Monthly Archives: July 2014

Nature Spirits Part 1: Do They Ever Love Music! . by Alice B. Clagett

Filmed on 26 July 2014; published on 27 July 2014; transcribed on 9 August 2018
Previously titled: Nature Spirits Part 1
Location: These channelings took place at the motel where I stayed while attending a spiritual concert at Tara Mandala Retreat Center, Pagosa Springs, Colorado.

Image: “Fairy Rings and Toadstools,” by Richard Doyle, 1875, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

Image: “Fairy Rings and Toadstools,” by Richard Doyle, 1875, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain


Dear Ones,

Here is the first of five videos on the nature spirits, the faeries, and the Devic Realm. This video is about faeries and music. The setting is Pagosa Hot Springs. There is lightly edited Summary after the video.

By the way, if you only have time to see ONE video on Faeries, skip to this blog …

Link: “Nature Spirits Part 4: Working with Nature Spirits to Fine-Tune Emotional Telepathy and Manifest Wishes Instantaneously,” by Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 27 July 2014; published on 28 July 2014; transcribed on 9 August 2018 … ..

And for links to more information on nature spirits, see the end of this blog …

Link: “Nature Spirits Part 5: Devic Agreement re Telepathic Neg-Speak and More about Nature Spirits,” by Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 27 July 2014; published on 28 July 2014; transcribed on 9 August 2018 … ..



Hello, Dear Ones, It’s Alice.

I just happen to be over on this street in Pagosa Hot Springs today, and I noticed the music coming from across the street. [Shows street and music store.] And so there I looked. Live music! And it is called the music shop, right? This music is nonstop over here … It is kind of happy music. Nice, huh?

So then I went indoors, away from the traffic, and I could hear nature spirits talking to me. They were so excited! They were dancing and singing the same songs I had heard outside. It was really cool. And so then I got the connection, you know? They are hanging out here because of the music.

So then I was walking over this way, and I saw this tree. [Shows side of building, and tree beside the building.] And the leaves were shimmering in the wind at the time. And it seemed to me like there were fairies and nature spirits everywhere … all over this tree. So cool! The ground was shimmering; the tree was shimmering; everything, just beautiful!

Then I said to myself: I am going to go get my camcorder and take a picture of these fairies! 

To which they replied: Oh, no! We don’t like that!

And all in a flash, each and every one of them lit out to the hinterlands … specifically, to the beautiful pine forest on the mountain behind the tree.

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars

This blog is among those in this series … Link: “Nature Spirits Video Series,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 14 July 2014; transcribed on 9 August 2018 … ..


Image: “Rehearsal in Fairyland,” by Richard Doyle, 1870, public domain

Image: “Rehearsal in Fairyland,” by Richard Doyle, 1870, public domain


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


devas, faeries, faeries and music, fairies, fairies and music, nature spirits, Pagosa Hot Springs,

Ma’at, the Principle of Balance, re Dark Attacks, Angelic Protection, and the Incoming Light . by Alice B. Clagett *

Written and published on 25 July 2014; revised on 9 August 2018

    • Equilibrium within a Personal Timeline
    • Multi-Nodal Geographic Equilibrium
    • ‘Wobble Dance’: Simultaneous Personal Dyadic Equilibrium … The ‘Opposite Twin Flame’ Interaction
    • Geophysical ‘Opposite Twin Flame’ Interactions along Earth’s Ley Lines or Lines of Longitude and Latitude
      • California: Los Angeles … Mount Shasta
      • Middle East: Israel … Palestine … Gaza
      • Ukraine
    • Soul Wounding Energies Balanced by Soul Healing Energies
    • Low Sounds Balanced by High Sounds

Dear Ones,


Imagine a little duck in a bathtub that is filling with water. The little duck is bobbing up and down because of the waves created by the water from the tub faucet …

Video: “Baby Duck swimming in sink,” by barbaroluvr, 9 March 2010,  Ok, true, it’s a sink and the water level’s not rising…. pretty cute, though!

Now here is the metaphor … You are the little duck. The bathtub is Earth. The water coming in is the Incoming Light, the grace of Divine love uplifting you. When you bob ‘down’ you are ‘having a Dark Attack’. When you bob ‘up’ the angels are protecting you. Overall, the level of the tub water stays pretty much the same, but it is all the while rising.


This action of water ‘chopping up’ and then reverting to the mean level of the tub water is an energy of universal ‘balance’ that reminds me of the ancient Egyptian goddess Ma’at, who personified the forces of truth, balance, order, law and morality.


Image: “Names of Rameses III; winged Ma’at kneeling over lilies of Upper Egypt. Scene from tomb of Ramses III.” (KV11), by Tresea Dutertre, before 1842, from Wikimedia Commons … public domain

Image: “Names of Rameses III; winged Ma’at kneeling over lilies of Upper Egypt. Scene from tomb of Ramses III.” (KV11), by Tresea Dutertre, before 1842, from Wikimedia Commons … public domain


This ‘bringing back into equilibrium’ of Light forces and Dark forces is expressed in the world today, even as the Shift occurs, in several ways, at least as far as I can tell….

Equilibrium within a Personal Timeline

It may express itself in myself personally as a feeling of chaos and Darkness, followed by a feeling of elevation and greater clarity.

Multi-Nodal Geographic Equilibrium

It may express itself in myself as a feeling of prolonged clarity and loving energy, juxtaposed geographically or psychically with a ‘nearness’ of Dark energy, usually flowing through the subconscious minds and Soul wounding of other human beings, who themselves are on the mend … who are through this ‘attack’ process becoming aware of their own Soul wounding, so that they may transform and clear it.

‘Wobble Dance’: Simultaneous Personal Dyadic Equilibrium … The ‘Opposite Twin Flame’ Interaction

It may express itself as an ‘opposite twin flame’ interaction …. one Soul expresses more Light, and the other expresses less Light. Thus the opposite twin flame electromagnetics keep both humans locked in a ‘Wobble Dance’ … one goes a little bit higher, the other pulls that person back down, and both rise with the Incoming Light.

Geophysical ‘Opposite Twin Flame’ Interactions along Earth’s Ley Lines or Lines of Longitude and Latitude

California: Los Angeles … Mount Shasta. It may express itself as a geophysical ‘opposite twin flame’ interaction …as in the case of the interlocked energies of Los Angeles (shiver me timbers! There’s some pretty Dark stuff clearing out of LA these days!) and the mountain energy of Mount Shasta in Northern California (Christed ET and Christ consciousness ‘opposing’ energy). However, like the human opposite twin flame interlockings, the geophysical opposite twin flame interlockings … painful as they may feel to the Souls involved … are also slowly rising with the incoming tide of Light. Other examples of the geophysical:

Middle East: Israel … Palestine … Gaza. The war energy of Israel-Palestine-Gaza is being balanced and healed by the conscious peace energy of the Gatherings around the Pond.

Ukraine. The Ukraine war energy [at the time of writing of this blog] is being balanced by Lightworkers bathed in the healing energy of the devic world, including nature spirits, elementals, and their representatives the dragonflies, unicorns, and dolphins.

As I understand it, those humans who are doing Earth Light grid work are consciously assisting Ma’at in balancing light and Dark as Earth ascends.

Soul Wounding Energies Balanced by Soul Healing Energies

And in terms of clarity of the Soul energy of humankind: The Soul wounding energy of conscious Darkness is being balanced by the Soul healing energy of the Cities of Light.

Low Sounds Balanced by High Sounds

Those Lightworkers who send forth sacred healing sound help balance the ‘tearing down’ … low subconscious sounds emanating from Earth’s cities and highways right now … These latter ‘low’ sounds come from gas-driven motors … automobiles, HVAC in homes, even hair driers … all kinds of engines. (Note that the ‘low’ engine sounds have their own purpose; they tear into our subconscious secrets, releasing them to the Light, and then the Lightworkers’ beautiful sacred healing sounds build up our new consciousness.)


All are rising.

Timelines are also weaving in and out to maintain the balance of the Shift. Some timelines wobble ‘down’, others wobble ‘up’ … but all are destined to reunite through the beautiful balancing energy of Ma’at.

The Hathors are assisting in this timeline balancing work, and also in purifying the waters of Earth through sound. This latter work helps relieve the stress on Earth’s magma and on Her tectonic plates as the Shift continues.

Sometimes too, as I hear it, those with too great a Light are circling out of the current timeline, into what might be termed ‘the future’ of our own timeline, and then they are surfing back into our timeline when Dark events unfold here on Earth. I’m very grateful to say that this circling back of humans of higher Light is taking place as the needed for balance of Light and Dark.

And probably Ma’at is protecting us in ways unknown as all humanity is uplifted.

In love, light and laughter,
I Am of the Stars

Video: “Ducks in the Bathtub While It’s Filling Up,” by Nicole Hitchcock, 6 July 2013 … ..

For more timeline information see … Link: “Compendium: Timelines and Multitemporality,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 2 February 2019 … ..


This is a two-part series; here is the other blog …
Link: “Ma’at, Dynamic Equilibrium, and Light Downloads,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 2 August 2014; revised on 13 August 2018, ..

Wikipedia …
Link: “Dynamic Equilibrium,” in Wikipedia, ..


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Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


Wobble Dance, angels, astrogeophysics, balance, dark attack, dyads, dyadic relationships, Egyptian religion, grid work, incoming light, latitude, ley lines, longitude, Maat, Ma’at, sound Shift, timelines, twin flame, Venus, Christ consciousness, Los Angeles, Mount Shasta, Israel, Palestine, Gaza, Middle East, Ukraine, California, low sounds, motor noises, tectonic plates, magma, earthquake, Soul wounding, Hathors, geography,

Palo Santo Incense – Sacred Wood . by Alice B. Clagett

Dear Ones,

I heard that the scent of burning Palo Santo sticks is good for purifying a home … bought some on Amazon and like it very much … a very light, uplifting scent …

Image: Palo Santo incense sticks, by Alice B. Clagett, 24 July 2014, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

Image: Palo Santo incense sticks, by Alice B. Clagett, 24 July 2014, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..  

To buy, search: Palo Santo incense sticks on Amazon … ..

In love, light and joy,
Alice B. Clagett
I Am of the Stars

Written and published on 24 July 2014; republished on 30 August 2017; revised on 21 March 2023


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


incense, Palo Santo, purifying a home, ceremony, rite of purification,

Blessing the Cities with Water and Rocks from the Wild Lands . by Alice B. Clagett

Written and published on 24 July 2014; republished on 30 August 2017; revised

Image: “A woman drinking water from the mountain stream at Bargarh. Credit-Manish Kumar” … ..

Dear Ones,

Here is something simple to uplift the vibe of a city or town … go to the nearest wild place, collect a little water from a spring or stream (mountain streams are especially nice) … You might want to filter it using a backpacking water filter (1) to make sure it is A ok…

Bring the water back to your town, and put a little in a pond or downtown fountain … or even in your swimming pool! …

Water has an intelligence of its own (2), and the uplifted wilderness water will communicate (3) its higher state of grace to the water of your town, which may be weighed down by the concentrated noosphere (4) there.

It is the restrictive beliefs of the mind of man (5) that are slowing saturation of cities and towns with the beautiful Incoming Light. Your ‘water communication’ actions can help bring the town Light quotient up to that of the surrounding countryside.

You can do the same with rocks and crystals from the wild lands. When you find them, say a blessing and a thanksgiving. Then bring four back with you. Put them at the four corners of your home, or at the four corners of your bed. In this way, you can bring the beautiful Incoming Light into your home in the city.

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars

PS: I found these pretty little sacks for hanging crystals on the corners of my bed …

Link: Cotton Crystal Pouch Crocheted Rainbow … ..


(1) from Link: “How to Select a Backpacking Water Filter and Treatment System,” by Amber King and Jessica Haist, 6 May 2019 … ..

(2) See this video about Dr. Masaru Emoto’s work: Link: “Water, Consciousness & Intent: Dr. Masaru Emoto,” by purpleleisureologist, 13 March 2009 … ..

(3) I feel there is a link between Masaru Emoto’s water work and Peggy Black’s explanation of quantum entanglement:  Link: “Connected to All,” by Peggy Black and the ‘team’ … ..

(4) Search the term noosphere in Link: “June Gateway: Meeting the Ultimate Guide,” by Sandra Walter, in Creative Evolution, 10 June 2014 … … Search 2014 Archives

(5) Search the term clearing in Link: “The Transformation of Self-Limiting Thought Forms and Beliefs: A Hathor Planetary Message through Tom Kenyon” … ..


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


ceremony, cities of Earth, blessing the cities, uplifting the wild waters, blessings,

Christ’s Vision and His Crucifixion . by Alice B. Clagett

Written and published on 18 July 2014; republished on 1 July 2017; revised

Image: “A believing soul embracing Christ’s Sacred Heart.” (color) This file comes from Wellcome Images, a website operated by Wellcome Trust, a global charitable foundation based in the United Kingdom …  … This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.

Image: “A believing soul embracing Christ’s Sacred Heart.” (color) This file comes from Wellcome Images, a website operated by Wellcome Trust, a global charitable foundation based in the United Kingdom …  … CC BY 4.0 International

Dear Ones,

I was asked about the ‘chain’ round Christ’s heart in the picture. Here is my answer: I am a little rusty on all that… is not that the crown of thorns that was placed on Christ’s head at the time of the Crucifixion?

I had a vision recently about Christ’s life … maybe you would like it … In the vision I saw Christ as a great being of Light and love. Before he was born, he saw the suffering of mankind, and had a great longing to offer us all the hope of a better tomorrow, a future reality where we might all dwell in unconditional love.

But because of the state of Duality into which mankind had fallen, we existed in a dimension where every good action had an equal and opposite effect. So He knew in his heart that, in order to offer us an example of a life of true, unconditional love, there would be a heavy price to pay, in terms of the Dark. He looked at the human alternate timelines and decided the example of Light and love and hope that his life on Earth would provide was worth the price that must be paid … And so He incarnated on Earth …

Then my vision flew to the Garden of Gethsemane. In anguish, this great Soul appealed to the Father to lift the burden of hatred and crucifixion from Him. But grace came to him in the form of a vision. He learned with a certain surety that He might accept crucifixion, accept that burden of hatred, and allow the Christian faith to flourish. Or he might decline that burden, live out his life in peace and love … but the consequence would be that his followers would take on that burden of hatred, and his message would be lost to humanity during the dark ages to follow.

To our great happiness, His brave and loving heart accepted the burden, the pain of crucifixion, and Christianity has shown forth as a Light to Souls in desperate need of hope and solace since that day.

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Buddhic or Christ consciousness, Christ, Gethsemane, unconditional love, Christianity, visions, visions by Alice,