Black Magic and Psychic Crime: A Call to Action . by Alice B. Clagett *

Written on 12 May 2018; published on 18 May 2018
Previously titled: Black Magic and Psy Crime: A Call to Action

    • Spiritual Arrogance and Shunning of Women as Sexual Partners
    • Astral Rape Psychically Sensed Being as Being Practiced by Gangs of Celibate Black Magicians
    • Homosexuality, Sex with Children, and Murder of Women Psychically Sensed Amongst Black Magicians
    • The Cause of Purported Sexual Deviation Amongst Black Magicians
    • A Proposed Mechanism of the Turn to Sexual Deviance
    • Catastrophic Early Childhood Soul Experiences Involving the Act of Sex
    • The Notion that the Act of Sex Is Catastrophically Evil
    • On Black Magicians Seeking Felons as Sex Partners Because Sex Is Felt to Be Dangerous and Evil

Hello, Dear Ones, It’s Alice. I Am of the Stars.

I have something to report about black magic, and black magic spells, and the karmic effect of them, that can be fixed up, and ameliorated, right now, as we ascend, so as to brighten up the karma of those who are … even without their intention … practicing black magic.

The information below is entirely a clair report, psychically sensed ‘psy in the sky’ … I have no evidence for it whatsoever, in physical terms. For that reason, the reader might hold it in the sense of entertaining but fictional reading, along the lines of occult lore.


One of the dicta of the Demon Realm that involved humankind in black magic at the end of the Lemurian Age, was that mind control technique of imprinting False Memories on women … both girls and adult women … to the effect that their fathers, or a father figure, had sexually molested or raped them. People are beginning to find this out right now … that the Demon Realm has done that. And that it has also imparted that spell to Spiritual Adepts who seek worldly power: Money and fame and sexual gratification. Those are the main ‘lures’, I think.

In other words, these Spiritual Adepts are looking for something for themselves for or for their groups, rather than seeking to align with God. This sort of Spiritual Adept, who attains psychic powers for the purpose of pursuing worldly gain, is termed a Black Magician.

Those Spiritual Adepts who have fallen to that heresy of Service to Self sometimes receive that teaching from the founder of their group: To teach the women in their group, falsely, that they have been deeply mislead, and sexually molested, by a father or a father figure.


So this person, this Black Magician, decides to marry, for the sake of looks, for the congregation. But he must mind control the woman into feeling that he loves her, and that they have a relationship, when, in fact, they do not. They do not have a sexual relationship. His interests lie elsewhere … either on the astral plane, or on the physical plane; his initial intention being to enhance his psychic abilities through conservation of sexual energy and an ascetic lifestyle.

So the Black Magician mind controls his wife into thinking, in her subconscious mind, that a father, or father figure, molested her or raped her in her childhood … and instills in her a sense of horror towards the act of sex with a man.

So then, she serves him. Through mind control, she believes he is her faithful husband. She represents him in public as his wife. She keeps his house clean. There will probably be no children, but she cooks his meals for him. She backs him up, before other people, through all kinds of allegations. She stands by him. And she believes that he is her husband, when in fact he is a Black Magician.

That is the reason for this phenomenon that I am sensing more and more, amongst Black Magicians around the world: It seems that they always congregate with women who have this unfortunate past. But in fact, these are False Memories that are instilled through the practice of Black Magic.


When harmful false memories are implanted in a woman’s mind, the Black Magician can more easily get into her energy field. The thought that men have injured a woman, wounds the women’s energy field. When the woman’s energy field is not stable, then the mind control expert can more easily get in, and manipulate the mind of a woman.

One end he might have, would be the illusion of a happy marriage, for the sake of looks, as described above.

The more sinister applications would be mind control of visitors to the congregation, so as to elicit donations to the group. Or, mind control of women in the congregation, resulting in sexual liaison or marriage, murder of the woman, and theft of her wealth or squatting in her residence.


Spiritual Arrogance and Shunning of Women as Sexual Partners

Psy in the Sky: One of the things that Black Magickers in America are doing, is picking amongst the women in their congregations, and marrying them, as described above. But … and I have not totally gotten to the bottom of this … they feel that women are inferior intellectually and emotionally, and easily manipulated with mind control.

So they feel that women are an unfit match for them … that they are beneath them. They tend to congregate with other Spiritual Adept men for sexual gratification, either on the physical plane or on the astral plane. They turn from their wives to the practice of increasingly dark sexual deviations. There are a number of complicated interweavings of Dark energies in the unfolding of this phenomenon.

Astral Rape Psychically Sensed Being as Being Practiced by Gangs of Celibate Black Magicians

Psy in the Sky: If a Black Magician feels that celibacy is the thing to do, then, on the astral plane, he will raid around the ‘astral airs’ with other Black Magicians, and rape both men and women on the astral plane.

Homosexuality, Sex with Children, and Murder of Women Psychically Sensed Amongst Black Magicians

Psy in the Sky: If he feels that it is all right to have sex sometimes, he will tend to pick male partners, or children, rather than women. And if he picks women, he is likely to murder them, as described above.

The Cause of Purported Sexual Deviation Amongst Black Magicians

Why is it that these men turn from their wives, to astral rape, in gangs of Black Magicians? And then to physical intercourse, say, with felons, or with people they feel to be disreputable, such as sex workers? And then, on to rape and murder of younger and younger children, till they get down to infants … and rape them, and throw them on the dumpster?

Well, it is an interesting process, to do with Soul learning regarding the evilness of mind control. There are a number of complicated interweavings of Dark energies that cause this phenomenon. I will explain …

Here in the fourth and third dimensions on Earth, we have the free will choice of two paradigms: Service to Self, and Service to Others. Modeling of both paradigms is readily available. But Service to Self … or Power Over … is not the best choice for Soul evolution …. for God realization, if you will. For us to experience God realization, we must first learn to respect everyone else, and allow them the blessing of having their own free will.

And so, for the Black Magician, who has chosen the paradigm termed Service to Self, the penalty, in terms of the life lived, grows greater and greater, the longer he persists in that practice.

A Proposed Mechanism of the Turn to Sexual Deviance

Then, as far as the coursing of the energies is concerned … The wife who is injured through implantation of False Memories is always crying out, on the astral plane. She is always crying out, with regard to men. And this wife-in-name-only reminds the Black Magician of a child.

And so, in his mind, he is always hearing the cries of a child who is being raped. That samskara enters his own energy field, and induces him to greater and greater acts of violence towards younger and younger people. That is my understanding of it.

The very act of mind control of women, and injury of their energy field, causes this Achilles heel, this great social injury of raping and killing children … buying them from their mothers … buying them abroad, because it is cheaper. Giving them HIV, because the Black Magician has been with felons (who are more likely than others to have HIV, because of having done sex work or having been raped in prison).


So to recap, what apparently happens, when Spiritual Adepts use mind control to imprint that False Memory on the women in their group, is that they become prone to becoming child molesters themselves. They are turned toward the practice of using children for sex. That does make sense, because the women in the group, in their subconscious minds, are always talking about that act.

And so, the men in the group, who have imprinted that False Memory, become susceptible to that thought. That explains the karma of raping children that seems to be happening, for the men in the Black Magic groups around the world right now.

So I am suggesting that the men look at this karma. That will bring them to an Awareness of how, instead of a win-lose situation in their group … men win; women lose … they are creating a lose-lose situation, because of the backlash of karma against them. And then they will begin to understand that the teachings they receive from the Demon Realm, for power over the world, are not to their benefit, or to the benefit of anyone on Earth.

It is a first step; but it is a giant step. It is a really good one, in clearing up the false understanding that men can gain what they want by practicing Black Magic.


Catastrophic Early Childhood Soul Experiences Involving the Act of Sex

Then as to the purported (psychically intuited) predilection for felons as sex partners amongst with Black Magicians, from what I have noticed on the psychic plane … Amongst Black Magicians who do this, there is always an early childhood incident that is greatly damaging. It has to do either with the child killing the parents, or else the child killing a sibling, to do with the act of sex. It always has to do with that.

In one case, I saw, on the astral plane, that the child tried, in adolescence, his first act of sex with a woman who had a boyfriend. And the boyfriend came along, and castrated him. And he went back to his father, and the father killed both the woman and the man, apparently. Or at least the woman.

So the very first attempt, or feeling, of sexuality, results in absolute disaster … burning down the family home, and everyone in it. Or killing a baby sister, and then getting castrated. Something that normal people never have to deal with.

The Notion that the Act of Sex Is Catastrophically Evil

After that, the notion of sex becomes catastrophically evil. They want nothing to do with sex. They become a Black Magician. They want power over other people. I guess maybe they do not want anything like that childhood incident ever to happen to them again. Maybe that is part of it. So then, they are doing a workaround … because they still have a sex drive. But it is negatively aspected. And the energy field, in the area of the second chakra, is greatly injured.

All these things that show up, over and over again, both abroad and here in the United States, have to do with the injury to the second chakra, I feel. Sometimes there is injury to the first chakra too … if they have been threatened with the notion that they are going to be killed. I should think that castration in early childhood would cause that problem as well.

I have talked about it before: Fear of death, linked to the act of sex. And the desire to kill, so as to overcome that. So the act of sex becomes the thrill of the kill. And this is linked, somehow, in certain segments of that population with catastrophic early childhood experiences to do with sexual expression, to the Black Magic cults.

On Black Magicians Seeking Felons as Sex Partners Because Sex Is Felt to Be Dangerous and Evil

Before doing felonious acts such as rape or murder for sexual thrill, or in lieu of that, Black Magicians, if carrying the memory of catastrophic early childhood experiences, have a feeling that the act of sex is dangerous and wrong … life threatening … against the law, or maybe full of sinfulness.

That, I feel, is why they seek out felons and sex workers with whom to have sex … They may be projecting their own feelings of the evilness of the act of sex on their sex partners, and selecting their sex partners through this filter of ‘evilness’. In other words, they may be looking for sex partners they feel are evil enough to perform an act they consider to be inherently evil.


Instances of catastrophic early childhood experiences to do with the act of sex are beginning to be discovered right now because of Disclosure … It is becoming clear what is going on. And the problem I have is, I have no clue what to do about it, if the injury is so deep. And the acts are so atrocious to the notions of propriety in society, that no one would believe me even if I mentioned it.

And so, I am waiting. I am waiting for you, to figure this out, and to figure out what to do about it. Humankind needs to know what is happening, and needs to figure out what to do about it. Not so much in terms of justice, but in terms of healing all of us. Healing humankind. What can we do? What can we do?

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars


Link: “False Memory,” in Wikipedia … ..

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call to action, black magician, spells, karma, false memories, childhood rape, money, fame, sexual gratification, spiritual adepts, service to self, shadow marriage, mind control, theft through mind control, spiritual arrogance, shunning of women, male domination, patriarchal domination, felon sex partners, homosexuality, sex with children, celibacy, astral rape, misogyny, wife murder, murder of women, sexual deviation, service to others, Soul evolution, Soul learning, God realization, enlightenment, free will, Achilles heel, HIV, AIDs, karma, boomerang effect, catastrophic early childhood experiences, catastrophic childhood sexual experiences, sexual guilt, sin, snuff, thrill of kill, first chakra, second chakra, fear of death, evil, disclosure, healing, demonic realm, Soul wounding, psychic powers, aligning with God, psychiatry, psychology, Divine feminine, Divine masculine, malware, samskaras, lost children of the Soul, sexual deviations, sex with children, homosexuality, sex with felons, felons, psychic crimes, psy crime, law enforcement, Michael-Michelle, sex workers, child sexual abuse, chakras, Black Magicker, Lazarus, Tinkerbell, Witchy Woman Hater, Castratrux – Basal Vampire, Regal Hex, Very Proper Man, The Sibyl, Black Widower – Psychophant,  Witchy Woman Hater,


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