Astral Story about Dylan Redwine’s Disappearance in Colorado . by Alice B. Clagett

Written on 7 June 2019 and added to a blog published on 22 February 2020

Dear Ones,

Here is an example that I recently added to an older blog whose link I have referenced at the end of the astral tale. As a clair person, I have a concern that justice be aptly meted out, but I recognize that clair intel is often plucked without supporting evidence from the astral airs.

Thus I pen my reminiscences of the astral realm with a wry question mark in my mind: Could any of this possibly be true? Were it to be true, would there not be facts that might be unearthed to support it? … for I, the not so eager clairsentient, have no facts to offer, only the oddest of astral rumors …

Once more I shall take pen in hand to tell my readers of a wild astral story that went round regarding the 2012 murder of Dylan Redwine, near Vallecito Lake, Colorado. The astral story had to do with a woman who knew the boy in early childhood, perhaps as a babysitter or friend of the family, and was thought to have captured and tortured him over the course of a month.

On the physical plane, I heard an elderly woman friend in Pine River Senior Center, Bayfield, Colorado (where I would eat lunch and play dominoes a time or two weekly, during my summer visits to Durango during the years 2013 through 2015) once mention that she had seen the child waiting at a bus stop … I thought then that she might have meant a bus stop in Vallecito Lake … on the day of his disappearance. After hearing that story (and if she correctly recognized the child that day), then it could be, I thought, that a family friend, or person he knew, saw him at the bus stop, stopped, and offered to drive him to his destination that day, and that he never got there. This is the only physical fact I have about the event, and that, I recognize, is hearsay. Now, back to the wild astral story …

When the woman took the boy to her bedroom, in her home in a housing development near Vallecito Lake, according to the astral story, her husband wounded the boy’s lower spine in such a way as to prevent locomotion; this act also would have caused incontinence, and paralysis and lack of sensation in the lower body and legs.

Then, over the course of an excruciating month, the astral airs were full of accounts of torture sessions, in which the actors wore costumes that concealed their identities. An actor who made a one-time appearance in a subsidiary role was said to be the illegitimate son of a local law enforcement officer; and that was purported to be the reason why the sessions were not interrupted, nor the perpetrators apprehended.

Another notion put forth on the ‘astral airs’ had to do with the torture sessions being backed by wealthy local people, who conveyed the sessions through closed circuit TV to tourists at a ritzy hotel in Durango. Thus, according to the ‘astral airs’, local people were felt to be ‘in cahoots’ with the crime; or possibly feeling, in a subconscious context, deeply guilty about it.

In the astral story, the kidnapping woman, in her subconscious mind, thought that the leader of her spiritual group was instructing her to torture the child. She and her husband, according to the astral story, called the leader and his wife, and agreed to convey him to their house for one of the torture sessions, in which the leader’s wife cut off the boy’s eyelids with a manicure scissors ‘so that they would be pretty, ‘cornflower eyes’, like her own’ …

Some time thereafter, according to the hypothetical story, the husband of the kidnapping woman took the boy’s life, in his own eyes justifying this as an act of euthanasia, to end the possibility of further torture …

The people in Vallecito, Colorado, were by all accounts, both astral and according to the news media, very upset about the long unsolved mystery of the disappearance of Dylan Redwine, and their upset may have been the incubating impetus for this astral story; it could be that everyone in Vallecito and the neighboring towns of Bayfield and Durango, Colorado, longed, during the years following the abduction or disappearance, for a simple explanation, and an end to the long agony of suspense and not knowing.

A slightly altered version of this story has been added to this blog … Link: “Groups and Acting Out During This Transitional Ascension Phase,” by Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 7 March 2016; published on 14 March 2016; transcribed on 5 June 2016 … ..

Here is more on the topic, from a clair perspective …

Link: “Compendium: Dylan Redwine Murder Mystery – Child Torture for Snuff Film Industry?” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 22 February 2020; revised on 23 April 2020 … ..

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars


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law enforcement, murder, astral stories, Dylan Redwine, Wild West,


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