Category Archives: Ascension

MM 14K. Cautions Regarding the Practice of Sat Kriya . by Alice B. Clagett

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This page is part of a picture book on Enlightenment.

Text is in light blue.

The video for the Enlightenment II miniseries is here … ..

Mastering the Mind and the Human EMF: Enlightenment II: Raising the Kundalini to Unify All Four Minds of the New Human - K. Cautions Regarding the Practice of Sat Kriya

Image: “Cautions Regarding Sat Kriya,” list by Alice B. Clagett, 2 October 2022, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

Image: “Cautions Regarding Sat Kriya,” list by Alice B. Clagett, 2 October 2022, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” .

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14K. Cautions Regarding the Practice of Sat Kriya

Matthew Nihra: Because Sat Kriya is very powerful, and begins to work right away to raise the kundalini and to heal the tangles of the human EMF, I offer the following caveats …

See your Western medical doctor to make sure it is all right for you to practice this kriya …

Chart: “Cautions Regarding Sat Kriya 2,” by Alice B. Clagett, 7 January 2024, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

Chart: “Cautions Regarding Sat Kriya 2,” by Alice B. Clagett, 7 January 2024, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

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Then if your doctor agrees, here are some more cautions …

This kriya is often practiced for 3 to 31 minutes, but may I suggest, if you feel uncomfortable while practicing, just do the kriya for a minute or so, or stop altogether.

Chart: “Cautions Regarding Sat Kriya 3,” by Alice B. Clagett, 7 January 2024, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

Chart: “Cautions Regarding Sat Kriya 3,” by Alice B. Clagett, 7 January 2024, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

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If you are unwell, but expect soon to be better, then wait till you are well before practicing Sat Kriya.

If you are chronically unwell, then avoid practicing Sat Kriya, and instead use whatever means are at your disposal to attain a healthy body before practicing the kriya.

Chart: “Cautions Regarding Sat Kriya 4,” by Alice B. Clagett, 7 January 2024, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

Chart: “Cautions Regarding Sat Kriya 4,” by Alice B. Clagett, 7 January 2024, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

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Those who recently have had a colonoscopy, or who have had rectal surgery, or who are frequent rectal intercourse recipients … whether men or women … may be in the process of healing damage to the lower energetic mechanism of the central vertical power current of their electromagnetic fields. This can make the experience of kundalini rising uncomfortable, and thus inadvisable. This is the series author’s advice, to do with her having taught kundalini yoga for quite a while, many years ago.

Chart: “Cautions Regarding Sat Kriya 5,” by Alice B. Clagett, 7 January 2024, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

Chart: “Cautions Regarding Sat Kriya 5,” by Alice B. Clagett, 7 January 2024, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

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For women: Avoid practicing this kriya while experiencing premenstrual syndrome (PMS); during menses; during pregnancy; and for the first 40 days or so after giving birth. This the series author learned from 3HO in days gone by.

Chart: “Cautions Regarding Sat Kriya 6,” by Alice B. Clagett, 7 January 2024, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

Chart: “Cautions Regarding Sat Kriya 6,” by Alice B. Clagett, 7 January 2024, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

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The elderly and children under 15 years of age may wish to avoid practicing this kriya, or else may wish to practice it for only a minute or so. 3HO may have other ideas about this; you can ask them about that at their website ..

Chart: “Cautions Regarding Sat Kriya 7,” by Alice B. Clagett, 7 January 2024, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

Chart: “Cautions Regarding Sat Kriya 7,” by Alice B. Clagett, 7 January 2024, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

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Lastly, be sure to lie down on your back and rest for 10 minutes after practicing the kriya …

Chart: “Cautions Regarding Sat Kriya 8,” by Alice B. Clagett, 7 January 2024, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

Chart: “Cautions Regarding Sat Kriya 8,” by Alice B. Clagett, 7 January 2024, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

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Here is Alice B. Clagett with consoling thoughts in the event you find Sat Kriya to be not your cup of tea ..

In love, light and joy,
Alice B. Clagett

I Am of the Stars


This is part of Chapter 14 of a blog series on Mastering the Mind and the Human Electromagnetic Field, and on the relationship of that field to the Universe.

Chapter 14 is the second of two miniseries on the topic of Enlightenment. The page you are viewing now is Mastering the Mind and the Human EMF: Chapter 14. Enlightenment II: Raising the Kundalini to Unify All Four Minds of the New Human – K. Cautions Regarding the Practice of Sat Kriya.

Navigation links for the Enlightenment II miniseries are at the top and near the bottom of each page of this series. Navigation links for the complete Mastering the Mind series are at the very bottom of each page.

Written and published on 16 April 2016; revised on 12 February 2019 and following.
This revised Video 14 for the series was produced on 29 January 2024.

Enlightenment II Series

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Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0). Attribution: By Alice B. Clagett.
More license information


mastery of time and space, Ascension, four minds, one mind, conscious mind, subconscious mind, superconscious mind, unconscious mind, enlightenment, mind, kundalini yoga,

MM 14J. Shortcuts and Changeups . by Alice B. Clagett

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This page is part of a picture book on Enlightenment.

Text is in light blue.

The video for the Enlightenment II miniseries is here … ..

Mastering the Mind and the Human EMF: Enlightenment II: Raising the Kundalini to Unify All Four Minds of the New Human - J. Shortcuts and Changeups

Image Markup: “Shortcuts and Changeups 1,” by Alice B. Clagett, 25 December 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Hikers walking on stepping stones set along the top of a small waterfall. LEGEND: “Shortcuts and Changeups” … CREDITS: Image: “A Hiking Group Crosses the Stream” [adapted], by GerritR, 11 December 2016, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Madeira_II.jpg … CC BY-SA 4.0 International

Image Markup: “Shortcuts and Changeups 1,” by Alice B. Clagett, 25 December 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Hikers walking on stepping stones set along the top of a small waterfall. LEGEND: “Shortcuts and Changeups” … CREDITS: Image: “A Hiking Group Crosses the Stream” [adapted], by GerritR, 11 December 2016, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Madeira_II.jpg … CC BY-SA 4.0 International

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14J. Shortcuts and Changeups

Alice B. Clagett: My first few tries with Sat Kriya were right rough, I found, even though I was still in the flower of youth when I undertook the practice. Thus I advise my readers to ease into the technique a tiny bit at a time.

Image Markup: “Shortcuts and Changeups 2,” by Alice B. Clagett, 25 December 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Hikers walking on stepping stones set along the top of a small waterfall. LEGEND: “Shorten the Time” … CREDITS: Image: “A Hiking Group Crosses the Stream” [adapted], by GerritR, 11 December 2016, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Madeira_II.jpg … CC BY-SA 4.0 International

Image Markup: “Shortcuts and Changeups 2,” by Alice B. Clagett, 25 December 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Hikers walking on stepping stones set along the top of a small waterfall. LEGEND: “Shorten the Time” … CREDITS: Image: “A Hiking Group Crosses the Stream” [adapted], by GerritR, 11 December 2016, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Madeira_II.jpg … CC BY-SA 4.0 International

Shorten the Time. There is no need to start with a 30-minute practice as did I. If 30 seconds seems like a long time, then try the technique for 10 seconds. Follow your medical doctor’s advice as well. Only practice this technique if your doctor advises that your health warrants it.

Image Markup: “Shortcuts and Changeups 3,” by Alice B. Clagett, 25 December 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Hikers walking on stepping stones set along the top of a small waterfall. LEGEND: “Follow Your Doctor’s Advice” … CREDITS: Image: “A Hiking Group Crosses the Stream” [adapted], by GerritR, 11 December 2016, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Madeira_II.jpg … CC BY-SA 4.0 International

Image Markup: “Shortcuts and Changeups 3,” by Alice B. Clagett, 25 December 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Hikers walking on stepping stones set along the top of a small waterfall. LEGEND: “Follow Your Doctor’s Advice” … CREDITS: Image: “A Hiking Group Crosses the Stream” [adapted], by GerritR, 11 December 2016, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Madeira_II.jpg … CC BY-SA 4.0 International

Adjust the Posture. If you are physically challenged, you can make some adjustments in your practice of Sat Kriya and still enjoy its good effects. For instance, you do not have to do the pose while kneeling — You can be simply sitting in a chair, with the soles of your feet on the floor, your hands on your knees, spine erect, and muscles relaxed.

Image Markup: “Shortcuts and Changeups 4,” by Alice B. Clagett, 25 December 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Hikers walking on stepping stones set along the top of a small waterfall. LEGEND: “Adjust the Posture” … CREDITS: Image: “A Hiking Group Crosses the Stream” [adapted], by GerritR, 11 December 2016, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Madeira_II.jpg … CC BY-SA 4.0 International

Image Markup: “Shortcuts and Changeups 4,” by Alice B. Clagett, 25 December 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Hikers walking on stepping stones set along the top of a small waterfall. LEGEND: “Adjust the Posture” … CREDITS: Image: “A Hiking Group Crosses the Stream” [adapted], by GerritR, 11 December 2016, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Madeira_II.jpg … CC BY-SA 4.0 International

Change the Mantra. I feel you also need not use the mantra Sat Naam (which means “I am truth”), although that is a nice touch, and helps elevate a meditator’s frequency. I feel a person could substitute ‘A-men’ or ‘I am’ or whatever phrase represents the highest truth for them.

Image Markup: “Shortcuts and Changeups 5,” by Alice B. Clagett, 25 December 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Hikers walking on stepping stones set along the top of a small waterfall. LEGEND: “Change the Mantra” … CREDITS: Image: “A Hiking Group Crosses the Stream” [adapted], by GerritR, 11 December 2016, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Madeira_II.jpg … CC BY-SA 4.0 International

Image Markup: “Shortcuts and Changeups 5,” by Alice B. Clagett, 25 December 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Hikers walking on stepping stones set along the top of a small waterfall. LEGEND: “Change the Mantra” … CREDITS: Image: “A Hiking Group Crosses the Stream” [adapted], by GerritR, 11 December 2016, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Madeira_II.jpg … CC BY-SA 4.0 International

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Quick Method for Those Who Are Experienced in the Technique. After practicing Sat Kriya for quite some time, I found that I could raise the kundalini by means of this very abbreviated take on the kriya …

Image Markup: “Quick Method for Pros 1,” by Alice B. Clagett, 25 December 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Hikers walking on stepping stones set along the top of a small waterfall. LEGEND: “Quick Method for Pros” … CREDITS: Image: “A Hiking Group Crosses the Stream” [adapted], by GerritR, 11 December 2016, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Madeira_II.jpg … CC BY-SA 4.0 International

Image Markup: “Quick Method for Pros 1,” by Alice B. Clagett, 25 December 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Hikers walking on stepping stones set along the top of a small waterfall. LEGEND: “Quick Method for Pros” … CREDITS: Image: “A Hiking Group Crosses the Stream” [adapted], by GerritR, 11 December 2016, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Madeira_II.jpg … CC BY-SA 4.0 International

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A minute or two of ‘breath of fire’, which is to say: pumping the navel point in and out while breathing rapidly through the nose …

Image Markup: “Quick Method for Pros 2,” by Alice B. Clagett, 25 December 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Hikers walking on stepping stones set along the top of a small waterfall. LEGEND: “Quick Method for Pros. A few minutes of rapid, navel-point breathing.” … CREDITS: Image: “A Hiking Group Crosses the Stream” [adapted], by GerritR, 11 December 2016, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Madeira_II.jpg … CC BY-SA 4.0 International

Image Markup: “Quick Method for Pros 2,” by Alice B. Clagett, 25 December 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Hikers walking on stepping stones set along the top of a small waterfall. LEGEND: “Quick Method for Pros. A few minutes of rapid, navel-point breathing.” … CREDITS: Image: “A Hiking Group Crosses the Stream” [adapted], by GerritR, 11 December 2016, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Madeira_II.jpg … CC BY-SA 4.0 International

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  • And then a couple of these breathing exercises …
    • Inhale completely …

Image Markup: “Quick Method for Pros 3,” by Alice B. Clagett, 25 December 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Hikers walking on stepping stones set along the top of a small waterfall. LEGEND: “Quick Method for Pros. A few minutes of rapid, navel-point breathing. Inhale Completely.” … CREDITS: Image: “A Hiking Group Crosses the Stream” [adapted], by GerritR, 11 December 2016, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Madeira_II.jpg … CC BY-SA 4.0 International

Image Markup: “Quick Method for Pros 3,” by Alice B. Clagett, 25 December 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Hikers walking on stepping stones set along the top of a small waterfall. LEGEND: “Quick Method for Pros. A few minutes of rapid, navel-point breathing. Inhale Completely.” … CREDITS: Image: “A Hiking Group Crosses the Stream” [adapted], by GerritR, 11 December 2016, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Madeira_II.jpg … CC BY-SA 4.0 International

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  • Exhale completely …

Image Markup: “Quick Method for Pros 4,” by Alice B. Clagett, 25 December 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Hikers walking on stepping stones set along the top of a small waterfall. LEGEND: “Quick Method for Pros. A few minutes of rapid, navel-point breathing. Inhale Completely. Exhale Completely.” … CREDITS: Image: “A Hiking Group Crosses the Stream” [adapted], by GerritR, 11 December 2016, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Madeira_II.jpg … CC BY-SA 4.0 International

Image Markup: “Quick Method for Pros 4,” by Alice B. Clagett, 25 December 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Hikers walking on stepping stones set along the top of a small waterfall. LEGEND: “Quick Method for Pros. A few minutes of rapid, navel-point breathing. Inhale Completely. Exhale Completely.” … CREDITS: Image: “A Hiking Group Crosses the Stream” [adapted], by GerritR, 11 December 2016, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Madeira_II.jpg … CC BY-SA 4.0 International

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… and hold the breath out as you apply maha bandha, the Great Lock of kundalini yoga.  (Chin is slightly tucked in, neck straight. Pull in and up on the perineum, the sexual organs, and the navel point.)

Image Markup: “Quick Method for Pros 5,” by Alice B. Clagett, 25 December 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Hikers walking on stepping stones set along the top of a small waterfall. LEGEND: “Quick Method for Pros. A few minutes of rapid, navel-point breathing. Inhale Completely. Exhale Completely. Hold the breath out and apply the Great Lock of kundalini yoga.” … CREDITS: Image: “A Hiking Group Crosses the Stream” [adapted], by GerritR, 11 December 2016, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Madeira_II.jpg … CC BY-SA 4.0 International

Image Markup: “Quick Method for Pros 5,” by Alice B. Clagett, 25 December 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Hikers walking on stepping stones set along the top of a small waterfall. LEGEND: “Quick Method for Pros. A few minutes of rapid, navel-point breathing. Inhale Completely. Exhale Completely. Hold the breath out and apply the Great Lock of kundalini yoga.” … CREDITS: Image: “A Hiking Group Crosses the Stream” [adapted], by GerritR, 11 December 2016, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Madeira_II.jpg … CC BY-SA 4.0 International

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However, you may find it takes a few years to gain the mastery needed to raise the kundalini using this abbreviated approach.

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Now here is our narrator Matthew Nihra with some cautions on the practice of Sat Kriya … ..

In love, light and joy,
Alice B. Clagett

I Am of the Stars


This is part of Chapter 14 of a blog series on Mastering the Mind and the Human Electromagnetic Field, and on the relationship of that field to the Universe.

Chapter 14 is the second of two miniseries on the topic of Enlightenment. The page you are viewing now is Mastering the Mind and the Human EMF: Chapter 14. Enlightenment II: Raising the Kundalini to Unify All Four Minds of the New Human – J. Shortcuts and Changeups.

Navigation links for the Enlightenment II miniseries are at the top and near the bottom of each page of this series. Navigation links for the complete Mastering the Mind series are at the very bottom of each page.

Written and published on 16 April 2016; revised on 12 February 2019 and following.
This revised Video 14 for the series was produced on 29 January 2024.

Enlightenment II Series

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Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0). Attribution: By Alice B. Clagett.
More license information


mastery of time and space, Ascension, four minds, one mind, conscious mind, subconscious mind, superconscious mind, unconscious mind, enlightenment, mind, kundalini yoga,

MM 14I. How to Practice Sat Kriya . by Alice B. Clagett

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This page is part of a picture book on Enlightenment.

Text is in light blue.

The video for the Enlightenment II miniseries is here … ..

Image: “How to Practice Sat Kriya” [header], adapted on 7 January 2024 from Image: “Miri Piri Academy students train for Level 1 and Level 2 IKYTA Kundalini Yoga Teacher Certification” [dimmed], by Saraswatikhalsa, 21 October 2008, in Wikimedia Commons … … CC BY-SA 4.0 International

Image: “How to Practice Sat Kriya” [header], adapted on 7 January 2024 from Image: “Miri Piri Academy students train for Level 1 and Level 2 IKYTA Kundalini Yoga Teacher Certification” [dimmed], by Saraswatikhalsa, 21 October 2008, in Wikimedia Commons … … CC BY-SA 4.0 International

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MM 14I. How to Practice Sat Kriya

Alice B. Clagett: I can speak with authority on the topic of Sat Kriya because it was one of my very first yogic practices. I found that by practicing this technique for 90 days I became accustomed to it.

I know there are variants on this yoga practice, and I cannot speak for all of them. To be on the safe side, here are links to where you can find detailed information on the very technique that has worked so well for me.

These techniques are copyrighted by others, so I cannot offer them verbatim in my Creative Commons video. I feel confident, though, that the teachings will be available in their original, pure form in years to come through at the very least one of the following sources. 

You can go to the Healthy, Happy, Holy Organization website … … and search for the term ‘Sat Kriya’ …

Link: “3HO” … … Search for: Sat Kriya

You also can find a concise description of Sat Kriya at the Spirit Rising Yoga website … ...

Link: “Sat Kriya,” 5 October 2019, at Spirit Rising Yoga … … This webpage features a Sat Kriya video by Guru Prem Singh Khalsa.

You can also find a description of ‘Sat Kriya’ in my favorite yoga manual “Kundalini Yoga: Sadhana Guidelines Paperback” by Yogi Bhajan, which is currently available on and at “Ancient Healing Ways” … ...

Citation: “Kundalini Yoga: Sadhana Guidelines Paperback” by Yogi Bhajan, author Gurucharan Singh Khalsa, 1 June 2007, ISBN 978-0978698980

And you can find many 3HO videos of Sat Kriya on youtube using this search: youtube “3HO” Sat Kriya ..


Image: “Light Bulb or Idea Flat Icon Vector” [adapted], by VideoPlasty, 1 March 2018, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

Image: “Light Bulb or Idea Flat Icon Vector” [adapted], by VideoPlasty, 1 March 2018, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

Three Hints That Are Essential to Success. I have three hints for you. These three hints are essential to your successful mastery of this kriya.

I will put it clearly before you, dear reader. If you fail to abide by these hints … with special emphasis on the last two … then you cannot hope to succeed in mastering the kriya. 

Before practicing Sat Kriya, be sure to take these preparatory steps …

First of all, inhale deeply, and then exhale deeply. Do this three times.

Image Markup: “Yoga Prep 1,” by Alice B. Clagett, 21 December 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Students meditating while sitting on the ground. Legend: “Inhale-Exhale Deeply Three Times.” … CREDITS: Image: “International Yoga Day Celebrations” [adapted], by Dr. Shabana Sultahana, 1 February 2018, in Wikimedia Commons … … CC BY-SA 4.0 International

Image Markup: “Yoga Prep 1,” by Alice B. Clagett, 21 December 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Students meditating while sitting on the ground. Legend: “Inhale-Exhale Deeply Three Times.” … CREDITS: Image: “International Yoga Day Celebrations” [adapted], by Dr. Shabana Sultahana, 1 February 2018, in Wikimedia Commons … … CC BY-SA 4.0 International

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Secondly, tune in to God; let God’s grace and love lead you through this exercise. This is far and away the most essential tip for the successful practice of the kriya.

Image Markup: “Yoga Prep 2,” by Alice B. Clagett, 22 December 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: A man standing, legs side by side, hands palms and fingers together, fingers pointing up (in prayer pose). LEGEND: “Tune in to God.” … CREDITS: Image: “Pranamanasana” [adapted], by Sezam777, 15 December 2017, in Wikimedia Commons … … CC BY-SA 4.0 International

Image Markup: “Yoga Prep 2,” by Alice B. Clagett, 22 December 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: A man standing, legs side by side, hands palms and fingers together, fingers pointing up (in prayer pose). LEGEND: “Tune in to God.” … CREDITS: Image: “Pranamanasana” [adapted], by Sezam777, 15 December 2017, in Wikimedia Commons … … CC BY-SA 4.0 International

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Many may disagree with me on this, but my heart firmly exhorts me to hold by this notion. How can I not stand by my heart! Please believe me, and always tune in to God at the beginning of your yoga practice.

The third and last hint has to do with a rest period after practicing Sat Kriya …

Image Markup: ”Yoga Prep 3,” by Alice B. Clagett, 21 December 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: A woman lying on her back, arms outstretched, palms up. LEGEND: ”Rest for 10 minutes after Sat Kriya.” … CREDITS: Image: “Savasana Artistic” [adapted], by Robert Bejil, 9 October 2011, in English Wikipedia … … CC BY 2.0 Generic

Image Markup: ”Yoga Prep 3,” by Alice B. Clagett, 21 December 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: A woman lying on her back, arms outstretched, palms up. LEGEND: ”Rest for 10 minutes after Sat Kriya.” … CREDITS: Image: “Savasana Artistic” [adapted], by Robert Bejil, 9 October 2011, in English Wikipedia … … CC BY 2.0 Generic

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Be sure to rest 10 minutes after practicing the kriya. That relaxation time will allow the beneficial effects of your practice to circulate throughout your energy field, renewing and rejuvenating your physical and subtle bodies. Or so it seems to me, and so I learned long years ago.

A Sat Kriya Video That Is Quite Good. I have found a youtube video by Spirit Voyage that contains a thorough introduction to Sat Kriya. I feel you will find this video a great help in learning to practice the kriya. Search youtube for the title of the video: “How to Do Kundalini Yoga: Sat Kriya.” …

Video … “How to Do Kundalini Yoga: Sat Kriya,” by Spirit Voyage, 20 February 2011 … … COMMENTS: The Sat Kriya exercise starts at timestamp 5:15.

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Coming up next is the topic Shortcuts and Changeups … ..

In love, light and joy,
Alice B. Clagett

I Am of the Stars


This is part of Chapter 14 of a blog series on Mastering the Mind and the Human Electromagnetic Field, and on the relationship of that field to the Universe.

Chapter 14 is the second of two miniseries on the topic of Enlightenment. The page you are viewing now is Mastering the Mind and the Human EMF: Chapter 14. Enlightenment II: Raising the Kundalini to Unify All Four Minds of the New Human – I. How to Practice Sat Kriya.

Navigation links for the Enlightenment II miniseries are at the top and near the bottom of each page of this series. Navigation links for the complete Mastering the Mind series are at the very bottom of each page.

Written and published on 16 April 2016; revised on 12 February 2019 and following.
This revised Video 14 for the series was produced on 29 January 2024.

Enlightenment II Series

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Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0). Attribution: By Alice B. Clagett.
More license information


mastery of time and space, Ascension, four minds, one mind, conscious mind, subconscious mind, superconscious mind, unconscious mind, enlightenment, mind, kundalini yoga,

MM 14H. Preparing to Raise the Kundalini . by Alice B. Clagett

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This page is part of a picture book on Enlightenment.

Text is in light blue.

The video for the Enlightenment II miniseries is here … ..

14H. Preparing to Raise the Kundalini

Mastering the Mind and the Human EMF: Enlightenment II: Raising the Kundalini to Unify All Four Minds of the New Human - H. Preparing to Raise the Kundalini

Image: “Girl Reading,” by William Morris Hunt, 1853, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

Image: “Girl Reading,” by William Morris Hunt, 1853, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

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Matthew Nihra: Yogic Lifestyle. The below information may be helpful for those who want to do Sat Kriya, but find this practice to be physically uncomfortable when first attempted …

To take full advantage of this powerful technique, prepare your body with a yogic lifestyle. Eat a balanced diet …

Image: “Good Food Display – NCI Visuals Online” [adapted], by National Cancer Institute, December 1988, in English Wikipedia … … public domain

Image: “Good Food Display – NCI Visuals Online” [adapted], by National Cancer Institute, December 1988, in English Wikipedia … … public domain

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… get plenty of exercise …

Image: “Emporda Food Pyramid” [adapted], by Regional Council of Baix Emporda, 15 October 2007, in English Wikipedia … … CC BY-SA 2.0 Generic

Image: “Emporda Food Pyramid” [adapted], by Regional Council of Baix Emporda, 15 October 2007, in English Wikipedia … … CC BY-SA 2.0 Generic

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… and get plenty of sleep every day …

Image: “Sleeping Baby, Baby’s Sleep, Moscow, Russia” [adapted], by Vyacheslav Argenberg, 21 May 2012, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Baby%27s_sleep,_Moscow,_Russia.jpg … CC BY 4.0 International

Image: “Sleeping Baby, Baby’s Sleep, Moscow, Russia” [adapted], by Vyacheslav Argenberg, 21 May 2012, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Baby%27s_sleep,_Moscow,_Russia.jpg … CC BY 4.0 International

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Then there are the broader guidelines, which vary according to a person’s spiritual path.

Image: “Crow Peak Summit, Chugach Mountains, Alaska” [adapted], by Paxson Woelber, 10 June 2007, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Alaska_(5427078006).jpg … CC BY 2.0 Generic

Image: “Crow Peak Summit, Chugach Mountains, Alaska” [adapted], by Paxson Woelber, 10 June 2007, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Alaska_(5427078006).jpg … CC BY 2.0 Generic

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In my own case, I find the following guidelines to be very important …

I have found work that pays for my food and shelter. I do not do drugs. I do not smoke. I exercise moderation in my sex life. I have a circle of friends who support me in my lifestyle. I abide by the laws set forth by my community. And I like to give back to my community in a way that brings me happiness.

Image: “An Understanding of Yogic Lore” [header], adapted on 7 January 2024 from Image: “Stupa and the Himalayas” [dimmed], by Shubham4564, 27 January 2017, in Wikimedia Commons … … CC BY-SA 4.0 International

Image: “An Understanding of Yogic Lore” [header], adapted on 7 January 2024 from Image: “Stupa and the Himalayas” [dimmed], by Shubham4564, 27 January 2017, in Wikimedia Commons … … CC BY-SA 4.0 International

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An Understanding of Yogic Lore. You may be wondering why Sat Kriya can cause enlightenment. To understand why, it is important to get a general idea of the yogic lore that is the underpinning for this practice. Here is a concise refresher on that …

The drawing below you is entitled “Human Personal Energy Field: Ida, Pingala, Sushumna, and Personal Chakras with Third-Eye Point and Crown Chakra Detail” …

Image Markup: “Human Personal Energy Field 6: Ida, Pingala, Sushumna, and Personal Chakras with Third-Eye Point and Crown Chakra Detail,” by Alice B. Clagett, 10 September 2022, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Woman standing, facing forward. There are three main power currents (‘nerve currents’ or ‘nadis’) in the human personal energy field. These are the ida, the pingala, and the sushumna. The sushumna is shown as a column of white light that runs vertically along the spine. Through the sushumna flows the central vertical power current or ‘kundalini’ of the human energy field. The ida is shown as a wavy white line of light originating at the left side of the base of the spine, coursing upward through the chakras to the third-eye point (6th chakra). The cooling and relaxing energy of the ida courses through the left nostril. The pingala is shown as a wavy tawny-colored line of light originating at the right side of the base of the spine, coursing upward through the chakras to the third-eye point (6th chakra). The warming and invigorating energy of the pingala courses through the right nostril. Personal chakras 1 through 7 (those within the torso) are depicted as spheres of light. The colors, from lowest to highest, are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. The indigo sphere of light at the level of the eyebrows (or slightly higher) represents the third-eye point (the 6th chakra or ‘ajna’). The violet sphere of light at the top of the head represents the crown chakra (the 7th chakra or ‘many-petaled lotus’). These two are related to the pineal gland and the pituitary gland, which are located quite close together in the human brain. I represent their close association in the drawing as the stem of the lotus flower … CREDITS: Image: “Woman with Ringlets, Standing [adapted],” by William Mulready, 1824, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Standing_-_B1977.14.5086_-_Yale_Center_for_British_Art.jpg … public domain

Image Markup: “Human Personal Energy Field 6: Ida, Pingala, Sushumna, and Personal Chakras with Third-Eye Point and Crown Chakra Detail,” by Alice B. Clagett, 10 September 2022, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Woman standing, facing forward. There are three main power currents (‘nerve currents’ or ‘nadis’) in the human personal energy field. These are the ida, the pingala, and the sushumna. The sushumna is shown as a column of white light that runs vertically along the spine. Through the sushumna flows the central vertical power current or ‘kundalini’ of the human energy field. The ida is shown as a wavy white line of light originating at the left side of the base of the spine, coursing upward through the chakras to the third-eye point (6th chakra). The cooling and relaxing energy of the ida courses through the left nostril. The pingala is shown as a wavy tawny-colored line of light originating at the right side of the base of the spine, coursing upward through the chakras to the third-eye point (6th chakra). The warming and invigorating energy of the pingala courses through the right nostril. Personal chakras 1 through 7 (those within the torso) are depicted as spheres of light. The colors, from lowest to highest, are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. The indigo sphere of light at the level of the eyebrows (or slightly higher) represents the third-eye point (the 6th chakra or ‘ajna’). The violet sphere of light at the top of the head represents the crown chakra (the 7th chakra or ‘many-petaled lotus’). These two are related to the pineal gland and the pituitary gland, which are located quite close together in the human brain. I represent their close association in the drawing as the stem of the lotus flower … CREDITS: Image: “Woman with Ringlets, Standing [adapted],” by William Mulready, 1824, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Standing_-_B1977.14.5086_-_Yale_Center_for_British_Art.jpg … public domain

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In the drawing, you can see a woman standing, facing forward.

There are three main power currents (which is to say, ‘nerve currents’ or ‘nadis’) in the human personal energy field. These are the sushumna, the ida, and the pingala.

The sushumna is shown as a column of white Light that runs vertically along the spine.

Image: “Sushumna, Ida and Pingala 1a-Sushumna,” by Alice B. Clagett, 13 November 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from ”Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Woman standing, facing forward. Vertically along the path of her spine is depicted the SUSHUMNA, the major ‘nerve current’ or nadi’ of the human energy field. The sushumna … HIGHLIGHTED HERE … is sometimes termed the ‘Central Vertical Power Current’ or the ‘kundalini’ energy. Entwined around the sushumna are two more power currents: The white IDA and the tawny-colored PINGALA. … CREDITS: Image: “Woman with Ringlets, Standing” [adapted], by William Mulready, 1824, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Standing_-_B1977.14.5086_-_Yale_Center_for_British_Art.jpg … public domain

Image: “Sushumna, Ida and Pingala 1a-Sushumna,” by Alice B. Clagett, 13 November 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from ”Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Woman standing, facing forward. Vertically along the path of her spine is depicted the SUSHUMNA, the major ‘nerve current’ or nadi’ of the human energy field. The sushumna … HIGHLIGHTED HERE … is sometimes termed the ‘Central Vertical Power Current’ or the ‘kundalini’ energy. Entwined around the sushumna are two more power currents: The white IDA and the tawny-colored PINGALA. … CREDITS: Image: “Woman with Ringlets, Standing” [adapted], by William Mulready, 1824, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Standing_-_B1977.14.5086_-_Yale_Center_for_British_Art.jpg … public domain

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Through the sushumna flows the central vertical power current or ‘kundalini’ of the human energy field.

Image: “Sushumna, Ida and Pingala 1b-Sushumna and Chakras,” by Alice B. Clagett, 13 November 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from ”Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Woman standing, facing forward. Personal chakras 1 through 7 (those within the torso and the head) are depicted as spheres of light. The colors, from lowest to highest, are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. The indigo sphere of light at the level of the eyebrows (or slightly higher) represents the third-eye point (the 6th chakra or ‘ajna’). The violet sphere of light at the top of the head represents the crown chakra (the 7th chakra or ‘many-petaled lotus’). These two are related to the pineal gland and the pituitary gland, which are located quite close together in the human brain. I represent their close association in the drawing as the stem of the lotus flower. Vertically along the path of her spine is depicted the SUSHUMNA, the major ‘nerve current’ or nadi’ of the human energy field. The sushumna … HIGHLIGHTED HERE, AND SHOWING CHAKRAS WITHIN IT … is sometimes termed the ‘Central Vertical Power Current’ or the ‘kundalini’ energy. Entwined around the sushumna are two more power currents: The white IDA and the tawny-colored PINGALA. … CREDITS: Image: “Woman with Ringlets, Standing” [adapted], by William Mulready, 1824, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Standing_-_B1977.14.5086_-_Yale_Center_for_British_Art.jpg … public domain

Image: “Sushumna, Ida and Pingala 1b-Sushumna and Chakras,” by Alice B. Clagett, 13 November 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from ”Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Woman standing, facing forward. Personal chakras 1 through 7 (those within the torso and the head) are depicted as spheres of light. The colors, from lowest to highest, are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. The indigo sphere of light at the level of the eyebrows (or slightly higher) represents the third-eye point (the 6th chakra or ‘ajna’). The violet sphere of light at the top of the head represents the crown chakra (the 7th chakra or ‘many-petaled lotus’). These two are related to the pineal gland and the pituitary gland, which are located quite close together in the human brain. I represent their close association in the drawing as the stem of the lotus flower. Vertically along the path of her spine is depicted the SUSHUMNA, the major ‘nerve current’ or nadi’ of the human energy field. The sushumna … HIGHLIGHTED HERE, AND SHOWING CHAKRAS WITHIN IT … is sometimes termed the ‘Central Vertical Power Current’ or the ‘kundalini’ energy. Entwined around the sushumna are two more power currents: The white IDA and the tawny-colored PINGALA. … CREDITS: Image: “Woman with Ringlets, Standing” [adapted], by William Mulready, 1824, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Standing_-_B1977.14.5086_-_Yale_Center_for_British_Art.jpg … public domain

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The ida is shown as a wavy white line of Light originating at the left side of the base of the spine … which is to say, the righthand side of the image as viewed by the reader … coursing upward through the chakras to the third-eye point (which is also known as the 6th chakra). The cooling and relaxing energy of the ida courses through the left nostril.

Image: “Sushumna, Ida and Pingala 2a–Ida,” by Alice B. Clagett, 13 November 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from ”Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Woman standing, facing forward. Personal chakras 1 through 7 (those within the torso and the head) are depicted as spheres of light. The colors, from lowest to highest, are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. The indigo sphere of light at the level of the eyebrows (or slightly higher) represents the third-eye point (the 6th chakra or ‘ajna’). The violet sphere of light at the top of the head represents the crown chakra (the 7th chakra or ‘many-petaled lotus’). These two are related to the pineal gland and the pituitary gland, which are located quite close together in the human brain. I represent their close association in the drawing as the stem of the lotus flower. Vertically along the path of her spine is depicted the SUSHUMNA, the major ‘nerve current’ or nadi’ of the human energy field. The sushumna is sometimes termed the ‘Central Vertical Power Current’ or the ‘kundalini’ energy. Entwined around the sushumna are two more power currents: The white IDA and the tawny-colored PINGALA. THE IDA IS HIGHLIGHTED IN BRIGHT YELLOW … CREDITS: Image: “Woman with Ringlets, Standing” [adapted], by William Mulready, 1824, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Standing_-_B1977.14.5086_-_Yale_Center_for_British_Art.jpg … public domain

Image: “Sushumna, Ida and Pingala 2a–Ida,” by Alice B. Clagett, 13 November 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from ”Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Woman standing, facing forward. Personal chakras 1 through 7 (those within the torso and the head) are depicted as spheres of light. The colors, from lowest to highest, are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. The indigo sphere of light at the level of the eyebrows (or slightly higher) represents the third-eye point (the 6th chakra or ‘ajna’). The violet sphere of light at the top of the head represents the crown chakra (the 7th chakra or ‘many-petaled lotus’). These two are related to the pineal gland and the pituitary gland, which are located quite close together in the human brain. I represent their close association in the drawing as the stem of the lotus flower. Vertically along the path of her spine is depicted the SUSHUMNA, the major ‘nerve current’ or nadi’ of the human energy field. The sushumna is sometimes termed the ‘Central Vertical Power Current’ or the ‘kundalini’ energy. Entwined around the sushumna are two more power currents: The white IDA and the tawny-colored PINGALA. THE IDA IS HIGHLIGHTED IN BRIGHT YELLOW … CREDITS: Image: “Woman with Ringlets, Standing” [adapted], by William Mulready, 1824, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Standing_-_B1977.14.5086_-_Yale_Center_for_British_Art.jpg … public domain

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The pingala is shown as a wavy tawny-colored line of Light originating at the right side of the base of the spine… which is to say, the lefthand side of the image as viewed by the reader … coursing upward through the chakras to the third-eye point (the 6th chakra). The warming and invigorating energy of the pingala courses through the right nostril.

Image: “Sushumna, Ida and Pingala 3a–Pingala,” by Alice B. Clagett, 13 November 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from ”Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Woman standing, facing forward. Personal chakras 1 through 7 (those within the torso and the head) are depicted as spheres of light. The colors, from lowest to highest, are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. The indigo sphere of light at the level of the eyebrows (or slightly higher) represents the third-eye point (the 6th chakra or ‘ajna’). The violet sphere of light at the top of the head represents the crown chakra (the 7th chakra or ‘many-petaled lotus’). These two are related to the pineal gland and the pituitary gland, which are located quite close together in the human brain. I represent their close association in the drawing as the stem of the lotus flower. Vertically along the path of her spine is depicted the SUSHUMNA, the major ‘nerve current’ or nadi’ of the human energy field. The sushumna is sometimes termed the ‘Central Vertical Power Current’ or the ‘kundalini’ energy. Entwined around the sushumna are two more power currents: The white IDA and the tawny-colored PINGALA. THE PINGALA IS HIGHLIGHTED IN BRIGHT YELLOW … CREDITS: Image: “Woman with Ringlets, Standing” [adapted], by William Mulready, 1824, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Standing_-_B1977.14.5086_-_Yale_Center_for_British_Art.jpg … public domain

Image: “Sushumna, Ida and Pingala 3a–Pingala,” by Alice B. Clagett, 13 November 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from ”Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Woman standing, facing forward. Personal chakras 1 through 7 (those within the torso and the head) are depicted as spheres of light. The colors, from lowest to highest, are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. The indigo sphere of light at the level of the eyebrows (or slightly higher) represents the third-eye point (the 6th chakra or ‘ajna’). The violet sphere of light at the top of the head represents the crown chakra (the 7th chakra or ‘many-petaled lotus’). These two are related to the pineal gland and the pituitary gland, which are located quite close together in the human brain. I represent their close association in the drawing as the stem of the lotus flower. Vertically along the path of her spine is depicted the SUSHUMNA, the major ‘nerve current’ or nadi’ of the human energy field. The sushumna is sometimes termed the ‘Central Vertical Power Current’ or the ‘kundalini’ energy. Entwined around the sushumna are two more power currents: The white IDA and the tawny-colored PINGALA. THE PINGALA IS HIGHLIGHTED IN BRIGHT YELLOW … CREDITS: Image: “Woman with Ringlets, Standing” [adapted], by William Mulready, 1824, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Standing_-_B1977.14.5086_-_Yale_Center_for_British_Art.jpg … public domain

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Personal chakras 1 through 7 (those within the torso, the neck, and the head) … are depicted as spheres of Light …

Image: “Personal Chakras,” by Alice B. Clagett, 24 January 2024, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from ”Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Woman standing, facing forward. Personal chakras 1 through 7 (those within the torso and the head) are depicted as spheres of light. The colors, from lowest to highest, are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. The indigo sphere of light at the level of the eyebrows (or slightly higher) represents the third-eye point (the 6th chakra or ‘ajna’). The violet sphere of light at the top of the head represents the crown chakra (the 7th chakra or ‘many-petaled lotus’). These two are related to the pineal gland and the pituitary gland, which are located quite close together in the human brain. I represent their close association in the drawing as the stem of the lotus flower. Vertically along the path of her spine is depicted the sushumna, the major ‘nerve current’ or nadi’ of the human energy field. The sushumna is sometimes termed the ‘Central Vertical Power Current’ or the ‘kundalini’ energy. Entwined around the sushumna are two more power currents: The white ida and the tawny-colored pingala … CREDITS: Image: “Woman with Ringlets, Standing” [adapted], by William Mulready, 1824, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Standing_-_B1977.14.5086_-_Yale_Center_for_British_Art.jpg … public domain

Image: “Personal Chakras,” by Alice B. Clagett, 24 January 2024, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from ”Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Woman standing, facing forward. Personal chakras 1 through 7 (those within the torso and the head) are depicted as spheres of light. The colors, from lowest to highest, are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. The indigo sphere of light at the level of the eyebrows (or slightly higher) represents the third-eye point (the 6th chakra or ‘ajna’). The violet sphere of light at the top of the head represents the crown chakra (the 7th chakra or ‘many-petaled lotus’). These two are related to the pineal gland and the pituitary gland, which are located quite close together in the human brain. I represent their close association in the drawing as the stem of the lotus flower. Vertically along the path of her spine is depicted the sushumna, the major ‘nerve current’ or nadi’ of the human energy field. The sushumna is sometimes termed the ‘Central Vertical Power Current’ or the ‘kundalini’ energy. Entwined around the sushumna are two more power currents: The white ida and the tawny-colored pingala … CREDITS: Image: “Woman with Ringlets, Standing” [adapted], by William Mulready, 1824, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Standing_-_B1977.14.5086_-_Yale_Center_for_British_Art.jpg … public domain

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The colors, from lowest to highest, are red …

Image: “Chakra 1–Basal Chakra,” by Alice B. Clagett, 28 December 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from ”Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Woman standing, facing forward. Personal chakras 1 through 7 (those within the torso and the head) are depicted as spheres of light. The colors, from lowest to highest, are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. THE RED BASAL CHAKRA IS HIGHLIGHTED IN BRIGHT YELLOW. The indigo sphere of light at the level of the eyebrows (or slightly higher) represents the third-eye point (the 6th chakra or ‘ajna’). The violet sphere of light at the top of the head represents the crown chakra (the 7th chakra or ‘many-petaled lotus’). These two are related to the pineal gland and the pituitary gland, which are located quite close together in the human brain. I represent their close association in the drawing as the stem of the lotus flower. Vertically along the path of her spine is depicted the sushumna, the major ‘nerve current’ or nadi’ of the human energy field. The sushumna is sometimes termed the ‘Central Vertical Power Current’ or the ‘kundalini’ energy. Entwined around the sushumna are two more power currents: The white ida and the tawny-colored pingala … CREDITS: Image: “Woman with Ringlets, Standing” [adapted], by William Mulready, 1824, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Standing_-_B1977.14.5086_-_Yale_Center_for_British_Art.jpg … public domain

Image: “Chakra 1–Basal Chakra,” by Alice B. Clagett, 28 December 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from ”Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Woman standing, facing forward. Personal chakras 1 through 7 (those within the torso and the head) are depicted as spheres of light. The colors, from lowest to highest, are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. THE RED BASAL CHAKRA IS HIGHLIGHTED IN BRIGHT YELLOW. The indigo sphere of light at the level of the eyebrows (or slightly higher) represents the third-eye point (the 6th chakra or ‘ajna’). The violet sphere of light at the top of the head represents the crown chakra (the 7th chakra or ‘many-petaled lotus’). These two are related to the pineal gland and the pituitary gland, which are located quite close together in the human brain. I represent their close association in the drawing as the stem of the lotus flower. Vertically along the path of her spine is depicted the sushumna, the major ‘nerve current’ or nadi’ of the human energy field. The sushumna is sometimes termed the ‘Central Vertical Power Current’ or the ‘kundalini’ energy. Entwined around the sushumna are two more power currents: The white ida and the tawny-colored pingala … CREDITS: Image: “Woman with Ringlets, Standing” [adapted], by William Mulready, 1824, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Standing_-_B1977.14.5086_-_Yale_Center_for_British_Art.jpg … public domain

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… orange …

Image: “Chakra 2–Sacral Chakra,” by Alice B. Clagett, 28 December 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Woman standing, facing forward. Personal chakras 1 through 7 (those within the torso and the head) are depicted as spheres of light. The colors, from lowest to highest, are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. THE ORANGE SACRAL CHAKRA IS HIGHLIGHTED IN BRIGHT YELLOW. The indigo sphere of light at the level of the eyebrows (or slightly higher) represents the third-eye point (the 6th chakra or ‘ajna’). The violet sphere of light at the top of the head represents the crown chakra (the 7th chakra or ‘many-petaled lotus’). These two are related to the pineal gland and the pituitary gland, which are located quite close together in the human brain. I represent their close association in the drawing as the stem of the lotus flower. Vertically along the path of her spine is depicted the sushumna, the major ‘nerve current’ or nadi’ of the human energy field. The sushumna is sometimes termed the ‘Central Vertical Power Current’ or the ‘kundalini’ energy. Entwined around the sushumna are two more power currents: The white ida and the tawny-colored pingala … CREDITS: Image: “Woman with Ringlets, Standing” [adapted], by William Mulready, 1824, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Standing_-_B1977.14.5086_-_Yale_Center_for_British_Art.jpg … public domain

Image: “Chakra 2–Sacral Chakra,” by Alice B. Clagett, 28 December 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Woman standing, facing forward. Personal chakras 1 through 7 (those within the torso and the head) are depicted as spheres of light. The colors, from lowest to highest, are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. THE ORANGE SACRAL CHAKRA IS HIGHLIGHTED IN BRIGHT YELLOW. The indigo sphere of light at the level of the eyebrows (or slightly higher) represents the third-eye point (the 6th chakra or ‘ajna’). The violet sphere of light at the top of the head represents the crown chakra (the 7th chakra or ‘many-petaled lotus’). These two are related to the pineal gland and the pituitary gland, which are located quite close together in the human brain. I represent their close association in the drawing as the stem of the lotus flower. Vertically along the path of her spine is depicted the sushumna, the major ‘nerve current’ or nadi’ of the human energy field. The sushumna is sometimes termed the ‘Central Vertical Power Current’ or the ‘kundalini’ energy. Entwined around the sushumna are two more power currents: The white ida and the tawny-colored pingala … CREDITS: Image: “Woman with Ringlets, Standing” [adapted], by William Mulready, 1824, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Standing_-_B1977.14.5086_-_Yale_Center_for_British_Art.jpg … public domain

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… yellow …

Image: “Chakra 3—Navel Point,” by Alice B. Clagett, 28 December 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Woman standing, facing forward. Personal chakras 1 through 7 (those within the torso and the head) are depicted as spheres of light. The colors, from lowest to highest, are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. THE YELLOW NAVEL POINT IS HIGHLIGHTED IN BRIGHT YELLOW. The indigo sphere of light at the level of the eyebrows (or slightly higher) represents the third-eye point (the 6th chakra or ‘ajna’). The violet sphere of light at the top of the head represents the crown chakra (the 7th chakra or ‘many-petaled lotus’). These two are related to the pineal gland and the pituitary gland, which are located quite close together in the human brain. I represent their close association in the drawing as the stem of the lotus flower. Vertically along the path of her spine is depicted the sushumna, the major ‘nerve current’ or nadi’ of the human energy field. The sushumna is sometimes termed the ‘Central Vertical Power Current’ or the ‘kundalini’ energy. Entwined around the sushumna are two more power currents: The white ida and the tawny-colored pingala … CREDITS: Image: “Woman with Ringlets, Standing” [adapted], by William Mulready, 1824, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Standing_-_B1977.14.5086_-_Yale_Center_for_British_Art.jpg … public domain

Image: “Chakra 3—Navel Point,” by Alice B. Clagett, 28 December 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Woman standing, facing forward. Personal chakras 1 through 7 (those within the torso and the head) are depicted as spheres of light. The colors, from lowest to highest, are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. THE YELLOW NAVEL POINT IS HIGHLIGHTED IN BRIGHT YELLOW. The indigo sphere of light at the level of the eyebrows (or slightly higher) represents the third-eye point (the 6th chakra or ‘ajna’). The violet sphere of light at the top of the head represents the crown chakra (the 7th chakra or ‘many-petaled lotus’). These two are related to the pineal gland and the pituitary gland, which are located quite close together in the human brain. I represent their close association in the drawing as the stem of the lotus flower. Vertically along the path of her spine is depicted the sushumna, the major ‘nerve current’ or nadi’ of the human energy field. The sushumna is sometimes termed the ‘Central Vertical Power Current’ or the ‘kundalini’ energy. Entwined around the sushumna are two more power currents: The white ida and the tawny-colored pingala … CREDITS: Image: “Woman with Ringlets, Standing” [adapted], by William Mulready, 1824, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Standing_-_B1977.14.5086_-_Yale_Center_for_British_Art.jpg … public domain

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… green …

Image: “Chakra 4–Heart Chakra,” by Alice B. Clagett, 28 December 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Woman standing, facing forward. Personal chakras 1 through 7 (those within the torso and the head) are depicted as spheres of light. The colors, from lowest to highest, are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. THE GREEN HEART CHAKRA IS HIGHLIGHTED IN BRIGHT YELLOW. The indigo sphere of light at the level of the eyebrows (or slightly higher) represents the third-eye point (the 6th chakra or ‘ajna’). The violet sphere of light at the top of the head represents the crown chakra (the 7th chakra or ‘many-petaled lotus’). These two are related to the pineal gland and the pituitary gland, which are located quite close together in the human brain. I represent their close association in the drawing as the stem of the lotus flower. Vertically along the path of her spine is depicted the white sushumna, the major ‘nerve current’ or nadi’ of the human energy field. The sushumna is sometimes termed the ‘Central Vertical Power Current’ or the ‘kundalini’ energy. Entwined around the sushumna are two more power currents: The white ida and the tawny-colored pingala … CREDITS: Image: “Woman with Ringlets, Standing” [adapted], by William Mulready, 1824, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Standing_-_B1977.14.5086_-_Yale_Center_for_British_Art.jpg … public domain

Image: “Chakra 4–Heart Chakra,” by Alice B. Clagett, 28 December 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Woman standing, facing forward. Personal chakras 1 through 7 (those within the torso and the head) are depicted as spheres of light. The colors, from lowest to highest, are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. THE GREEN HEART CHAKRA IS HIGHLIGHTED IN BRIGHT YELLOW. The indigo sphere of light at the level of the eyebrows (or slightly higher) represents the third-eye point (the 6th chakra or ‘ajna’). The violet sphere of light at the top of the head represents the crown chakra (the 7th chakra or ‘many-petaled lotus’). These two are related to the pineal gland and the pituitary gland, which are located quite close together in the human brain. I represent their close association in the drawing as the stem of the lotus flower. Vertically along the path of her spine is depicted the white sushumna, the major ‘nerve current’ or nadi’ of the human energy field. The sushumna is sometimes termed the ‘Central Vertical Power Current’ or the ‘kundalini’ energy. Entwined around the sushumna are two more power currents: The white ida and the tawny-colored pingala … CREDITS: Image: “Woman with Ringlets, Standing” [adapted], by William Mulready, 1824, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Standing_-_B1977.14.5086_-_Yale_Center_for_British_Art.jpg … public domain

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… blue …

Image: “Chakra 5—Throat Chakra,” by Alice B. Clagett, 28 December 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Woman standing, facing forward. Personal chakras 1 through 7 (those within the torso and the head) are depicted as spheres of light. The colors, from lowest to highest, are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. THE BLUE THROAT CHAKRA IS HIGHLIGHTED IN BRIGHT YELLOW. The indigo sphere of light at the level of the eyebrows (or slightly higher) represents the third-eye point (the 6th chakra or ‘ajna’). The violet sphere of light at the top of the head represents the crown chakra (the 7th chakra or ‘many-petaled lotus’). These two are related to the pineal gland and the pituitary gland, which are located quite close together in the human brain. I represent their close association in the drawing as the stem of the lotus flower. Vertically along the path of her spine is depicted the white sushumna, the major ‘nerve current’ or nadi’ of the human energy field. The sushumna is sometimes termed the ‘Central Vertical Power Current’ or the ‘kundalini’ energy. Entwined around the sushumna are two more power currents: The white ida and the tawny-colored pingala … CREDITS: Image: “Woman with Ringlets, Standing” [adapted], by William Mulready, 1824, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Standing_-_B1977.14.5086_-_Yale_Center_for_British_Art.jpg … public domain

Image: “Chakra 5—Throat Chakra,” by Alice B. Clagett, 28 December 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Woman standing, facing forward. Personal chakras 1 through 7 (those within the torso and the head) are depicted as spheres of light. The colors, from lowest to highest, are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. THE BLUE THROAT CHAKRA IS HIGHLIGHTED IN BRIGHT YELLOW. The indigo sphere of light at the level of the eyebrows (or slightly higher) represents the third-eye point (the 6th chakra or ‘ajna’). The violet sphere of light at the top of the head represents the crown chakra (the 7th chakra or ‘many-petaled lotus’). These two are related to the pineal gland and the pituitary gland, which are located quite close together in the human brain. I represent their close association in the drawing as the stem of the lotus flower. Vertically along the path of her spine is depicted the white sushumna, the major ‘nerve current’ or nadi’ of the human energy field. The sushumna is sometimes termed the ‘Central Vertical Power Current’ or the ‘kundalini’ energy. Entwined around the sushumna are two more power currents: The white ida and the tawny-colored pingala … CREDITS: Image: “Woman with Ringlets, Standing” [adapted], by William Mulready, 1824, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Standing_-_B1977.14.5086_-_Yale_Center_for_British_Art.jpg … public domain

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… indigo …

Image: “Chakra 6—Third-Eye Point,” by Alice B. Clagett, 28 December 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Woman standing, facing forward. Personal chakras 1 through 7 (those within the torso and the head) are depicted as spheres of light. The colors, from lowest to highest, are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. The indigo sphere of light at the level of the eyebrows (or slightly higher) represents the third-eye point (the 6th chakra or ‘ajna’), WHICH IS HIGHLIGHTED IN BRIGHT YELLOW. The violet sphere of light at the top of the head represents the crown chakra (the 7th chakra or ‘many-petaled lotus’). The third-eye point and the crown chakra are related to the pineal gland and the pituitary gland, which are located quite close together in the human brain. I represent their close association in the drawing as the stem of the lotus flower. Vertically along the path of her spine is depicted the white sushumna, the major ‘nerve current’ or nadi’ of the human energy field. The sushumna is sometimes termed the ‘Central Vertical Power Current’ or the ‘kundalini’ energy. Entwined around the sushumna are two more power currents: The white ida and the tawny-colored pingala … CREDITS: Image: “Woman with Ringlets, Standing” [adapted], by William Mulready, 1824, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Standing_-_B1977.14.5086_-_Yale_Center_for_British_Art.jpg … public domain

Image: “Chakra 6—Third-Eye Point,” by Alice B. Clagett, 28 December 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Woman standing, facing forward. Personal chakras 1 through 7 (those within the torso and the head) are depicted as spheres of light. The colors, from lowest to highest, are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. The indigo sphere of light at the level of the eyebrows (or slightly higher) represents the third-eye point (the 6th chakra or ‘ajna’), WHICH IS HIGHLIGHTED IN BRIGHT YELLOW. The violet sphere of light at the top of the head represents the crown chakra (the 7th chakra or ‘many-petaled lotus’). The third-eye point and the crown chakra are related to the pineal gland and the pituitary gland, which are located quite close together in the human brain. I represent their close association in the drawing as the stem of the lotus flower. Vertically along the path of her spine is depicted the white sushumna, the major ‘nerve current’ or nadi’ of the human energy field. The sushumna is sometimes termed the ‘Central Vertical Power Current’ or the ‘kundalini’ energy. Entwined around the sushumna are two more power currents: The white ida and the tawny-colored pingala … CREDITS: Image: “Woman with Ringlets, Standing” [adapted], by William Mulready, 1824, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Standing_-_B1977.14.5086_-_Yale_Center_for_British_Art.jpg … public domain

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… and violet …

Image: “Chakra 7—Crown Chakra,” by Alice B. Clagett, 28 December 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Woman standing, facing forward. Personal chakras 1 through 7 (those within the torso and the head) are depicted as spheres of light. The colors, from lowest to highest, are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. The indigo sphere of light at the level of the eyebrows (or slightly higher) represents the third-eye point (the 6th chakra or ‘ajna’). The violet sphere of light at the top of the head represents the crown chakra (the 7th chakra or ‘many-petaled lotus’), WHICH IS HIGHLIGHTED IN BRIGHT YELLOW. The third-eye point and the crown chakra are related to the pineal gland and the pituitary gland, which are located quite close together in the human brain. I represent their close association in the drawing as the stem of the lotus flower. Vertically along the path of her spine is depicted the white sushumna, the major ‘nerve current’ or nadi’ of the human energy field. The sushumna is sometimes termed the ‘Central Vertical Power Current’ or the ‘kundalini’ energy. Entwined around the sushumna are two more power currents: The white ida and the tawny-colored pingala … CREDITS: Image: “Woman with Ringlets, Standing” [adapted], by William Mulready, 1824, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Standing_-_B1977.14.5086_-_Yale_Center_for_British_Art.jpg … public domain

Image: “Chakra 7—Crown Chakra,” by Alice B. Clagett, 28 December 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Woman standing, facing forward. Personal chakras 1 through 7 (those within the torso and the head) are depicted as spheres of light. The colors, from lowest to highest, are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. The indigo sphere of light at the level of the eyebrows (or slightly higher) represents the third-eye point (the 6th chakra or ‘ajna’). The violet sphere of light at the top of the head represents the crown chakra (the 7th chakra or ‘many-petaled lotus’), WHICH IS HIGHLIGHTED IN BRIGHT YELLOW. The third-eye point and the crown chakra are related to the pineal gland and the pituitary gland, which are located quite close together in the human brain. I represent their close association in the drawing as the stem of the lotus flower. Vertically along the path of her spine is depicted the white sushumna, the major ‘nerve current’ or nadi’ of the human energy field. The sushumna is sometimes termed the ‘Central Vertical Power Current’ or the ‘kundalini’ energy. Entwined around the sushumna are two more power currents: The white ida and the tawny-colored pingala … CREDITS: Image: “Woman with Ringlets, Standing” [adapted], by William Mulready, 1824, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Standing_-_B1977.14.5086_-_Yale_Center_for_British_Art.jpg … public domain

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The indigo sphere of Light at the level of the eyebrows (or slightly higher) represents the third-eye point (the 6th chakra or ‘ajna’).

Image: “Chakra 6—Third-Eye Point [closeup] and Pineal Gland,” by Alice B. Clagett, 6 January 2024, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: A woman’s head and neck, seen from the front. Personal chakras 5 through 7 are depicted as spheres of light. The colors, from lowest to highest, are blue, indigo, and violet. The blue sphere of light in the neck represents the throat chakra. The indigo sphere of light at the level of the eyebrows (or slightly higher) represents THE THIRD-EYE POINT (the 6th chakra or ‘ajna’), WHICH IS HIGHLIGHTED IN BRIGHT YELLOW. TO THE LEFT OF THE 6TH CHAKRA IS THE LABEL ‘PINEAL GLAND’. The violet sphere of light at the top of the head represents the crown chakra (the 7th chakra or ‘many-petaled lotus’). The third-eye point and the crown chakra are related to the pineal gland and the pituitary gland, which are located quite close together in the human brain. I represent their close association in the drawing as the stem of the lotus flower. Vertically along the path of the woman’s spine in the neck and head is depicted the white sushumna, the major ‘nerve current’ or nadi’ of the human energy field. The sushumna is sometimes termed the ‘Central Vertical Power Current’ or the ‘kundalini’ energy. Entwined around the sushumna are two more power currents: The white ida and the tawny-colored pingala … CREDITS: Image: “Woman with Ringlets, Standing” [adapted], by William Mulready, 1824, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Standing_-_B1977.14.5086_-_Yale_Center_for_British_Art.jpg … public domain

Image: “Chakra 6—Third-Eye Point [closeup] and Pineal Gland,” by Alice B. Clagett, 6 January 2024, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: A woman’s head and neck, seen from the front. Personal chakras 5 through 7 are depicted as spheres of light. The colors, from lowest to highest, are blue, indigo, and violet. The blue sphere of light in the neck represents the throat chakra. The indigo sphere of light at the level of the eyebrows (or slightly higher) represents THE THIRD-EYE POINT (the 6th chakra or ‘ajna’), WHICH IS HIGHLIGHTED IN BRIGHT YELLOW. TO THE LEFT OF THE 6TH CHAKRA IS THE LABEL ‘PINEAL GLAND’. The violet sphere of light at the top of the head represents the crown chakra (the 7th chakra or ‘many-petaled lotus’). The third-eye point and the crown chakra are related to the pineal gland and the pituitary gland, which are located quite close together in the human brain. I represent their close association in the drawing as the stem of the lotus flower. Vertically along the path of the woman’s spine in the neck and head is depicted the white sushumna, the major ‘nerve current’ or nadi’ of the human energy field. The sushumna is sometimes termed the ‘Central Vertical Power Current’ or the ‘kundalini’ energy. Entwined around the sushumna are two more power currents: The white ida and the tawny-colored pingala … CREDITS: Image: “Woman with Ringlets, Standing” [adapted], by William Mulready, 1824, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Standing_-_B1977.14.5086_-_Yale_Center_for_British_Art.jpg … public domain

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The violet sphere of Light at the top of the head represents the crown chakra (the 7th chakra or ‘many-petaled lotus’) …

Image: “Chakra 7—Crown Chakra [closeup],” by Alice B. Clagett, 7 January 2024, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from ”Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: A woman’s head and neck, seen from the front. Personal chakras 5 through 7 are depicted as spheres of light. The colors, from lowest to highest, are blue, indigo, and violet. The blue sphere of light in the neck represents the throat chakra. The indigo sphere of light at the level of the eyebrows (or slightly higher) represents the third-eye point (the 6th chakra or ‘ajna’). The violet sphere of light at the top of the head represents THE CROWN CHAKRA (the 7th chakra or ‘many-petaled lotus’), WHICH IS HIGHLIGHTED IN BRIGHT YELLOW. The third-eye point and the crown chakra are related to the pineal gland and the pituitary gland, which are located quite close together in the human brain. I represent their close association in the drawing as the stem of the lotus flower. Vertically along the path of the woman’s spine in the neck and head is depicted the white sushumna, the major ‘nerve current’ or nadi’ of the human energy field. The sushumna is sometimes termed the ‘Central Vertical Power Current’ or the ‘kundalini’ energy. Entwined around the sushumna are two more power currents: The white ida and the tawny-colored pingala … CREDITS: Image: “Woman with Ringlets, Standing” [adapted], by William Mulready, 1824, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Standing_-_B1977.14.5086_-_Yale_Center_for_British_Art.jpg … public domain

Image: “Chakra 7—Crown Chakra [closeup],” by Alice B. Clagett, 7 January 2024, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from ”Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: A woman’s head and neck, seen from the front. Personal chakras 5 through 7 are depicted as spheres of light. The colors, from lowest to highest, are blue, indigo, and violet. The blue sphere of light in the neck represents the throat chakra. The indigo sphere of light at the level of the eyebrows (or slightly higher) represents the third-eye point (the 6th chakra or ‘ajna’). The violet sphere of light at the top of the head represents THE CROWN CHAKRA (the 7th chakra or ‘many-petaled lotus’), WHICH IS HIGHLIGHTED IN BRIGHT YELLOW. The third-eye point and the crown chakra are related to the pineal gland and the pituitary gland, which are located quite close together in the human brain. I represent their close association in the drawing as the stem of the lotus flower. Vertically along the path of the woman’s spine in the neck and head is depicted the white sushumna, the major ‘nerve current’ or nadi’ of the human energy field. The sushumna is sometimes termed the ‘Central Vertical Power Current’ or the ‘kundalini’ energy. Entwined around the sushumna are two more power currents: The white ida and the tawny-colored pingala … CREDITS: Image: “Woman with Ringlets, Standing” [adapted], by William Mulready, 1824, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Standing_-_B1977.14.5086_-_Yale_Center_for_British_Art.jpg … public domain

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These two chakras are related to the pineal gland …

Image: “Chakra 6—Third-Eye Point [closeup] and Pineal Gland,” by Alice B. Clagett, 6 January 2024, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from ”Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: A woman’s head and neck, seen from the front. Personal chakras 5 through 7 are depicted as spheres of light. The colors, from lowest to highest, are blue, indigo, and violet. The blue sphere of light in the neck represents the throat chakra. The indigo sphere of light at the level of the eyebrows (or slightly higher) represents THE THIRD-EYE POINT (the 6th chakra or ‘ajna’), WHICH IS HIGHLIGHTED IN BRIGHT YELLOW. TO THE LEFT OF THE 6TH CHAKRA IS THE LABEL ‘PINEAL GLAND’. The violet sphere of light at the top of the head represents the crown chakra (the 7th chakra or ‘many-petaled lotus’). The third-eye point and the crown chakra are related to the pineal gland and the pituitary gland, which are located quite close together in the human brain. I represent their close association in the drawing as the stem of the lotus flower. Vertically along the path of the woman’s spine in the neck and head is depicted the white sushumna, the major ‘nerve current’ or nadi’ of the human energy field. The sushumna is sometimes termed the ‘Central Vertical Power Current’ or the ‘kundalini’ energy. Entwined around the sushumna are two more power currents: The white ida and the tawny-colored pingala … CREDITS: Image: “Woman with Ringlets, Standing” [adapted], by William Mulready, 1824, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Standing_-_B1977.14.5086_-_Yale_Center_for_British_Art.jpg … public domain

Image: “Chakra 6—Third-Eye Point [closeup] and Pineal Gland,” by Alice B. Clagett, 6 January 2024, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from ”Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: A woman’s head and neck, seen from the front. Personal chakras 5 through 7 are depicted as spheres of light. The colors, from lowest to highest, are blue, indigo, and violet. The blue sphere of light in the neck represents the throat chakra. The indigo sphere of light at the level of the eyebrows (or slightly higher) represents THE THIRD-EYE POINT (the 6th chakra or ‘ajna’), WHICH IS HIGHLIGHTED IN BRIGHT YELLOW. TO THE LEFT OF THE 6TH CHAKRA IS THE LABEL ‘PINEAL GLAND’. The violet sphere of light at the top of the head represents the crown chakra (the 7th chakra or ‘many-petaled lotus’). The third-eye point and the crown chakra are related to the pineal gland and the pituitary gland, which are located quite close together in the human brain. I represent their close association in the drawing as the stem of the lotus flower. Vertically along the path of the woman’s spine in the neck and head is depicted the white sushumna, the major ‘nerve current’ or nadi’ of the human energy field. The sushumna is sometimes termed the ‘Central Vertical Power Current’ or the ‘kundalini’ energy. Entwined around the sushumna are two more power currents: The white ida and the tawny-colored pingala … CREDITS: Image: “Woman with Ringlets, Standing” [adapted], by William Mulready, 1824, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Standing_-_B1977.14.5086_-_Yale_Center_for_British_Art.jpg … public domain

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 and the pituitary gland, which are located quite close together in the human brain …

Image: “Chakra 7—Crown Chakra [closeup] and Pituitary Gland,” by Alice B. Clagett, 6 January 2024, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from ”Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: A woman’s head and neck, seen from the front. Personal chakras 5 through 7 are depicted as spheres of light. The colors, from lowest to highest, are blue, indigo, and violet. The blue sphere of light in the neck represents the throat chakra. The indigo sphere of light at the level of the eyebrows (or slightly higher) represents the third-eye point (the 6th chakra or ‘ajna’). The violet sphere of light at the top of the head represents THE CROWN CHAKRA (the 7th chakra or ‘many-petaled lotus’), WHICH IS HIGHLIGHTED IN BRIGHT YELLOW. TO THE LEFT OF THE 7TH CHAKRA IS THE LABEL ‘PITUITARY GLAND’. The third-eye point and the crown chakra are related to the pineal gland and the pituitary gland, which are located quite close together in the human brain. I represent their close association in the drawing as the stem of the lotus flower. Vertically along the path of the woman’s spine in the neck and head is depicted the white sushumna, the major ‘nerve current’ or nadi’ of the human energy field. The sushumna is sometimes termed the ‘Central Vertical Power Current’ or the ‘kundalini’ energy. Entwined around the sushumna are two more power currents: The white ida and the tawny-colored pingala … CREDITS: Image: “Woman with Ringlets, Standing” [adapted], by William Mulready, 1824, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Standing_-_B1977.14.5086_-_Yale_Center_for_British_Art.jpg … public domain

Image: “Chakra 7—Crown Chakra [closeup] and Pituitary Gland,” by Alice B. Clagett, 6 January 2024, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from ”Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: A woman’s head and neck, seen from the front. Personal chakras 5 through 7 are depicted as spheres of light. The colors, from lowest to highest, are blue, indigo, and violet. The blue sphere of light in the neck represents the throat chakra. The indigo sphere of light at the level of the eyebrows (or slightly higher) represents the third-eye point (the 6th chakra or ‘ajna’). The violet sphere of light at the top of the head represents THE CROWN CHAKRA (the 7th chakra or ‘many-petaled lotus’), WHICH IS HIGHLIGHTED IN BRIGHT YELLOW. TO THE LEFT OF THE 7TH CHAKRA IS THE LABEL ‘PITUITARY GLAND’. The third-eye point and the crown chakra are related to the pineal gland and the pituitary gland, which are located quite close together in the human brain. I represent their close association in the drawing as the stem of the lotus flower. Vertically along the path of the woman’s spine in the neck and head is depicted the white sushumna, the major ‘nerve current’ or nadi’ of the human energy field. The sushumna is sometimes termed the ‘Central Vertical Power Current’ or the ‘kundalini’ energy. Entwined around the sushumna are two more power currents: The white ida and the tawny-colored pingala … CREDITS: Image: “Woman with Ringlets, Standing” [adapted], by William Mulready, 1824, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Standing_-_B1977.14.5086_-_Yale_Center_for_British_Art.jpg … public domain

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 In the drawing, I represent their close association as the stem of the lotus flower …

Image: “Chakra 7—Stem-of-the-Lotus,” by Alice B. Clagett, 6 January 2024, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from ”Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: A woman’s head and neck, seen from the front. Personal chakras 5 through 7 are depicted as spheres of light. The colors, from lowest to highest, are blue, indigo, and violet. The blue sphere of light in the neck represents the throat chakra. The indigo sphere of light at the level of the eyebrows (or slightly higher) represents the third-eye point (the 6th chakra or ‘ajna’). The violet sphere of light at the top of the head represents the crown chakra (the 7th chakra or ‘many-petaled lotus. The third-eye point and the crown chakra are related to the pineal gland and the pituitary gland, which are located quite close together in the human brain. I represent their close association in the drawing as the STEM OF THE LOTUS FLOWER, WHICH IS HIGHLIGHTED IN BRIGHT YELLOW. Vertically along the path of the woman’s spine in the neck and head is depicted the white sushumna, the major ‘nerve current’ or nadi’ of the human energy field. The sushumna is sometimes termed the ‘Central Vertical Power Current’ or the ‘kundalini’ energy. Entwined around the sushumna are two more power currents: The white ida and the tawny-colored pingala … CREDITS: Image: “Woman with Ringlets, Standing” [adapted], by William Mulready, 1824, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Standing_-_B1977.14.5086_-_Yale_Center_for_British_Art.jpg … public domain

Image: “Chakra 7—Stem-of-the-Lotus,” by Alice B. Clagett, 6 January 2024, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from ”Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: A woman’s head and neck, seen from the front. Personal chakras 5 through 7 are depicted as spheres of light. The colors, from lowest to highest, are blue, indigo, and violet. The blue sphere of light in the neck represents the throat chakra. The indigo sphere of light at the level of the eyebrows (or slightly higher) represents the third-eye point (the 6th chakra or ‘ajna’). The violet sphere of light at the top of the head represents the crown chakra (the 7th chakra or ‘many-petaled lotus. The third-eye point and the crown chakra are related to the pineal gland and the pituitary gland, which are located quite close together in the human brain. I represent their close association in the drawing as the STEM OF THE LOTUS FLOWER, WHICH IS HIGHLIGHTED IN BRIGHT YELLOW. Vertically along the path of the woman’s spine in the neck and head is depicted the white sushumna, the major ‘nerve current’ or nadi’ of the human energy field. The sushumna is sometimes termed the ‘Central Vertical Power Current’ or the ‘kundalini’ energy. Entwined around the sushumna are two more power currents: The white ida and the tawny-colored pingala … CREDITS: Image: “Woman with Ringlets, Standing” [adapted], by William Mulready, 1824, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Standing_-_B1977.14.5086_-_Yale_Center_for_British_Art.jpg … public domain

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When we do Sat Kriya …

Image: “Kundalini Rising 0a,” by Alice B. Clagett, 13 November 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from ”Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Woman standing, facing forward. Personal chakras 1 through 7 (those within the torso and the head) are depicted as spheres of light. The colors, from lowest to highest, are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. The indigo sphere of light at the level of the eyebrows (or slightly higher) represents the third-eye point (the 6th chakra or ‘ajna’). The violet sphere of light at the top of the head represents the crown chakra (the 7th chakra or ‘many-petaled lotus’). These two are related to the pineal gland and the pituitary gland, which are located quite close together in the human brain. I represent their close association in the drawing as the stem of the lotus flower. Vertically along the path of her spine is depicted the sushumna, the major ‘nerve current’ or nadi’ of the human energy field. The sushumna is sometimes termed the ‘Central Vertical Power Current’ or the ‘kundalini’ energy. IN THIS IMAGE, THE KUNDALINI ENERGY IS WHITE, INDICATING IT HAS NOT YET RISEN. Entwined around the sushumna are two more power currents: The white ida and the tawny-colored pingala … CREDITS: Image: “Woman with Ringlets, Standing” [adapted], by William Mulready, 1824, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Standing_-_B1977.14.5086_-_Yale_Center_for_British_Art.jpg … public domain

Image: “Kundalini Rising 0a,” by Alice B. Clagett, 13 November 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from ”Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Woman standing, facing forward. Personal chakras 1 through 7 (those within the torso and the head) are depicted as spheres of light. The colors, from lowest to highest, are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. The indigo sphere of light at the level of the eyebrows (or slightly higher) represents the third-eye point (the 6th chakra or ‘ajna’). The violet sphere of light at the top of the head represents the crown chakra (the 7th chakra or ‘many-petaled lotus’). These two are related to the pineal gland and the pituitary gland, which are located quite close together in the human brain. I represent their close association in the drawing as the stem of the lotus flower. Vertically along the path of her spine is depicted the sushumna, the major ‘nerve current’ or nadi’ of the human energy field. The sushumna is sometimes termed the ‘Central Vertical Power Current’ or the ‘kundalini’ energy. IN THIS IMAGE, THE KUNDALINI ENERGY IS WHITE, INDICATING IT HAS NOT YET RISEN. Entwined around the sushumna are two more power currents: The white ida and the tawny-colored pingala … CREDITS: Image: “Woman with Ringlets, Standing” [adapted], by William Mulready, 1824, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Standing_-_B1977.14.5086_-_Yale_Center_for_British_Art.jpg … public domain

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… the kundalini energy,  courses up the sushumna, piercing and clearing each of our chakras in its upward path …

Image: “Kundalini Rising 0b,” by Alice B. Clagett, 13 November 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from ”Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Woman standing, facing forward. Personal chakras 1 through 7 (those within the torso and the head) are depicted as spheres of light. The colors, from lowest to highest, are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. The indigo sphere of light at the level of the eyebrows (or slightly higher) represents the third-eye point (the 6th chakra or ‘ajna’). The violet sphere of light at the top of the head represents the crown chakra (the 7th chakra or ‘many-petaled lotus’). These two are related to the pineal gland and the pituitary gland, which are located quite close together in the human brain. I represent their close association in the drawing as the stem of the lotus flower. Vertically along the path of her spine is depicted the sushumna, the major ‘nerve current’ or nadi’ of the human energy field. The sushumna is sometimes termed the ‘Central Vertical Power Current’ or the ‘kundalini’ energy. IN THIS IMAGE, THE KUNDALINI ENERGY IS BRIGHT WHITE, INDICATING IT HAS NOT YET RISEN. THE BRIGHTER WHITE MAKES THE KUNDALINI ENERGY STAND OUT. Entwined around the sushumna are two more power currents: The white ida and the tawny-colored pingala … CREDITS: Image: “Woman with Ringlets, Standing” [adapted], by William Mulready, 1824, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Standing_-_B1977.14.5086_-_Yale_Center_for_British_Art.jpg … public domain

Image: “Kundalini Rising 0b,” by Alice B. Clagett, 13 November 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from ”Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Woman standing, facing forward. Personal chakras 1 through 7 (those within the torso and the head) are depicted as spheres of light. The colors, from lowest to highest, are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. The indigo sphere of light at the level of the eyebrows (or slightly higher) represents the third-eye point (the 6th chakra or ‘ajna’). The violet sphere of light at the top of the head represents the crown chakra (the 7th chakra or ‘many-petaled lotus’). These two are related to the pineal gland and the pituitary gland, which are located quite close together in the human brain. I represent their close association in the drawing as the stem of the lotus flower. Vertically along the path of her spine is depicted the sushumna, the major ‘nerve current’ or nadi’ of the human energy field. The sushumna is sometimes termed the ‘Central Vertical Power Current’ or the ‘kundalini’ energy. IN THIS IMAGE, THE KUNDALINI ENERGY IS BRIGHT WHITE, INDICATING IT HAS NOT YET RISEN. THE BRIGHTER WHITE MAKES THE KUNDALINI ENERGY STAND OUT. Entwined around the sushumna are two more power currents: The white ida and the tawny-colored pingala … CREDITS: Image: “Woman with Ringlets, Standing” [adapted], by William Mulready, 1824, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Standing_-_B1977.14.5086_-_Yale_Center_for_British_Art.jpg … public domain

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Image: “Kundalini Rising 1,” by Alice B. Clagett, 28 December 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Woman standing, facing forward. Personal chakras 1 through 7 (those within the torso and the head) are depicted as spheres of light. The colors, from lowest to highest, are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. The indigo sphere of light at the level of the eyebrows (or slightly higher) represents the third-eye point (the 6th chakra or ‘ajna’). The violet sphere of light at the top of the head represents the crown chakra (the 7th chakra or ‘many-petaled lotus’). These two are related to the pineal gland and the pituitary gland, which are located quite close together in the human brain. I represent their close association in the drawing as the stem of the lotus flower. Vertically along the path of her spine is depicted the sushumna, the major ‘nerve current’ or nadi’ of the human energy field. The sushumna is sometimes termed the ‘Central Vertical Power Current’ or the ‘kundalini’ energy. IN THIS IMAGE, THE KUNDALINI ENERGY IS YELLOW FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE IMAGE TO THE FIRST CHAKRA, INDICATING THE KUNDALINI HAS RISEN AS HIGH AS THE FIRST CHAKRA. Entwined around the sushumna are two more power currents: The white ida and the tawny-colored pingala … CREDITS: Image: “Woman with Ringlets, Standing” [adapted], by William Mulready, 1824, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Standing_-_B1977.14.5086_-_Yale_Center_for_British_Art.jpg … public domain

Image: “Kundalini Rising 1,” by Alice B. Clagett, 28 December 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Woman standing, facing forward. Personal chakras 1 through 7 (those within the torso and the head) are depicted as spheres of light. The colors, from lowest to highest, are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. The indigo sphere of light at the level of the eyebrows (or slightly higher) represents the third-eye point (the 6th chakra or ‘ajna’). The violet sphere of light at the top of the head represents the crown chakra (the 7th chakra or ‘many-petaled lotus’). These two are related to the pineal gland and the pituitary gland, which are located quite close together in the human brain. I represent their close association in the drawing as the stem of the lotus flower. Vertically along the path of her spine is depicted the sushumna, the major ‘nerve current’ or nadi’ of the human energy field. The sushumna is sometimes termed the ‘Central Vertical Power Current’ or the ‘kundalini’ energy. IN THIS IMAGE, THE KUNDALINI ENERGY IS YELLOW FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE IMAGE TO THE FIRST CHAKRA, INDICATING THE KUNDALINI HAS RISEN AS HIGH AS THE FIRST CHAKRA. Entwined around the sushumna are two more power currents: The white ida and the tawny-colored pingala … CREDITS: Image: “Woman with Ringlets, Standing” [adapted], by William Mulready, 1824, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Standing_-_B1977.14.5086_-_Yale_Center_for_British_Art.jpg … public domain

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Image: “Kundalini Rising 2,” by Alice B. Clagett, 28 December 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Woman standing, facing forward. Personal chakras 1 through 7 (those within the torso and the head) are depicted as spheres of light. The colors, from lowest to highest, are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. The indigo sphere of light at the level of the eyebrows (or slightly higher) represents the third-eye point (the 6th chakra or ‘ajna’). The violet sphere of light at the top of the head represents the crown chakra (the 7th chakra or ‘many-petaled lotus’). These two are related to the pineal gland and the pituitary gland, which are located quite close together in the human brain. I represent their close association in the drawing as the stem of the lotus flower. Vertically along the path of her spine is depicted the sushumna, the major ‘nerve current’ or nadi’ of the human energy field. The sushumna is sometimes termed the ‘Central Vertical Power Current’ or the ‘kundalini’ energy. IN THIS IMAGE, THE KUNDALINI ENERGY IS YELLOW FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE IMAGE TO THE SECOND CHAKRA, INDICATING THE KUNDALINI HAS RISEN AS HIGH AS THE SECOND CHAKRA. Entwined around the sushumna are two more power currents: The white ida and the tawny-colored pingala … CREDITS: Image: “Woman with Ringlets, Standing” [adapted], by William Mulready, 1824, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Standing_-_B1977.14.5086_-_Yale_Center_for_British_Art.jpg … public domain

Image: “Kundalini Rising 2,” by Alice B. Clagett, 28 December 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Woman standing, facing forward. Personal chakras 1 through 7 (those within the torso and the head) are depicted as spheres of light. The colors, from lowest to highest, are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. The indigo sphere of light at the level of the eyebrows (or slightly higher) represents the third-eye point (the 6th chakra or ‘ajna’). The violet sphere of light at the top of the head represents the crown chakra (the 7th chakra or ‘many-petaled lotus’). These two are related to the pineal gland and the pituitary gland, which are located quite close together in the human brain. I represent their close association in the drawing as the stem of the lotus flower. Vertically along the path of her spine is depicted the sushumna, the major ‘nerve current’ or nadi’ of the human energy field. The sushumna is sometimes termed the ‘Central Vertical Power Current’ or the ‘kundalini’ energy. IN THIS IMAGE, THE KUNDALINI ENERGY IS YELLOW FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE IMAGE TO THE SECOND CHAKRA, INDICATING THE KUNDALINI HAS RISEN AS HIGH AS THE SECOND CHAKRA. Entwined around the sushumna are two more power currents: The white ida and the tawny-colored pingala … CREDITS: Image: “Woman with Ringlets, Standing” [adapted], by William Mulready, 1824, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Standing_-_B1977.14.5086_-_Yale_Center_for_British_Art.jpg … public domain

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Image: “Kundalini Rising 3,” by Alice B. Clagett, 28 December 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Woman standing, facing forward. Personal chakras 1 through 7 (those within the torso and the head) are depicted as spheres of light. The colors, from lowest to highest, are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. The indigo sphere of light at the level of the eyebrows (or slightly higher) represents the third-eye point (the 6th chakra or ‘ajna’). The violet sphere of light at the top of the head represents the crown chakra (the 7th chakra or ‘many-petaled lotus’). These two are related to the pineal gland and the pituitary gland, which are located quite close together in the human brain. I represent their close association in the drawing as the stem of the lotus flower. Vertically along the path of her spine is depicted the sushumna, the major ‘nerve current’ or nadi’ of the human energy field. The sushumna is sometimes termed the ‘Central Vertical Power Current’ or the ‘kundalini’ energy. IN THIS IMAGE, THE KUNDALINI ENERGY IS YELLOW FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE IMAGE TO THE THIRD CHAKRA, INDICATING THE KUNDALINI HAS RISEN AS HIGH AS THE THIRD CHAKRA. Entwined around the sushumna are two more power currents: The white ida and the tawny-colored pingala … CREDITS: Image: “Woman with Ringlets, Standing” [adapted], by William Mulready, 1824, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Standing_-_B1977.14.5086_-_Yale_Center_for_British_Art.jpg … public domain

Image: “Kundalini Rising 3,” by Alice B. Clagett, 28 December 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Woman standing, facing forward. Personal chakras 1 through 7 (those within the torso and the head) are depicted as spheres of light. The colors, from lowest to highest, are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. The indigo sphere of light at the level of the eyebrows (or slightly higher) represents the third-eye point (the 6th chakra or ‘ajna’). The violet sphere of light at the top of the head represents the crown chakra (the 7th chakra or ‘many-petaled lotus’). These two are related to the pineal gland and the pituitary gland, which are located quite close together in the human brain. I represent their close association in the drawing as the stem of the lotus flower. Vertically along the path of her spine is depicted the sushumna, the major ‘nerve current’ or nadi’ of the human energy field. The sushumna is sometimes termed the ‘Central Vertical Power Current’ or the ‘kundalini’ energy. IN THIS IMAGE, THE KUNDALINI ENERGY IS YELLOW FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE IMAGE TO THE THIRD CHAKRA, INDICATING THE KUNDALINI HAS RISEN AS HIGH AS THE THIRD CHAKRA. Entwined around the sushumna are two more power currents: The white ida and the tawny-colored pingala … CREDITS: Image: “Woman with Ringlets, Standing” [adapted], by William Mulready, 1824, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Standing_-_B1977.14.5086_-_Yale_Center_for_British_Art.jpg … public domain

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Image: “Kundalini Rising 4,” by Alice B. Clagett, 28 December 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Woman standing, facing forward. Personal chakras 1 through 7 (those within the torso and the head) are depicted as spheres of light. The colors, from lowest to highest, are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. The indigo sphere of light at the level of the eyebrows (or slightly higher) represents the third-eye point (the 6th chakra or ‘ajna’). The violet sphere of light at the top of the head represents the crown chakra (the 7th chakra or ‘many-petaled lotus’). These two are related to the pineal gland and the pituitary gland, which are located quite close together in the human brain. I represent their close association in the drawing as the stem of the lotus flower. Vertically along the path of her spine is depicted the sushumna, the major ‘nerve current’ or nadi’ of the human energy field. The sushumna is sometimes termed the ‘Central Vertical Power Current’ or the ‘kundalini’ energy. IN THIS IMAGE, THE KUNDALINI ENERGY IS YELLOW FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE IMAGE TO THE FOURTH CHAKRA, INDICATING THE KUNDALINI HAS RISEN AS HIGH AS THE FOURTH CHAKRA. Entwined around the sushumna are two more power currents: The white ida and the tawny-colored pingala … CREDITS: Image: “Woman with Ringlets, Standing” [adapted], by William Mulready, 1824, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Standing_-_B1977.14.5086_-_Yale_Center_for_British_Art.jpg … public domain

Image: “Kundalini Rising 4,” by Alice B. Clagett, 28 December 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Woman standing, facing forward. Personal chakras 1 through 7 (those within the torso and the head) are depicted as spheres of light. The colors, from lowest to highest, are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. The indigo sphere of light at the level of the eyebrows (or slightly higher) represents the third-eye point (the 6th chakra or ‘ajna’). The violet sphere of light at the top of the head represents the crown chakra (the 7th chakra or ‘many-petaled lotus’). These two are related to the pineal gland and the pituitary gland, which are located quite close together in the human brain. I represent their close association in the drawing as the stem of the lotus flower. Vertically along the path of her spine is depicted the sushumna, the major ‘nerve current’ or nadi’ of the human energy field. The sushumna is sometimes termed the ‘Central Vertical Power Current’ or the ‘kundalini’ energy. IN THIS IMAGE, THE KUNDALINI ENERGY IS YELLOW FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE IMAGE TO THE FOURTH CHAKRA, INDICATING THE KUNDALINI HAS RISEN AS HIGH AS THE FOURTH CHAKRA. Entwined around the sushumna are two more power currents: The white ida and the tawny-colored pingala … CREDITS: Image: “Woman with Ringlets, Standing” [adapted], by William Mulready, 1824, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Standing_-_B1977.14.5086_-_Yale_Center_for_British_Art.jpg … public domain

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Image: “Kundalini Rising 5,” by Alice B. Clagett, 28 December 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Woman standing, facing forward. Personal chakras 1 through 7 (those within the torso and the head) are depicted as spheres of light. The colors, from lowest to highest, are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. The indigo sphere of light at the level of the eyebrows (or slightly higher) represents the third-eye point (the 6th chakra or ‘ajna’). The violet sphere of light at the top of the head represents the crown chakra (the 7th chakra or ‘many-petaled lotus’). These two are related to the pineal gland and the pituitary gland, which are located quite close together in the human brain. I represent their close association in the drawing as the stem of the lotus flower. Vertically along the path of her spine is depicted the sushumna, the major ‘nerve current’ or nadi’ of the human energy field. The sushumna is sometimes termed the ‘Central Vertical Power Current’ or the ‘kundalini’ energy. IN THIS IMAGE, THE KUNDALINI ENERGY IS YELLOW FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE IMAGE TO THE FIFTH CHAKRA, INDICATING THE KUNDALINI HAS RISEN AS HIGH AS THE FIFTH CHAKRA. Entwined around the sushumna are two more power currents: The white ida and the tawny-colored pingala … CREDITS: Image: “Woman with Ringlets, Standing” [adapted], by William Mulready, 1824, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Standing_-_B1977.14.5086_-_Yale_Center_for_British_Art.jpg … public domain

Image: “Kundalini Rising 5,” by Alice B. Clagett, 28 December 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Woman standing, facing forward. Personal chakras 1 through 7 (those within the torso and the head) are depicted as spheres of light. The colors, from lowest to highest, are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. The indigo sphere of light at the level of the eyebrows (or slightly higher) represents the third-eye point (the 6th chakra or ‘ajna’). The violet sphere of light at the top of the head represents the crown chakra (the 7th chakra or ‘many-petaled lotus’). These two are related to the pineal gland and the pituitary gland, which are located quite close together in the human brain. I represent their close association in the drawing as the stem of the lotus flower. Vertically along the path of her spine is depicted the sushumna, the major ‘nerve current’ or nadi’ of the human energy field. The sushumna is sometimes termed the ‘Central Vertical Power Current’ or the ‘kundalini’ energy. IN THIS IMAGE, THE KUNDALINI ENERGY IS YELLOW FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE IMAGE TO THE FIFTH CHAKRA, INDICATING THE KUNDALINI HAS RISEN AS HIGH AS THE FIFTH CHAKRA. Entwined around the sushumna are two more power currents: The white ida and the tawny-colored pingala … CREDITS: Image: “Woman with Ringlets, Standing” [adapted], by William Mulready, 1824, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Standing_-_B1977.14.5086_-_Yale_Center_for_British_Art.jpg … public domain

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Image: “Kundalini Rising 6,” by Alice B. Clagett, 28 December 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Woman standing, facing forward. Personal chakras 1 through 7 (those within the torso and the head) are depicted as spheres of light. The colors, from lowest to highest, are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. The indigo sphere of light at the level of the eyebrows (or slightly higher) represents the third-eye point (the 6th chakra or ‘ajna’). The violet sphere of light at the top of the head represents the crown chakra (the 7th chakra or ‘many-petaled lotus’). These two are related to the pineal gland and the pituitary gland, which are located quite close together in the human brain. I represent their close association in the drawing as the stem of the lotus flower. Vertically along the path of her spine is depicted the sushumna, the major ‘nerve current’ or nadi’ of the human energy field. The sushumna is sometimes termed the ‘Central Vertical Power Current’ or the ‘kundalini’ energy. IN THIS IMAGE, THE KUNDALINI ENERGY IS YELLOW FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE IMAGE TO THE SIXTH CHAKRA, INDICATING THE KUNDALINI HAS RISEN AS HIGH AS THE SIXTH CHAKRA. Entwined around the sushumna are two more power currents: The white ida and the tawny-colored pingala … CREDITS: Image: “Woman with Ringlets, Standing” [adapted], by William Mulready, 1824, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Standing_-_B1977.14.5086_-_Yale_Center_for_British_Art.jpg … public domain

Image: “Kundalini Rising 6,” by Alice B. Clagett, 28 December 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Woman standing, facing forward. Personal chakras 1 through 7 (those within the torso and the head) are depicted as spheres of light. The colors, from lowest to highest, are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. The indigo sphere of light at the level of the eyebrows (or slightly higher) represents the third-eye point (the 6th chakra or ‘ajna’). The violet sphere of light at the top of the head represents the crown chakra (the 7th chakra or ‘many-petaled lotus’). These two are related to the pineal gland and the pituitary gland, which are located quite close together in the human brain. I represent their close association in the drawing as the stem of the lotus flower. Vertically along the path of her spine is depicted the sushumna, the major ‘nerve current’ or nadi’ of the human energy field. The sushumna is sometimes termed the ‘Central Vertical Power Current’ or the ‘kundalini’ energy. IN THIS IMAGE, THE KUNDALINI ENERGY IS YELLOW FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE IMAGE TO THE SIXTH CHAKRA, INDICATING THE KUNDALINI HAS RISEN AS HIGH AS THE SIXTH CHAKRA. Entwined around the sushumna are two more power currents: The white ida and the tawny-colored pingala … CREDITS: Image: “Woman with Ringlets, Standing” [adapted], by William Mulready, 1824, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Standing_-_B1977.14.5086_-_Yale_Center_for_British_Art.jpg … public domain

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Image: “Kundalini Rising 7,” by Alice B. Clagett, 28 December 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Woman standing, facing forward. Personal chakras 1 through 7 (those within the torso and the head) are depicted as spheres of light. The colors, from lowest to highest, are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. The indigo sphere of light at the level of the eyebrows (or slightly higher) represents the third-eye point (the 6th chakra or ‘ajna’). The violet sphere of light at the top of the head represents the crown chakra (the 7th chakra or ‘many-petaled lotus’). These two are related to the pineal gland and the pituitary gland, which are located quite close together in the human brain. I represent their close association in the drawing as the stem of the lotus flower. Vertically along the path of her spine is depicted the sushumna, the major ‘nerve current’ or nadi’ of the human energy field. The sushumna is sometimes termed the ‘Central Vertical Power Current’ or the ‘kundalini’ energy. IN THIS IMAGE, THE KUNDALINI ENERGY IS YELLOW FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE IMAGE TO THE SEVENTH CHAKRA, INDICATING THE KUNDALINI HAS RISEN AS HIGH AS THE SEVENTH CHAKRA. Entwined around the sushumna are two more power currents: The white ida and the tawny-colored pingala … CREDITS: Image: “Woman with Ringlets, Standing” [adapted], by William Mulready, 1824, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Standing_-_B1977.14.5086_-_Yale_Center_for_British_Art.jpg … public domain

Image: “Kundalini Rising 7,” by Alice B. Clagett, 28 December 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Woman standing, facing forward. Personal chakras 1 through 7 (those within the torso and the head) are depicted as spheres of light. The colors, from lowest to highest, are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. The indigo sphere of light at the level of the eyebrows (or slightly higher) represents the third-eye point (the 6th chakra or ‘ajna’). The violet sphere of light at the top of the head represents the crown chakra (the 7th chakra or ‘many-petaled lotus’). These two are related to the pineal gland and the pituitary gland, which are located quite close together in the human brain. I represent their close association in the drawing as the stem of the lotus flower. Vertically along the path of her spine is depicted the sushumna, the major ‘nerve current’ or nadi’ of the human energy field. The sushumna is sometimes termed the ‘Central Vertical Power Current’ or the ‘kundalini’ energy. IN THIS IMAGE, THE KUNDALINI ENERGY IS YELLOW FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE IMAGE TO THE SEVENTH CHAKRA, INDICATING THE KUNDALINI HAS RISEN AS HIGH AS THE SEVENTH CHAKRA. Entwined around the sushumna are two more power currents: The white ida and the tawny-colored pingala … CREDITS: Image: “Woman with Ringlets, Standing” [adapted], by William Mulready, 1824, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Standing_-_B1977.14.5086_-_Yale_Center_for_British_Art.jpg … public domain

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Image: “Kundalini Rising 8,” by Alice B. Clagett, 28 December 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Woman standing, facing forward. Personal chakras 1 through 7 (those within the torso and the head) are depicted as spheres of light. The colors, from lowest to highest, are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. The indigo sphere of light at the level of the eyebrows (or slightly higher) represents the third-eye point (the 6th chakra or ‘ajna’). The violet sphere of light at the top of the head represents the crown chakra (the 7th chakra or ‘many-petaled lotus’). These two are related to the pineal gland and the pituitary gland, which are located quite close together in the human brain. I represent their close association in the drawing as the stem of the lotus flower. Vertically along the path of her spine is depicted the sushumna, the major ‘nerve current’ or nadi’ of the human energy field. The sushumna is sometimes termed the ‘Central Vertical Power Current’ or the ‘kundalini’ energy. IN THIS IMAGE, THE KUNDALINI ENERGY IS YELLOW FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE IMAGE TO THE TOP OF THE IMAGE, INDICATING THAT THE KUNDALINI ENERGY HAS RISEN THROUGH TRANSPERSONAL CHAKRAS 8-12. Entwined around the sushumna are two more power currents: The white ida and the tawny-colored pingala … CREDITS: Image: “Woman with Ringlets, Standing” [adapted], by William Mulready, 1824, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Standing_-_B1977.14.5086_-_Yale_Center_for_British_Art.jpg … public domain

Image: “Kundalini Rising 8,” by Alice B. Clagett, 28 December 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Woman standing, facing forward. Personal chakras 1 through 7 (those within the torso and the head) are depicted as spheres of light. The colors, from lowest to highest, are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. The indigo sphere of light at the level of the eyebrows (or slightly higher) represents the third-eye point (the 6th chakra or ‘ajna’). The violet sphere of light at the top of the head represents the crown chakra (the 7th chakra or ‘many-petaled lotus’). These two are related to the pineal gland and the pituitary gland, which are located quite close together in the human brain. I represent their close association in the drawing as the stem of the lotus flower. Vertically along the path of her spine is depicted the sushumna, the major ‘nerve current’ or nadi’ of the human energy field. The sushumna is sometimes termed the ‘Central Vertical Power Current’ or the ‘kundalini’ energy. IN THIS IMAGE, THE KUNDALINI ENERGY IS YELLOW FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE IMAGE TO THE TOP OF THE IMAGE, INDICATING THAT THE KUNDALINI ENERGY HAS RISEN THROUGH TRANSPERSONAL CHAKRAS 8-12. Entwined around the sushumna are two more power currents: The white ida and the tawny-colored pingala … CREDITS: Image: “Woman with Ringlets, Standing” [adapted], by William Mulready, 1824, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Standing_-_B1977.14.5086_-_Yale_Center_for_British_Art.jpg … public domain

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It is best that the flow of the ida …

Image: “New Human EMF-Balancing Ida and Pingala—Ida [set out to right],” by Alice B. Clagett, 24 December 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Woman standing, facing forward. Vertically along the path of her spine is depicted the sushumna, the major ‘nerve current’ or nadi’ of the human energy field. That current is labeled ‘Central Vertical Power Current’, which is another name for the ‘kundalini’ energy. Entwined around the sushumna are two more power currents: The white IDA and the tawny-colored pingala. THE IDA IS SET OUT TO THE RIGHT OF THE IMAGE. Around the woman is a multicolored oval of light. The colors represent the four minds and the four bridges of a human being. Labels on the left side of the image, from top: Superconscious Mind (pale blue); Conscious Mind (light blue); Subconscious Mind (pale red); and Unconscious Mind (grey). Labels on the right side of the image, from top: Bridge to Formlessness (white star); Soul Bridge (violet line); Astral Bridge (bright green line); and Incarnational Bridge (red line). CREDITS: Image: “Woman with Ringlets, Standing” [adapted], by William Mulready, 1824, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Standing_-_B1977.14.5086_-_Yale_Center_for_British_Art.jpg … public domain

Image: “New Human EMF-Balancing Ida and Pingala—Ida [set out to right],” by Alice B. Clagett, 24 December 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Woman standing, facing forward. Vertically along the path of her spine is depicted the sushumna, the major ‘nerve current’ or nadi’ of the human energy field. That current is labeled ‘Central Vertical Power Current’, which is another name for the ‘kundalini’ energy. Entwined around the sushumna are two more power currents: The white IDA and the tawny-colored pingala. THE IDA IS SET OUT TO THE RIGHT OF THE IMAGE. Around the woman is a multicolored oval of light. The colors represent the four minds and the four bridges of a human being. Labels on the left side of the image, from top: Superconscious Mind (pale blue); Conscious Mind (light blue); Subconscious Mind (pale red); and Unconscious Mind (grey). Labels on the right side of the image, from top: Bridge to Formlessness (white star); Soul Bridge (violet line); Astral Bridge (bright green line); and Incarnational Bridge (red line). CREDITS: Image: “Woman with Ringlets, Standing” [adapted], by William Mulready, 1824, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Standing_-_B1977.14.5086_-_Yale_Center_for_British_Art.jpg … public domain

. . . . .

… and the pingala …

Image: “New Human EMF- Balancing Ida and Pingala—Pingala [set out to left],” by Alice B. Clagett, 24 December 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Woman standing, facing forward. Vertically along the path of her spine is depicted the sushumna, the major ‘nerve current’ or nadi’ of the human energy field. That current is labeled ‘Central Vertical Power Current’, which is another name for the ‘kundalini’ energy. Entwined around the sushumna are two more power currents: The white ida and the tawny-colored PINGALA. THE PINGALA IS SET OUT TO THE LEFT OF THE IMAGE. Around the woman is a multicolored oval of light. The colors represent the four minds and the four bridges of a human being. Labels on the left side of the image, from top: Superconscious Mind (pale blue); Conscious Mind (light blue); Subconscious Mind (pale red); and Unconscious Mind (grey). Labels on the right side of the image, from top: Bridge to Formlessness (white star); Soul Bridge (violet line); Astral Bridge (bright green line); and Incarnational Bridge (red line). CREDITS: Image: “Woman with Ringlets, Standing” [adapted], by William Mulready, 1824, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Standing_-_B1977.14.5086_-_Yale_Center_for_British_Art.jpg … public domain

Image: “New Human EMF- Balancing Ida and Pingala—Pingala [set out to left],” by Alice B. Clagett, 24 December 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Woman standing, facing forward. Vertically along the path of her spine is depicted the sushumna, the major ‘nerve current’ or nadi’ of the human energy field. That current is labeled ‘Central Vertical Power Current’, which is another name for the ‘kundalini’ energy. Entwined around the sushumna are two more power currents: The white ida and the tawny-colored PINGALA. THE PINGALA IS SET OUT TO THE LEFT OF THE IMAGE. Around the woman is a multicolored oval of light. The colors represent the four minds and the four bridges of a human being. Labels on the left side of the image, from top: Superconscious Mind (pale blue); Conscious Mind (light blue); Subconscious Mind (pale red); and Unconscious Mind (grey). Labels on the right side of the image, from top: Bridge to Formlessness (white star); Soul Bridge (violet line); Astral Bridge (bright green line); and Incarnational Bridge (red line). CREDITS: Image: “Woman with Ringlets, Standing” [adapted], by William Mulready, 1824, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Standing_-_B1977.14.5086_-_Yale_Center_for_British_Art.jpg … public domain

. . . . .

… be balanced …

Image: “New Human EMF-Balancing Ida and Pingala—Ida and Pingala [set out to right and left],” by Alice B. Clagett, 24 December 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Woman standing, facing forward. Vertically along the path of her spine is depicted the sushumna, the major ‘nerve current’ or nadi’ of the human energy field. That current is labeled ‘Central Vertical Power Current’, which is another name for the ‘kundalini’ energy. Entwined around the sushumna are two more power currents: The white IDA and the tawny-colored PINGALA. THE IDA AND PINGALA ARE SET OUT TO THE RIGHT AND LEFT OF THE IMAGE. Around the woman is a multicolored oval of light. The colors represent the four minds and the four bridges of a human being. Labels on the left side of the image, from top: Superconscious Mind (pale blue); Conscious Mind (light blue); Subconscious Mind (pale red); and Unconscious Mind (grey). Labels on the right side of the image, from top: Bridge to Formlessness (white star); Soul Bridge (violet line); Astral Bridge (bright green line); and Incarnational Bridge (red line). CREDITS: Image: “Woman with Ringlets, Standing” [adapted], by William Mulready, 1824, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Standing_-_B1977.14.5086_-_Yale_Center_for_British_Art.jpg … public domain

Image: “New Human EMF-Balancing Ida and Pingala—Ida and Pingala [set out to right and left],” by Alice B. Clagett, 24 December 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Woman standing, facing forward. Vertically along the path of her spine is depicted the sushumna, the major ‘nerve current’ or nadi’ of the human energy field. That current is labeled ‘Central Vertical Power Current’, which is another name for the ‘kundalini’ energy. Entwined around the sushumna are two more power currents: The white IDA and the tawny-colored PINGALA. THE IDA AND PINGALA ARE SET OUT TO THE RIGHT AND LEFT OF THE IMAGE. Around the woman is a multicolored oval of light. The colors represent the four minds and the four bridges of a human being. Labels on the left side of the image, from top: Superconscious Mind (pale blue); Conscious Mind (light blue); Subconscious Mind (pale red); and Unconscious Mind (grey). Labels on the right side of the image, from top: Bridge to Formlessness (white star); Soul Bridge (violet line); Astral Bridge (bright green line); and Incarnational Bridge (red line). CREDITS: Image: “Woman with Ringlets, Standing” [adapted], by William Mulready, 1824, in Wikimedia Commons …,_Standing_-_B1977.14.5086_-_Yale_Center_for_British_Art.jpg … public domain

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… before we begin to practice Sat Kriya.

Swami Jnaneshvara Bharati, a master in the Himalayan tradition, has good information on balancing the flow of the ida and the pingala, preparatory to awakening the kundalini.

Image: “Stupa and the Himalayas,” by Shubham4564, 27 January 2017, in Wikimedia Commons … … CC BY-SA 4.0 International

Image: “Stupa and the Himalayas,” by Shubham4564, 27 January 2017, in Wikimedia Commons … … CC BY-SA 4.0 International

. . . . .

Go to his webpage “Kundalini Awakening 2” … … Once there, surf to “Image 2: Prana is made to flow in Ida and Pingala.”

Swami Bharati suggests as a next step, causing prana to flow in the sushumnaFor more on that, you can go to his webpage “Kundalini Awakening 3” … … Once there, surf to “Image 3: Prana is made to flow in Sushumna.”

. . . . .

Coming up next, series author Alice B. Clagett will explain how to practice Sat Kriya … ..

In love, light and joy,
Alice B. Clagett

I Am of the Stars


This is part of Chapter 14 of a blog series on Mastering the Mind and the Human Electromagnetic Field, and on the relationship of that field to the Universe.

Chapter 14 is the second of two miniseries on the topic of Enlightenment. The page you are viewing now is Mastering the Mind and the Human EMF: Chapter 14. Enlightenment II: Raising the Kundalini to Unify All Four Minds of the New Human – H. Preparing to Raise the Kundalini.

Navigation links for the Enlightenment II miniseries are at the top and near the bottom of each page of this series. Navigation links for the complete Mastering the Mind series are at the very bottom of each page.

Written and published on 16 April 2016; revised on 12 February 2019 and following.
This revised Video 14 for the series was produced on 29 January 2024.

Enlightenment II Series

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Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0). Attribution: By Alice B. Clagett.
More license information


mastery of time and space, Ascension, four minds, one mind, conscious mind, subconscious mind, superconscious mind, unconscious mind, enlightenment, mind, kundalini yoga,

MM 14G. Traditionally Touted Benefits of Sat Kriya . by Alice B. Clagett

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This page is part of a picture book on Enlightenment.

Text is in light blue.

The video for the Enlightenment II miniseries is here … ..

14G. Traditionally Touted Benefits of Sat Kriya

Alice B. Clagett: Today I set before you the speediest and surest means at my disposal … Sat Kriya … in hopes you may find it just as useful in your Awakening as have I in mine.

Mastering the Mind and the Human EMF: Enlightenment II: Raising the Kundalini to Unify All Four Minds of the New Human - G. Traditionally Touted Benefits of Sat Kriya

Image: “Benefits of Sat Kriya,” list by Alice B. Clagett, 2 October 2022, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

Image: “Benefits of Sat Kriya,” list by Alice B. Clagett, 2 October 2022, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

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Here are traditionally touted benefits of Sat Kriya, which, because of my own practice of the kriya, I intuitively feel to be true although, to be clear about it, the medical evidence is not yet before me.

  • I feel that the practice of Sat Kriya helps keep all the organs of the body functioning in tiptop condition.
  • It seems to me that it improves the lung capacity and stimulates blood and lymph circulation.
  • I also feel that the practice of Sat Kriya offers a chance to clarify and raise the kundalini energy nestling at the base of the central vertical power current of the human electromagnetic field.
  • It feels to me as well that the arisen kundalini floods the body with energy.

Image: “Self-Portrait” [adapted], by George Richmond, 1840, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

Image: “Self-Portrait” [adapted], by George Richmond, 1840, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

. . . . .

Now Matthew Nihra will explain how to prepare to raise the kundalini … ..

In love, light and joy,
Alice B. Clagett

I Am of the Stars


This is part of Chapter 14 of a blog series on Mastering the Mind and the Human Electromagnetic Field, and on the relationship of that field to the Universe.

Chapter 14 is the second of two miniseries on the topic of Enlightenment. The page you are viewing now is Mastering the Mind and the Human EMF: Chapter 14. Enlightenment II: Raising the Kundalini to Unify All Four Minds of the New Human – G. Traditionally Touted Benefits of Sat Kriya.

Navigation links for the Enlightenment II miniseries are at the top and near the bottom of each page of this series. Navigation links for the complete Mastering the Mind series are at the very bottom of each page.

Written and published on 16 April 2016; revised on 12 February 2019 and following.
This revised Video 14 for the series was produced on 29 January 2024.

Enlightenment II Series

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Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0). Attribution: By Alice B. Clagett.
More license information


mastery of time and space, Ascension, four minds, one mind, conscious mind, subconscious mind, superconscious mind, unconscious mind, enlightenment, mind, kundalini yoga,