Call to Action: Request for Research on Bounceback from AIDS status to early HIV status . by Alice B. Clagett

Written and published on 25 September 2018


Dear Ones,

Here is a Call to Action for the Western medical community regarding the AIDS pandemic. There is a Summary after the video …



Hello, Dear Ones, It’s Alice. I Am of the Stars.

With regard to the HIV pandemic, I have another suggestion for scientific research. That is: To test the theory, whether titer can go up to the point of being recognized as the AIDS infection, and back down to simply HIV status, depending on lifestyle and stress, and that kind of thing.

The theory I have, has to do with an experience I myself had, regarding a test for diabetes that they give, every once in a while, at the annual physical … and of being diagnosed pre-diabetic some long years ago, and then, the test returning to normal status, within normal range.

And so I thought: If that could happen with pre-diabetes … and instead of it moving into diabetes, it moves back into the normal range … then why might not the same be so for HIV infection, and the status nominally titled AIDS, that it turns into.

In other words, why is it a progressive disease? Need it be so? Or can we recover? Might we recover completely?

I am calling for research. I am hoping that the answer will become available.

I feel that a positive answer, in this regard, would greatly buoy the spirits of all Americans. It would be a wonderful boon in the emotional realm, to help us cope with this pandemic.

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars

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Community Health, Call to Action, Western medicine, HIV, AIDS, diabetes, progressive disease, AIDS epithet, health, healing, societal expectations,


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