Black Magic: Fugued or Tranced Person / Obsessed ‘Acting Out’ Folie à Deux . by Alice B. Clagett

      • Obsession of the ‘Fugued’ Person by a Third Person
      • First Person in Yogic Trance Rather Than Fugue State
      • General Thoughts on the Second, Obsessible Person
        • Second, Obsessible Person, Type 1
          • How Type 1 Obsession Might Manifest
        • Second, Obsessible Person, Type 2
          • The First Way That Type 2 Obsession Might Manifest
          • The Second Way That Type 2 Obsession Might Manifest
          • The Third Way That Type 2 Obsession Might Manifest
        • Acting Out During the Awakening
      • Photos by Alice


This blog is about black magic, including the topics of fugued or tranced persons and obsessed ‘acting out’ folie à deux. This final version of the blog is better organized and more complete than the rough draft video and edited Summary beneath it.


This may occur, lasting from only a few minutes, to hours, or to days. After awakening from the fugue state, the person will not remember what happened during the fugue.

I feel that persons who experience the fugue state may have greater than usual Soul wounding in the first and/or second chakra …

  • Soul wounding in the first or basal chakra may express itself as fear to take a stand in the world, fear for one’s life
  • Soul wounding in the second (sacral or sexual) chakra may express itself as fear of undertaking the act of sex

During fugue state, the wounded second or third chakra energies of the ‘fuguing’ person may flow forth into another person as an unconscious obsessing energy which then overtakes the conscious energy of the second person, and causes this person, in a sleepwalking state, to commit crimes of the sort that are feared by the first person … for instance, murder, rape, or torture.

Or if the first person is a shut-in, morbidly shy, or imprisoned, the obsession may simply take place so that the first person may take over the second person’s personality for a time; in this case, I am thinking it must be by conscious agreement.


Obsession of the ‘Fugued’ Person by a Third Person

The ‘fugued’ person may be controlled by the consciousness of another person or entity, perhaps a thuggee on the physical or astral plane, or a kama rupa on the astral plane.

First Person in Yogic Trance Rather Than Fugue State

The ‘fugued’ person may act consciously; he may be a spiritual adept who goes into a yogic deep meditation state, possibly astral travelling to be near the person he intends to obsess. To the onlooker, this trance state may resemble the fugue state.


This duet is more likely to take place if the first person is not sexually satisfied (either through inclination or belief), and the second person has no inhibitions about having sex …

Or if the first person is under the influence of drugs, or is drowsy, asleep and dreaming, or sick, or till recently, in a long meditation (which pre-Shift might allow negative astral beings to hypnotize a meditator to their own ends).

General Thoughts on the Second, Obsessible Person

He or she will be in the ancillary circle of the first person … someone that the first person knows, may or may not be a friend of, and may or may not have had intimate contact with.

If intimate contact has occurred, obsessibility of the second person will be amped up by lower-chakra psychic bonding.

  • He or she may practice black magic, or use drugs (especially hard drugs), or have rectal intercourse practiced upon them (as these weaken the electromagnetic field and make it easier for a person to be obsessed).
  • He or she will have imbalanced chakric energies;
  • He or she most likely, will have killed; perhaps, may be a felon; and
  • He or she will have many samskaras of violence from prior lifetimes.

Second, Obsessible Person, Type 1. There may be a nervous imbalance that manifests as …

  • a deficiency of electric energy in the body;
  • a weakness in the kundalini energy;
  • a fear of something (instilled in this or in previous lifetimes) that results in low self-esteem;
  • perhaps suicidal ideation or
  • a habit of ‘cutting’.

This could be viewed as a lack of egoic shell strength, which makes it easier for this person to be obsessed, especially by a person that they look up to and admire.

How Type 1 Obsession Might Manifest. In such cases, obsession might manifest, for instance, as the second person speaking in the voice of and expressing the personality of the first person.

As the obsessing energy swoops down on him, he might walk bent sideways, as if a weight were bearing down on his head; he might swat at the air above his head and behave angrily.

Second, Obsessible Person, Type 2. In other instances, the energy of the first three chakras (the desire elemental) of the second person may be very strong; for instance, he will most likely have a strong sex drive, which is easily subconsciously prompted to action.

The First Way That Type 2 Obsession Might Manifest. In a case of the first person in the duet being conscious and the second person being subconsciously obsessed, the first person might obsess the second person to sleep with a single woman who has something that he wants: money, or land, and so on. There are several variations on this theme …

Fake marriage papers might be arranged, and the second person might then be obsessed to murder the woman. As the obsession involves amnesia, the second person would have unwittingly performed the crime.

The first person might do the courting, arrange the fake marriage papers, and then obsess the second person to do the killing; or vice versa.

Or it might be a ‘duet for three’ … a folie à trois … where there are two conscious people and one person who can be obsessed. One conscious person courts the lady, and the other conscious person obsesses the third person to commit murder while the ‘husband’ is in a crowded room, among witnesses.

The proceeds might go through agency iterations, as in a shell game, or they might be donated to a worthy cause from which the participants in some way profit.

The Second Way That Type 2 Obsession Might Manifest. Say there is a couple whose goods or property are desired. A way is found to cause the death of the man, either through black magic or through some physical means, so that the woman will be positioned to fall prey to the first scheme above.

The Third Way That Type 2 Obsession Might Manifest. There is a couple whose goods or property are desired. The obsessible person seduces the wife away; there is a divorce. The ex-husband is wooed by the ‘fuguer’, who wills his property to the ‘fuguer’s’ cause. The obsessible person is obsessed to murder the man.

Acting Out During the Awakening

The ‘acting out’ that we are seeing during this phase of the Awakening occasionally may have to do with the ‘fugued’ or tranced person / obsessed ‘acting out’ person duet. Generally, however, Soul wounding is more minor, and ‘acting out’ has to do with unraveling of karmic knots in just the one person through the Incoming Light.)


I believe it is wrong, once this dynamic is found out, to consciously obsess people and to get them to commit acts of violence for any reason. I do not believe in consequentialism, or that there is an end that justifies violent means (except in the case of defensive wars, naturally).

I do believe in assisting other people in their Soul evolution. When I look at cases where people have ‘acted out’ in ways that are considered violent or criminal by society, I find, in the fourth dimension (the astral realm) that this violent behavior coarsens the person’s astral matter, and  causes suffering either now as we expand into the astral matter, or after we pass on and experience life in our astral bodies. It is the coarsening of the astral matter that creates the hellworld sensation after death, the burning sensation as our coarser astral matter burns off in the afterlife. So how can it be good to perform an act of violence that coarsens our astral matter and slows our Soul evolution?


Let us do our best to be aware, and to identify folks involved in these folies à deux, so that they may obtain counselling, and so that we may all be safe, so that our physical form may remain on Earth in grounded state during the Awakening.




Hello, Dear Ones, It’s Alice. I Am of the Stars.

I am pleased to bring you some information on two kinds of Soul wounding that are coming up to the Light right now, and being resolved. It is also a heads up for those that are in the karmic path of this kind of Soul wounding, so that they can take good care of themselves, and protect themselves, and stay alive and healthy … free of curses, free of all kinds of illnesses … in completely balanced, excellent health. That is my wish and blessing for everyone concerned.

I spoke a little about this kind of issue before. The issue is the ‘fugue state’ that people sometimes fall into when they have Soul wounding in the lower chakras, almost always involving many prior lifetimes. This is a pretty tough school, the school of hard knocks, here in the Duality realm. The long Age of Darkness has just ended, and just about everybody is in hospital right now, getting better.

So this is a tough case, of many lifetimes of Soul wounding … in this case, in the first or ‘basal’ chakra, and the second, the ‘sacral’ or ‘sexual’ chakra. It expresses itself in the one person who is very wounded from many lifetimes, and is now being healed. It expresses itself as first chakra fearfulness … fear to take a stand in the world; fear for one’s life. And in the second chakra it expresses itself as fear of undertaking the act of sex, because of this long list of Soul wounding that is being healed right now.

Sometimes, because of the blocking, or lack of balance, in the energy flow of the first two chakras, this person falls into a fugue state. This is a state of sudden lack of conscious Awareness that can last only a few seconds, or an hour, or sometimes for days.

When the person snaps out of the fugue state there is a feeling of amnesia … lack of memory, loss of memory … about the interval of the fugue state, when the person descends into an unconscious state and experiences the Soul wounding (in this case) of the first and second chakras.

There is not a lot in Wikipedia about fugue state; but I know a few things from my clair hearing and clair vision … I know a few things that are not mentioned in Wikipedia about the fugue state. In these instances of deep Soul wounding, what happens is that the energies of the first and second chakra … wounded though they be … of the first person flow forth into another person as an obsessive energy of the unconscious mind, which then overtakes the conscious mind of the second person and, in a sleepwalking state, causes this person to commit crimes of the sort that are feared by the first person. So what you will see are acts of murder and rape, and similar things, such as torture.

And this second person is most likely in the ancillary circle … somehow in the satellite group of this person; someone that this person knows … may or may not associate with … perhaps has had intimate contact with … In fact, that is likely … but not absolutely necessary; I do not know that it has to be the case. But because the energies of the two people are so very different, if a sexual liaison and sexual psychic bonding occur, then this flowing forth of the consciousness is facilitated by that. That is what I meant to say.

The type of person that is the second person will be someone with imbalanced energies in their own chakras … most likely a felon, or a person who has already committed murder … most likely a person with a very strong sex drive (or ‘desire elemental’, as I call it). In other words, the energies of the first three chakras will be very strong. The vital body will be very strong.

Because of the second person’s many samskaras of violence in prior lifetimes, he is what you might call ‘easier to obsess’. The energy of the second person can be obsessed and replaced by the first person, so that he begins sleepwalking. The stronger the vital body of the second person, the easier it is for the first person to get the second person to get to carry out the unconscious fantasies caused by the Soul wounding of the first person. 

This will happen over and over again: This obsession of the second person … this carrying out of violent acts and violent deeds that represent the fears of the first person. And neither will be the wiser for it; that is the interesting thing. So those of us in the spiritual professions and the healing professions must be very carefully on the lookout for this dynamic succumbing at intervals. It may be taking place with people all over the world; that could be the ‘acting out’ that we are seeing from time to time in the newspaper headlines.

But in this particular instance of very deep Soul wounding, it happens not in spurts of serial killings or mass murders or those sorts of things … but rather, once in a while, when the first person, say, either takes drugs … is under the influence of drugs … or is very sleepy or drowsy or sick; something like that, so that he becomes tired, and cannot hold the higher consciousness as well.

There is one other thing I wanted to mention; that is: When this type of scenario occurs, it seems more likely to occur when the first person is not sexually satisfied, and the second person has no inhibitions about being sexually satisfied. The reasons for the first person not to be sexually satisfied may varied: It might be just inclination or character … It might be a belief. It is hard to say; but it is just the lack of that satisfaction that provides the energy for this obsessional energy and this fugue state.

There is just one other thing that I wanted to mention in regard to this folie à deux scenario: I believe it is wrong; once this energy is found out, it is certainly wrong to consciously obsess people, and to get them to commit acts of violence for any reason.

I do not believe in consequentialism. I do not believe that there are any ends that justify these violent means (except in the case of defensive wars, naturally). I do believe in assisting other people in their Soul evolution. I look at cases where people act out in ways that are considered violent or criminal by society; and in all cases where these actions occur, there is a coarsening of the astral matter in the fourth dimension.

This coarsening causes suffering … either now, as we expand into the astral matter in the astral body during the Awakening process, or after we pass on and experience life in our astral bodies for awhile.

It is the coarsening of the astral matter that causes the hellworld suffering … the burning sensation … as the coarsening burns off when we sense those particles of our being that are astral in nature. So how can it be good to ask someone to perform an act of violence that coarsens our astral matter and causes us suffering … or to perform such an act ourselves? This results in Soul devolution rather than Soul evolution.

That is the story for today. I hope you all will notice whether people seem to be falling into this tendency, and help them to obtain counseling and clearing by whatever means … all the parties concerned … so that we may be safe as we ascend; as we attain the Awakening … so that our physical form may remain on Earth in a grounded state.

P.S. I forgot to mention I have seen one other kind of second person, in the scenario mentioned above. That is not the kind of person that is extremely strong in the ‘desire elemental’ … in the vital body … but there is a deficiency in the nervous system; a lack of steadiness in the kundalini energy.

It looks to me like a fear of something … whether in this lifetime or another lifetime … that resulted in low self-esteem; a kind of a lack of egoic shell strength that makes it easier for this person to be obsessed. So the first person, in that instance may be a person that they look up to and admire (say, a spiritual person). While the second person is in a fugue state, that admired first person can come and sweep over the second person.

On the astral plane I saw one time, for instance, the first person spoke in a particular way … with a certain dialect, and had been obsessing a different person. And then I saw a wave of obsession flow into this other person that had low self-esteem, and that practiced black magic, by the way; practicing black magic always weakens the electromagnetic field.

The wave of obsession flowed in, and suddenly his voice changed. You may have seen things like that on television: His voice changed from his own normal way of speaking, to the other person’s way of speaking, and became very much a flow of that other person’s personality.

Yet were I to question that other person, I would no doubt find out that he did not know one thing about it; that it was all taking place in a fugue state, and that he felt a sense of amnesia after he emerged from it. And I wonder if the second person would remember either. Yet those around, those that were there at the time, saw this happen … at least, according to the astral airs.

I do not think that it is something conscious that happens to the second person. I may be wrong about that though; they may willingly give their personality over to another person … It would be interesting to find out in future.

P.S.S. This is the second addendum: There is one other astral story that I have heard over and over again … mostly like a wish or a hope; like that; and sometimes as a developed plan of action. I do not know whether or not it has ever been carried out; but as it is in the ‘astral air’, I thought I had best mention it.

It sort of segues off of the fugue state story I was just talking about. It involves two people; the one person with the ability to obsess … consciously or unconsciously … and the second person, who has a tendency towards violence, and most likely a strong vital body. These two people are working in concert, either consciously or unconsciously.

The intention is to find a woman who is alone, and who has something that they want; say, a house, or some money, or something; and for the one person to have intercourse with her one time. or to make it seem like they have. And then to back that up somehow with a fake marriage certificate. And then for the other person to come and do her in somehow … some very clever way … the ‘Agatha Christie’ way. [laughs]

Then whatever it is that they want … the house of the money or whatever … goes to an organization from which both of them benefit.

There is another wish fulfillment story in that regard that is going around on the astral plane. It has to do with finding a couple that has something that these people want, either consciously or unconsciously, and finding a way to cause the death of the man … either through black magic or through some physical means … so that then the woman will be positioned to fall prey to this scheme about the false marriage claim and the very elaborately safeguarded murder of the woman, and then the transfer of the money into a status that can be enjoyed by both of the conspirators. Yet another thing to be careful of, these days!

The fur is flying, is it not? We have a long way to go. We are all hanging in like troopers; that is terrific. I am honored to know each of you, and I wish each of you the very best during this process.

Photos by Alice

black magic

Image: “Pacific Ocean Viewed from Point Dume, Malibu, California 3,” by Alice B. Clagett, 21 October 2016, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

Image: “Pacific Ocean Viewed from Point Dume, Malibu, California 3,” by Alice B. Clagett, 21 October 2016, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

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Image: “Dume Cove, Malibu, California,” by Alice B. Clagett, 21 October 2016, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..  

Image: “Dume Cove, Malibu, California,” by Alice B. Clagett, 21 October 2016, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” .. 

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In love, light and joy,
Alice B. Clagett
I Am of the Stars

Filmed on 21 October 2016; published on 25 October 2016; revised on 16 March 2023
Previously titled: Black Magic: Fugued or Tranced Person / Obsessed ‘Acting Out’ Person Duet


Link: “A Short-Sighted Demon Elimination Technique,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 31 October 2015; republished on 20 March 2018; revised on 29 July 2018 … ..


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acting out, fugue state, psychiatry, psychology, obsession, possession, spiritual adepts, astral plane, hellworlds, consequentialism, violence, afterlife, astral planes, astral matter, thuggees, black magic, astral intent to harm, Folie à deux, photos by Alice, curses, illness, health, fear, amnesia, dissociative fugue, memory, forgetfulness, sleepwalking, sex drive, desire elemental, war, violence, fourth dimension, suffering, Soul evolution, Soul devolution, self-esteem, kundalini, rectal intercourse, folie à trois,


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