Alikazam: A Song to Put a Cannibal to Sleep . by Alice B. Clagett

Filmed and published on 20 March 2019

    • “Alikazam: A Song to Lull a Cannibal to Sleep,” channeled by Alice B. Clagett. Soundtrack and Lyrics
    • Snake Charmers: Repetitive Melody
    • Children’s Nursery Stories: Rhyme and Rhythm
    • Hypnotic Effect of Repetition
    • Case Studies of Folie à Deux Compared to the Current Astral Story
    • The Folie a Deux
    • The Siren
    • The Cannibal
    • The Cult

Dear Ones,

This is a song to put a cannibal to sleep, so that he will not eat you. There is an edited Summary after the video, and after that are several sections not in the video …



Hello, Dear Ones, It’s Alice. I Am of the Stars.

This is a song to lull a cannibal to sleep, if he is about to try to eat you. It is specific to a perilous situation I heard about on the astral plane just now. The song to sing … you can say it in your mind, or you can say it out loud … is this …

. . . . .

“Alikazam: A Song to Lull a Cannibal to Sleep”
Channeled by Alice B. Clagett
Soundtrack and Lyrics
20 March 2019


Alikazam, and you are spam.
He’s the aligaboosta roosta.    (x3)

This is one of my series of songs to lull the demon world to sleep.

. . . . .

People who are cannibals (when it is not a cultural trait) are almost always obsessed by demons or possessed by them … what we call the Soulless people or the Vampires.

So the thing to do is to offer a very soothing song, like a child’s lullabye. In this case, it is intended to soothe the samskara of cannibalism in a person. I use a childlike melody and a childlike notion to influence the subconscious mind of the cannibal serial killer.

Specific to today, and to the person who is in peril of being eaten today, here is that song.

You all take care!

[End of Video]


When I was young, my mom raised chickens. A friend of mine from school once taught me how to hypnotize a chicken. He took a short, wide length of hemp rope …

image: Rope, from Wikimedia Commons … … CC BY 3.0 Unported

image: Rope, from Wikimedia Commons … … CC BY 3.0 Unported

… and placed it vertically just in front of a hen. Then he gently but firmly held her head for a moment, so that she was staring at the rope. The hen became motionless, as if frozen in place. Slowly he released his hands and backed away. The hen just stood there, staring at the rope.

Snake Charmers: Repetitive Melody. Having thought about this odd event for quite some number of years, I came upon the notion of the snake charmer in India. It seemed to me the snake charmer was using a repetitive melody to hypnotize the snake.

Children’s Nursery Stories: Rhyme and Rhythm. I also thought about the nursery rhymes and simple melodies that are used to lull small children to sleep. Then there are the fairy tales, which have oft repeating phrases that are somehow like magical incantations. Young children live repetition.

Hypnotic Effect of Repetition. I thought about the repetitive pattern of strands in the rope that was used to hypnotize the chicken, and realized that repetitive patterns, such as end rhymes and singsong melodies, might be useful in lulling the minds of people termed, in today’s parlance, the ‘reptilians’ … people whose consciences have been turned off by catastrophic childhood experiences … what are termed in psychology ‘antisocial personalities’ … and in esoteric lore the ‘Dark Soul’ … the Soulless person.

That is the theory behind using simple, childlike melodies such as that in today’s video, with the intention of lulling a sociopath’s subconscious mind for a long enough time to allow you to escape from danger.

Link: “How Do Predators Hypnotize Their Prey?” by Alice B. Clagett, begun on 31 May 2018; published on 26 June 2018 … ..


In today’s instance, it seems to me that it will be a miracle if the person in the astral story escapes from the cannibal, as she has been caught for several years in a folie à deux scenario. A demon apparently has been swooping into the cannibal through the empty auric space usually occupied by his missing Higher Mental Body. Demons are experts at mind control, and their intent is malevolent in the extreme. Thus it is no surprise that the in-swooping demonic energy is streaming on, from the cannibal, and has latched onto the woman in the astral story through mind control. For several years now it appears she has been imprisoned in this ‘double swoop down’ form of demonic obsession.

The story gets worse. Through the portal of the woman’s still functional Higher Mental Body, the obsessing demon streams forth, into the minds of all the people she knows, attempting to obsess them as well.

In order to avoid violence to her physical form, then, the woman must, I feel, first of all, avoid the physical presence of the cannibal. Then secondly, I feel that ‘cult deprogramming’ techniques might be helpful, as she is a member of a group of people that mistakenly take this Charlie Manson-type sociopath for God … the Prophet Isaiah … or another grandiose notion of personality.

In the extreme instance of being in the cannibal’s presence, I suggest the above “Alikazam” song. Other tools that might help are in the “More Information” section below.

Case Studies of Folie à Deux Compared to the Current Astral Story 

There are some interesting conclusions about Folie à deux in the article referenced below …

Link: “Folie à deux,” by P.N. Suresh Kumar, N. Subramanyam et al., in “Indian Journal of Psychiatry,” 2005 Jul-Sep; 47(3): 164–166 … doi: 10.4103/0019-5545.55942 ..

I note the issue in the two case studies described in the article had to do with dysfunctional mother-son relationships. I note delusions of persecution in the folie à deux in the astral story, and also in the two case studies in the article.

However, I see disparities in the current astral story, which apparently has to do with a cult sharing delusions regarding a person who left the cult because of the mind control abilities of the senior leader. I posit that others who left the cult in decades past may have met violent ends because of such shared delusions. That would be something for law enforcement to look into, should there turn out to be some truth to the astral stories.

Also, in the current astral instance, the cult leader purportedly murdered his family in his youth, cannibalized the mother’s body, then retreated to ‘Circle of One’ delusion, then, I hypothesize, may have created a cult to simulate family life (an ‘outlaw gang’ under his leadership) … a cult in which he could control every outcome.

Thus there was a dysfunctional mother-son relationship (as the son had eaten a small portion of the dead mother) … but clearly, the mother and son could not have been living together thereafter, as was the case for the case studies in the linked-to article above. Along that theme, I ask: Is it possible that the Siren in the astral story might have been a mother substitute for the cannibal?

I surmise that the cannibal may have had four or five wives, and ended up cannibalizing them, by way of re-enacting the tableau of his youth? If true, then the life of the Siren of today’s astral story would be very much in danger, would it not?


If, as a therapist, you are asked to treat this folie à deux, here are some cautions to consider …

The Folie a Deux

If you are treating these two people, you may find an interplay of mind control attempting to obsess you as well. That would be something to look out for.

The Siren

In addition, I note that the woman, according to the astral stories, was diagnosed ‘nymphoid personality’ by her mom, who, according to the ‘astral airs’ was a psychologist (?).

In practical terms, on the astral plane, the daughter appears to have a samskara of physical attraction or ‘allurement’, a ‘come on’ catch phrase that is repeating over and over again, in her sexual chakra. You may feel a difficult-to-resist siren call from the woman. The feel of this call is like a little like this, although perhaps not as frightful …

Image: Siren, from Fandom powered by Wikia … ..

Caution is warranted.

The Cannibal

The cannibal in question has, according to the astral stories, killed many times, as a form of black sacrament, to do with a catastrophic childhood incident in which he set fire to his family home, resulting in everyone’s deaths; and then he ate a little of his mother …

Link: “Ego 1: Circle of One … I Am the Only Ego in the World,” by Alice B. Clagett, published 15 August 2016; revised 7 July 2018 … ..

Link: “The Spiritual Powers of Omniscience and Omnipresence on Earth Today: Things to Look Out For,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 15 April 2017 … … Search the term: Cannibalism

Although this man may act disarming … even beguilingly artless .. I feel his samskara might cause him to act out at any time. I advise extreme caution.

The Cult

Apparently this is a cult situation. The cannibal is, according to the pretty much unbelievable astral stories, the senior leader of the group. A la Charles Manson, they may act out in real life whatever he tells them to do on the psychic plane, through ‘mind control’. If this turns out to be true, then the whole group, I feel, may benefit from cult deprogramming.

Link: “Community Health: Cults that Kill and Outlaw Gangs,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 7 December 2015; revised … ..

Should there be a thread of truth in all this astral hullabaloo, I hope this post will help clear the astral air.

Happy 2019 Spring Equinox, everyone!

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars

Note: The text in blue font has been added to my “Chalice and the Crucible” … … website.


Link: “Compendium: Ensoulment, Soullessness, and Soul Evolution,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 28 August 2018; revised on 4 October 2018 … ..

Link: “Syncretic Theory on the Antisocial Personality and the ‘Elementary’ (Black Soul or Dark Soul),” by Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 9 November 2016; published on 12 November 2016; transcribed and revised on 4 March 2019. … … See the subheading: VISUALIZATIONS THAT CAN BE USED WHEN YOUR PERSONAL SPACE IS INVADED BY AN ANTISOCIAL PERSONALITY OR DARK SOUL

Link: “Song to Make the Air Fall Asleep,” by Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 25 January 2016; published on 31 January 2016 … ..

Link: “Energy Field Centering Kriya,” by Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 7 March 2019; published on 10 March 2019 … ..

Link: “Mother Earth Loves Me: A Chant to Enhance the Force of Gravity,” by Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 16 February 2019; published on 3 March 2019 … ..

See also my blog categories: Antisocial personalities  … Cannibalism  …  Catastrophic childhood experiences  …  Circle of one  … Dark Souls – soulless men  …  Killing cults – crime families … Obsession – possession – entity attachment – exorcism  …   Serial killers  …  Soul devolution  …  and  … Vampires


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Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

antisocial personalities, ASPs, soullessness, reptilians, sociopaths, subconscious mind, repetitiveness, mind control, cannibals, cannibalism, serial killers, obsession, possession, psychiatry, psychology, demonic realm, Folie à deux, Higher Mental Body, subtle bodies, songs by Alice, spells, charms, songs, nymphoid personality, siren, 2019 Spring equinox, law enforcement, Higher Mental Body, nymphomania, samskaras, 2u3d, Castratrux – Basal Vampire, Torturess, The Riflewoman, Gone Straight, Heart Vampire, Procto, Second Up, Ice Princess, Ice Man,


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