Monthly Archives: July 2013

Letting Go of Your Past in 2013 . by Jeffrey Allen . referral by Alice B. Clagett

Written and published on 31 July 2013; revised

Dear Ones,

I found this video to be right on the mark. Jeffrey Allen’s energy feels very clear and bright …

Video: “Letting Go of Your Past in 2013,” by Jeffrey Allen … ..

Here is his website … ..

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


karma, letting go, Jeffrey Allen,

Chakric, Planetary, and Multi-Universe Audiovisual Libraries . by Alice B. Clagett

Written and published on 31 July 2013


Dear Ones,


I was talking to an energy counselor yesterday, and she had something very interesting to say about the chakras and our life experiences. She said the chakras were our spiritual library, like a chest of drawers. Each drawer is for a different ‘subject’ … for instance, the basal chakra stores information on survival, DNA, sleep cycles, food, and sexuality. The second chakra stores information on the senses as related to emotions and clairsentience, And so on…

If we were to open one of the chakric ‘library drawers’, in it we would find the information stored as audiovisual (holographic) files … pictures, video clips, and, I would add to her description:  audio clips, emotion condensate, odors, and tactile sensation files.


Now this is interesting. It reminds me of descriptions of the akashic records as stacks of pictures. Which when viewed up close may turn into moving pictures. So we might pick up an akashic record and ‘step into’ a particular historical time. Could these then be compressed holographic images?

Could it be the same for our personal chakric records? Are these the same as the akashic records, or possibly the subset of these that is easily accessible to be worked on in the current lifetime? How is it that light and love can scoop up, and in a great swirling motion, simply dissolve these chakric records in a burst of light? Interesting!


And then, in his 30 July 2013 post, (1) Bill Ballard talks about the Light Grid, the Planetary Consciousness Grid, in similar terms. He says the crystals on Earth, which activated a while back and have since been powering up, will be allowing the Planetary Grid to store the experiences of humanity as the process of Awakening unfolds.

Similar to the chakras as personal spiritual Libraries, we might think of the Light Grid as a planetary spiritual Library. We might imagine that the Grid will store our human experiences as a truly vast audiovisual (holographic) library.


Bill also talks about traversing from Universe to Universe, to the point where he bilocates as Source and as a human on Earth. He views the Universes as all lined up linearly – not spherically – or toroidally, I would presume. How can this be? Could it be that the Universes are Mega Akashic Records, Mega AV files, all stacked up in the eye of Source or God?

If so, if they are merely holographic images, then there may be an illusion of vastness – of distance – of stargate opening and wormhole transition between universes. But maybe the ‘thickness’ of the travel illusion is mere slate of hand. And there is no distance whatsoever between us and Source — just layered, dimensionless images of Light.


So, you might be thinking, this is all very interesting. Maybe it’s true, but I’m not seeing it right now. If I don’t see it, how can I explore it? Here’s one way:

Pay particular attention to your bodily sensations. You may feel tightness here, a little pain there, a throbbing sensation elsewhere, a tingling sensation someplace else… Place your Awareness on the most prominent sensation. Don’t judge the sensation to be good or bad. Instead, embrace it with a feeling of appreciation and friendliness…. Wow! I’m feeling this sensation! How nice that I noticed it!

So everything’s good. Every sensation is welcome. And I find, as I place my friendly Awareness on the sensation, that it very soon dissipates and another sensation, in a different location, comes to my Awareness. (2)

I know that, on the face of it, this doesn’t seem to be a process relevant to discovering our chakric audiovisual libraries. But in fact, it is just that.

What is actually happening when we place our Awareness on a sensation, and that sensation dissipates? We are opening our chakric library drawers, sorting through the AV images stored there, and picking out and discarding those AV images that are discordant with the incoming energies of New Earth. In effect, we’re throwing out our memories of sorrow and pain. Dissolving them in gratitude and appreciation.

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars


(1) Link: “7-30-13 Bill Ballard ~ Passing through the 7-29-13 Stargate into Our New Earth” … ..

(2) For more on this way of healing, see Link: “Integral Healing,” by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother … ..


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Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


akashic records, Soul wounding, chakric clearing, hologram, Planetary Grid, reality, astrogeophysics, chakric audiovisual libraries, chakric clearing, chakric holograms, Universe audiovisual files, Universe hologram, universe, multiverse, wormhole,

Bell Rock – Coronal Mass Ejection – Feelings of Mental and Emotional Pressure – as if Being Born . by Alice B. Clagett

    • Postlude: Music of Chris Zabriskie and Natural Scenes

Dear Ones,

Here is a video about the energies at Bell Rock, an incoming coronal mass ejection (CME), feelings of emotional and mental pressure, and being born! The Postlude at the end of the video features the music of talented musical artist Chris Zabriskie. There is an edited Summary after the video…



Hello, Dear Ones, It’s Alice.

I am here at Bell Rock, Sedona, Arizona, and I thought I would show you what is happening here. Just a minute … So, this is Bell Rock … See that huge structure there?

Image: “Bell Rock,” by Alice B. Clagett, 5 September 2014, CC BY 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

Image: “Bell Rock,” by Alice B. Clagett, 5 September 2014, CC BY 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..  

And then there is a dip, and kind of a ‘valley’ in the rocks …

Image: “Saddle Between Bell Rock and Courthouse Butte,” by Alice B. Clagett, 5 September 2014, CC BY 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

Image: “Saddle Between Bell Rock and Courthouse Butte,” by Alice B. Clagett, 5 September 2014, CC BY 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” .. 

See, there is another peak far off there …

Image: “Far Mesa at Saddle Between Bell Rock and Courthouse Butte,” by Alice B. Clagett, 5 September 2014, CC BY 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

Image: “Far Mesa at Saddle Between Bell Rock and Courthouse Butte,” by Alice B. Clagett, 5 September 2014, CC BY 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..  

So there’s this valley here, that gets even lower, and then comes down to the place where I’m sitting.

And over here, there’s another huge rock … Courthouse Butte …

Image: “Courthouse Butte,” by Alice B. Clagett, 5 September 2014, CC BY 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

Image: “Courthouse Butte,” by Alice B. Clagett, 5 September 2014, CC BY 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..  

And so, I thought I would talk a little about the energy that is right here, coming in towards me, from the dip between the mountains. [Shows sunshine over brim of hat.] Nice effect, huh?

Image: “Sun Over My Hat at Bell Rock,” by Alice B. Clagett, 5 September 2014, CC BY 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

Image: “Sun Over My Hat at Bell Rock:  Lightworker Photo by Alice,” by Alice B. Clagett, 5 September 2014, CC BY 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..  

So, there is energy flowing, like a cool breeze, through that dip in the rock. And it is coming this way. And then it settles down, like the evening coolness, down onto the Earth right where I am.

And the feeling that I get, is that this incoming energy that we have right now, is like this place where I am right now. It is as if we were in a birth canal. In a narrow place, with a lot of pressure.

And so, the thing I would like to say is that, the moment before birth, the most pressure is on. And it seems like an untenable position … you know? … to us being born. The same is true of the energy coming in tonight, and even starting right now: There’s a lot of pressure, and it kind of feels difficult. Really, really hard … Impossible!

But the thing to remember is: In just a minute now, we will be born onto New Earth completely. The process of birth will be finished. And the pressure will be off.

Postlude: Music of Chris Zabriskie and Natural Scenes

[The gentle instrumental music in the Postlude is “Prelude No. 6” from the album “Preludes” by Chris Zabriskie, CC BY 4.0]

In love, light and joy,
Alice B. Clagett
I Am of the Stars

Filmed on 28 July 2013; published on 5 September 2014; revised and republished on 28 December 2017; revised on 23 March 2023

Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

anxiety, astrogeophysics, being born, Bell Rock, CME, coronal mass ejection, emotional and mental pressure, New Earth, Sedona vortex energy, Chris Zabriskie, photo essay, lightworker photos by Alice, Chris Zabriskie,

How to Dispel Darkness . by Alice B. Clagett

Written and published on 28 July 2013; revised

Dear Ones,

Yesterday, in my personal awareness arena, there were two ‘battles’ with Team Dark. In past, these might have presented some difficulty, but in these days of greater Light, pure intention to the most refined light easily transforms all. If you feel you are faltering in such an encounter, the following may help:

Our world is shifting out of duality and all – ‘dark’ and ‘light’ have the option to choose the most refined light. These lovely words allow the Dark to choose the most refined Light — feel your heart, and allow Divine Mother to speak these words through your own body vehicle:

I send back this thought form, blessed with the violet light of transformation from dark to light!

This is an appeal to St. Germain and Archangel Metatron to offer Team Dark freedom. In the current situation, this is a true choice for Team Dark, and up to each dark entity to accept or reject. In that spirit, know that you are offering Team Dark a choice. Feel your heart. All beings have free will.

It’s good to keep in mind that it’s not just that a ‘battle’ between Team Dark and Team Light that is taking place. Darkness and light are intertwined in each of us, Here is a tool to separate out the darkness from the light and keep each of us safe in the most refined Light. This can be used for both friends and those who have been hoodwinked into feeling they are our enemies:

Search my blog category: Protection – sanctuary  … for a good method of protection from the Dark.

Make sure to direct your words to the darkness that may be standing behind, attached to, or intertwined with the light body of a human being. Be very clear that you are not using them against any human being — only against the darkness. (If used against a human being, they will not work anyway, so, no worries in that regard.)

Here is GaiaPortal’s post from 27 July 2013. My feeling is, the post offers good advice, not just for right now, but ongoing:

“Link: “Collapsing Shadow Forms Seek Retrieval of Energies via Reverse Vortex Rotation,” from 27 July 2013 … ..

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


ascended masters, black magic, demonic realm, protection, Team Dark, violet flame, duality, transformation, Saint Germain, St. Germain, Archangel Metatron, angelic realm, JScambio,

Dream Homes . a story by Alice B. Clagett

Filmed on 24 July 2013; published on 25 July 2013; revised on 28 June 2018


Dear Ones,

I did a video on dreams and life, houses and trees, nature and nurture. I had concerns about putting a video up, with people’s homes in it. But then I realized it is likely ok to show the front yards and fronts of homes of people from the street in this movie because similar views of front yards and fronts of homes are offered on Redfin and on Google Maps. In addition, the addresses are not provided, so that should be all ok.

Beneath the video is a Summary …



Hello, Dear Ones! Check out the shades! … [points to sunglasses] … It’s Alice.

I’m over here in Santa Monica, on a street north of Wilshire, a residential street. And I was reminded … For 20 years I lived in Santa Monica, and I lived in a tiny, rent-controlled apartment. And I worked at UCLA as a secretary.

And I used to walk on this street. And I used to think: Wow! If I just had a place like this … or if I lived on this street … I would be really happy! Maybe one day I’ll be able to live there.

So when I retired, I could not afford to live on a street like this, which I am going to show you in a minute. But I moved to a house in the less expensive ‘burbs. And it was bigger, and it was closer to nature. And at first I was really happy, because I had achieved my dream. You know? … To move into a house in a kind of rural setting.

And then, a year or so went by, and I started to notice that everything was kind of really the same … except that I had more yard work to do. [laughs] So I thought I would show you this street a little bit. So, let’s see what I can do … Ok, here we go … All right, so I am just going to show you a couple of places here. [shows a well-manicured yard] This is one house here. It has a winding, brick walkway, and secret little places inside.

And we are going along the walk, here … facing the ocean. The ocean is just over the cliffs, at the end of the street. And you see the street is lined with beautiful, old magnolia trees. They grow pretty well here. They grow bigger down South, in the United States. Kind of beautiful … beautiful, white blossoms. Hardly any traffic on this street. Beautiful, green grass …

And the next house we are coming to … The houses are all very different here. The next house we’re coming to, is easier on the water. [shows xeriscape garden] You know, water in California is very expensive. If you look at the landscaping … and a completely different kind of house here … kind of a Spanish culture house [shows house] … and the grounds are a mixture of water and sand, with water-tolerant or low-water plants in it. Completely different. I learned a lot about plants on this one.

And then this next house [shows house] is a modern house … And that is an example of hardscape and concrete, and it hardly requires any water. And when you look closely, there are just a few drought-tolerant plants in the yard. Very modern.

So, three different kinds of houses. And there are a lot of other kinds of houses on this street. [pans around street, and to a magnolia tree] So I just thought I would mention, you know, I don’t know how much money is tied up on this street. But, quite a bit, probably.

But when push comes to shove … I mean, the houses are beautiful, but to my way of thinking, it is really the trees that are the most beautiful thing. And trees are free to walk under, everywhere.

That is all I have to say today. Blessings!

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


dreams, nature, possessions, dreamtime realm, stories, stories by Alice,