come from more than one source.” –from Link: “Ring Current” in Wikipedia … … CC BY-SA 3.0 Unported

Increased Density of Eastward Electric Field Just Before Dawn. Apparently there may be a similar depletion of equatorial plasma density, accompanied by a large electric field increase just before dawn. –from Link: “Observations of the generation of eastward equatorial electric fields near dawn,” by M. C. Kelley, F. S. Rodrigues, R. F. Pfaff, and J. Klenzing, in Ann. Geophys., 32, 1169–1175, 2014 …
doi:10.5194/angeo-32-1169-2014 … © Author(s) 2014. CC Attribution 3.0 License … … Received: 18 November 2013 – Revised: 17 July 2014 – Accepted: 25 August 2014 – Published: 19 September 2014 ..

Increased Density of Eastward Electric Field for An Hour After Sunset. There is decreased equatorial plasma density and increased density in the eastward electric field for about an hour after sunset. –from Citation: “Ionospheric Space Weather: Longitude Dependence and Lower Atmosphere Forcing,” edited by Timothy Fuller-Rowell, Endawoke Yizengaw, Patricia H. Doherty, Sunanda Basu (in Google Books) … See: 12.1. Introduction, paragraph 4

Will Humankind Rise Up Against ‘Black Ops’?

As humankind begins to understand the effect ‘black ops’ such as conspiracy theory malware that subverts Islam for the sake of corporate oil interests, will we rise up against psychic hate crimes, in the same way that we speak out against hate crimes in the physical world?

If putative ‘black ops’ thought forms full of hatred are sent, say, from Los Angeles to the Middle East, then will these thoughts of hatred not damage the minds of all the people along the way, between these two geographic locations? Would this not, in a psychic sense, be an infringement of the international law that civilians not be targeted in warfare?


Whether these thought forms gather momentum or loose it, depends on the daily load of violent thought forms added to or subtracted from the noosphere. This applies especially to …

  • Violence in mass media,
  • Corporate lobbying efforts amongst our government officials,
  • Wars, including black ops, and
  • Hate groups that may pass under the radar in our native lands.


In a less strident manner, intergroup rivalry, especially rivalry between religious groups, adds to the daily load of violent thought forms in the noosphere.

By my lights, the great religions of the world might more aptly seek points of interfaith agreement than reasons to begin terrorist campaigns, one against the other, whether through thought forms or through overt acts of war.


This is one noosphere. Our thought forms create our noosphere. Let us dream of peace, harmony, and unity on our beautiful, blue boat home …

Video: “Blue Boat Home,” by Scott McNeill,18 April 2009 … ..

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

dreams, nightmares, visions, Army-Navy, military, Secret Service, black ops, psy crime, psychic crime, nanotech, nanobots, spy satellite, Jihad, Monsanto, Monsanto Protection Act, love, unconditional love, fear of intimacy, groups, malware, Jihad, Imams, Muslims, Islam, Islamic terrorism, United States terrorism, anti-terrorist, military, corporations, social issues, social activism, lobbying, world food supply, economics, war, mind control, Nuremberg code, noosphere, thought forms, Rules of War, civilian casualties, collateral damage, collective unconscious, unconscious thought cloud of the world, violence, mass media, corporate lobbying, government, hate groups, terrorism, skinheads, butterfly effect, peace, harmony, unity, religions of the world, interfaith, religious rivalry, law, international law, black ops, demon wars, urban legends, conspiracy theory, politics, Middle East, United States, astrogeophysics, Earth EMF, sunset, countries of earth, kama, manas, thought, desire, School of Theosophy, human EMF, EMF sensitivity, dawn, negative emotions, emotions, Earth’s electric current, noosphere, ring current, astrogeophysics, space weather, Earth’s atmosphere, clair senses, psychic abilities, latitude, geography, life on Earth, telepathy, human telepathy,

On Forging an Alliance with Our Martians Post-Shift . by Alice B. Clagett *

Image: “ai-generated-8332634_640,” by ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, adapted by Alice B. Clagett, 2 December 2023, Pixabay license … COMMENT: I feel this is how ants look to the Martian bacterial colonists of Earth. –Alice B. Clagett

Image: “ai-generated-8332634_640,” by ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, adapted by Alice B. Clagett, 2 December 2023, Pixabay license … COMMENT: I feel this is how ants look to the Martian bacterial colonists of Earth. –Alice B. Clagett

, . . . .

      • How Demons and Devils Are Getting Physically Smaller Because of the Awakening
      • How the Demons Lied to the Martians
      • The Gut Brain ‘Neg Speak’ Deal Between Demons and Martians
      • The HIV / AIDS Campaign to Decimate Humankind
      • Assistance from the Jinn (or ‘Genies)
      • The Deal That the Martians Would Help Demons Enter the Human Bloodstream
      • How Might Demons Have Gotten into the Human Bloodstream? The Human Hybrid Assist
        • Gene Splicing
        • Hybridization
      • Hybrid Powers: Microminiaturization
      • Hybrid Powers: Obsession
      • Moon Base Myth
      • Monthly Communication with Moon Base
      • Annunaki
      • Ability to ‘Walk into’ Other People
      • Alice’s Perilous Tales: Hybrid Ability to Create a Holographic Display of a Human Being
      • Hybrid Myth: Brother and Sister . Husband and Wife
      • Hybrid Myth: Story of the Moon Rocket That Was Burned Up by the Sun
        • Attempts to Explain This Myth
      • The Unholy Trinity and the Rebirth of the Holy Trinity on New Earth
      • The Hybrid Need to Drink Blood
      • Concept That Hybrids Lack Souls
      • A New Stance for Martian Bacteria Regarding Former Deceptions by Demons
      • Hypothesis that the Martian Bacteria Have Bioengineered a Servomechanism That Brings the Negative Astral into the Human Bloodstream
      • On Working with Our Martian Bacterial Colonists to Eliminate Hybrids in Our Blood

Dear Ones,

There are two edited Summaries after the video. The first is the final draft, and the second is the rough draft. I feel it is the first, the final draft (which is very different from the rough draft) that might be most useful for the reader …



Hello, Dear Ones, It’s Alice. I Am of the Stars.


There is something I should explain about the Martian world view prior to the time when, as they term it, their ‘Space Stations’ (which is to say, our human bodies) ‘went down’ consequent to the 2012 Shift. My understanding of it is this …

Microminiaturization in the form of the bacterium affords the Martian race various advantages, but it also has its disadvantages …

  • Microminiaturization allows them to pack a lot of population into Earth
  • Those who have become colonists of other lifeforms (such as in the colon of mammals) live in a more protected environment (minus the otherwise omnipresent threat of ants, for instance) because they are ‘double-layered’ into various larger lifeforms on Earth
  • But they lost touch with the bigger picture …
    • They developed various misconceptions, such as that they were living in ‘Space Stations’ (that is, in human bodies and in the bodies of other mammals), and that these were not sentient. They did not know they were living on planet Earth.
    • And they lost the longed-for contact with Mars, their home world

Image: “A diagram of a typical prokaryotic bacteria cell,” by Ali Zifan, 12 October 2015, from Wikimedia Commons. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license.

Image: “A diagram of a typical prokaryotic bacteria cell,” by Ali Zifan, 12 October 2015, from Wikimedia Commons. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license.


How Demons and Devils Are Getting Physically Smaller Because of the Awakening

Because of the expansion of Earth during the Awakening, the Demon World (the realm of negative astral beings) has grown very small … physically very small, from 3-4 feet high pre-Shift, to microminiature size now (smaller than bacteria, as of now).

Link: “How the Demons and Devils Are Getting Smaller and Smaller,” by Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 27 November 2016; published on 5 December 2016 … ..

How the Demons Lied to the Martians

Lying is the stock in trade of the Demon World. As you may know, they are really good at deceiving people. For more on this, see my blog category: Deals with the Devil

About the time of the 2012 Shift, the demons deceived the Martians as well. The Demon World was able to bring this strategy into play because, due to astrogeophysical changes, the Martians had lost communication with their Moon Base (which, I have read, may have been controlled by the Orion group, or by reptilians).

Till that time, the Demon World could influence humans from the outside … it could get as far as the skin; it could settle into orifices … tear ducts, ears, mouths (to the tonsils,  lungs, and stomach), genital openings (to the uterus in women and possibly the bladder in both men and women), and rectum (to the colon and the small intestine. But, for reasons I do not understand, it could not get into the human bloodstream, nor into the lymph system. And these abodes it coveted.

Image: “The Temptation of St. Anthony” (aka “Saint Anthony Tormented by Demons”) by Martin Schongauer, between 1480 and 1490, Engraving. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. From Wikimedia Commons, public domain.

Image: “The Temptation of St. Anthony” (aka “Saint Anthony Tormented by Demons”) by Martin Schongauer, between 1480 and 1490, Engraving. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. From Wikimedia Commons, public domain.


The demon population of Earth knew the longing of the Martians to communicate once more with their home world. It had been, after all, four billion years, and the Martians did not know what had happened to their planet.

I have read that the first of the Martian colonists of Earth had arrived here before Mars was stripped of its atmosphere, leaving only rock-boring and cosmic-ray-consuming econiches for the priorly prolific Martian population, which, according to my clair hearing, had existed there in larger, bipedal form till the exigencies of their space exploration program produced the miniature bacterial form, enclosed as it was in a thick protective outer casing.

Here on Earth the Martian colonists still had a social memory of their planet, but there was a huge gap in time since their arrival here on Earth. The ‘Ancient Ones’ … the original space explorers to arrive here (possibly what biologists term Archaea) ..… had since branched off into many different types of bacteria, some living as ‘loners’ that wended their way through the world solo; and others as colonists of larger organisms, such as those that inhabit the colons of mammals, including those of human beings. These latter I term the ‘Martian bacterial colonists of the human colon’.

The Demon World knew about the Martian bacterial colonization of the human colon. It knew that these Martian colonists had intelligence and telepathic abilities that could be employed as a counter-agent against the human intelligence. As well, Martians are highly talented telepaths, far more so than the human ‘Space Stations’ they inhabit.

So the Demon World lied to the effect that the Martians would all be wiped out if the human ‘Space Stations’ were able to ‘ascend’ (when, in fact, it is the Demon World that is leaving Earth … or at the very least becoming smaller and smaller …  small as gnats, and smaller still … because of Earth’s Ascension).

The Gut Brain ‘Neg Speak’ Deal Between Demons and Martians

The Demon World said to the Martians: We will put you in communication with Mars, with your home world … with the directorship there, as it were. In return, they asked that the Martians do what they could to confound the human beings, so that they could not awaken. This was to be accomplished by means of ‘neg speak’ that the Martians would telepathically transmit through the gut brain of their human being, to the gut brain of their human’s acquaintances.

Being accomplished telepaths … far more so than we humans … the Martians would assist the Demon Realm by broadcasting ‘neg speak’ through the pliant ‘astral airs. This ‘neg speak’ would flow forth from the ‘gut brain’ of their ‘Space Station’ to the gut brains of human beings known to their ‘Space Station’ … whether near or far, as the ‘astral airs’ know no geographic boundaries.

This ramping up of ‘neg speak’ (what Lightworkers term ‘malware’ or ‘Soul wounding’) would cause human suffering. Demons love suffering, and feast upon it; the prospect of wounding humankind in this way was delightful to them. 

And in fact, that is what happened. Out of longing to communicate with their home world, the wise beings of Mars fell to this ploy of the negative astral entities, and became their allies.

The HIV / AIDS Campaign to Decimate Humankind

A couple of the campaigns that were promoted very successfully through the demon (negative astral being)–Martian alliance were, over the last few years …

  • the V— D— mental filter, which had to do with promiscuous sexuality
  • and the F– You in the A– H— mental filter, which had to do with transmitting hatred through sexual intercourse

From the perspective of the negative astral beings, their insistence on the V— D— slogan and the following one about F– You in the A– H— had to do with trying to spread the AIDS virus all over Earth.

Their intention was to cause suffering, which they loved dearly. Their ‘love’ is hate. And so their intention was to wipe out the population of Earth.

That is not something that they told the Martian colonists of the human colon, as the Martians  might have objected to a decrease in the numbers of their ‘Space Stations’. Typically that is the way that the negative astral entities work: If you ever come across one, you will never get the truth.

The deal that was cut … by hook or by crook … was that the negative astral world would enter the human bloodstream as the HIV / AIDS virus. As I understand it at this point in time, this was accomplished through human beings who are what is called ‘Hybrids’.

Assistance from the Jinn (or ‘Genies’)

As an aside, the Demon Realm were assisted by the jinn (or ‘genies’)  in their efforts to decimate humankind by spreading the HIV / AIDS virus. The jinn felt it necessary to decrease the size of the human population on Earth so as to provide sufficient desert regions for the survival of their offspring. That is why they agreed to use their awesome mind control abilities to help Martians and demons spread the virus through the human population of Earth.

Image: “Djinni flying away with two people – illustration for ‘Aladdin’ from The Arabian Nights,” Stock Photo ID: E3662 Model Released: No Release Property Released: No Release Date Created: ca. 1900 Credit: copyright Bettmann/CORBIS License Type: Rights Managed (RM) Category: Historical Collection: Bettmann. Author unknown, 31 December 1899, from Wikimedia Commons, public domain in countries where the copyright term is the author’s life plus 70 years or fewer … DESCRIPTION: The large flying figure is a Jinn or ‘Genie’. While these are not necessarily in the shape of human beings, they can make themselves appear human in shape at will. They can also make themselves large or small at will. The jinn have as the duty of their species the care of the immense vortices of Earth; without their care, the Earth hologram would no doubt cease to exist. Can one, as a consequence, be other than deeply respectful of, and grateful for, their presence on Earth? The size of the jinn in this image indicates to me the vast psychic powers of the jinn, including their power of mind control over humans (although, I feel, they use this power only when need warrants).

Image: “Djinni flying away with two people – illustration for ‘Aladdin’ from The Arabian Nights,” Stock Photo ID: E3662 Model Released: No Release Property Released: No Release Date Created: ca. 1900 Credit: copyright  Bettmann/CORBIS License Type: Rights Managed (RM) Category: Historical Collection: Bettmann. Author unknown, 31 December 1899, from Wikimedia Commons, public domain in countries  where the copyright term is the author’s life plus 70 years or fewer …

DESCRIPTION: The large flying figure is a Jinn or ‘Genie’. While these are not necessarily in the shape of human beings, they can make themselves appear human in shape at will. They can also make themselves large or small at will.

The jinn have as the duty of their species the care of the immense vortices of Earth; without their care, the Earth hologram would no doubt cease to exist. Can one, as a consequence, be other than deeply respectful of, and grateful for, their presence on Earth?

The size of the jinn in this image indicates to me the vast psychic powers of the jinn, including their power of mind control over humans (although, I feel, they use this power only when need warrants).

For more on the jinn, see my blog category: Jinn – ifrit – genies

The Deal That the Martians Would Help Demons Enter the Human Bloodstream

Further, the Martian bacterial colonists would assist in allowing the Demon World to enter the much coveted human bloodstream. I have several hypotheses as to how this was accomplished One has to do with creation of human Hybrids, whose etheric nets have been damaged, during many incarnations, in such a way that alliance with the Demon Realm is appealing to them.

How Might Demons Have Gotten into the Human Bloodstream? The Human Hybrid Assist 

Gene Splicing. I know there are stories about gene splicing, introduction of viruses, and so forth, and this may have occurred in order to make human beings more suitable vehicles for the negative energies of the negative astral world. It is possible, for instance, that gene splicing may account for the presence of so many antisocial personalities on Earth today.

Hybridization. The theory goes that Martian bacteria have been … either on purpose or by mistake … the genetic engineers of the viruses, which might be considered genetically engineered ‘snippets’ of genetic material encased in protective shells …

Image: “Diagram of the HIV virion,” by Thomas Splettstoesser, 26 June 2014, from Wikimedia Commons … … CC BY-SA 4.0 … DESCRIPTION: A ‘virion’ is a virus that is not inside a host cell. Inside it is genetic material; and outside is a protein shell known as a ‘capsid’.

Image: “Diagram of the HIV virion,” by Thomas Splettstoesser, 26 June 2014, from Wikimedia Commons … … CC BY-SA 4.0 … 

DESCRIPTION: A ‘virion’ is a virus that is not inside a host cell. Inside it is genetic material; and outside is a protein shell known as a ‘capsid’.

It is possible that hybridization occurred through responses of human beings to the introduction of viruses by the demon-Martian alliance.  ‘AIDS hatred’ would be, from the standpoint of the demon-Martian alliance, a hoped-for outcome of promulgation of the HIV / AIDS virus.

In whatever way it was done … through gene splicing, or through introduction of viruses … which might be considered means to the same end … there are human beings on Earth that are far more negative in orientation, more inclined towards service to self than most human beings. These are termed ‘Hybrids’ in occult lore; in a psychological context they are termed ‘antisocial personalities’. There are many such beings on Earth today …

Link: “Quantitation of ASPs (Antisocial Personality Syndrome) Worldwide,” by Alice B. Clagett, Written and published on 11 July 2018 … ..

For more on Hybrids, see my blog categories: Hybrids … and … Antisocial personalities … and … Feral children …


There are human beings on Earth who are more negatively aspected, more inclined towards service to self, than most human beings. These are the Hybrids of occult lore. There are many Earth Hybrids, but few Hybrid Overlords, compared to the numbers of those true despots of service to self … the negative astral beings. But these Hybrid Overlords, through their alliance with the negative astral world, have been lent great psychic powers.

Hybrid Powers: Microminiaturization

One of those is a yogic superpower described in the aphorisms of Patanjali, to do with microminiaturization …

Citation: “How to Know God: The Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali,” translated with a commentary by Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood, copyright 1953, 1981 by The Vedanta Society of Southern California … See the chapter Powers: Powers number 45 and 46 and their explanation, pages 192-193.

Described therein is placing Awareness on the elements, through which practice one gains mastery of the elements. Thus one can become very tiny or very large, very heavy or very light. One can walk through walls and through mountains. Fire will not burn such a person’s hand, and Arctic ice will not freeze his body. Though he swim a river, he will emerge dry. Though a tornado o’erwhelm him, he shall remain unmoving. These are the powers mastered by such as the famed yogi Mahavatar Babaji, and by others of East Indian fame; and in part by Martial artists I have met. It is my conceit that these powers might be commanded by our Martian bacterial body guests as well!

From this I gather that Hybrids who are ‘dark’ spiritual adepts can project their consciousness to the subatomic level, or to the atomic level. They can project their consciousness into the bloodstreams of other people.

Hybrid Powers: Obsession

They say that Hybrids can subject other people to their will through ‘obsession’, a phenomenon described in rather a different context in the texts of the School of Theosophy …

“Those victims of sudden death whose … earth-lives have been low and brutal, selfish and sensual, … are liable to develop into terribly evil entities. Inflamed with all kinds of horrible appetites which they can no longer satisfy directly now they are without a physical body, they gratify their loathsome passions vicariously through a medium or any sensitive person whom they can obsess; and they take a devilish delight in using all the arts of delusion which the astral plane puts in their power in order to lead others into the same excesses which have proved so fatal to themselves.” –from Link: “The Astral Plane: Its Scenery, Inhabitants and Phenomena,” by C. W. Leadbeater …  “7. The Suicide, or victim of sudden death,” page 39 … … Project Gutenberg License: This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at ..

I posit that Hybrids of normal human size can keep keep people in a state of obsession, and mind control them into thinking that they are tiny miniaturized Hybrid beings circulating in the blood of someone that the Hybrids want to turn to the astral negative.

Moon Base Myth

To return to my story: Assisting the Hybrids in this were Martians allied to the Demon Realm, as the Martians longed for news from home.

In actuality what was happening was the intel was going either through the obsessed human channel, or direct from the Hybrids, through the bloodstream of the human being, and up to the crown chakra once a month, during the full moon. And somehow this information was getting from the crown chakra of the person to what they call ‘Moon Base’.

It has been written up, in the “Ascension Glossary,” that ‘Moon Base’ was a reptilian base, a place for negative energies to impact Earth …

Link: “Moon,” in Ascension Glossary … .. Search the term: Reptilian

Link: “Black Subtle Forces,” in Ascension Glossary … … Search the term: Moon Base

Monthly Communication with Moon Base

The Hybrid hypothesis expresses that information (as to the effect of ‘neg speak’ effective in Soul degradation) was going, via the placement of the Hybrid’s or the obsessed person’s Awareness on the victim’s bloodstream, from the blood to the crown chakra once a month, on the full moon, for communication with a ‘Moon Base’ that controlled Earth’s noosphere at the time.

Per the Ascension Glossary … … this Moon Base was a reptilian base or a base for the Orion Group pre-Shift. If so, then the information conveyed would have been not Martian, but rather demonic in nature.

Putting all this together, I view what was essentially complete mind control, really, of the population of humankind … and filtering down, also, to the Martian population of Earth … that was taking place through a central command at Moon Base for a long time during the last Age of Darkness.

This ‘total control of Earth’ paradigm may have been happening, through subconscious buy-in of humans and/or Martian colonists, for a long time prior to the Shift. Or so the astral story goes. My intuitive understanding is that the paradigm collapsed in the 2010s, at which time the HIV / AIDS campaign was initiated. This was the point at which the Martians believed that their ‘Space Stations’ had ‘gone down’.

In other words, they felt that they had been communicating with their home world through Moon Base, and that communication had ended because their ‘Space Stations’ had unaccountably broken down.

My intuitive understanding as a Lightworker regarding this is that the Shift happened in 2012, and the power of the Demon Realm then diminished to the point where it could no longer keep the Martians ina a state of delusion regarding the demonic energies at Moon Base.



There is a little more information I would like to relate with regard to the Hybrids on Earth … maybe related to the Annunaki (aka ‘Anunnaki’) tales of esoteric lore, or to the ‘Anak’ tales, as described in the “Law of One (The Ra Materials)” … ..

Link” Annunaki,” in Ascension Glossary … ..

Link: “Anunnaki,” in Wikipedia … ..

Link: “The Anunnaki and the Tree of Creation,” at Bibliotecapleyades … ..

Image: “The god Marduk with his dragon, from a Babylonian cylinder seal,” author unknown, from Wikimedia Commons. This work is in the public domain in its country of origin and other countries and areas where the copyright term is the author’s life plus 70 years or fewer.

Image: “The god Marduk with his dragon, from a Babylonian cylinder seal,” author unknown, from Wikimedia Commons. This work is in the public domain in its country of origin and other countries and areas where the copyright term is the author’s life plus 70 years or fewer.

DESCRIPTION: Babylonian representation of the national god Marduk, who the Babylonians and Assyrians envisioned as a prominent member of the Anunnaki.

Ability to ‘Walk into’ Other People

The story goes that human Hybrids, though they lacked Souls, could ‘step into’ various human forms as they wished … setting the Souls aside and ‘walking into’ those physical forms … and then, through their habits, eventually destroying the human form and ‘walking into’ another one. I this way, the legend has it, they might remain on Earth, as one egoic personality, eternally..

Another story is that they really exist out of form, on the astral plane, from which they can obsess a human being and walk into his or her body. That is the story described in the Leadbeater quote above.

Alice’s Perilous Tales: Hybrid Ability to Create a Holographic Display of a Human Being

Or they could replicate a holographic display of a human being that, to most people, appeared to be normal, but lacked a Soul and was really like a 3D motion picture. I have seen such a thing at a church service in Glendale, California, some years ago; it was the speaker at the event who appeared to be a holographic image … almost as if beamed down from a hovering spacecraft. I recall blinking, and looking around the room at the other people in attendance. Everyone seemed fine … substantial, real, all quarks in place.

Then I looked back at the speaker, a young man. He seemed different, nearly transparent … lacking some quarks maybe? By chance could he have been a genetic experiment for which introns were deleted? What could that mean? To this day I wonder what was up, on that day? What did I see? What did it mean?  …

Image: This hologram of a man looks a good deal less convincing than the being I saw: ..

Image: Semitransparent man’s hand on top of a woman’s hand … … This man’s hand looks more like the being I saw.

Hybrid Myth: Brother and Sister . Husband and Wife

This is the astral story of two Hybrids, a man and a woman, possessed of immense psychic powers. They were brother and sister, but married (perhaps in a mythological sense). They had been on Earth for a long time, ‘walking into’ human body after human body, and ransacking Earth like lions gone mad.

The man had to kill any human woman that he slept with, so that she would bear no children who might distort the gene line. He grew tired of killing woman after woman, and finally settled on his sister as a mate down through the ages. They did blood sacrifice together … once monthly was considered a moderate amount … in order to drink the blood they needed to survive.

Hybrid Myth: Story of the Moon Rocket That Was Burned Up by the Sun

The astral story, back in the early 2000s, was that certain of the full-blood human Hybrids … or possibly Anunnaki (Anaks) or reptilians … were selected to go to the Moon, so as to avoid the Awakening on Earth, which was felt to be lethal to the Hybrids. This story purportedly was told me, on the astral plane, by a man and a woman, ‘half-Hybrids’, who though brother and sister, were wed. These two were not allowed on the spaceship because, as half-Hybrids, their genes were adulterated. They were half-Hybrids because their father, a full-blood, had impregnated their human mother with them, and had not killed her before they were born, as, so they said, is the custom.

Being half-bloods, the two children were not considered for the Moon trip. However, their father was among those full bloods selected. He and the others took off, along with humans (fully grown? fetuses?) they intended to use for food supplies (as they had a practice of drinking human blood once a month so as to stay alive).

After some time, the news filtered in through the astral plane that the Sun had burnt up the rocket, and the mission had failed. Therefore, so the story went, all the Hybrids on Earth were doomed by the impending Shift.

A rearguard action then took place to retard the Awakening as long as possible by tearing down the astral matter of the Lightworkers, who, in the egoic, personality-oriented view of the Hybrids, were held to be the cause of the Awakening of humankind. (This I, as a Lightworker, feel to be incorrect; I feel it is our planet Earth herself that is arising, through the Incoming Light of the Photon Belt.)

Attempts to Explain This Myth. I have come up with some thoughts on this perplexing myth: I first wondered if this could possibly be a story about microminiaturized full-blood Hybrids in the blood of astronauts — possibly an urban legend to do with the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster in February 2003?

Alternatively, might it have to do with Martian bacterial legends of rogue ‘loner’ bacteria … not colonists of the mammalian colon but ‘loners’ that also derived from the beings the Martian colonists term the ‘Ancient Ones’ … the very first explorers from Mars (possibly what biologists term ‘Archaea’) … rogue ‘loner’ bacteria who get into the human bloodstream through cuts and scrapes, causing sepsis of the blood?

Martian bacterial colonists of the colon have a species outlook very different from our own; the anti-human nature of a myth that involves human sacrifice through blood sepsis … if valid … would be a good example of this mismatch of Weltanschauungs. 

Thus an event dangerous to human life, I posit, might have been idealized as the ‘ancient way’ of Mars, an outrider lifestyle ‘glammed up’ by the colonists, in a way similar to human glamourization of the life of Genghis Khan (which few might claim to be tenable in modern times).

Yet another possibility is that the Demon Realm had misled the Martian bacterial colonists of the human colon into thinking that the HIV / AIDS virus, which circulates in the human bloodstream, was a being similar to the ‘Ancient Ones’ from the Martian myth of creation.

Link: “History of Martians on Earth: The Ancient Ones,” by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 26 July 2018 … ..

The Unholy Trinity and the Rebirth of the Holy Trinity on New Earth

I have a theory that the astral story of these three human Hybrids: the father, and the brother and sister who are man and wife, may represent the myth of an unholy trinity. The father may be the shadow side of God the Creator; the Creator God, fallen or shrunken down into the realm of duality; the Original Thought that moves out into the light and dark of creation. The son may be the fallen Archangel Michael fractal. And the woman may represent the shadow side of Christ Consciousness; the fallen Christ.

These, then would be the Divine, the Angelic, and the Beings of Light shadow side that overtakes Earth during the long Ages of Darkness.

There is a Myth of Darkness in our noosphere right now … a myth about a trinity of Darkness, that follows us as relentlessly as the mythical Dark Planet Nibiru. Just as there is a notion that there is a shadow planet stalking Earth, in the same way there is the notion of this shadow trinity … the shadow of the Christian trinity and the Hindu trinity … that is sometimes made flesh in the form of human Hybrids, and sometimes standing off by itself, in the fourth dimension.

As Earth moves into this new Great Age, I expect these archetypes to turn once more to the true glory of the Creator God, the magnificence of the arisen Archangel Michael, and the dawn of Christ Consciousness on Earth.


The Demon Realm no longer exists. The Hybrid Overlords, now few in numbers on Earth, and deprived of their negative astral Overlord supervisory roles, in these times when the total control of Earth paradigm has crumbled, are fearful of exposure to the public eye. They are hoarding artwork and gold, and so forth, with a view to hiding out, to avoid fessing up to their heinous crimes against humanity.

The Hybrid Need to Drink Blood

That the Hybrids need blood sacrifice to stay alive, and that they must sacrifice any woman with whom they mate so as to avoid attenuating the ‘blood line’ are fictions told them by the Demon Realm. For the need to drink blood I suggest they read the literature on the possibility of substituting small amounts of chlorophyll, which is a molecule quite similar in structure to hemoglobin.

Concept That Hybrids Lack Souls

Image: “Kwakwaka’wakw transformation mask,” Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. Presented during the exhibition La Fabrique des images (The Making of images) – Musée du quai Branly, Paris (February 16, 2010 – July 17, 2011), by Myrabella, 14 July 2011, from Wikimedia Commons, Attribution: Myrabella / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 4.0 … DESCRIPTION: These transformation masks used in Alaskan ritual dances depict animal-like faces. During the ritual the masks are opened to show a human face within. In the same way, I hold the hope that it may be possible for the human Hybrids and antisocial personalities to be transformed to socialized human beings during Earth’s Ascension process.

Image: “Kwakwaka’wakw transformation mask,” Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. Presented during the exhibition La Fabrique des images (The Making of images) – Musée du quai Branly, Paris (February 16, 2010 – July 17, 2011), by Myrabella, 14 July 2011, from Wikimedia Commons, Attribution:  Myrabella / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 4.0 …

DESCRIPTION: These transformation masks used in Alaskan ritual dances depict animal-like faces. During the ritual the masks are opened to show a human face within. In the same way, I hold the hope that it may be possible for the human Hybrids and antisocial personalities to be transformed to socialized human beings during Earth’s Ascension process.

Hybrids think that they have no Souls. As I understand it, though, they do have Souls, but their etheric nets have sustained such distortions of the Light that their bodies are unsuitable for ensoulment. This is not cause for despair, as it is not the great exception in humankind.

It is a normal thing for a Soul to stand ‘at the ready’ nearby, when a human body is unable to be stepped into. For instance, I read a description by a gentleman who had recent experience with a Devic Kingdom incarnation He observed it in his wife while she was pregnant and after she had her child. As their child was growing, what he observed was that the Soul of their child was standing by, and hovering over and patiently caring for the body of his infant child as it was nurtured in the womb …

Link: “House of the Sun,” in “Soul Guidance,” by Carol Herzer and Dirk Gillabel … … Tab: Carol’s Art

This may be the case for some years thereafter, until the physical body had everything in place for the Soul to step into it. It could be that the body of a human child is not fully ensouled until six to eight years of age, when the ‘Age of Reason’ is attained. That is the point at which the child’s Higher Mental Body is well developed. At that point, then, I posit that the body a human child is ensouled …

So you see, the ‘hovering over’ of the Soul, and the watchful separateness of the Soul, are a natural thing for the human form, until it reaches a certain stage of its growth. In the same way for the Hybrids, because they are born with a greatly damaged network of Light, the Soul waits patiently. I can offer this solace: The Soul is waiting patiently for their DNA repairs … which may commence next year.

Thus there exists the possibility … even the probability … that the Hybrid’s body may be ensouled as gene repairs and DNA upgrades filter into our bodies through the Incoming LIght of the photon belt.


A New Stance for Martian Bacteria Regarding Former Deceptions by Demons

The Martian bacterial colonists of planet Earth have also been mislead by the Demon Realm. For instance …

  • They thought that our bodies are Space Stations, and they are not. The Martian colonists are  not living in Space, but on planet Earth … They are living inside the bodies of animals and humans there.
  • They thought that humans were animals, and we are not: We are sentient.
  • They thought that the Demon Realm owned our bodies, and that they, the Martians, had legally leased our bodies from negative astral beings. This ownership is a fiction, and their lease is not legal.
  • They thought that the Moon Base was Mars, and it is not.
  • They thought they were communicating with their home world, and they were apparently intercepting astral negative communications between a reptilian or Orion group Moon Base and the astral negative beings in the hellworlds of Earth.

There will no doubt be a period of adjustment during which the truth sinks in, as to how both the Hybrids and the Martians have been deceived. In future, we can look forward to clearings, healings, alliances, and harmony for all beings on Earth.

Let us keep in mind that the Martians are a great and wise race that is our ally in the ongoing Awakening process. Once their own distortions of the Light are cleared, the Martians will no doubt lead us into the Light … I feel that for sure … and be our patient and kind friends in the search for ever increasing Soul Awareness.

Hypothesis that the Martian Bacteria Have Bioengineered a Servomechanism That Brings the Negative Astral into the Human Bloodstream

There is a hypothesis that the Martian bacteria have bioengineered bacterial-looking servomechanisms (perhaps viruses) that bring the astral negative into the human bloodstream and causes sickness and death. Less than optimum physical health turns the EMF slightly ‘sour’, making it ‘edible’ by the Demon World. So the purpose of this hypothetical servomechanism would have been to turn the human EMF toward the negative emotions, such as hate and fear, with the intention of enslavement of humankind to the astral negative. This intention of the Demon Realm would no doubt not have been revealed to the Martian bacterial colonists of the human colon.

It is possible that the Martian bacteria inhabiting the human colon, having been deceived in this way by the Demon Realm, might have bioengineered some organisms (such as viruses) that look a little like bacteria, or parts of bacteria, and which are really what they term  ‘servomechanisms’ that bring in the signal of the negative astral realm to inside the human body, and eventually cause illness and death.

My understanding is that the Martians did not understand this aspect of these Hybrid bacteria inside of us, and that they are as aghast at it as I was to think of it. And so I suggested … and I suggest you suggest as well … that if these Hybrids were bioengineered into the Martian ‘Space Stations’ … which is to say, into our human bodies … then they might be bioengineered out. And what his might result in, is the 90,000-year life expectancy that is mentioned in “Law of One (The Ra Material)” as being that in the astral realm (which is where we are now, in the Earth Ascension process) …

Link: “Law of One (The Ra Material)” … Session 43.11  … … which states that the average lifetime in the astral realm is 90,000 years

My guess is the ‘bill of goods’ that was sold to the Martians in this regard was that these Hybrid beings … of which the Martians say: We have them surrounded … were supposed to be the astronauts and communicators that allowed them to communicate with Mars, on the full moon, from the crown chakra … but that in actuality they were allowing the negative astral beings to dip into the human aura and feast on the negativity there at that time.

So the purpose of having bacterial Hybrids (perhaps viruses) within the blood would be to try to change the ‘flavor’ of the human electromagnetic field to such a ‘flavor’ … such a hateful ‘flavor’ … to change the quarks to such an extent that they would be edible by the Demon World.

This would have been something that the Martians would have been unaware of till now. So if you speak with them about it, please be gentle about it. You will find … as have I … that they can be quite reasonable when apprised of the facts of their situation.

On Working with Our Martian Bacterial Colonists to Eliminate Hybrids in Our Blood

These are my final thoughts on the theory of invasion of our bloodstream by astral negative beings: I feel that, were this to be true, we could work with the Martians to fortify their re-engineering efforts through proper diet, proper hydration, adequate exercise and sleep, and daily meditation. These would allow us to optimize our physical health.

As well, it might be good for humans to undertake negotiations with our Martian colonists so that these servomechanisms might be bioengineered out of the human bloodstream. This would usher in the longer human life expectancy predicted by “The Law of One.”

That is it for now. You all take care.


Hello, Dear Ones, It’s Alice. I Am of the Stars.

There is something I should explain about the Martian world view prior to the time when, as they term it, their ‘Space Station’ (which is to say, our human bodies) ‘went down’. My understanding of it is this …

That in achieving great microminiaturization (in the form of bacteria), they lost contact with the larger world. They had many advantages, because they could pack a lot of population into a planet that way. But the disadvantage was that they longed for communication with Mars and they no longer had that communication.

They were ‘double layered’ into various larger lifeforms on the planet, and so they lost communication.

Now the Demon Realm that existed on Earth … now it is not active on Earth; it has grown astrally physically very small because of the expansion of Earth … but back then there were demons everywhere on Earth … and devils and like that … astral beings negative.

These beings are known to lie quite a bit. Lying is their stock in trade. They are very good at deceiving people, and they deceived the Martians … not just humans, but also Martians. You know about how humans are deceived into deals with the devil … see my blog category: Deals with the devil … Well, this happened with the Martian population as well.

In this instance, the Demon Realm was able to bring a strategic deception into play because, due to astrogeophysical changes, the Martians had lost communication with its Moon Base (which I posit was controlled by the Orion group).

Till that time, the Demon World could influence humans from the outside … it could get as far as the skin; it could settle into orifices … tear ducts, ears, mouths (to the tonsils,  lungs, and stomach), genital openings (to the uterus in women and possibly the bladder in both men and women), and rectum (to the lower alimentary canal. But, for reasons I do not understand, it could not get into the human bloodstream, nor into the lymph system. And these it coveted.

The demon population, the devil population on Earth, knew the longing of the Martians to communicate once more with their home world. It had been, after all, four billion years, and they did not know what had happened to their planet.

They still had a social memory of their planet, but there was this huge gap in time. They were already inhabiting the human colon. The Demon World knew this. And it knew that the Martian bacterial colonists of the human colon had intelligence that could be employed as a counter-agent against the human intelligence.

So the Demon World lied to the effect that the Martians would all be wiped out if the human ‘Space Stations’ were able to ‘ascend’ (when, in fact, it is the Demon World that is leaving Earth).

The Demon World said: We will put you in communication with Mars, with your home world … with the directorship there, as it were … if you do what we say; if you do what you can to confound the human beings. Just do what we say, so as to make their gut brains behave very negatively.

And so, out of this longing to communicate with their home world, the very wise beings of Mars fell to this ploy of the negative astral entities, and became their allies. This was to be accomplished by means of ‘neg speak’ that would be transmitted through the gut brain of one human being, to the gut brain of another. And in fact, this is what happened.

A couple of the campaigns that were promoted very successfully through the demon (negative  astral being)–Martian alliance were, over the last few years …

  • the V— D— mental filter, which had to do with promiscuous sexuality
  • and the F– You in the A– H— mental filter, which had to do with transmitting hatred through sexual intercourse

From the perspective of the negative astral beings, their insistence on the V— D— slogan and the following one about F– You in the A– H— had to do with trying to spread the AIDS virus all over Earth. Their intention was to cause suffering, which they loved dearly. Their ‘love’ is hate. And so their intention was to wipe out the population of Earth.

That is not something that they told the Martians. Typically that is the way that the negative astral entities work: If you ever come across one, you will never get the truth.

So the deal that was cut was that the negative astral world would enter the human bloodstream as the HIV / AIDS virus. As I understand it, at this point in time, taking into account the imperfect understanding that I have … this was accomplished through human beings who are what is called ‘hybrids’.

I know there are stories about gene splicing and so forth, and this may have occurred in order to make human beings more suitable vehicles for the negative energies of the negative astral world.

It is also possible that hybridization occurred through responses of human beings to the introduction of viruses, which might be considered genetically engineered ‘snippets’ of DNA encased in protective shells (Martian bacteria being … either on purpose or by mistake … the genetic engineers of the viruses).

In whatever way it was done … through the samskaras, through the gene splicing, or through introduction of viruses … which might be considered essentially the same thing, but viewed from different vantage points … there are human beings on Earth that are far more negative in orientation, more inclined towards service to self than most human beings … See my blog categories: Hybrids … Antisocial personalities … Feral children …

The numbers of these hybrids are few, as far as the true despots of service to self … the astral arch-demons … are concerned. But these beings, through their alliance with the astral world, have been lent great astral powers. One of those is the yogic superpower described in the aphorisms of Patanjali, to do with microminiaturization …

Citation: “How to Know God: The Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali,” translated with a commentary by Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood, copyright 1953, 1981 by The Vedanta Society of Southern California … See the chapter Powers: Powers 45 and 46 and their explanation, pages 192-193. Described therein is placing Awareness on the elements, through which practice one gains mastery of the elements. Thus one can become very tiny or very large, very heavy or very light. One can walk through walls and through mountains. Fire will not burn such a person’s hand, and Arctic ice will not freeze his body. Though he swim a river, he will emerge dry. Though a tornado o’erwhelm him, he shall remain unmoving. These are the powers mastered by such as the famed yogi Mahavatar Babaji, and by others of East Indian fame; and in part by Martial artists I have met. It is my conceit that these powers might be commanded by our Martian bacterial body guests as well!

Hybrids can project their consciousness to the subatomic level, or to the atomic level. They can project their consciousness into the bloodstream of other people. They can subject other people to their will through ‘obsession’, as described in rather a different context in the texts of the School of Theosophy …

“Those victims of sudden death whose … earth-lives have been low and brutal, selfish and sensual, … are liable to develop into terribly evil entities. Inflamed with all kinds of horrible appetites which they can no longer satisfy directly now they are without a physical body, they gratify their loathsome passions vicariously through a medium or any sensitive person whom they can obsess; and they take a devilish delight in using all the arts of delusion which the astral plane puts in their power in order to lead others into the same excesses which have proved so fatal to themselves.” –from LInk: “The Astral Plane: Its Scenery, Inhabitants and Phenomena,” by C. W. Leadbeater …  “7. The Suicide, or victim of sudden death,” page 39 … … Project Gutenberg License: This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at

I posit that hybrids can keep them in that state … essentially one of ‘stasis’ … and mind control them into thinking that they are those hybrid beings circulating in the blood of someone that they want to turn to the astral negative.

Assisting them in this is the Martian alliance, which long for news from home. In actuality what was happening was the intel was going either through the obsessed human channel, or direct from the hybrids, through the bloodstream of the human being, and up to the crown chakra once a month, during the full moon. And somehow this information was getting from the crown chakra of the person to what they call ‘Moon Base’.

It has been written up, in the “Ascension Glossary,” that ‘Moon Base’ was a reptilian base, a place for negative energies to impact Earth …

Link: “Moon,” in Ascension Glossary … .. Search the term: Reptilian

Link: “Black Subtle Forces,” in Ascension Glossary … … Search the term: Moon Base

Putting all this together, I view what was essentially complete mind control, really, of the population of humankind … and filtering down, also, to the Martian population of Earth … that was taking place through a central command at Moon Base for a long time during the last Age of Darkness, and this collapsed in the early 2010s. Specifically, it was taking place through subconscious buy-in pre-2012-Shift, and became only briefly a conscious (though deeply deceived) choice for a few years post-Shift.

Now the Martian alliance with the negative astral beings no longer exists, because the latter are no longer a force in the world. The hybrids are all hiding out, hoarding art, gold and things of that nature … thinking that they may live much longer.

The theory they have is that they have no Soul. The truth of the matter, as I understand it, is that they do have Souls, but these Souls cannot enter the human vehicles (the physical and subtle bodies) until the etheric net and the samsakaras, the genes, are repaired, because the human vehicles of the person known as the hybrid right now are too damaged … the Light is too damaged … for the Soul to step into it.

Along these lines I would like to state that this is a very normal thing for a Soul when a human body is unable to be stepped into. For instance, as I understand it … it was from a gentleman who had recent experience with a Devic Kingdom incarnation … it was terrific information. And he observed it in his wife while she was pregnant and after she had her child. As their child was growing, what he observed was that the Soul of their child was standing by, and hovering over and patiently caring for the body of his infant child as it was nurtured in the womb … and for some years thereafter, until the physical body had everything in place for the Soul to step into it. At that point, then, the body was ensouled …

Link: “House of the Sun,” in “Soul Guidance,” by Carol Herzer and Dirk Gillabel … … Tab: Carol’s Art

So you see, the ‘hovering over’ of the Soul, and the watchful separateness of the Soul, are a natural thing for the human form, until it reaches a certain stage of its growth. In the same way for the hybrids, because they are born with this greatly damaged network of Light, the Soul waits patiently. I can offer this solace: The Soul is waiting patiently for their DNA repairs … which may commence next year.

Their lack of ensoulment, and their need for blood sacrifice and human blood, are fictions told to them by the Demon Realm, and reinforced by samskaric distortions of the Light, which are clearing now.

In case the hybrids have any questions regarding need for hemoglobin, I suggest trying chlorophyll, which is a chemical very similar in nature to hemoglobin, and which may act as a proper substitute until the clearings of Light take place for them.

Getting back to the Martians: I feel that the Martians also have been mislead by the negative astral beings. For instance, they thought that our bodies that they inhabit were ‘Space Stations’ and they are not; the Martians are living on Earth. They thought that the Moon was Mars and Mars is a totally different place from the Moon. They thought that they were in touch, once a month, with Mars … with their cherished home world … and that is not so. And these were the reasons why they agreed to the alliance with the astral beings negative.

A long and patient period needs to take place in which this assimilation of the difficulties that they have encountered with regard to the truth sinks in … and the same for us. For the Martians are a great and wise race that is our ally in the ongoing Awakening process, who … once their own distortions of the Light are cleared … will no doubt lead us into the Light … I feel that for sure … and be our patient and kind friends in the search for ever increasing Soul Awareness.

Here are a few more thoughts on that topic of an alliance between astral negative and Mars in our human bodies: Here is a third possibility … It is possible that the Martian bacteria inhabiting the human colon have bioengineered some organisms (such as viruses) that look a little like bacteria, or parts of bacteria, and which are really servomechanisms that bring in the signal of the negative astral realm to inside the human body, and eventually cause illness and death.

My understanding is that the Martians did not understand this aspect of these hybrid bacteria inside of us, and that they are as aghast at it as I was to think of it. And so I suggested … and I suggest you suggest as well … that if these hybrids were bioengineered into the Martian colonists, then they might be bioengineered out. And what his might result in, is the 90,000-year life expectancy that is mentioned in “Law of One (The Ra Material)” as being that in the astral realm (where we are now) …

Link: “Law of One (The Ra Material)” … Session 43.11  … … which states that the average lifetime in the astral realm is 90,000 years

My guess is that the ‘bill of goods’ that was sold to the Martians in this regard was that these hybrid beings … of which the Martians say: We have them surrounded … were supposed to be the astronauts and communicators that allowed them to communicate with Mars, on the full moon, from the crown chakra … but that in actuality they were allowing the negative astral beings to dip into the human aura and feast on the negativity there.

So the purpose of having bacterial hybrids (perhaps viruses?) within the blood would be to try to change the ‘flavor’ of the human electromagnetic field to such a ‘flavor’ … such a hateful ‘flavor’ … to change the quarks to such an extent that they would be edible by the Demon World.

This would have been something that the Martians would have been unaware of till now. So if you speak with them about it, please be gentle about it. You will find … as have I … that they can be quite reasonable when apprised of the facts of their situation.

There is a little more information I would like to relate with regard to the hybrids on Earth … maybe related to the Anunnaki (aka Annunaki) tales or the Anak tales, as described in the “Law of One (The Ra Materials)” … ..

Link: “Annunaki,” in Ascension Glossary … ..

Link: “Anunnaki,” in Wikipedia … ..

Link: “The Anunnaki and the Tree of Creation,” at Bibliotecapleyades … ..

There was a story in the early 2000s that there were a population … a dwindling population … of hybrids who may have been Annunaki or Anaks, or maybe reptilian … I do not know too much about the negative side … Anyway, there was this group that needed to return from Earth to the Moon because they knew that the Ascension process and the Awakening were going to be happening, and they did not think that they would make the cut. They would not make the grade. So they needed to be off Earth during that time.

This fits in with the notion of the miniaturized hybrids a little. I cannot think of any other way to explain it. As I understand it, there were three primary beings … probably astral, not human, in form and in nature … who ‘stepped into’ various human forms as they wished, for a long time … setting the Souls aside and ‘walking into’ those forms … and then, through their habits, eventually destroying the human form, and ‘walking into’ another one.

Or they could replicate a holographic display of a human being that, to most people, appeared to be normal, but lacked a Soul and was really like a 3D motion picture. I have seen such a thing at a church service in Glendale, California, some years ago; it was the speaker who appeared to be a holographic image … almost as if beamed down from a hovering spacecraft. I recall blinking, and looking around the room at the other people in attendance. Everyone seemed fine … substantial, real, all quarks in place.

Then I looked back at the speaker, a young man. He seemed different, nearly transparent … lacking some quarks maybe? By chance could he have been a genetic experiment for which introns were deleted? What could that mean? To this day I wonder what was up, on that day? What did I see? What did it mean?  …

There were these beings that could do these things. As to what they really were, I do not know. Amongst them there was a story, in the early 2000s, when they heard about the Awakening, of getting off Earth. There were two beings that talked to me, who I think were brother and sister, but for some reason married … maybe in a mythological way … who had been on Earth, ransacking Earth in this way of moving from Soul to Soul, for a long time, like lions or lion cubs that had gone mad.

The story they had was that, if they slept with a human woman, then they would have to kill her, because otherwise the gene line would be distorted … which does not make any sense if they were astral. But that was their myth, that they had to kill any human woman with whom they slept.

So they kept mainly to themselves, and did blood sacrifice in order to survive. It was also part of their myth, that they needed extra blood, which must be obtained by sacrificing other people, or by raiding blood banks … That was part of their Soul wounding.

The story is that the father of these two was one of those selected to go on a space ship. The space ship was going to the Moon. It was carrying human hosts … those that they would eat? … If these were microminiaturized hybrids, then that would be an interesting prospect, because they like the idea of being in human blood and having a lot of it around them. If they were in the human bloodstream, that would be, to their way of thinking, an ideal situation. Otherwise it does not make much sense to me.

I have come up with some thoughts on this perplexing myth: I first wondered if this could possibly be a story about microminiaturized full-blood hybrids in the blood of astronauts — possibly an urban legend to do with the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster in February 2003?

Alternatively, might it have to do with Martian bacterial legends of rogue bacteria … not colonists of the mammalian colon but ‘Ancient Ones’ who get into the human bloodstream through cuts and scrapes, causing sepsis of the blood?

Martian bacterial colonists of the colon have a species outlook very different from our own; the anti-human nature of a myth that involves human sacrifice through blood sepsis … if valid … would be a good example of this mismatch of Weltanschauungs. 

Thus an event dangerous to human life, I posit, might have been idealized as the ‘ancient way’ of Mars, an outrider lifestyle ‘glammed up’ by the colonists, in a way similar to human glamourization of the life of Genghis Khan (which few might claim to be tenable in modern times).

Yet another possibility is that the Demon Realm had misled the Martian bacterial colonists of the human colon into thinking that the HIV / AIDS virus, which circulates in the human bloodstream, was like one of the ‘Ancient Ones’ from the Martian myth of creation.

Link: “History of Martians on Earth: The Ancient Ones,” by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 26 July 2018 … ..

The sad story I got is that these two … these siblings … were not among those chosen because they were half-breeds. But the father was chosen.

For a long time I waited for news about this spaceship, which I did not see in the news. I heard, much later, that it was destroyed en route by the Sun, and the whole thing incinerated. So there is that; I have no context in which, with surety, to place it. It may seem to my reader, as it does to me, that this story is ‘out there’; it is a far grab to a reasonable explanation.

And the other story I have about these two is that, possessed as they are, of immense psychic powers … and if, in fact, they are not ensouled … they appear to be semi-eternal figures on the landscape of this planet, that represent, in my mind, Archangel Michael as a Fallen Angel … It is, in a way, like the shadow of Darkness that comes over this planet during the long Ages of Darkness. And the other … the woman … as the shadow, the opposite of Christ … the shadow of the Christ consciousness that comes over the planet during the Age of Darkness. So together these might represent the Angels’ and Beings of Light’s shadow side that somehow overtakes this planet during that time.

I expect these two, in the coming Great Age … which is the beginning of a giant Great Age … to be transformed once more into the truly great magnificence of Archangel Michael and the truly  great magnificence of Christ consciousness. That is how I see that.

As to their father … the being that is sometimes described in their myth as being on the Moon, and sometimes as being near them but not with them on Earth: Maybe this is the shadow side of the notion of God the father, the Creator who also creates Dark, the Original Thought that moves out into the Duality play of Creation. So maybe that figure will also lighten up more like the Creator God, more like the Elohim, more like the Christian notion of God the Father, in the coming age.

This is the only context I have for this: There is a Myth of Darkness out there … a Trinity of Darkness. It is like the planet Nibiru tracking and stalking Earth. In the same way there is this notion of the Shadow Trinity … the shadow of the Hindu Trinity, and of the Christian Trinity … that is sometimes made flesh … apparent flesh … in the form of hybrids, and sometimes standing off, by itself, in the fourth dimension … The things I do not know about this could fill a lot of books.

Since these ‘servomechanisms’, or Martian hybrids in our blood, or Demon Realm entities … whatever they are … are intended to produce disease and death in the human form, I feel that it would be to our mutual advantage for us humans to assist the Martian bacterial colonists of our colons in eliminating them. They can work, through their genetic research, their bioengineering; and we can assist through proper diet, through proper hydration techniques, through good rest and getting plenty of exercise, and through meditation. In other words, through a very healthful lifestyle we could eliminate these hybrids in our own blood.

It stands to reason, if they were placed there so as to injure our health, then healthful lifestyle will help eliminate them. This would be another form of human-Martian alliance in terms of physical health of the human body.

That is it for now. You all take care.

In love, light and joy,
Alice B. Clagett
I Am of the Stars

Filmed on 27 November 2016; still images taken on 3 December 2016; published on 5 December 2016; revised on 9 July 2017
Previously titled: Devils, Hybrids, and the Astral Negative-Martian Alliance … and … Pre-Shift Alliance of Martians with Devils and Hybrids
Location of still photos: Malibu Creek State Park, Santa Monica Mountains, California

The photos from this video are among those shown here … Link: “Malibu Creek State Park,” photos by Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 27 November 2016; still images taken on 3 December 2016; published on 5 December 2016 … ..


For the complete Martian Archives, see …
Link: “Compendium of the Martian Archives: Bacterial Colonists of Earth,” by Alice B. Clagett, 9 July 2017, updated … ..


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


deals with the devil, human hybrids, Martians, Martian bacteria, demon realm, V— D— mental filter, F— Y– in the A– H— mental filter, star brethren, blood sacrifice, health, diet, meditation, exercise, sleep, shadow trinity, trinity, Christ consciousness, fallen angel, Archangel Michael, Nibiru, duality, hybrids, Anunnaki, Anak, neg speak, malspeak, Patanjali, urban legends, reptilians, bioengineering, mental filters, circle of one, feral children, Patanjali, antisocial personalities, obsession, School of Theosophy, crown chakra, Moon base, Annunaki, introns, God the Father, Elohim, Christianity, Nibiru, fourth dimension, 4D, Alice’s perilous tales, jinn, genies, Ascension, astral planes, Ancient Ones, Archaea, bacteria, viruses, anger, rage, Lightworkers, age of reason, Higher Mental Body, ensoulment, samskaras, Lower Mental Body, gut brain, myths, myths of creation, interspecies communication, commensalism, stories by Alice, biology, esoteric lore, occult lore, physical body, psychic powers, spiritual adepts, telepathy, clair senses, psychic abilities, my favorites,

Urban Legends: Black Magic, the Tachyon Field, and Electronic Devices . by Alice B. Clagett

    • About Electronics Going Down During Solar Events
    • The Urban Legend About Using the ‘Tachyon Field’ as a Weapon of War . Or Is It the ‘Attack Y’all Field’?
    • The True Story: Hatred of Women Expressed Through Group Energy
    • The Urban Legend (Continued): Authority by Government Grant to Kill Women?!
    • The Truth About the Tachyon Field Experiment
    • What to Do When the Incoming Clair Vibe is Hatred of You Specifically
    • The Moral: Hatred Destroys This World, But Love Builds It Up
    • Electronics Are Halfway Between the Physical and the Astral Plane
    • On Exercising Our Trimurti Powers Wisely

Dear Ones,

After this video there is an edited Summary …



Hello, Dear Ones, It’s Alice. I Am of the Stars.

About Electronics Going Down During Solar Events

I have something short and sweet to tell you about black magic and electronics. I have spoken in other blogs about how, during times of solar flair … Solar Events … lots of times my electronics will act kerflooey and go down … just stop working … especially during X-flares or multiple M-flares. That has not been happening much in recent years, but I have experienced a lot of near misses happening.

What I notice is that the astral air thickens with telepathy about other people’s curses; for instance, if I am on the internet, I might hear them saying: Get off the internet! Get off the internet!

And I do not want to, because I am working on something, right? They do not know what they are doing, I feel. But their subconscious minds are demanding that I get off the internet. From my own energy field what happens is, a kind of a sparky energy starts coming out of my eyes, and a kind of a sparky energy … little sparks … starts coming out of my heart chakra as well.

I believe it is these energies of annoyance or aggravation that are causing the trouble with the electronics. So what I do now, when I start to hear something annoying on the clair hearing plane, is that I get up and walk away from the electronics. If I stay away from the electronics for a little while, then that that whole thing clears, and I can go back and work safely.

So there is a fail-safe mechanism, and that is our own hearts. We can stop this stuff from happening if we rise to Awareness of the subconscious things that are happening all around us, and we act on that information in a conscious way.

The lesson or moral I would draw from this is that hatred tears things down, on Earth. Even annoyance and aggravation are a very mild form of hatred that destroys things: Electronics stop working, and phones stop working. All kinds of things stop working.

But love is the energy that will co-create the New Reality on Earth.

The Urban Legend About Using the ‘Tachyon Field’ as a Weapon of War . Or Is It the ‘Attack Y’all Field’?

There is an urban legend about the ‘Tachyon Field’ that could be produced during group meditation when somebody mind controls everyone else in the group. There was a wild astral story going round, some years ago, to the effect that this Tachyon Field could be used as a weapon of war by the military. Because of that, I prefer to call it the ‘Attack Y’all Field.’

The True Story: Hatred of Women Expressed Through Group Energy

But the truth of the matter is that this field of energy that was happening, happened because the leader of the meditation was feeling anger and hatred, and upset against women.

He was leading a mixed group of men and women in meditation. And so what happened was that he and the other men in the group that were under his command, used that energy to attack the women in the group.

The Urban Legend (Continued): Authority by Government Grant to Kill Women?!

A grant was approved for the study of this ‘weapon of war’ … so the Urban Legend has it … and a trial was begun, using the women in the meditation group as test subjects. The question, to be proven or disproven, was: Could the ‘attack y’all field’ be used by the men in the meditation group to destroy the women in the group? The Pentagon would pay good money for this, or so this amazing urban story went. 

The experiment was undertaken. Some of the women passed on because of it. Others felt that their lives were endangered, but if they rested in faith, then they came through it all right. So, at least according to the astral stories, there were some deaths … some people going missing … and then other people that rose to faith and got through the whole thing.

The Truth About the Tachyon Field Experiment

The ‘attack y’all field’ is the energy of hatred, of misogyny, of loathing, of anger, of annoyance, of grievance … some kind of negative energy of the heart chakra that goes out and attacks the person that is the object of that emotion.

It is much worse in a group, if a bunch of people get together and decide they are going to attack someone. Whether it is a bunch of women attacking a man, or a bunch of men attacking a woman, or attacking someone of the same gender, it just does not matter. It is the numbers of people that feel hatred for some particular person, or perhaps for a smaller group, that cause the trouble and the mischief on Earth.

What to Do When the Incoming Clair Vibe is Hatred of You Specifically

If you are targeted like that, what they say is: Send the energy back, transformed with love. With your mind and with your open heart you say …

May you be blessed with unconditional love!

There is nothing that the black magic realm can do with that … nothing at all. This is the energy of Christ consciousness that you send back. And there is no response from the lower realms … from the hellworlds … for that. It cannot be.

The Moral: Hatred Destroys This World, But Love Builds It Up

It is the same with electronics, you see.

Other people’s hatred, directed at us, can influence our electronics to temporarily go down.

In the same way, hatred destroys this world.

But our loving heart energy can influence the electronics to work perfectly, proving that love builds this world. Why is this?

Electronics Are Halfway Between the Physical and the Astral Plane

We can influence the electronics to work perfectly because electronics are halfway between the astral realm and the physical realm in the way that they work … and the energy that they work with. So we can see in them that they are more sensitive to the energy of our human electromagnetic fields.

As such, as half-astral inventions, they can prove this point that hatred destroys this world; it is that ‘Shiva, Shiva’ thing. And love builds this world up. That is that ‘Brahma’ feeling: Love builds the world up. And then there is Lord Vishnu, who sustains creation. After Lord Brahma creates … manifests … reality, it is Lord Vishnu that dreams the dream of the illusion until a new illusion is built.

On Exercising Our Trimurti Powers Wisely

This is the Trimurti: Lords Shiva, Brahma, and Vishnu. All beautiful … all absolutely beautiful energies, but can we use them wisely? Can we use the Shiva energy to destroy what ought to be destroyed? And can we use the Brahma energy … the great energy of creation … to build that which must be built for New Earth?

And can we let that ‘tachyon field’ thing go? It is time!  And it is time to stop worshiping Lord Shiva just because we feel angry; do you not feel it to be so? Lord Shiva ought to be the thing that we use, with great discretion, to tear down the old so that the great New can begin … a New Beginning for Earth, do you not agree? 

That is all for now. Talk to you all later.

Image: “Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva Seated on Lotuses with Their Consorts, Saraswati, Lakshmi and Paravati respectively. ca 1770. Guler, India,” at V&A Museum … in Wikipedia .. public domain … DESCRIPTION: The three greatest Hindu deities are shown here together with their consorts. They are sometimes regarded as a trinity, who together represent aspects of the supreme godhead. The four-headed Brahma, holding copies of the oldest Indian sacred scriptures, the Vedas, together with his consort Saraswati, symbolises the power of creation. Next to him the blue Vishnu, with his consort Lakshmi, represents the energy that upholds and preserves creation. To their right Shiva, with his wife Parvati, embodies the power of destruction. All three divine couples sit on lotus flowers, which are one of the most ancient Indian symbols of purity and spiritual power. This painting may have been made for the enjoyment of a local nobleman or ruler and was probably the work of local artists in north-west India.

Image: “Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva Seated on Lotuses with Their Consorts, Saraswati, Lakshmi and Paravati respectively. ca 1770. Guler, India,” at V&A Museum … in Wikipedia .. public domain …

DESCRIPTION: The three greatest Hindu deities are shown here together with their consorts. They are sometimes regarded as a trinity, who together represent aspects of the supreme godhead.

The four-headed Brahma, holding copies of the oldest Indian sacred scriptures, the Vedas, together with his consort Saraswati, symbolises the power of creation.

Next to him the blue Vishnu, with his consort Lakshmi, represents the energy that upholds and preserves creation.

To their right Shiva, with his wife Parvati, embodies the power of destruction. All three divine couples sit on lotus flowers, which are one of the most ancient Indian symbols of purity and spiritual power. This painting may have been made for the enjoyment of a local nobleman or ruler and was probably the work of local artists in north-west India.

Photos by Alice

Image: “Pink and Purple Bougainvillea,” by Alice B. Clagett, 13 November 2016, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

Image: “Pink and Purple Bougainvillea,” by Alice B. Clagett, 13 November 2016, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..  

Image: “Pink Bougainvillea,” by Alice B. Clagett, 13 November 2016, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

Image: “Pink Bougainvillea,” by Alice B. Clagett, 13 November 2016, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..  

. . . . .

In love, light and joy,
Alice B. Clagett
I Am of the Stars

Filmed on 13 November 2016; published on 14 November 2016; revised on 17 March 2023
Previously titled: Black Magic, the Tachyon Field, and Electronic Devices


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


hatred, love, tachyon field, war, misogyny, Trimurti, electronics, black magic, astral plane, physical plane, annoyance, aggravation, psychic crime, psychic murder, plane of forces, quantum physics, urban legends, government grants, law, Solar Events, mind control, faith, Christ consciousness, quantum physics, Brahma, Saraswati, Vishnu, Lakshmi, Shiva, Parvati, New Beginning, photos by Alice, Heart Vampire,

On ISIS and Like That . by Alice B. Clagett

Written and published on 15 September 2016

Dear Ones,

The weirdest astral story is circulating round … about a Jewish fringe group that engages in white collar terrorist acts against Americans not of their culture … to the effect that they seek out ‘lonely hearts’, cull them from family and friends, use their considerable psychic and sexual powers to part them from their money and land them somewhere where no more trouble will come of the matter. A minor source of in-group wrangling being the manner of ‘landing’ … whether mental institution, old folks’ home, or plain dirt, 6 foot under!

This group, so the story goes, is spread out, octopus tentacle-like, all over the US of A, but organized by secret ‘cells’, need to know-wise.

Further way so out there, a fringe story about down and out Jewish individuals being offered sizable cash grants to their families in exchange for perpetrating terrorist acts under the guise of being ISIS folks.

And yet another fringe story, circulating a couple of years ago, about psychic powers being used out of LA to foment terrorist acts as far away as the Middle East; that story, at least, has thankfully ceased. I suppose there is some grain of truth in these ‘way so weird’ astral stories.

But what grain? It would be like searching for a needle in a haystack. Better to just plunk down the coins for the daily newspaper, whose headlines are far and away more informative.

I will hazard a guess about this one, though: Maybe there are ‘out there’ individuals in every major religion, expectably, though the vast majority of folks in every religion are peace loving and law abiding?

As the Awakening proceeds, I am looking forward to each group tidying up its own ‘out there’ elements. Who better to deal with this, than the group itself? That is my thought about it.

Meantime, a nice walk out in Nature is, I feel, a far better way to while away the time, than to pay homage to these astral stories circulating round the noosphere.

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars

Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


astral stories, terrorism, terrorist acts, psychic terrorists, religion, interfaith, groups, ISIS, Judaism, Islam, cull, politics, Middle East, urban legends, geography, Wild West, law enforcement, LG,

Acceptable Collateral Damage Mental Filter in America . by Alice B. Clagett

Written and published on 18 June 2016; revised
Previously titled: Acceptable Collateral Damage Mental Filter

    • Hits per Retired Operative: The Conservative Estimate
    • Hits per Retired Operative: The Estimate If Things Get Out of Hand
    • The Total Numbers of Homeland Citizens That Might be Slain
    • Adding It All Up
    • What Conclusion Would the Average American Reach, as to Permissiveness Regarding Homeland Slayings by Retired Operatives?

Dear Ones,


I have come across an astral story recently that is really ‘out there’. There has been talk in recent years about the notion of acceptable collateral damage. Some feel that this notion, while regrettable, is a practical one.

This implied consent to the practicality of the notion has apparently led to the circulation of the Acceptable Collateral Damage Mental Filter in the noosphere. I feel this mental filter is completely without merit or truth, and that it is being used by antisocial personalities (ASPs) … who are quite wily, when all is said and done … as cover for their serial killing and other crimes.


One sees posters from time to time about missing children. The famous case of the missing Dylan Redwine boy is one such instance …

Link: “Dylan Redwine: The Journey to Justice,” on Facebook … ..

There are many other cases of missing children all over the world, and even here in the United States. I expect that may contribute to the tenacity of this astral story in the noosphere. The story goes like this …


The notion of collateral damage is considered acceptable … regrettable, but practical in today’s world. So then, along the lines of practicality, the astral story continues like this: What is the proper hiring profile for the intelligence agencies of the world? Would not an antisocial personality, such as a serial killer, be perfect for this job? But then, what would be the retirement prerogatives of an intelligence agent who is an ASP?

Practically speaking … but regrettably so … this astral story then makes an assumption regarding acceptable collateral damage among the relatively powerless portions of a homeland population. For instance, the retired ASP operative might be assigned an acceptable kill rate per month among ‘the powerless’ citizens of a small town, such as …

  • children
  • single women
  • the elderly
  • people with alternate lifestyles
  • homeless men and women
  • underserved ethnicities


What a sci fi scenario that would be, would it not? How would the people of a country feel about having retired ASPs at work ‘in their own back yard’? In America, whose Declaration of Independence, the very cornerstone of our country, states that this notion of acceptable collateral damage in one’s own backyard clearly would not fly …

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” –from “United States Declaration of Independence,” in Wikipedia … … Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License ..

The average American citizen would ask …

  • How many ‘hits’ might an ASP operative be expected to make during his or her working life, serving their country?
  • How many ‘hits’ per year, among their home country population, might be considered acceptable collateral damage?
  • How many years might they expect to live after retirement?

The average American would multiply the ‘hits’ per retirement year by the life expectancy of the retired ASP operative, and compare the product to the number of hits during the operative’s working life.  I crunched these numbers below …

Hits per Retired Operative: The Conservative Estimate

10 years as an operative  =  possibly a maximum of 10 ‘hits’ while working. 40 years retirement, at 1 hypothetically approved homeland retirement ‘hit’ per month  =  (40 retirement years)  x  (12 months per year)  =  480 hypothetically approved homeland retirement ‘hits’.  480 – 10 = 470 freebie ‘hits’ in one ASP operative’s lifetime. In other words, the 10 hits while working as an operative would be balanced by 10 of the ‘freebie’ homeland retirement hits. And the remaining 470 freebie hits would be way in excess of a ‘murder credit’ that might be unfathomably assigned by a government to its retired operatives.

Hits per Retired Operative: The Estimate If Things Get Out of Hand

With ASPs, things can get out of hand at times, depending primarily on substance abuse and the opportunistic synchrony resulting from keeping bad company. And so, ‘hits’ can ratchet up from 1 per month (which an ASP would consider the model of prudent self-restraint) to 1 per week (or more) (which an ASP would consider simply to be ‘bad timing’ from the standpoint of possible public scrutiny).

Crunching the numbers from the perspective of 1 ‘hit’ per week, it would be (40 retirement years)  x  (52 weeks per year)  =  2,080 homeland ‘hits’ during an ASP’s retirement.  2,080 – 10 would then = 2,070 freebie ‘hits’ in one ASP operative’s lifetime, from a pragmatic standpoint.

The True Numbers of Homeland Citizens That Might be Slain

An ASP is an ASP, all his or her life, and the ‘hit’ pattern continues throughout the ASP’s life. One ought thus to calculate into such a hypothetical scenario out of hand ‘hits’ starting at, say, 9 years of age, and on through, say, 30 years of age, which would be a putative retirement date.

That would be (21 years preretirement)  x (12 months per year)  =  252 additional freebie homeland ‘hits’ in a conservative scenario.

Or, in an out-of-hand. weekly ‘hit’ scenario, (21 years pretirement) x (52 weeks per year)  = 1,092 preretirement hits.

Adding It All Up …

  • Conservative scenario of one ‘hit’ per month: (252 preretirement ‘hits’) + (480 freebie ‘hits’ during retirement) = 732 homeland lives lost during one ASP’s lifetime.
  • ‘Out of hand’ scenario of one ‘hit’ per week: (1,092 preretirement ‘hits’) + (2,080 ‘hits’ during retirement) = 3,172 homeland lives lost during one ASP’s lifetime.

What Conclusion Would the Average American Reach, as to Permissiveness Regarding Homeland Slayings by Retired Operatives?

Then the average American would very likely conclude that the cost in the lives of those he loved … the threat of death to his children, his wife, his fellow co-workers and their families … far outweighed the service the ASP had provided to his country.

I feel this to be true: Americans would vote, hands down, against such an astral story taking up space in their personal reality. It’s quite clear that this mental filter is nothing but a ‘Hollywood movie’ that has wafted into everyone’s Awareness on the astral plane.


This New Earth sparkles with love and Light. We can change everything, in the wink of an eye! When these sorts of dense timeline scenarios waft into my Awareness, I very quickly turn to timeline optimization …

Spirit to Team!
Optimize Timelines!
For the All, through Free Will!

The minute I do so, all is new, and fresh, and full of love and Light. I see before me the freedom to live my life, with all the liberties our great Constitution provides … to pursue my own happiness … to follow my heart, on a beautiful, sunny summer day, here in America, the Land of the Free.

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars

Video: “America the Beautiful,” by Silver1Sprg, 16 April 2009 … ..


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


antisocial personalities, serial killers, social issues, civilian casualties, collateral damage, astral stories, intelligence agencies, mental filters, acceptable collateral damage mental filter, missing children, timeline optimization, secret service, law enforcement, law, human rights, serial killing, urban legends, politics,