Category Archives: Threat responses: Fight-flight-freeze-flop-fawn

Escape the Clutches of a Sadist! . by Alice B. Clagett

escape the clutches of a sadist

Image: “Portrait of Sade [cropped],” by Mary Evans, 19th century, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

Image: “Portrait of Sade [cropped],” by Mary Evans, 19th century, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

Dear Ones,

This blog describes how to safely escape from sadists on the astral plane and on the physical plane.

As a Lightworker, I have noticed strands of misqualified energy that I would label ‘sadistic’ floating round the noosphere. These may have to do with the many lizards in my yard. In fact, there is a new crop of cute little fence lizards in the front and back yard every year. Right now there is a lizard ‘baby boom’ happening in my yard.

Lizards are big on one-upmanship, ‘power over’, and bullying, and these types of misqualified energy overlap with thought forms tinged with sadistic and masochistic emotion.

There is also television and internet movie programming, which more often than not incubates one-upmanship, desire for power over, bullying, sadism, and masochism in the gut brains of viewers. I feel these misqualified energies affect children who view the programs much more deeply than they affect adult audiences.

And so, during times of heavy television and internet movie viewing in my neighborhood … for instance, from 2 pm to 4:30 pm, when latchkey children are home viewing television and the internet without parental supervision … in the evenings during prime time … and all day/all night on the weekends … there are many strands of misqualified energy carrying these emotions that waft hither and yon.

As a Lightworker, I find this more than a little offputting. I can think of nothing more the antithesis of Lightwork than one-upmanship, desire for power over, bullying, hazing, sadism, and masochism. I find these energies repulsive.

I find I have an instinct to oppose these energies mentally, and to ‘put up the dukes’ when I sense them, when the ideal thing would be to just let them slide on by … maybe out into the back yard, where the lizards will find them attractive.

The other day I thought I would do some research on sadism. I thought maybe there was something I could do about these misqualified energy threads that make me so uncomfortable. I found an interesting article on sadism. The article implies that one way to stop a sadist is to show him that you are not suffering from his actions. That is one useful takeaway.

The other thing is that this article explains there are 4 sorts of sadists. These were enumerated by a man named Theodore Million …

Link: “Can Sadistic Personality Be Cured?” by Divva Jacob, Pharm. D., and Shaziva Allarakha, MD, medically reviewed on 20 January 2021, in Medicine Net … ..

These four types of sadism are spineless sadism [this I do not get], tyrannical sadism [cruel, violent], enforcing sadism [controlling and punishing], and explosive sadism [occasional explosions].

I found this helpful in a way as well. When I hear something on the astral plane that I would classify as sadistic, I might counter telepathically with a message that this energy does not affect me at all. That, as I understand it, collapses the underpinning of the sadistic talk dynamic.

In other words, the sadist says sadistic things so as to cause pain in a telepathic victim, or a victim in his or her physical presence. If a person does not want to be the victim … if a person is not a masochist who enjoys pain … then the person can make the ‘trigger’ a dud by not reacting with a feeling of pain. The telepathic receiver can thus use the sadistic input to develop his or her own neutral mind.

I feel the four classifications of sadists to be helpful for this reason: When we are confronted with sadism, whether merely on the astral plane or in the physical world, it may help to classify what is going on using the intellect, the higher mind.

Conceptualization, I feel, helps take the edge off of gut feelings like the panic responses of fight, flight, freeze, fawn, or flop. When the rational mind enters in, we can plan our escape more effectively.

In the case of the established sadist … as seemed very strikingly to me to be the case with the man I ran into last month at church …

Link: “Caveats About Morphine Addicts,” by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 4 August 2022 … ..

… and also with a man who appeared to be a morphine addict whom I saw standing on the sidewalk next door maybe 6 months ago …

Then I feel very strongly the thing to do is to attain as much physical distance from the person as possible as soon as ever our legs can carry us away from them. This is why: For a person who practices cruelty to others so much that it occurs without thought, without consideration of the risks or calculation of the downside of the outcome, without remorse, without any understanding of the harm being inflicted on a fellow human being, that person may strike like a viper, all in an instant.

You and I, Gentle Reader, might go down to our deaths so fast, at the practiced, ruthless hands of such a man that we never even know what hit us. And so I suggest, read all about it, prepare yourself mentally, know the warning signs, and get out of danger before the snake strikes, before the shark bites, before the brown recluse leaps upon us! Better safe than sorry.

In love, light and joy,
Alice B. Clagett
I Am of the Stars

Caravaggio as Lizardoid Sadist

escape the clutches of a sadist

Image: “Boy Bitten by a Lizard,” by Caravaggio, circa 1594-1596, in English Wikipedia … … public domain … COMMENTS: As you may know from my previous analysis of the world-renowned painter Caravaggio, it seems to me that he painted himself in all the many paintings he created. If that is so, then this is an image of Caravaggio. I find this painting apt in the discussion of sadism, as I consider Caravaggio may have been a sadist whose overarching spirit or deva or spirit totem may have been Lizardian. Thus this painting might be a symbolic way of depicting the totem difference between Caravaggio and ‘normals’ … people whose spirits are guided by devas that teach and inform mammalian beings on Earth. The ‘take’ is that Caravaggio was ‘bitten by a lizard’ in his youth, and that accounted for his many misadventures. As luck would have it, Lizardoid and Insectoid hybrids are also often outstandingly gifted in the arts (such as painting, dance, voice, or musical composition) or in terms of greatly enhanced psychic powers and mind control abilities. These qualities, I feel, have to do with the accomplishments of their overlighting beings, often non-Christed star beings … their other-species devas. –Alice B. Clagett

Image: “Boy Bitten by a Lizard,” by Caravaggio, circa 1594-1596, in English Wikipedia … … public domain …

COMMENTS: As you may know from my previous analysis of the world-renowned painter Caravaggio, it seems to me that he painted himself in all the many paintings he created. If that is so, then this is an image of Caravaggio. I find this painting apt in the discussion of sadism, as I consider Caravaggio may have been a sadist whose overarching spirit or deva or spirit totem may have been Lizardian. Thus this painting might be a symbolic way of depicting the totem difference between Caravaggio and ‘normals’ … people whose spirits are guided by devas that teach and inform mammalian beings on Earth. The ‘take’ is that Caravaggio was ‘bitten by a lizard’ in his youth, and that accounted for his many misadventures.

As luck would have it, lizardoid and Insectoid hybrids are also often outstandingly gifted in the arts (such as painting, dance, voice, or musical composition) or in terms of greatly enhanced psychic powers and mind control abilities. These qualities, I feel, have to do with the accomplishments of their overlighting beings, often non-Christed star beings … their other-species devas. –Alice B. Clagett

See also … Link: “Caravaggio and Baglione Today: Is Lucifer Transforming to the Light?” by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 30 July 2018; revised … ..

Written and published on 30 August 2022
Location: Los Angeles, California


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

sadism, masochism, bullying, one-upmanship, power over, neutral mind, telepathy, astral chatter, lizards, mass media, psychiatry, psychology, fight or flight, panic, anxiety, Caravaggio,

Triple Multiple Personality Disorder: Pinkie aka ‘Chameleon’. by Alice B. Clagett

Triple Multiple Personality Disorder: Pinkie aka 'Chameleon'

Image: “Sarah Barrett Moulton: Pinkie,” by Thomas Lawrence, 1794, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

Image: “Sarah Barrett Moulton: Pinkie,” by Thomas Lawrence, 1794, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain


Dear Ones,

Here is a video about how we may best judge and deal with threats of violence by people who have multiple personality disorder or antisocial personality disorder. The idea is to figure out how to deal with people who threaten violence in the streets of Los Angeles.

The discussion centers on encounters with people who have multiple personality disorder or antisocial personality disorder. There are also thoughts on how Hollywood might best portray the threat of violence that is reported in our local newspapers …

The Summary is an edited version of the video, and has a little more information in it than the video …



Hello, Dear Ones, It’s Alice. I Am of the Stars.

This is the day after Summer Solstice, and I am here at the Faerie Dell just to usher the summer in.

I have a story to tell you about a movie episode that I saw last night. It was a movie series called “Psych.” It reminds me a little of myself, because of my clair abilities that I got as Ascension gifts through the Ascension process in the last many years.

And also I have an interest in crime prevention, but I do not have the flair and pizazz of the heroes of that story … Shawn Spencer and Burton ‘Gus’ Guster … that is for sure. I am not cut out for that. Nevertheless I watch it because it is a very entertaining show.

Last night I saw Episode 7 of the last run of the series. It was a story about a person who had a multiple personality; it was a triple personality. And in fact, it was I who came up with that term. It was the weirdest thing; it was like deja vu, because I had run into a triple multiple personality some years prior. Under life and death circumstances I ran into the violent, murderous personality in a trio of personalities. You can find out more about that by searching my blog for the term: pinkie … The stories that have the word ‘pinkie’ in them relate to the triple multiple personality that I ran into. It was not anybody that I had ever known, but just someone that I encountered in a church parking lot one time, in Hollywood, I think it was.

[And then later it seemed as if that person was stalking me for some years. It seemed he kept popping up, wearing various disguises, from time to time. It was really an odd series of events, it seemed to me … perhaps coincidences? Who is to know?]

Anyway, I was watching television last night, and there on “Psych,” Season 1, Episode 7, I ran across what seemed like the same character, with the same set of personalities. There was one kind of normal guy [‘Robert Dunn’], well-spoken, well educated, somewhat slight in build.

And there was another version of that person that a transvestite, dressed as a woman and believing that he was a woman [‘Regina Kane’].

And then there was another, violent, version of the person [‘Martin Brody’; the name is that of a police chief who was an adversary of the great white man-eating shark in the “Jaws” movie series.]

It was the same as what I had run into in the psychic realm, and several times in real life. It was odd, you know? Hollywood does weird things to the life-and-death situations that assail us here in the third dimension, does it not? That show seems so entertaining, so lighthearted. Everyone seems so affable, so easy to like. Even the people that use guns to shoot figurines [Detective Carlton Lassiter, who seems a little hyper] seem like loveable people.

And the three characters in the triple multiple personality (multiple personality is also known as ‘dissociative identity disorder’) also seem very loveable, very likeable; not really like people who would hurt you or kill you, or anything like that; more like just a story on television … a story in the movies … not something real.

I got to thinking about how things are portrayed in the movies. There are good and bad things to be said about this whitewashing thing that has been happening … whitewashing of violence in the movies.

In tenor, it reminds me a little of the ‘spook around’ underground city in the post-apocalyptic movie “A Boy and His Dog.” That movie is not one for the faint of heart …

Link: “A Boy and His Dog,” published in 1975, in IMDb … ..

On the other hand, when we see the true headlines in the “Los Angeles Times” … this series of gun incidents and murders and awful things that happened as a lead-up to Solstice this year, we are less likely to be affected with adrenaline issues and constant fears and so forth. Seeing violence in the movies has a way of taming the violence that is really out there in the street. So we do not live our lives in fear; and of course, that is important.

There are other possibilities here. One is that it is offhandedly possible that there are a few people in Los Angeles who have these major antisocial personality issues; and who either are very clever or else have a lot of money at their disposal, and who are usually able to evade the law.

What would they want more than to have the danger that they represent to society minimized for most people? And what would they be more likely to do than to present what their very lives are, in a context that seems unreal and harmless to the greatest possible number of people? And how could that be done, except through promoting such a movie? … maybe by helping to pay for it; whatever it might be.

But that is a ‘far out there’ thought. There is another thought I have, to do with responses to emergencies. As you may know, in earlier years I wrote quite a bit about that because the first few years of a person’s Ascension process … in the first Solar cycle when they are fully awakened … seem to be fraught with peril, for most people. For more on that, search my website for the word: perilous … to find out the things that frightened me ‘way back when’.

Well, you might be facing them, and you might not. But it is good to try to pinpoint the way that we react to emergencies, just in case anything should come up here in Los Angeles … as has come up for a few people here and there, over the course of the ramp-up to Summer Solstice, with all the great Light coming in. It strikes some people the wrong way, you know? But most people just find it glorious, as did I.

But in case you are near somebody like that … somebody that is potentially violent when there is a lot of Light coming in … it is good to notice how it is that you usually react to danger.

At first when I started writing about that, all I knew about was ‘fight or flight’. And I figured I react by fighting if I have to, but I react by fleeing from a situation if I am able to. That is the best way. Years ago I took karate, and the person that was in charge of our group told me to do the same. He told that to everybody. If you can, he said, avoid conflict. Only in the very last instance should you fight.

Later on I found out that there are other ways that people manage the approach or the possibility of danger. These are called ‘fawn, freeze, and flop’. Let’s start with ‘flop’. Flop is just where you faint, or you cease to do anything.

‘Freeze’ is where you stand perfectly still and do not do anything, but you have not fainted; I guess that is it.

And ‘fawn’ is where you walk up to the predator that you are encountering, and try to be the very best friend that you can be. You say: Oh, what can I do for you? Oh, will you be my playmate? … like that. In your mind, you try to make friends with them.

So, let’s say that you yourself have sensed this ‘pinkie’ danger … this ‘triple multiple personality’ danger … or maybe the type of danger that is called ‘multiple personality’ (maybe just two personalities) … or someone with antisocial personality disorder … something like that. Someone like that is approaching you.

What are you going to do? Fight or flee or freeze or fawn or flop? If you choose the coping mechanism called ‘fawning’, you might be inclined to make a movie like “Psych,” Season 1, Episode 7: “Who Ya Gonna Call?” You might say to yourself: Here is a person who has odd personality quirks, but they are really a loveable person, are they not? They are really the nicest person, surely? We could be friends, could we not? So they are a little quirky?!

And then, if you happen to be someone involved in the movies, you might put out a movie like that. That is my thought on it.

You know, I do not know what to say. I am glad that the movies have put out something similar to what I experienced in real life.

On the other hand, fawning would not be something that I would ever do, unless I had no other options. You know, if I were caught by the giant dragon, in the great cave on a stony island with nothing but stormy seas all around; and if there were no other beings anywhere; and if I depended on the dragon for food, I would probably try the ‘fawn’ response.

But in the normal instance, if I could get away … if there were a way to get away … I would pick ‘flight’. I would get out of that place and out of danger.

I have to say, although it was fun to see what Hollywood would do with my experience, or what seemed to be very close to my experience in real life, overall I feel that they made the wrong choice. I really do.

Why don’t you look at that movie: “Psych” movie series, Season 1, Episode 7: “Who Ya Gonna Call?” …

Link: “Who Ya Gonna Call?” aired 18 August 2006, in IMDb … ..

And then take a look at my own description of that personality disorder and see what you think?

Search my blog for the category: Multiple personality disorder … and also go to …

Link: “Alice’s Perilous Tales: The Man with the Trembling Pinkie,” by Alice B. Clagett, happened in December 2011; indicated 1 December 2011 as event date; written and published on 23 May 2019; updated … ..

Link: “Triple Multiple Personality Disorder,” by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 29 May 2018; revised on 23 February 2019; on 25 April 2020; and on 1 November 2020 … ..

After all, it is up to you to figure out how to deal with the perilous circumstances in your own life.

Well, a somber note for a beautiful summer day! It is starting to rain, and that is truly a blessing here in California. It has already rained once today, where I was early in the morning. There was a stroke of thunder; my computer went out; one of my speakers for the computer fried itself; and then everything was set right.

And now we have in the Faerie Dell another rain shower. Is that not great? Maybe it is a sign that the weather will improve and optimize, here on Earth in the years to come. That is all for now, Dear Ones.

God bless you all,
And keep you safe,
And be with you
Through all your days.

See you next time … I took some pictures for your enjoyment during the walk today. I thought I would publish them very fast at the end of this video. If you have a hankering to observe them for awhile, I will put the best of them online [in a separate blog] on my website so that you can take a look. [Then follow nature photos from the walk.]

In love, light and joy,
Alice B. Clagett
I Am of the Stars

Compiled and published on 22 June 2022
Location: Santa Monica Mountains, California


I note also in that episode that secretaries are being hired by Shawn and Gus from a modeling agency; and how similar, in a way, that is to the experiences I have been having in recent years of ‘actor impersonators’ seemingly playing roles of people I know, or pretending to be policemen or other people in authority. What is up with that, I wonder? For more on that, see my blog categories: Mimicry  … and …  Doppelgangers ..


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Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

movie reviews by Alice, multiple personality disorder, dissociative identity disorder, triple multiple personality disorder, mass media, fight or flight response, fawn response, threat responses, psychology, psychiatry, culture, Los Angeles, Ascension gifts, Ascension, actor impersonators, doppelgangers, mimicry,

‘Take Shelter’ . movie review by Alice B. Clagett

Written and published on 19 July 2021

Image: “Apokalipse,” by Albert Goodwin, 1903, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

Image: “Apokalipse,” by Albert Goodwin, 1903, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

Dear Ones,

I skimmed through the movie ‘Take Shelter’ the other day …

Link: “Take Shelter,” IMDb … ..

I find the movie interesting because the recurring images experienced by the male protagonist seem like what I term ‘image words’ from the gut brain (the subconscious mind’s vocabulary). It is good how the ending shows that a family can stand together and shelter in faith in each other, and love of each other, even if the subconscious mind is creating what the Ascensioneers call ‘vivid waking dreams’, in the case of the movie, more like vivid waking nightmares.

The movie also shows how one person’s fearful ‘mental filter’ (that of the husband in the movie) can influence another person (in this case the wife) to take on the same ‘mental filter’.

As a phenomenon, the tendency of the human mind to broadcast mental filters can be either good or bad. The difference has to do with the tenor of the emotional portion of the images that are broadcast. Is the emotion negative or positive? That is the key to the effect that broadcasting of one’s own mental filters has on other people.

For instance, in the movie ‘Take Shelter’ one of the visually striking images that recur in the mind of the male protagonist is a ‘murmuration’ of birds, perhaps starlings or sparrows. This is an aerial phenomenon rather like the simultaneous turning and wheeling motion of schools of fish in the water …

Video: “School of Fish,” by Earth Rangers, 25 July 2012 … ..

In the movie ‘Take Shelter’, the male protagonist feels a recurring anxious feeling, a feeling of  foreboding. It is, I feel, because of the negative tenor of his emotion that he takes his recurring image of a murmuration of dark-colored birds to be an omen of impending apocalypse.

Yet many people see a murmuration of birds, and feel joy or wonderment when they see it. Such is the case with the young women in this video …

Video: “Murmuration (Official Video) by Sophie Windsor Clive & Liberty Smith,” by IslandsAndRivers 2 December 2011 … ..

It is clear, then, that it is the feeling that accompanies visualization of an image that causes its perception as a good image or a bad image.

When a person has recurring images popping up from the subconscious mind, and when these images are accompanied by a strongly negative emotion … one that is hard to deal with without ‘acting out’ … then psychologists might term that condition Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (as with COVID stress). Or they might term it ‘generalized anxiety’; or if the emotions get out of hand, they might term it ‘panic attack’. There is also the psychological term ‘paranoid schizophrenia’, which I gather might be a label for recurring ‘panic attacks’ as in the movie.

Broadcasting of mental filters has a good effect in cases where a person’s mental filters allow him to send forth uplifting images from the subconscious mind. In these instances, families or groups such as social circles and church congregations can stand together with courage against adversity.

Broadcasting of mental filters has a bad effect in cases such as that in the movie, where the protagonist’s fearful mental images cause his wife to become fearful, and cause his Ohio small town community to turn against him and label him mentally imbalanced. Broadcasting of negatively aspected mental filters can, I feel, cause what is termed ‘folie à deux’, ‘folie à famille’, ‘folie à coterie’ (that is, a delusion shared by two people, by a family, or by a small group); or in the case of crowds of people, ‘mass hysteria’. The latter may take place across a town, or across a nation, or even … due to the near-instantaneous nature of global communication … worldwide, as is the case with COVID fears.

Please do not misunderstand: It is not that we ought not take proper precautions regarding COVID; it is just that negatively aspected images to do with COVID can cause inappropriate actions … or no action at all, when action is in fact needed so as to preserve life. For instance, it may well be that COVID vaccines are a ‘hard sell’ worldwide because people are experiencing ‘fawn’, ‘freeze’, or ‘flop’ types of threat responses after taking in too much in the way of online images that cause them to feel the emotion of fear regarding COVID.

In cases where a person is affected by other people’s broadcasting of negatively aspected mental filters (such as with the relentless COVID newscasts last year), the person must learn to view negatively aspected mental images with a neutral mind, as does the male protagonist in the movie ‘Take Shelter’. Through cutting down on visual intake of negative images … for instance, by limiting one’s viewing of negative images online … anxiety about the future can be dealt with nonreactively. Or one may simply stand strong and still, while the image is visualized, until the negative feeling ebbs away.

That means to me that the true ‘shelter’ for one’s mind is a strong, still, neutral stance of mind despite the ups and downs of daily life.

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

movie reviews by Alice, neutral mind,  mental filters, image words, subconscious mind, courage, emotions, anxiety, panic attack, paranoid schizophrenia, courage, joy, faith, COVID, stress, psychology, psychiatry, acting out, post-traumatic stress disorder, Ascension symptoms, vivid waking dreams, threat responses, threat energy, freeze-fawn response, flop response, Apocalypse,

The George Floyd ‘Flashpoint’ and Scapegoating of Police in America . by Alice B. Clagett *

Written and published on 4 June 2020


Dear Ones,


I wonder if when George Floyd so poignantly said “I can’t breathe” and then passed on, whether that sent a message to us that face masks make it hard to breathe … that COVID also, they say, makes it hard to breathe … and somehow these two, the face masks and the COVID symptoms … are what are being protested, both at the same time, along with undue force by the policeman.

It seems almost as if the suffocation of George Floyd was the acting out in physical reality of our concerns about the pandemic, the concrete symbol of our fears. And now, after the ‘flashpoint’ event that occurred, it is almost as if the police are being pilloried as scapegoats … that our fears for our well-being have morphed into anger at them.

In recent weeks I have been doing an easy yoga set in addition to walking (which I love), and found these help quite a bit to divert my heart from the dramas so much in the news.


It seems likely to me that the events unfolding in the social arena have to do with the high energies of the Triple Eclipse Passage now underway …

Link: “Incoming Light! Triple Eclipse Passage,” by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 4 June 2020 … ..

That passage heralds the New. Transforming to the New always requires courage, and overcoming one’s own desire to remain the same. Fear and anger do arise in our hearts, and we must counter these with positive emotions and right action in the world. That way we can become more like Christ, more like the Buddha, and more like Lord Krishna in our hearts and in the living of our lives.

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

health, COVID-19, coronavirus, face masks, civil unrest, community alerts, psychology, psychiatry, fear, fight or flight, anxiety, freeze-fawn response, panic attacks, acting out, George Floyd, current affairs, scapegoats, psychological projection, community health, government, common good, politics, social unrest, emotions, fear, anger, human affairs, social issues, yoga, grounding, Christ consciousness, galactic body, Lord Krishna, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, almanac, Lightworkers, New Human, New Earth, courage, faith, United States, Countries of Earth, transformation, incoming light, letting go, symbolism, subconscious symbolism, triple eclipse passage, solar events, Summer Solstice 2020, my favorites, miscellanea, law enforcement,

Pragmatic Prophet: Could Wearing Face Masks Be Partly to Blame for the Rioting and Looting? . by Alice B. Clagett

Image: “Surgical Face Mask,” by NurseTogether, 11 April 2020, in Wikimedia Commons … … CC BY-SA 4.0 International

Image: “Surgical Face Mask,” by NurseTogether, 11 April 2020, in Wikimedia Commons … … CC BY-SA 4.0 International

. . . . .

Dear Ones,

Just now I was reading the Mayo Clinic explanation about the efficacy of wearing face masks in public, and I have a few notions about it. I read between the lines that the cloth masks do not prevent us from breathing germs when we inhale in public, I guess because the cloth fabric is porous.

Nobody has mentioned the psychological effect of wearing masks. People get cues about the good intentions of other people by observing their facial expressions, I feel. When I go to the store and see masked people all around I get an unfriendly feeling because of the masks.

It feels to me like health officials mandate face masks as a way of saying the virus is ‘under control’. The masks are like the ‘magic whistle’ to allay our health concerns. But instead of helping, the face mask regulation is causing me to feel estranged from my fellow shoppers and neighbors in the community.

It could be that the ‘masked marauder’ look is causing people to feel fearful, and that the rioting and looting are a reaction to that fear … As they say, some may choose ‘fight’ rather than ‘flight’ in a scary situation. Getting down to the line, I feel it could be that the mandate about face masks is partly to blame for the rioting and looting in LA.

How do you feel about it? Are the pros of wearing face masks in public when we are not ill greater than the cons?

Here is the Mayo Clinic face mask page where I ‘read between the lines’ about the effectiveness of various sorts of masks …

Link: “COVID-19: How Much Protection Do Face Masks Offer?” by Mayo Clinic Staff … ..

As I read the Mayo Clinic article, the types of masks that are thought to offer protection from droplet aspiration are surgical and N95 masks. While I am not a medical doctor, my profession at UCLA (from which I am retired) was medical editor for some years, which accounts for my being able to read what is left unsaid in the Mayo publication.

What they seem not to be saying is that the cloth masks are effective. Instead, they say that the surgical and N95 masks are effective. I feel this to be misleading, as it causes intelligent people to think one way, when in fact things are another way.

In addition there is the issue of health care officials finding out that the pandemic had spread here in the United States while people were asymptomatic. What the masks do is stop the spread of infectious particles or droplets in the air. But if infectious people were asymptomatic, that would mean they were not coughing or sneezing. In that case they were not spreading infectious particles or droplets in the air, so how might wearing masks have prevented this early asymptomatic viral spreading?

In fact, what was the manner of infection? Was it in the breathed out air, or perhaps through touch?

Then there is the issue of the face masks with the valves that open when the person wearing them breathes out. Those types of face masks would not prevent an infected person wearing the mask from infecting nearby people.

I am left with the thought that surgical face masks might be very helpful when infected people are coughing or sneezing, as these types of face masks prevent spread of infectious particles or droplets in the air. But according to the Mayo Clinic report, not enough of these are being produced to pass out to the general population; instead they are being reserved for health care workers and essential personnel.

Mayo Clinic offers that the general public may wear cloth masks; and the Mayor of Los Angeles then mandated that we Angelenos must do so. That is considerable expense and discomfort to us, which might yet be a sensible consideration if there were a peer-reviewed article showing that fabric masks are helpful in preventing the spread of the virus. Until we have such research, I feel the Mayor of Los Angeles ought to revoke his mandate that we must always wear cloth masks in public.

In love, light and joy,
Alice B. Clagett
I Am of the Stars

Written and published on 3 June 2020


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

health, COVID-19, coronavirus, face masks, civil unrest, community alerts, psychology, psychiatry, fear, fight or flight, anxiety, freeze-fawn response, panic attacks, face masks, rioting, looting, social unrest,