Category Archives: Interspecies communication (see also ‘Commensalism – Symbiosis’ and ‘Unusual beings on Earth’)

First Attempt at Calling a Coyote . by Alice B. Clagett

First Attempt at Calling a Coyote

Image: “First Attempt at Calling a Coyote,” adapted from Image by Sasha Moroz from Pixabay – Pixabay Content License

Image: “First Attempt at Calling a Coyote,” adapted from Image by Sasha Moroz from Pixabay – Pixabay Content License


To turn off the background music, click once or twice on the arrow on the audio bar at the bottom of the page …

Dear Ones,

Here is a video about my first attempt at coyote calling …




Look; is this the coyote burrow? If it is, it is a big one. There must be a lot of coyotes in there.

[I imitate a coyote howl … no coyote!]

I guess it did not work.

[Shows lady walking at a distance.} Oh, that is just a lady.

As you can see, I have to keep working on my coyote calls. Wish me luck.

[Pans to approaching coyote.] Woops! Looks like it worked after all. Let me try again.

[I imitate a coyote howl. Coyote approaches, then veers to left.]

Well, ok. I got the coyote’s notice, but it is heading back to its warren. I guess they do not think I am their friend yet.

I would give that attempt a silver star … but not a gold star!

Wait and see what is coming up!

In love, light and joy
This is Alice B. Clagett.
I Am of the Stars … and so are you!

Filmed on 3 February 2024 and published on 4 February 2024; text added on 20 February 2024.


“First Attempt at Calling a Coyote”
by Alice B. Clagett
Filmed on 3 February 2024
Location: San Fernando Valley, CA

Produced by Shoes on 4 February 2024
CC BY-SA 4.0 International


Image: “First Attempt at Calling a Coyote,” adapted from Image by Sasha Moroz from Pixabay – Pixabay Content License

Image: “Coyote Woman,” adapted from Image by Sasha Moroz from Pixabay – Pixabay Content License



Music by Julius H. from Pixabay
“Enchanted Forest – Shamanic Drums and Music”
Pixabay License

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0 International)  Attribution: By Alice B. Clagett.  More license information

coyotes, interspecies communication,

Tree Talk – Please Don’t Stand on My Roots! . by Alice B. Clagett

Tree Talk - Please Don't Stand on My Roots!

Image: “Tree Talk,” self-portrait by Alice B. Clagett, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

Image: “Tree Talk,” self-portrait by Alice B. Clagett, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

To turn off the background music, click once or twice on the arrow on the audio bar at the bottom of the page …

Dear Ones,

Here is the gist of a talk with a tree in a local park. The tree had something important to say.

There is an edited Summary beneath the video.



Hello, Dear Ones, It’s Alice. I Am of the Stars.

A disconcerting thing has happened to me today. I was out in a local park walking amongst the big trees. I remembered how I had had a really nice conversation with a huge eucalyptus tree here a while ago.

I just happened to go by another tree and I thought: What if I tried to talk to this tree? I wonder if it would have anything to say to me.

I will show you the tree, and I will explain what it said.

We are coming up on the tree now. You can see there is a forest path here that I have been following. The tree is right beside the forest path, which then goes into an open area.

I came up here [next to the tree] and I placed my hand on the tree. I just waited.

What it said was: I am getting very tired of people standing there like that. You know, it hurts me when you stand right there.

I looked down at my feet, and I saw I was standing right next to the tree. The path goes right by the tree. Apparently what is happening is that the roots of the tree go underneath the path. When we walk on them we are hurting the tree. Apparently that is what is going on.

I was very upset. I can imagine that every day, a lot of people come by here and hurt this fine tree. It is such a huge tree! [pans to the top of the tree] It is really a big tree. I do not know if you can see it too well. It goes way up there, see?

But it is a little bit stunted, all things considered. So I walked all around and I looked all around to see if there is another path that could be taken to stop hurting this tree. I will show you what I found.

See, there is another lady going past the tree [shows lady departing] … and the tree’s roots are aching.

I do not think the gardeners here know about this.

First I tried over here [shows a shortcut path] and this does not work out because of all the rocks and a tortuous path, full of twists and turns, that goes around some. But farther on along this way there is a path that could substitute for the path that is too close to the tree. Just up this way [walks a little farther along] people could take this little forest path.

All they have to do is to remove these rocks, and they could take the path over that way. It is a nice wide path. They could maybe make a little bridge over this spot right here … or leave it as it is … and people could walk over it and easily get back to that other path.

Now the problem that I have is, I do not know how I could convince the gardeners here to do that.

But you, my viewers, could take that tree’s advice to heart. You could look at the trees all around you and see if anyone is treading on their roots, too close to the base of the tree.

Maybe you could find a path or set a path that is at least three feet away from the base of the big trees. What do you think? Let’s do our best to help our trees to live in comfort and safety and happiness near us, and to provide us with oxygen and a beautiful view and an inspiration.

God bless you all,
And keep you safe,
And be with you
Through all your days.

In love, light and joy
This is Alice B. Clagett.
I Am of the Stars … and so are you!

Image: “Tree Talk,” adapted from Image by Jim Cooper from Pixabay – Pixabay Content License

Image: “Tree Talk,” adapted from Image by Jim Cooper from Pixabay – Pixabay Content License


“Tree Talk – Please Don’t Stand on My Roots!”
by Alice B. Clagett
Filmed on 14 January 2024
Location: San Fernando Valley, CA

Produced by Shoes on 16 January 2024
CC BY-SA 4.0 International

Image: “Tree Talk,”  adapted from Image by Jim Cooper from Pixabay –  Pixabay Content License



Music by LAURENT BUCZEK from Pixabay
“dark forest” – Pixabay License

Filmed on 14 January 2024 and published on 16 January 2024

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0 International)  Attribution: By Alice B. Clagett.  More license information

trees, interspecies communication, tree spirits, devas of the forests of earth,

First Contact: Spider Talk . by Alice B. Clagett

Image: “Giant house spider (Eratigena atrica species),” by Judgeking, 13 December 2012, in Wikimedia Commons …
CC BY-SA 3.0 Unported

Image: “Giant house spider (Eratigena atrica species),” by Judgeking, 13 December 2012, in Wikimedia Commons …
CC BY-SA 3.0 Unported

. . . . .

To turn off the background music, click once or twice on the arrow on the audio bar at the bottom of the page …

Dear Ones,

Here is a video on first contact with spiders and my impression of spider energy.



Hello, Dear Ones, It’s Alice. I Am of the Stars.

I had an incident with spiders in my house last week. It was the first time I logged on to ‘spider talk’. And I thought I would convey to you my impressions on first contact.

There is a type of spider that lives in houses. They have very long legs, and small bodies. They look a little like daddy long legs. They are ‘giant house spiders’. And they have taken up residence in my garage. So I have a new policy of vacuuming spiders up with my vacuum cleaner … both small spiders and large spiders … and then, after all vacuuming is done, I take the paper vacuum bag outside and seal it off with duct tape and put it in the black bin. The theory is that I am not killing the spiders; I am relocating the spiders, and there is some chance that they might take up residence elsewhere … although I would be the first to admit the possibility is slight.

So I was preparing; I was getting ready for the great spider vacuuming campaign. The air conditioner was on because it was a warm day, so there was that constant motor noise of the air conditioner in the background. And in addition, when I turned on the vacuum cleaner, there was the sound of the vacuum cleaner … another motor noise.

Motor noises, I have found, bring in dense, dark vibes. And the very first thing I noticed as I got started was an upwelling of Satanic energy or witchcraft energy … something like that. And that seemed so strong to me that I immediately started repeating that chant …

Crux sacra sit mihi lux.
Non draco sit mihi dux.
Vade retro satana.
Numquam suade mihi vana.
Sunt mala quae libas.
Ipse venena bibas.

As I started off, I was feeling as if there was something antagonizing me or getting ready for a fight with me … something like that, that I had to prepare for. So I started off like that, but pretty soon I moved into a more mellifluous, rhythmic pronunciation. I kept that up for a long time.

And I found out that the more spiders I vacuumed up, the less threatened I felt. Now I would say it is weird … very weird … I did not feel as threatened by spellcraft or witchcraft or Satanic energy … or whatever it was that seemed to be looming all around me. I went on for a long time, vacuuming every little corner, every little cobweb.

I know it is far-fetched, but it seemed as if the spiders were talking to me. They were saying: Oh, I got away! … or they were saying: Oh! She got me! … something like that. At the very end, I heard one … maybe the ancient of the tribe … say: Well, if only one survives, it will be ok.

Now I know that is true because they are so fast at creating egg sacs and hundreds and thousands of eggs. If you miss one spider, it all happens again in a couple of weeks, it seems. So I thought: Ok, I have to find this one spider!

So I looked around behind this bookcase or that piece of equipment. Finally I found the one remaining spider, and I vacuumed it up. That spider was very quick … they are very quick when they feel threatened … but my vacuum cleaner got it.

So I am spiderless right now! And I have to say my workplace is more peaceful. In the garage it is more peaceful; it is more laid back. I am not feeling that there is an energy that is contesting my will … that is attempting to establish dominance over me.

I do not feel like the prey that the predator is after any more.

They seemed to be speaking English … which is always daunting. What with the talk I heard from the spiders, and the feeling that I got after the vacuuming, I began to gather that dark witches and dark wizards … ‘darkwomen’ and ‘darkmen’ … as opposed to Lightworkers and white witches and white wizards … I think these darker energies … that are sometimes employed or worshipped … go very well with the energy of these house spiders.

So I am not surprised that pictures about ‘darkmen’ and ‘darkwomen’ often have spiders in them. And in the same way, pictures of dwarves and brownies have spiders in them.

The very grounded first-, second-, and third-dimensional energies are more like the energies of the spiders. And that is not unusual, because I have been reading in my analysis of the inhabitants of detritus in city parks and under oak trees and so forth, that spiders … Arachnids … only capture live prey.

They are not like harvestmen and some other tiny critters that eat both dead and live animals. They are not like other tiny denizens of the leaf litter that eat only dead and decaying vegetation.

Spiders are much more visible than all the other denizens, I think. And so they are well known to be very voracious predators … very colorful, sporty … just ‘out there’, ‘in your face’ denizens sometimes. Of course, these house spiders are dull grey … dun-colored … so they will fit in better with the dust and the cobwebs in the corners of the houses and the garages.

So that is my story today; that I had a run-in with large house spiders. They come out mainly at night. If you want to go hunting for spiders with a 1000-lumen penlight flashlight an a vacuum cleaner around midnight, I think you will find your house has many more in it than you previously thought. That may be especially true of the garage. If you look up, above the doorway of the closets, and in the corners of the closets you will find them too.

Well, I wish I had more cheery news. But … if you want your magic to be Light … not Dark; if you want to be a Lightworker … not a Darkworker; if you want to be a Christian untempted by the cardinal sins … and lured instead to the cardinal virtues … I say: Get those spiders out of your home. You do not have to kill them, but they have to be relocated outside. The energy is just not right for Lightworkers!

God bless you all,
And keep you safe,
And be with you
Through all your days.

In love, light and joy,
This is Alice B. Clagett.
I Am of the Stars … and so are you!

You know where to find me on my WordPress site. See you there!

Filmed on 27 September 2023 and published on 28 September 2023


“First Contact: Spider Talk”
by Alice B. Clagett
Filmed on 27 September 2023
Location: Santa Monica Mountains, CA

Produced by Shoes on 28 September 2023
CC BY-SA 4.0 International
. . . . .

Pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony and sloth.

Prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance.
. . . . .


Image: “Giant house spider (Eratigena atrica species),” by Judgeking, 13 December 2012, in Wikimedia Commons …
CC BY-SA 3.0 Unported

Image: “A scorpion (Scorpio afer). Coloured engraving,” ca. 1702, Wellcome Images, in Wikimedia Commons …
_Coloured_engraving,_ca._1702._Wellcome_V0022433.jpg … CC BY 4.0 International

Image: “Pseudoscorpion found under the bark of a Sycamore tree at Shelby Park in Nashville, Tennessee,” by Kaldari, 8 May 2010, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain


Music by Alexander Nakarada from Pixabay
“Moon” – Pixabay License


Music by Timothy Kulig from Pixabay
“Halloween Background Music” – Pixabay License


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

spiders, First contact – Earth animals, arachnids, arthropods,

How to Speak with Non-Human Beings . by Alice B. Clagett

How to Speak with Non-Human Beings

Image: “Simi Hills, California 1,” by Alice B. Clagett, 30 August 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

Image: “Simi Hills, California 1,” by Alice B. Clagett, 30 August 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

. . . . .


To turn off the background music, click once or twice on the arrow on the audio bar at the bottom of the page …

Dear Ones,

This is about how to speak with non-human beings. There is an edited Summary after the video …



Hello, Dear Ones, It’s Alice. I Am of the Stars.

I have a very interesting thing to talk to you about, that I just was discussing with someone … a man with a low voice … on the astral plane. His question was: How can anyone who cannot speak think anything at all?

It had to do with this: I was walking along a trail, and I was noting the signs of animal life and plant life along the trail, and the things that had been happening there in the night time.

Then I started to speak about them on the astral plane. That person had not had any notion of what I was seeing, because I had only been observing those things.

I had not been speaking about them. I had not been ‘subvocalizing’ them. Subvocalization … movements of the tongue as if speaking … can be heard by telepaths, whether nearby or far away.

And so I started to explain that there was a woman who was deaf and blind, who had a very hard time learning to speak. I had seen a movie about the beginning of her training to learn to speak; it was the 1962 movie “Miracle Worker” about Helen Keller.

I saw that Helen Keller was very strong willed, and that she had really strong ideas about table manners, for instance. Helen Keller could think, and she could act on her thoughts, but she could not see, or hear, or speak.

Then I realized this is the impediment that people have about speaking with non-human beings, yes? They think that they need to be able to talk to them, either on the astral plane or on the physical plane.

But many species communicate without the aid of speech. You see? They have a very rich cultural heritage; and they have a very dynamic notion about the Universe; and they have, in the case of the Martians, a cultural history that goes back billions of years, you know? It is not to be discounted!

And there are others of the higher realms such as the Venutians … those of Venus … who speak through the language of Light.

There are many other instances of communication that have nothing to do with speaking.

If you go to these of my blog categories you will get a notion of the range and diversity of modes of communication that have not to do with speech …

  • Interspecies Communication
  • Commensalism – Symbiosis
  • Unusual Beings on Earth
  • Star Beings
  • Languages of light and sound

Some do have to do with our speech, and some do not. Some species have learned English.

In general, we need to make a distinction in that regard: Just because they have learned English does not mean they have our best interests in mind. On the other hand, it may mean just that. So we have to discriminate.

For more on this, see my blog categories …

  • Christed Star Beings – Brothers and Sisters of Light … and …
  • Non-Christed Star Beings – Brothers and Sisters of Darkness

Very good luck in exploring the lifestyles of those that are not human! I hope you have as much fun with it as I have!

God bless you all,
And keep you safe,
And be with you
Through all your days.

In love, light and joy,
This is Alice B. Clagett.
I Am of the Stars … and so are you!

Filmed on 30 August 2023 and published on 2 September 2023


“How to Speak with Non-Human Beings”
by Alice B. Clagett
Filmed on 30 August 2023
Location: Simi Hills, CA

Produced by Shoes on 2 September 2023
CC BY-SA 4.0 International



Music by Alexander Nakarada from Pixabay
“Magic Tavern” – Pixabay License


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

interspecies communication, Commensalism, Unusual Beings on Earth, Star Beings, Christed Star Beings – Brothers and Sisters of Light, Non-Christed Star Beings – Brothers and Sisters of Darkness, languages of light and sound,

Home Invasion by Earwigs – I Called in the Reserves . by Alice B. Clagett

Home Invasion by Earwigs - I Called in the Reserves

Image: “Shoes and Earwigs,” by Alice B. Clagett, 20 May 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

Image: “Shoes and Earwigs,” by Alice B. Clagett, 20 May 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

. . . . .


Dear Ones,

The denouement of Home Invasion by Earwigs … at least, I hope so … with a codicil on Alien Greys …



I have read accounts by telepaths who mistook  the minds of insects for Alien Greys.

My guess is Alpha Centauri as the point of origin of the unique ‘flavor’ of insect life on Earth (as distinguished from the ‘flavors’ of other Martian genetic spinoffs).

What do you think?

Where do insects come from? What is their point of origin?

With their overweaning emphasis on telepathy, sex drive, and territorial aggression, how much of a threat do they pose to humankind?


“Home Invasion by Earwigs – I Called in the Reserves!”
By Alice B. Clagett
Filmed on 19 May 2023
Produced on 20 May 2023
Los Angeles, California
CC BY-SA 4.0 International

Music by nakaradaalexander from Pixabay
“Battle of Hastings” – Pixabay License


Image: “Grey Aliens Drawing,” by MjolnirPants, 27 April 2021, in Wikimedia Commons … …

Composite Image: “Alpha Centaurian,” adapted and compiled by Alice B. Clagett, 15 August 2022, CC BY-SA 4.0 International. at “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … CREDITS: Image: “Head view of ant Messor stoddardi specimen casent0005735,” by, in Wikimedia Commons … … CC BY 4.0 International

Image: “Alpha Centauri A and B as imaged by the Hubble Space Telescope,” by ESA/Hubble and NASA, 24 August 2016, in Wikimedia Commons … … CC BY-SA 4.0 International

In love, light and joy,
Alice B. Clagett
I Am of the Stars

Filmed on 20 May 2023 and published on 21 May 2023


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

earwigs, insects, Martians, Grey Aliens, point of origin,