Category Archives: Rites of passage

On Torture, and Being Tortured . by Alice B. Clagett

On Torture, and Being Tortured

Image Markup: “Negative Energies Conveyed Through Feelings of Sadism and Masochism,” adapted by Alice B. Clagett, 7 November 2022, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … COMMENTS: The colors of the first, second, and third chakras of those who torture, and of those who are tortures, are tainted with darkness. In this image, dark bands of red, orange, and yellow light proceed from the torsos of the torturers and their energy pierces the torso of the man being tortured. –Alice B. Clagett … CREDITS: Image: “The Flagellation of Christ,” by Anton Raphael Mengs, 1769, in Wikimedia Commons …,_de_Anton_Raphael_Mengs_(Palacio_Real_de_Madrid).jpg … public domain

Image Markup: “Negative Energies Conveyed Through Feelings of Sadism and Masochism,” adapted by Alice B. Clagett, 7 November 2022, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,”

COMMENTS: The colors of the first, second, and third chakras of those who torture, and of those who are tortures, are tainted with darkness. In this image, dark bands of red, orange, and yellow light proceed from the torsos of the torturers and their energy pierces the torso of the man being tortured. –Alice B. Clagett …

CREDITS: Image: “The Flagellation of Christ,” by Anton Raphael Mengs, 1769, in Wikimedia Commons …,_de_Anton_Raphael_Mengs_(Palacio_Real_de_Madrid).jpg … public domain

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    • Groups of Young Men and the Issue of PTSD
    • Hypotheses
      • Fight or Flight Response Flip Flop
      • Tortured or Torture Response Flip Flop

Dear Ones,

This blog is about a dream I had about a man who was in danger of being tortured and some research I did because of the dream.


I woke up with another dream tonight; this time, I saw what seemed to be a good looking Puerto Rican man, dressed in black, in a dark place … my feeling was, in the woods somewhere. He said to me …

I don’t understand. They hired me as a driver. They said it was important that I speak Latin, but no one here speaks Latin. What should I do?

My higher mind said something rational to him on the clair plane, such as …

Do what you think necessary, considering the situation.

But my gut brain had another message for him … Danger! Danger! … and apparently his gut brain got that message right away.

Gosh, what a dream! There were so many people glommed to that dream, wanting to sit in and observe what might have been about to develop into a ‘torture the one who is different’ dream. Gosh.


Just now I did some reading on torture …

Link: “Torture Is a Form of Trauma; Trauma Causes PTSD,” by Mark Dombeck, Ph.D., 1 October 2006, updated 1 September 2016 … In … ..

Link: “This is How It Feels to Torture,” by Lydia DePillis, 11 December 2014, in The Washington Post … ..


I have  read that group initiation techniques for gang members may involve ‘hazing’, and that this may be a ‘rite of passage’, I note this in young male groups in two contexts: street gangs and college fraternities …

Link: “Into the Abyss: A Personal Journey into the World of Street Gangs,” by Mike Carlie, Ph.D., continually updated … .. I found this factual article to be very informative.

Link: “Hazing: Why Young Men Do It,” by Benjamin Redford, Live Science Contributor, 14 May 2008 … ..

Apparently, this hazing is a rite of passage for young men. A test of manhood. These tests of manhood can leave scars, both in those tested, and in those that test. And also in out-group members who are the object of manhood tests …

Groups of Young Men and the Issue of PTSD

Apparently, urban violence, putatively sometimes gang-related, causes PTSD in victims of violence …

Link: “Guns: The PTSD Crisis That’s Being Ignored: Americans Wounded in Their Own Neighborhoods: Americans in violent neighborhoods are developing PTSD at rates similar to combat veterans. Why aren’t hospitals screening them? It costs money,” by Lois Beckett, 3 February 2014 … ..

In addition, membership in street gangs apparently can cause PTSD …

Link: “Gang Membership: Links to Violence Exposure, Paranoia, PTSD, Anxiety, and Forced Control of Behavior in Prison,” by J. Wood and S. Dennard, in Psychiatry. 2017 Spring;80(1):30-41. doi: 10.1080/00332747.2016.1199185 … ..

From my reading, I gather there are issues of PTSD for groups of young men who experience being hazed, or who haze, and for out-group members whom they may haze.


Fight or Flight Response Flip Flop. In earlier blogs, I mentioned that the fight or flight response can flip flop back and forth … One moment a person is in panic mode, and the next they may turn, on the astral plane, to attack mode. I have clair heard this happen time after time on the astral plane.

Tortured or Torture Response Flip Flop. Could it also be that physical experiences of being tortured, or of torturing, might flip back and forth as well? On the physical plane, could a person who has been hazed in a rite of passage flip to ‘I will torture’ mode? Could it be that groups of young men who have been initiated through hazing might expand torture activities to include people outside the gang? Say, with planned intervals of rape or torture, as a way to reinforce camaraderie?


The issue, as I see it, is that acts of torture are not condoned by society. Thus, repeated acts of rape or torture may result in social sanctions, possibly even brutal social sanctions such as capital punishment.

Thus I propose that those involved in planned intervals of rape or torture seek expert help in determining the trigger points, so that they themselves can put a damper on ‘acting out’. Acting out puts a damper on Soul healing, because every instance of acting out … such as torturing a person perceived to be ‘different’ from oneself … compounds the original Soul wounding. Thus I suggest the various forms of therapy for PTSD that are available today …

Link: “Preventing Gang Violence by Offering a Community,” by Allen Fennewald, 21 December 2016 … ..

Link: “Post-traumatic Stress Disorder,” from the NIH: National Institute of Mental Health … ..

Headway made through therapy clears the way for the process of Soul healing through the Incoming Light can be expedited.

I also feel it might be good for each group of young men to consider what would be the optimum test of manhood within the context of that group, taking into consideration the issues of PTSD and the future need for adjustment to mainstream life as they mature and have families of their own.

Well, that is all I have for now on this very difficult topic.

In love, light and joy,
Alice B. Clagett
I Am of the Stars

Written and published on 2 February 2018; revised on 7 November 2023

Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

torture, gang violence, gang initiation, PTSD, psychiatry, psychology, rites of passage, tests of manhood, ceremony, subconscious mind, rites of manhood, acting out, defense mechanisms, fight or flight, hazing, lightworkers, diversity, groups, in-group, out-group, urban violence, gloms, cities of earth, street gangs, fraternity hazing, post-traumatic stress disorder, war, hazing, torture, crime families, mafia,

Incarnational Touchstones . a vision by Alice B. Clagett

Filmed on 10 August 2016; published on 13 August 2016; transcribed on 6 October 2018; revised on 23 June 2020
Previously titled: Incarnational Touchstones and Rites of Passage  … and …  Incarnational Touchstones and Archetypal Sounds
The Summary of the Video has been revised and excerpted to “My Memories of Other Incarnations.”

    • Introduction
    • Archetypal Sounds: Rites of Passage

Image: “The River,” by Carla Lovato … … DESCRIPTION: Flowing diagonally through the image, from upper right to lower left, is a watercourse with the faces of 11 men and women in it. Top left: A full moon shining over a barren, craggy landscape. Bottom right: A tree with a thick trunk and strong roots. Imprint: “copyright Carla Lovato” … COMMENT: This image was eerily close to that I saw in the vision described below, except that I saw a river that was a time tunnel. Archetypal Sounds floating swiftly along, and the time tunnel was flowing out away from me, from outside my bedroom window.

Dear Ones,

This video is a description of a vision of incarnational touchstones. Also, the importance of rites of passage. There is an edited Summary after the video …



Hello, Dear Ones, It’s Alice. I Am of the Stars.


I thought I would tell you about a vision I had years ago … the same year that my mother passed on …

I had an experience of very deep Soul anxiety, many years ago. I remember lying in bed for three days, feeling that I could not move, and that there was nothing at all that I could do about it. And that had to do with the experience of deep grief that I was feeling.

Archetypal Sounds: Rites of Passage

And during those three days … from which I eventually arose, a completely different person … during that time of transition, I had a very deep vision one night. I fell into a vision of being in a time tunnel, and of experiencing a lifetime … not the current lifetime, but another lifetime … as sounds of Rites of Passage [or alternatively, as ‘Archeypal Sounds’].

There were only four; and those summed up the entire lifetime …

  • I heard the wail of a baby being born … the first cry of a child …
  • I heard the ecstatic cry of a woman, as she climaxed during intercourse …
  • I heard her cry out in anguish as she gave birth …
  • And I heard the last sob of breath, as she passed on, from physical, into astral form …

And those sounds disappeared down the tunnel of time that I envisioned, They disappeared and whirled away.

That was an incredible experience. Ever since then, I have taken into account what this society so frequently overlooks: The milestones of the evolution of a human life. And I feel that, in future, these milestones will receive more recognition, through Ceremony, in human society.

And surely it should be so, that the entire community would recognize …

  • the child reaching puberty;
  • the rite of union, whether it be through marriage or however it should evolve in future;
  • the rite of birth … that is another wonderful experience that deserves nurturing … it deserves some people in the community helping a pregnant woman, and helping after the birth, I feel … and honoring that experience, so that the child can have a good start in life.
  • and the rite of death … that that milestone should no longer be veiled in secrecy, but rather, celebrated in joy.

That is my story for the moment. God bless you all.


One way to hold the sounds described above is as archetypal sounds. Along these lines, here is these haunting NASA recordings of the archetypal sounds of planet Earth …

Link: Golden Record: Sounds of Earth, by NASA … ..

“Golden Record: Sounds of Earth,” by NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory/CalTech Institute … .

NASA is not far off in recording these Sounds of Earth and send them into space; I feel that archetypal sounds such as those I heart are imprinted on the Akashic records in Rites of Passage during the span of a human lifetime. Thus, in a sense, they are the permanent record of humankind, hurled out into space and kept safe in our local and Universal Akashic record storage facilities.

I feel that the Akashic records of humankind comprise, at their core, both these Archetypal Sounds and the Archetypal Images described by Carl Jung. As to the latter, I am happy to have contributed what I might …

Link: “Archetypal Images to Support and Protect Humankind,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 20 September 2016; revised on 20 August 2017 … ..

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars

The Summary of the Video in blue or green font have been excerpted to … Link: “Tiny Anthologies: Incarnational Memories,” by Alice B. Clagett, compiled from prior blogs on 10 February 2019; revised … ..


See Link: “12 Rituals to Reopen Your Life,” by Charlotte Eulette, 27 January 2012 … ..

Here is another rite of passage, offered once a year by Earth Skills of Frazier Park, CA …

Link: The Solo Spiritual Quest, in Class Descriptions, at Earth Skills … ..


Image: “Magenta Flowers on a Tree 1,” by Alice B. Clagett, 10 August 2016, CC BY-SA 4.0

Image: “Magenta Flowers on a Tree 1,” by Alice B. Clagett, 10 August 2016, CC BY-SA 4.0

Image: “Magenta Flowers on a Tree 2,” by Alice B. Clagett, 10 August 2016, CC BY-SA 4.0

Image: “Magenta Flowers on a Tree 2,” by Alice B. Clagett, 10 August 2016, CC BY-SA 4.0


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


visions, incarnation, ceremony, ritual, life changes, milestones, rites of passage, visions by Alice, archetypal sounds, archetypal images, Akashic records, timelines, wormholes, portals, photos by Alice,

Ways to Attain Liberation . by Alice B. Clagett *

    • Stories by Alice: Thoughts on Ways to Attain Liberation
      • “Meditation for Abundance of Wealth or Love,” Chanted (But Not Created) by Alice B. Clagett, Soundtrack and Words
    • The Trouble with the Yogic Superpowers
    • On Using Drugs to Attain Yogic Superpowers
    • Optimizing Timelines to Avoid Using Yogic Superpowers for Worldly Gain
    • For the Skeptic: A ‘What-If’ Exercise
    • Photos by Alice

Dear Ones,

In this video are thoughts on how to attain God consciousness, based on “How to Know God: The Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali,” with commentary by Swami Prabhavananda, translated by Christopher Isherwood …

Continue reading

The Manhood Mental Filter . by Alice B. Clagett

Dear Ones,

Sometimes the stories in clair chatter are just too out there … like this one, for instance. Who could dream up such a thing? Is it a very scary Hollywood movie? Just someone’s recurrent nightmare? Or maybe it has significance in the symbolism of the unconscious mind? If so, what might that symbolism be?


I have known about this most likely fictitious, or else very exaggerated astral story for some years now, but I have felt very reluctant to talk about it. Why is this? When I get this feeling, there is usually a strong social taboo involved, which is restraining me from describing the story, and is also the reason why the story is stridently circulating through the unconscious thought cloud of the world. There is an edited Summary after the video.



Hello, Dear Ones, It’s Alice. I Am of the Stars.

I doubt this will ever go up online, because it is just too unusual of an astral story. It goes like this …

There was a man, one time, whom I nickname ‘Lazarus’. He was an antisocial personality. And part of his constellation of personality traits was a strong satyriasis complex … which means that he was on the far, far end of excessive sexuality all his life. It seems he had hundreds of children, out of wedlock with many women.

And among them were some boys whom he felt exhibited the constellation of personality traits that he had. And because that is the nature of this antisocial personality syndrome, he thought that he was like a superhuman being … kind of like a god on Earth.

And he had a Masterplan … which is one of those things that are typical of antisocial personality. The Masterplan he had was that his male children, who exhibited this syndrome, would take over the world and control it with their mental powers.

Now Mind Control, as I have mentioned in other blogs, is concomitant with antisocial personality syndrome. That is because the only way that they can relate to other people  through Mind Control. That is the nature of this syndrome … because they are missing the socialization traits that are considered to be normal amongst humankind. That has been discussed in other blogs.

Anyway, if you look at Wikipedia on antisocial personality …

Link: “Antisocial Personality Disorder,” in Wikipedia … ..

… you will get an idea about the types of cosmos notions and delusions of grandeur that are typical of what I call ‘ASP Syndrome’ for short.

Anyway, he had all these children … Maybe 150. And he called them all by the same name. And for all of the children, when they reached a certain age … I think, pre-puberty … he arranged for their genital organs to be cut off.

Now the true reason for that was that he was a megalomaniac kind of a guy … he did not want any competition amongst his people. But the reason that he gave was a specious notion that you could ‘join the club’ if you did that, and then all of your powers would be diverted to the astral realm, and you could always astrally rape people anytime you wanted to, and like that.

So, all of these young children … all of these boy children … were emasculated at an early age. And amongst those that are still alive, quite a few have picked up transgender or crossdressing cosmetic effects.

Because of their early childhood training, which involved electroshock torture techniques and psychic spinal severation to make them into assassins, they are all assassins, unless they have withdrawn from that. And there are many of them that have taken on cosmetic effects that make them appear to be women in the world, with very large breasts.

But in fact, their drive is a masculine drive for power, and their genital wounding makes them kill people rather than have sex with them.


Is this astral story to do with the Manhood Mental Filter now clearing from Earth? For instance, could the part about the satyr father be a variant of the Double Oh Seven Mental Filter? (Search my blog for the term: Double Oh Seven … )

Or might it symbolize that, in days of yore, men were free to rape and pillage and procreate hither and yon, in whatever way they pleased? … Prodigiously, like the father in the story? That what is today considered Antisocial Personality Syndrome (ASP) was once the norm for male behavior on Earth?

Is it possible that men might, deep down, have misgivings about their human being-ness? Possibly because of their feral drive to aggression and sexuality?

As to the part about the sons, could it be that men want to emasculate their sons because of alpha male, ‘leader of the pack’ instincts? Do modern-day sons feel emasculated by their fathers? Or could it be that they feel there is no place for expression of their sex drive in modern society? Might they feel they must repress their sex drives so as to excel in spiritual attainment? Are the waves of astral rape energy that ripple through the unconscious thought cloud of the world on Friday and Saturday nights to do with suppression of the male sexual drive during the work week?

Could it be that the third-eye point energy and psychic skills vaunted in this astral story are a black magic feature of the unconscious landscape of spiritual adepts’ minds? That they visualize the third-eye point as a way to secure sexual gratification? Has this something to do with the mind of primitive man, and the high status of shamans in primitive cultures?

Could the visualization of the transgender women be unconscious symbolism for modern society ‘turning men into women’ by depriving them of a way to express their feral instincts of aggression and sexuality?

Might this involve a notion in the very deep unconscious minds of men that women are actually men with large breasts? If true, this would explain the male glomming of rape energies in the noosphere, and what seems to me to be men’s innocent lack of comprehension of the upsetting effect these energies have on women and young children.

There is an unusual work of art, intended for an adult audience, I feel, that may express these notions

FOR ADULT AUDIENCE ONLY … Image: “Around the Dragon’s Broken Neck Hangs the Medal of St. Lazarus,” by various artists, Hospital Productions …×476/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(90)/discogs-images/R-2594977-1300716673.jpeg.jpg ..

Could the bit in the astral story about the sons growing up to be assassins have to do with men needing to be competitive in sports and in the business world? Perhaps the need to kill other men … or at least trounce them in business … so as to live up to the standards of the Manhood Mental Filter?

Could the part about the sons being so angry that they want to kill people (both male and female) rather than have sex with them be the source of the V— D— Mental Filter energy I have been trying to figure out in recent blogs? …

As an aside, I once clair heard a group of women describe that the V— D— energies could be placated through flattery … Aren’t you something else! or by offering sympathyOh, you poor, poor dear! Are you feeling all right? I am guessing this would be like ‘flipping the switch’ of the clair heard men from feral aggression to feral sexual mode? …

Would this male rage have to do with feelings of being emasculated by modern society? 

As a further aside, I notice the complete lack of true women in the astral story … This is as if women do not actually exist in a man’s world … As if their genitals are necessary tools to a man, but their personhood is not important. As if the important thing, to a man, is the presence of other men, whom he must kill since they are competitors. And also that he must ‘kill’ his feelings for women, as feelings of intimacy might make him more vulnerable as a competitor with other men? Or the notion that he must ‘kill’ or discard a woman he loves, and move on to another woman from time to time? In other words, the assumption that killing is a necessary aspect of the Manhood Mental Filter.

As the Awakening proceeds, and humankind becomes consciously aware of the feral drives of both men and women … which have heretofore ‘hidden out’ on the astral plane … I feel certain great changes will be taking place. This will happen over time … over a number of years … I feel. It is the rising Awareness of humankind that will sculpt the changes, and not any social action or agenda.

In other words, it will not be our action in the world that causes the changes, but rather the slow but steady ‘amp up’ of the Incoming Light. This I have found to be taking place no more quickly than is comfortable to the hearts and minds of the people of Earth. The Light that a person is not able or willing to accept is lovingly stored in their Soul field until a person wants to have it integrated into their hologram. And so, I foresee no ‘forcing’ of any issue; only infinite patience, infinite forgiveness, and kindly care being proffered to every Soul on Earth, like that of a doting mother or father for a dear child.


Men do tend to have very detailed physical clair thought transfer … such as precise details of facial features, bodies of men, women, and children, and individual variations in the details of sexual organs of men, women and children.

In the very deep unconscious mind, men have geometric visualizations of the male and female sex organs … For women’s sexual organs, for instance, when men are in the borderline state between waking and sleeping, their very very deep unconscious minds visualize markers, or landing strips, such as a patch of trees next to a diamond shape …


Composite Image: Unconscious symbolism: Bushy top of tree next to rhombus are ‘markers’ for female sexual organs, adapted and compiled by Alice B. Clagett, 8 May 2018, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … CREDITS: Image: “Tree as seen from above to use in vector maps,” by Setreset, from Wikimedia Commons … … CC BY-A 3.0 Unported … and … “Rhombus,” by OfficialURL, 6 August 2020, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

Composite Image: Unconscious symbolism: Bushy top of tree next to rhombus are ‘markers’ for female sexual organs, adapted and compiled by Alice B. Clagett, 8 May 2018, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,”

CREDITS: Image: “Tree as seen from above to use in vector maps,” by Setreset, from Wikimedia Commons … … CC BY-A 3.0 Unported … and … “Rhombus,” by OfficialURL, 6 August 2020, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

. . . . .

These very very deep images remind me of Australian Aborigine rock drawings, in a way …


Image: “Australian Aborigine pictographs (Yourambulla Caves, South Flinders Ranges, South Australia) 2,” by James St. John … from … Creative Commons BY 2.0 Generic.

Image: “Australian Aborigine pictographs (Yourambulla Caves, South Flinders Ranges, South Australia) 2,” by James St. John … from … Creative Commons BY 2.0 Generic.

. . . . .

So it seems to me that it is possible men might visualize the issues of feral drives and pack instincts as astral stories featuring genitals, genital mutilation, and rape. I have run across these themes so many times on the clair plane that I am inclined to conclude many men, perhaps all men, have these fundamental psychological features or ‘landmarks’ in their minds.

Well, these seem to be the questions that are coming up at this point in the Ascension process. The video, it seems to me, expresses all this in a very stark, succinctly symbolic way.

In love, light and joy,
Alice B. Clagett
I Am of the Stars

Filmed on 27 April 2016: published on 19 May 2016 … while Mercury retrograde was looming; revised on 8 May 2018 (when I finally summoned the courage to republish it); revised again on 14 March 2023


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


ascension, manhood mental filter, astral rape, genital mutilation, feral drives, pack instincts, aggression, sexuality, emasculation, unconscious thought cloud of the world, unconscious mind, sexual markers, male mind, male physicality, male imagination, competition in business, male rage, Divine masculine, sexual repression, unconscious symbolism, antisocial personality, satyriasis, Masterplan, mind control, socialization, psychology, psychiatry, ASP Syndrome, delusions of grandeur, megalomaniac, castration, alpha male, astral intent to harm, ceremony, rite of initiation, rites of passage, child rearing, education, torture, transgender, murder, sexual deviation, ASP Syndrome, megalomaniac, psychic rape, torture, psychic surgery, spiritual adept, 6th chakra, third-eye point, shamanism, male competition, physical form heresy, twilight zone, unmani, societal expectations, taboos, Lazarus,

Subconscious Symbolism: Cutting Someone Down to Size . by Alice B. Clagett

Filmed on 28 March 2016; published on 5 April 2016; transcribed on 5 February 2019
Subconscious metaphor: Cutting someone down to size

    • Subconscious Mind and Acting Out of Metaphors
    • How the Metaphor ‘Cutting Someone Down to Size’ Might Be Foreseen to Be Acted Out
    • Feral Pack Mating Behavior: Alpha Versus Beta Males
    • Rites of Manhood: Leader Eats Initiate’s Genitalia
    • Astral Story: I Will Stick a Needle in Her
      • Intravenous Drug Use (IDU) Segue Due to Subconscious ‘Needle’ Symbolism
    • ‘Cutting Someone Down to Size’
    • Erectile Dysfunction
    • ‘I Will Stick a Needle in Her’
    • How Soul Wounding Can Snowball
    • Keeping Physically Safe During Ascension

Dear Ones,

As it turns out, my blogs on subconscious symbolism are getting to be more numerous, so I have added that topic to the category list on my blog… in case you want to check back to previous blogs on that topic. This current blog has to do with the same topic. The video starts with a brief review on the subconscious mind …

  • How it represents metaphors, that is, common ‘figures of speech’, as physical actions in the world
  • How this can trigger ‘acting out’ during the Ascension process.

Then it proceeds to a new instance of subconscious symbolism as expressed through the metaphor ‘cutting someone down to size … subconsciously visualized by a man as genital mutilation or emasculation of another man.

There is an edited Summary after the video. After that is a big section entitled “Rewrite and Other Thoughts on the Video Topic’; that section is not in the video …



This is Alice. I Am of the Stars.

Subconscious Mind and Acting Out of Metaphors

I thought I would add a note to my ongoing blogs about subconscious symbolism. As you may recall, the subconscious mind thinks in terms of metaphors, and it envisions a metaphor as some kind of action … some kind of physical action by the physical body. It does not understand the greater abstract meaning of a metaphor, because it is not equipped, in that way, with abstract notions.

How the Metaphor ‘Cutting Someone Down to Size’ Might Be Foreseen to Be Acted Out

The metaphor that has come up recently is ‘cutting someone down to size’. What has come up (on the clair plane only) recently is the male notion of the importance of manhood, which is pretty much cross-cultural. In this metaphor, which is playing out very unusually, on the clairaudient plane, the subconscious of the man apparently envisions ‘cutting someone down to size’ as the act of whittling away at their genitalia, in some way.

It might be just cutting off the foreskin, for instance, or cutting off the tip of the penis, or cutting off the entire penis, or complete emasculation of a man. So, depending on the coarseness of the astral matter of the man involved, apparently when he thinks of this term, of ‘cutting someone down to size’, he may consider ‘acting out’ some iteration of this notion of cutting someone else’s genitalia down or off.

Feral Pack Mating Behavior: Alpha Versus Beta Males

I would like to bring in the notion of feral packs … wild animal packs, for instance wolf packs … where there is always one leader of the pack; and then there are many males that are not permitted to mate with the females in the pack. Only the leader of the pack, as I understand it, has that right.

So, in a group setting, in a group situation, where the subconscious mind wells up, during this ascension process, what might occur, for instance … just as a hypothesis … is that the leader may react to the upwelling feral drives whose clearing is part of the Ascension process, and may decide to cut the other men in the group down to size, in a physical way, according to the pack instinct not to let the men mate with the women … He may decide to perform some ceremony that alters or whittles down the genitalia of the other men in the group.

Rites of Manhood: Leader Eats Initiate’s Genitalia

This may also involve … according to the subconscious symbolism that is coming up … the leader consuming the portion that has been cut off. In a very clear interpretation of the  subconscious context, what that means is not that the man that undergoes the rite of manhood ceremony, his manhood is not enhanced … but rather, that the leader of the group is consuming or destroying the manhood of the person that is being initiated. Do you understand?

In Africa, and in China, I think … I think I have heard this … there are remedies for lack of manhood that involve eating the genitalia of some animals known for their ferociousness. It probably costs a lot of money.

The idea of doing this to a fellow human being is along the same lines. You are whittling that person down to size. And at the same time, you are consuming or eating his manhood in order to enhance your own … your manhood as the leader of a feral pack.

That is how that upwelling of subconscious notions is happening right now, on the astral plane. The only thing to remember, of course, is that you do not want to enact this situation. It is just an imaginary situation. You do not want to enact it, on the physical plane, because then the person that was involved in such an initiation would need to go and get skin grafts, and painful, and it would be embarrassing. You know?

Astral Story: I Will Stick a Needle in Her

Further, there is a story going on right now … just to show how one subconscious thought leads to another … there is a story on the astral plane, that his has happened (putatively), and that the person that had the tip of his penis removed in an initiation ceremony, now has the subconscious notion that he has a ‘needle’ instead of a penis, because of the change in the shape of the penis; the wedge shape, I would assume, becomes more needle-shaped.

And so the subconscious mind, which has been injured by the rite of manhood ceremony, would say something like this when intercourse takes place: It would say, I will stick a needle in her … because the shape of the penis has changed.

I have heard that story a couple of times on the astral ‘internet’ … as if someone were imagining that had happened to him. And then he had performed intercourse, and was feeling as if his genitalia were shaped like a needle.

Intravenous Drug Use (IDU) Segue Due to Subconscious ‘Needle’ Symbolism. And then further, that leads to the notion of injecting someone else … a sexual partner … with a drug, because ‘sticking a needle in her’ has this alternate meaning of drug use. So you may find … in the rare example in humanity when such an action has taken place … that they may gravitate to intravenous drug use (IDU) if they have undergone such a ceremony. Or IDU may begin to take place for many other reasons too, no doubt.

Well, I am talking a lot about things that I know nothing about … that I have only heard about on the clair plane. I have two reasons, really, for talking about them …

One is that I enjoy this notion of deciphering dreams and subconscious symbolism through metaphor. And this is one excellent, very physical example.

And the other is that I do have a concern for all the men who are undergoing this ascension process, because men are more action-oriented than women; and I hope that they will be able to achieve this process without too much discomfort or physical pain.

So I am hoping they will not fall for this feral kind of representation of reality. Reality itself is far greater than that. There are 72 dimensions; not just physical reality … Physical reality is only the third dimension.

So by preserving our body temple, by making our body cells happy during this process, we will get to the greatness of our manhood and our womanhood; the true greatness.

You all take care. Take good care of yourselves.

[End of video]


The video starts with a brief review on the subconscious mind …

  • how it represents metaphors, that is, common ‘figures of speech’, as physical actions in the world
  • how this can trigger ‘acting out’ during the ascension process.

‘Cutting Someone Down to Size’

Then it proceeds to a new instance of unconscious symbolism as expressed through the metaphor cutting someone down to size’ … unconsciously visualized by a man as genital mutilation or emasculation of another man. This is ‘acting out’ of the feral drive of male dominance, which has been repressed by societal expectations as humankind became more civilized.

‘Acting out’ during Ascension process may result in group leaders turning against their male group members in this way. If you clair sense this notion welling up in a group leader, it would be best not to be near them physically in ones or twos until the leader has cleared through the feral instincts.

Such clearing is an inevitable part of the ascension process, as when we atune to the Fifth Dimension, or Christ Consciousness level of awareness, we become sensitive to the injury inflicted on humankind by acting out of feral drives; thus, though we may sense these instincts when we place our awareness on the Third Dimension, through the blessing of Christ Consciousness we are unlikely to act upon them.

Rites of Manhood

During these times of mental turmoil, as the Soul wounding of humankind and Gaia’s noosphere are quickly and efficiently being cleared by our Spiritual Teams and Higher Selves, it is possible that a group leader might propose a Rite of Manhood in which a male initiate might be emasculated. Quite clearly, the unconscious intent of this would be performed to increase the manhood or ‘macho standing’ of the leader. Not in the least would it be performed to prove the manhood of the young man who might putatively undergo genital wounding.

Further, these spurious rites of ‘manhood’ can be envisioned, on the clair plane, as the leader of a group cutting off the tip of a young man’s penis and eating it. Very clearly, this has to do with the consumption of animal genitalia in some countries … such as the promotion of eating a tiger penis as an aphrodisiac in Chinese medicine. Modern medicine most likely has no way to disprove this, but I’m here to say, from an intuitive perspective, that there is no truth whatsoever in this.

Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is a frequent feature of the Ascension process, as apparently are marital separation and other marital difficulties. Please be patient, and trust in the process. Know that the creative ability unfolding within you far exceeds what you’ve experienced in this lifetime. Look for the new skills that you’ve received, the new possibilities before you.

‘I Will Stick a Needle in Her’

Clair denouement of this astral dream: The young man who has been genitally mutilated by having the tip of his penis removed unconsciously envisions his penis as a ‘needle’ … This may be the cause of the malware phrase “I will stick a needle in her,” which is going round on the clair plane right now. There are two possible ‘acting out’ consequences of this malware.

When the injured man sees his penis, he is reminded of intravenous drugs, and so this form of physical wounding can trigger him to intravenous drug use (IDU).

Or, when he sees his penis, he might be triggered to drug a woman by ‘sticking a needle in her” and then raping her.

In either case, reconstructive surgery might be helpful.

How Soul Wounding Can Snowball

This series of malware events: ‘cutting someone down to size’ … acted out … followed by ‘stick a needle in her’ … acted out, is a good example of how Soul wounding can snowball, creating denseness in the noosphere and putatively, community health issues.

Keeping Physically Safe During Ascension

What I’m really trying to say here is: Young men of Earth, please don’t fall for this unconscious ‘acting out’. After all, your moms spent nine months making sure you would be born into this incarnation as perfectly as possible. When your bodies are wounded, every mom is wounded too.

Men do tend to place more emphasis on the physical than do women. One thing to keep in mind is that there are many dimensions to be discovered … 72 dimensions, some say … during our Awakening on Earth. Your physical body is just one of these … the third dimension. Please take good care of your bodies as you step into New Life on New Earth.

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars

Image: “Elephant’s Feet, Navajo Nation, Tonalea, Arizona 1,” by Alice B. Clagett, 28 March 2016, CC BY-SA 4.0

Image: “Elephant’s Feet, Navajo Nation, Tonalea, Arizona 1,” by Alice B. Clagett, 28 March 2016, CC BY-SA 4.0

Image: “Elephant’s Feet, Navajo Nation, Tonalea, Arizona 2,” by Alice B. Clagett, 28 March 2016, CC BY-SA 4.0

Image: “Elephant’s Feet, Navajo Nation, Tonalea, Arizona 2,” by Alice B. Clagett, 28 March 2016, CC BY-SA 4.0

Image: “Elephant’s Feet, Navajo Nation, Tonalea, Arizona 3,” by Alice B. Clagett, 28 March 2016, CC BY-SA 4.0

Image: “Elephant’s Feet, Navajo Nation, Tonalea, Arizona 3,” by Alice B. Clagett, 28 March 2016, CC BY-SA 4.0

Image: “Elephant’s Feet, Navajo Nation, Tonalea, Arizona 4,” by Alice B. Clagett, 28 March 2016, CC BY-SA 4.0

Image: “Elephant’s Feet, Navajo Nation, Tonalea, Arizona 4,” by Alice B. Clagett, 28 March 2016, CC BY-SA 4.0


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Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


feral instincts, groups, pack instincts, genital mutilation, emasculation, rite of manhood, malware, IDU, intravenous drug use, community health, clearing, acting out, cutting down to size, stick a needle in her, Wild West, felon rehabilitation, law enforcement, ceremony, rites of passage, rite of manhood, dreamtime realm, cannibalism, subconscious symbolism, symbolism, Elephant’s Feet, Navajo Nation, Tonalea, Arizona, travels in the United States,